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Awkward Guests
Awkward Guests
2016 | Card Game, Deduction, Humor, Murder & Mystery
One of my favorite classic mass-market games is definitely Clue. Murder, mystery, and a bit of deduction make for an engaging and entertaining game! That being said, even classic games can use a little updating from time to time. Allow me to introduce to you a Clue-on-steroids kind of game named Awkward Guests. How does it hold up to the OG staple? Keep reading to find out!

Mr. Walton has been murdered! You have been called in to investigate and get to the bottom of this gruesome mystery. By interrogating the suspects and the household staff, searching for clues, and examining the crime scene, you must decide WHO the killer is, WHY did they commit the murder, and HOW it was done. There may or may not even be an accomplice that needs to be caught too. Put your deduction skills to the test as you work to be the first investigator to solve the case!

Disclaimer: I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook in this review, but rather give a general overview of the rules and gameplay. To read the entire rulebook, check out the game at your FLGS or directly from the publisher! -L

Awkward Guests is a card game of hand management, trading, and deduction in which the players are trying to be the first player to solve the murder of Mr. Walton. The game is actually pretty simple to play. To start, each player receives a hand of 6 cards and a case tracking sheet. The cards will have one or more references (case information) on them, as well as a value of 1-3 points, depending on the reliability of the information presented on the card. On your turn, you will ask for information about two different references in which you are interested. The other players will then look through their cards, and offer some or all that pertain to the chosen references in trade to the active player. The active player may then choose a player with whom to trade, giving that player any number of cards, as long as their value equals or exceeds the value of the cards received in trade. Look at your new cards, make notes on your case tracking sheet, and play continues to the next player. After all players have inquired and traded cards, players have the opportunity to solve the mystery. You must know WHO, HOW, and WHY, and possibly the identity of the ACCOMPLICE depending on case difficulty, in order to solve the mystery. If nobody is ready to solve, everyone discards their hand down to 3, and draws new cards to a hand size of 6. A new round then begins, and play continues until one player successfully solves the mystery.

When you get down to it, Awkward Guests is easy to learn and play. It mostly consists of trading cards to learn information. That’s it. And that’s what makes it a great game, in my opinion. Although it feels more involved than regular Clue, the gameplay itself is very similar and that familiarity is reassuring. One thing that elevates Awkward Guests above Clue is the fact that it requires so much more strategy than original Clue. In Clue, when asking for information, you are asking 1 specific opponent for information, and they have to provide it if they have it. In Awkward Guests, you are able to ask all opponents for information, and they can offer as much or as little information as they want. It increases the amount of strategy required to play, and takes it from a simple grid movement memory game, to one that encourages deduction and compromise. Since players are trading cards, you never know who is holding what cards at any given time, and that makes it harder to pinpoint the information you may need. You can’t just memorize another player’s hand of cards, because on any given turn that hand has completely changed. Along those lines as well, you have to decide what information you are willing to trade, in hopes of receiving useful information in return. You don’t want to just trade back the same cards to the same players in an effort to stunt their investigation, because that could deter them from trading with you in the future. You have to decide when is the right time to trade, and what information you are willing to hand to your opponents, because you need to be receiving new information as well.

Another brilliant thing about Awkward Guests is the amount of replayability. Each case uses a different combination of cards, and with so many cards, that means that thousands of different game decks could be generated and played as individual cases. The game design and card system boasts a possible total of 3,600 case solutions, each reached through these different card deck combinations. No matter how many times you play, it is almost guaranteed that you will never play the same case twice. That being said, the biggest downside of Awkward Guests for me is the actual game setup and teardown. Each case deck requires certain cards, so that means to set up, you have to search through all 243 cards and pull out only those required for the selected case. And then after the game, you must sort them all back into their correct order. That just takes a bit of time, and makes it a game that can’t just be played on the fly.

One other downside for me when playing Awkward Guests are the player screens. Each player receives a screen to block their case tracking sheet from opponents. As you learn information, you write it on your sheet to help keep track of your notes and accusations throughout the game. The player screens are also reference sheets, providing much gameplay information to alleviate the need to reference the rulebook at every turn. The downside is that there is just SO MUCH information in the player screens. It is quite overwhelming, and honestly, makes the game seem more complicated and confusing than it really is. I appreciate the effort to provide that cheat-sheet, but it needs to be majorly edited and redacted to be truly useful.

Let’s talk components. The game comes with some high quality double-sided case tracking sheets, and nice sturdy cards and cardboard components. It’s pretty simple, but really gets the job done effectively. The artwork is pretty basic and the color scheme is mostly monochromatic. It may not be the most exciting game to look at, but the lack of colors makes it feel appropriately thematic.

