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Ridin' the Wind: The Anthology by The Tornados
Ridin' the Wind: The Anthology by The Tornados
2002 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Telstar by The Tornados

(0 Ratings)


"‘Telstar’ is such a unique sounding song. On Joe Meeks’ original version of it he starts off singing in tune, but that all changes. I don’t know whether it was Geoff Goddard or someone else in the studio who translated that into “Oh, that’s the melody that you were singing”, because he’s so in between the notes, you can’t tell if it’s a G or a G sharp or an F sharp or whatever. “In terms of sound design, you can’t find a song that sounds like ‘Telstar’ - it’s completely unique. The main thing for me is there’s no lyrics in it and to create such an atmosphere in essentially what is a pop song is just brilliant. I wish I could have heard it for the first time in the ‘60s when it came out, because it sounds so ahead of its time. Even though it’s quite lo-fidelity there’s really amazing stuff in terms of production techniques that I steal all the time - like speeding up pianos to make them sound like harps or speeding up whole tracks to make them sound not like real-life or superimposed. ""During the recording of the new album it definitely inspired me as a producer, because when there’s a missing sound you can use a Joe Meek-esque mad idea, or make some conventional sound unconventional. It’s also inspiring in terms of the whole home recording thing. We still make our albums at my house. I've changed from being in my parent's house in a little box room to living in this old chapel-type building and now living in a house in the countryside. I've got a dedicated out-house to music, but it doesn't feel like a studio - it still feels like home recording and obviously Joe Meek had his own studio. Maybe he was inspired by Les Paul and Mary Ford, they always did stuff in hotel rooms, so perhaps he was inspired by that. “For the way that I work, when you feel inspired it’s incredibly important not to be limited by having to see if a studio is free. Also, you can’t underestimate the importance of having a space for the gear that you have set up, just so nothing holds you back when inspiration strikes. ""For a lot of the tracks on the new album, I’d been sitting out in the storm porch, having a cigarette and then something would come. It sounds so cheesy saying that, but it does happen. At the time you don’t really know how important it is, you sometimes think, “Should I record this?” or commit the idea or the melody to a phone recording or whatever. You don’t know whether it’s going to be any good but when we get a full song out of it, it’s like “Wow, if I hadn’t recorded that, would I have remembered it?” “With sound design and production, I do the very opposite, which is strange. When I'm getting sounds together - maybe to create a song - I’ll spend maybe three hours just recording some drums and some parts, I don’t even have a song and then at the end of it, if I’ve got nothing out of it, I just delete the project, because if there isn’t a song in there, it doesn’t matter how good the drums sound. I’d rather have the song and build the sounds around it."


Troy Aker (6 KP) rated Super 8 (2011) in Movies

Dec 13, 2017  
Super 8 (2011)
Super 8 (2011)
2011 | Action, Sci-Fi
connection to the characters, time period, kids (0 more)
lapses in logic (0 more)
Much fun from JJ Abrams
With Super 8, JJ Abrams did something I feel is rare in cinema. It was a monster movie in which you actually care about the people involved. Way too often in movies it becomes easy to cheer on the monster because the people involved just aren't likable, or that not enough time is spent on them to create a connection with the characters. A character driven monster-disaster movie is rare. This movie is the anti-Michael Bay movie. Which is part of the reason why I love it so much.
Another reason I enjoy it so much is because of the period of the film. It is a very believable 1979, and though the kids in the movie are a little bit older than me, I still felt a connection to them and what they did in their lives. I remember working on various projects with friends as kids, when we would do everything we could to make our silly and fun little projects seem more adult. There is a certain rush to compete, when hormones start kicking in, with older and more mature kids, but still wanting to hold on to the fun things that makes the group enjoyable. This was all conveyed very well during the movie, and it helps create a connection with the characters.
The movie brings to mine some absolutely wonderful movies about groups of friends that go through a life-changing journey together, like E.T., The Goonies, and Stand By Me.
This being said, I think that people that grew up in the late 70's and early to mid-80's will enjoy this movie for different reasons than somebody that grew up after that. There was a certain level of nostalgia that hooked me in this movie. Someone who can't necessarily relate to the characters that way can certainly relate to them as far as a group of friends having a shifting dynamic as the teen years come barreling down at you.
Then for the action fans, the movie has one of, if not the best, crash scene I have ever seen. The monster action through most of the movie is quick cuts, loud sounds and then you see the aftermath. As the movie progresses, you do start to see more and more of the monster, so be patient. It won't be hidden forever. Seeing a little town of 12,000 people turn into a war zone was crazy as the military gets progressively involved as well.
This movie was not perfect though. There were a couple jumps in logic I felt. The kind where you sit there and think, "No way that it would happen like that." And another where you wonder why certain things are happening and others there are not. Also, towards the end, there was a certain amount of sappiness. Maybe not uncalled for due to the extraordinary circumstances that this town was put through though. But all this is easy to move past because the movie it self is so enjoyable.
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Sweet Dreams (The Kihn #2)
Rivi Jacks | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
read the damn book, but brace yourself!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