Overall, Awkward Guests is a good step-up game from Clue. It requires strategy, deduction, and even though the game is ultimately competitive, selective cooperation is a key to success. As a huge fan of Clue as a child, I can definitely say that I am a fan of Awkward Guests as an adult. Originally printed in a different language, this game was brought to Kickstarter with an English version in 2018, and I am certainly thankful that the decision was made to reprint it in English! If you like deduction games with a twist, I would absolutely recommend giving this one a shot. Purple Phoenix Games gives Awkward Guests a mysterious 17 / 24.

Ama (21 KP) rated Detroit (2017) in Movies

Sep 11, 2017  
Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
The first couple of questions when writing a review here are What's good? and What's bad?
Now, as you've seen I have given this film a full score, but I could not for the life of me put into a sentence what was good about it. It's not a nice film. Nothing about it is good. Except the way it makes you feel with it. But then even that is not a good thing. It's ugly.

I watched Detroit yesterday at the local cinema. I had seen the trailer, knew it was gonna be a tearjerker, knew I would hate the world and myself after watching it.
What I realised is that I completely underestimated the film.
About half an hour to an hour in all I wanted to do was to turn it off. I had an urge to just turn the cinema off, go home and potentially have some chocolate.
It wasn't the fact that the film was bad (I repeat, I gave it a full score), nor was it surprising narrative (again, I had seen the trailer and my tiny bit of historical knowledge filled in the gaps), but something in the way it was presented somehow evoked that feeling of wanting it to go away.

When I walked out of the cinema and forced myself to think about it, I realised a couple of things (all of which eventually made me come to the conclusion that that might have been deliberate).
First of all that film was lit like a feature film and shot like a documentary. This means that watching it, my brain was trying to fool me into thinking this was real a lot more than it usually would. It's film like a documentary, so it's a documentary so this is exactly what must have happened, right? There was a camera at the scene, right?
Well, of course there wasn't. Of course it was still a feature film and of course before the credit it was even stated that besides the testimonies of the parties involved, there was still dramatic licence taken. But that didn't change the fact that it shook me. It shook me because that little shake of the camera that was a little more intense that I was used to and that little zoom every now and then to get closer to an action as though the camera had only just noticed it all lead to that convincing idea of this being real and having happened exactly as I was seeing it.

The acting was splendid. Again, upon contemplating the film, I wondered what it was like for all of these black people (the term used deliberately) to play these roles, having grown up in that country themselves. I wondered what it was like for Will Poulter to become an asshole from the work 'Action!' and while that isn't any different than any other set, somehow, in Detroit, it seemed like so much bigger a deal. On this note, kudos to all the actors in this piece. There was none of you that felt out of place or irrelevant. Each of you portrayed a character dealing with the situation at hand differently and on a spectrum that showed how truly diverse humans are - even if united in a cause, be it on the white side or the black.

I could go on for hours (which I did, with the friend I went to see it with) about how this film made me feel and how much insecurity in the current world it made me feel, but there is no point in doing that. Feelings are best felt, rather than read so just watch it and I'm sure you'll understand.
I do want to say this though:
This film made me realise that the world we live in today is not the product from its past, but rather a work in progress towards what is to come.

I in no way mean that I did not know that previously, but there is a difference between knowing and understanding.

On this note, this film is not for the faint hearted but it is one of those important films that need to be watched at the moment.
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zelie is a protagonist in this book, but this novel is told from multiple perspectives. I absolutely loved Zelie. I loved her personality, her ambition, and bravery. Her relationship with Amari (princess of Orisha) was very amusing and intriguing to read. I loved their little girly fights. I found Inan (Prince of Orisha) very annoying, but at the same time absolutely absorbing. I really liked reading Inan’s parts in this book, his constant inner fight was a very pleasant way of distraction. Adeyemi chose her characters really well and done an amazing job in developing them. The multiple perspectives allowed the reader to have an insight into different people’s feelings, thoughts and views of the situations, which always gives me more pleasure while reading. All the characters had their individual personalities, which shined through in this book. My least favorite was, of course, the King, he was cruel, idiotic and generally a bastard. 🙂

I adored the narrative of this book. I found it very original, exceptionally written and I think it just sucks you in with all the adventures, journeys, magic and complex relationships. There are so many African cultural nuances, which absolutely mesmerized me, I love learning about different cultures. The setting of this book continuously changes, as the group travels through Orisha, and I really enjoyed the details and the way the author described the places. This novel has so many important topics incorporated, one of them being unnecessary death, and it did leave me upset and sad during those parts. 😦

Tomi Adeyemi is an incredible writer and I loved her writing style in this book. The chapters are a very decent length and the pages just fly by. Every chapter has plenty of action, and my interest was continuously kindled. In this book, the author used different language for the spells, and I would’ve loved the translation for them in the book, I just like to know what things mean. I really loved the way this novel ended, and it still haunts me, I can’t wait for another book!

There are plenty of fabulous things about this novel, that I could write and write, but I will leave it for you to figure out, all I can say, this book is absolutely magical! It has so much to offer! The characters are impeccably crafted and the plot takes you to amazing places and unforgettable adventures, where you can experience courage, love, romance, loss, and deceit. It is an absolute must read and it is a summer read for Jimmy Fallon, so it has to be good, right? 😉 I hope you will get the chance to read it and to enjoy as much as I did 🙂
Extropia: Mind Game (Extropia, #1)
Extropia: Mind Game (Extropia, #1)
Robin Bootle | 2017 | Film & TV, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews can be found at

The main character in this book was Edvard, a seventeen-year-old school student. His father and brother created Extropia, an artificial reality game, where players can participate themselves. While testing the game, Edwards father and brother got stuck in the game and only Edward can save them. When he gets into the game, he sees that it is run by a dark, cruel and vicious tyrant. Edward needs to save his brother, but it is not that easy as it looks.

This novel brings an awesome clash between modern and medieval ages, bringing in very unique and interesting characters. While reading this book it feels like you are transported back in time, where sword and shield was a form of weapon, and where the characters still follow prophecies. I really enjoyed the wide variety of characters chosen for this book, and Edward was a very realistic boy, without superpowers and with the weaknesses which he was trying to overcome. That was plus and minus at the same time, he was very realistic and believable, but at the same time very dependable on other people in order to succeed. The whole novel was written from Edward’s perspective and even though I would’ve liked different perspectives, I still enjoyed the story as it was.

The plot of this novel is a combination of a lot of similar books and games, we have the games and their setting modifications to fit the book, we have references to Harry Potter and some parts taken from The Hunger Games. However, it has it’s own unique and interesting narrative filled with action, unexpected twists and turns, which kept me glued to this book.

The writing style of this book was very creative and easy to read, however, it has these names and places which were a bit difficult to pronounce for me. But still, I think it gives the charm and medieval feel to this novel. The chapters have a decent length and it did not drag to me, as there are a lot of things happening in every chapter. I really liked the ending of this novel, but I think it could’ve had more suspense to it. Nevertheless, I am waiting for the next part, because I wanna know what will happen next. So to conclude, if you like computer games and you loved The Maze Runner, you will definitely enjoy this book. It is filled with diverse and complex characters, interesting turns and unexpected twists, which makes it a great read. I do recommend this book and I hope you will enjoy as much as I did. 🙂
West really puts your emotions through the wringer!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There are 2 things I love most about reviewing: finding new to me authors with extensive back lists, and finding brand NEW authors, who smash it out the park. THIS book falls in the latter category.

I fell into this book, and did not come up for air for better part of 3 hours! I didn't move, eat or drink, I was that engrossed in this.

Finn is a soldier, modified to be the perfect assassin. A chance meeting with Kathleen, an undercover cop who tries to save his intended target, and Finn begins to question everything. When Kathleen then becomes a target, Finn disobeys a direct order for the first time.

What I loved about this, was Finn really can't see what has been done to him, until Kathleen points it out. Oh he KNOWS he's been modified, and can be 'reset' at any time, but he doesn't really SEE, you know? Kathleen makes him SEE, makes him wonder about who he was before, about FINN, rather than The Hound, his handle.

There are multi layers to this, and I loved that. I was kept on my toes right from the start and right through the book, that didn't let up.

It's dark, yes. On page assassinations, and violence, but it was needed for the bigger picture to be clear. Although, I'm sure there is a MUCH bigger picture that fully isn't clear yet!

Once Finn started to remember, I loved that he let himself go with Kathleen. He fully gave himself to Kathleen and took what she offered him and I cheered for them at that point.

THEN!! West does what she does and I cried, cos I wasn't sure that Finn could come back from that. He does, and I cheered again. But West puts your emotions through a wringer!!

I only really have a niggle, and it is a niggle cos I'm greedy like that! I would have liked a bit more information about what was done to Finn. We get that he is put through some vigarous mind washing, and genetic modifications, and we get all that but I wanted it in more detail. I wanted to go through that with Finn. Maybe I'm kinda twisted but I wanted to feel his pain, to fully appreciate what he's been through.

Apollo is another soldier who pops up here. I am assuming he will be next and I really hope I get to read it!

4 very VERY good stars, but very well done Ms West!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Emma in the Night
Emma in the Night
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma in the Night is a cleverly written psychological suspense story about two sisters who disappeared from their family’s life and the mystery surrounding why only one came back – three years later.

The opening sentence explaining what a narcissist is had me hooked right from the very beginning and as I continued to read it became quickly apparent the girls came from a dysfunctional family with several problems of their own to contend with.

I found the pace a little slow at the beginning, however, it was Cass’ voice (the unreliable narrator) who kept me reading, and I am so glad I did! Does Cass know more than she is letting on? Are her actions justifiable? What would you do in the same position? These are just many questions I asked myself as I read along.

The story unravels via two points of views; Cass, the sister of the missing Emma, and the FBI forensic psychologist, Detective Abby Winters. Bit by bit Cass reveals her side of the story, whilst Abby tried to piece together every little bit of evidence and information there is in an effort to discover Emma’s whereabouts. Is she still alive? Can she be saved?

Overall, Wendy Walker weaves an entertaining mystery about two vulnerable and impressionable young girls, with well researched flair and panache.

Delve into the darker side of human experience in this thought-provoking tale of messed up childhoods, mental illness and the effect it has on family members dealing with their own demons.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Wolf's Red in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Wolf's Red
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was excited for this novel because I love adult retellings of fairytales. Unfortunately, it wasn’t what I wanted. The description makes it sound steampunk with some fantasy, but it was difficult to place anything because there wasn’t much description. All I got out of it was there was a forest. There is really no description of the settings beyond that.

The beginning was the worst part. The writing was mess. Everything seemed all over the place and the writing wasn’t consistent at all. The author would write something, realize we don’t have the background to understand what she was talking about, and then described past events to bring us up to speed. However, she wouldn’t write the whole scenario, she would just give us bits and pieces. The author did this multiple times so the writing came off as choppy and confusing. Once the reading makes it past that, the writing becomes more clear since we now have the whole picture (we just have to piece it together ourselves.) I felt that I was missing a lot, that there should be an prequel that explains everything. Instead, we just have to read and hope we are giving the information to understand the plot.

The story does get better if you can make it past the beginning. It had a lot of potential to be great and is an interesting idea. I just wish the writing had been better. Plus I had a hard time getting past the fact that he essentially sexually abuses her in the beginning.
A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Blake Lively (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
Confused and dull
Having read other Smashbombers reviews, I did at least go into this film knowing it wasn't an out an out thriller, but that still didn't prepare me for what followed.

This film really can't decide what it is; dark comedy, thriller? It seems to seesaw between the two for the entire 2 hour run time, with very little success in either genre. There are a few funny-ish (I smiled a bit) parts but most of the humour is a little bit cheesy or niche. The thriller side too is very predictable, and most of the twists you can see coming a mile off - this almost feels like a second rate comedy rip off of Gone Girl. And then the final act just goes completely bonkers and ridiculous.

Anna Kendrick plays the same character she always does, and I've finally had enough as shes starting to grate on me. Some of the supporting actors like Andrew Rannells aren't given anywhere near enough screen time (loved him in Girls). The only one to come out of this film unscathed is Blake Lively. She's very charismatic and surprisingly endearing, despite her characters reputation and actions. I have to admit, I have a bit of a girl crush on her - id love to be able to dress like that at work!

For the most part, this film was pretty dull and predictable, and was only entertaining whenever Lively is on screen, which wasn't nearly often enough.
A Cross to Bear
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cross to Bear is the college life story of a young man who knows what he wants, but is unprepared for what he gets. Logan is happy to be at college; he has a full scholarship on the swim team, he has other classes to keep his brain active, he meets the girl of his dreams, and finds friends that he never knew he was missing. Of course, not everything is peachy, and both Logan and Bree have things to deal with, both in their pasts and present.

This book starts at the end, and then you go to the beginning, slowly working your way back to the end. Trust me, it works. So many emotions when I was reading this! So sad, so hard, and also so horrible in some ways. Ethan is the first class bad guy, he really was completely loathsome. I wish I could say that he gets his comeuppance in this book, but he doesn't. I will have to pray to Jet's Gods of Karma in the hope that he did!

Extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this was a book that I enjoyed, even though parts of it were hard to read, so well done to Julieanne Lynch! Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black (1997)
1997 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
I don't know what it is about this movie that just left me unsatisfied, but I just did not like this film. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones play an intergalactic crime-fighting duo. It definitely feels like Smith was the token black man in this film and as much as it was seen in the 90s and throughout other decades of film, it doesn't make it any more pleasurable to watch.

This film's plot just could not keep me engaged. I always end up really disappointed when the storyline is so promising and there is so much room to run and a shoddy plot comes out of it and the film or book or tv show, whatever the medium, ends up being lackluster. That's how I felt about this film.

Tommy Lee Jones's character was stiff and unlikeable so by the time the end of the film comes, you don't feel any type of way about how his character arc is resolved. I have a feeling the intention was to feel sad for him but also sad for Jay and it just doesn't happen like that. Will Smith's jokes were not funny and it's clear, once again, that his blackness was what he brought to this film. I find myself having a hard time reconciling the stereotype they put him in and the character he was supposed to play. I'm thinking they're one and the same.

Generally just disappointed in this film. Am I going to watch the next one? Yes. Will I probably regret it? Yes. I guess we'll see.