SO!!! Do you know how long I've waited for this book?? do ya, huh, huh?? FOUR YEARS! It's been four years since I read Sweetwater so I was awaiting this one. Oh yes, waiting and waiting!

And it did not disappoint!

It picks up right where Sweetwater left off, so you cannot read this without that one first, so, go back and get it!

Sofie has discovered Lucas' secret, he's a Vampire. Not just any Vampire, either, he is head of the Guard who keep the Kihn at bay. And they are getting restless. The Kihn are pushing as the date for the gate opening gets ever closer, but they still don't know WHERE it will open. Sofie has her own secret, one that might push Lucas away.

I have to say this, being all honest, like, cos that's what this is about: being honest. I don't remember only Sofie having a say in Sweetwater. I mean, 4 years folks! But she does here. AND it's in the first. AND it's in the present tense! So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it! Yes, me! Likes a first person, present tense book! Truthfully, I knew that, cos I mentioned it in my review for Sweetwater, that it's present tense. But yeah. Loved this one!

Of course I would have loved Lucas to have a say, really I would, but I'm just greedy!

Or I was loving it! Til Ms Jacks does her thing and throws you off the bloody cliff hanger of all cliff hangers!

There we were, Lucas and Sofie all loved up, doing their things to keep the Kihn away. Things are moving against the Kihn, the supes have found a way to disrupt their communications, so gaining a upper hand. Plans are a-foot. Great plans, amazing plans.

Then poof! You're off that cliff and hurtling down the ravine and you have no idea, NOT A SINGLE clue, when you can get back up again! Because, while Sweetwater was a great cliff hanger, this one?? OH. DEAR. LORD!!! I did not see that one coming, and my poor kindle, my new-at-Christmas kindle, had it's introduction to the wardrobe door! It's already been introduced to the wall, but the wardrobe was closer!

OH!!! It just occurred to me! While Lucas is a Vampire, and he and Sofie do get lots *fans herself* of sexy time *fans some more* there was no biting! He doesn't bite her, or feed, not once! HUH! A Vampire that doesn't bite! The randomest things come to you when writing reviews!

SO! Summing up?? Read the damn book, but brace yourself folks!

Hurry, Ms Jacks, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book three. I need to know, not only if the Kihn are dealt with, but that things for Lucas and Sofie get sorted too.

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Becoming His Perfect Daddy (Unlikely Daddies #1)
Becoming His Perfect Daddy (Unlikely Daddies #1)
Lincoln Mercer | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Let me just put this out there, Ok?? I'm a straight cis woman, on the wrong side of 50. I read a lot of MM books, and have read some with trans main characters. I have not ever read a T4T (my apologies if this is incorrect, but I'm trying!) book, never. So I went into this with an open mind and an open heart and an open book brain.

But let me tell you about this book!

There is a bit at the beginning of this book, that the author wrote. I don't usually bother with those, unles my book feelings tell me to read it, so I did and it gave me a much better insight into Sam and Cameron, but also into this author, as some of this book is their story. (again, apologies is this is incorrect, but I couldn't find your preferred pronouns, so went with the best option!)

And what that bit does, my good peeps, is set it all out for you, in a way a lay person like myself can understand the terms, words and difficulties being a trans person comes with.

While this book is set over a long period of time, over a year, I was surprised at the speed at which things moved for Sam, once he made the decision to become himself. I know in the UK these take a long, LONG time, so that surprised me.

Sam and Cameron are perfect for each other! Cameron has already transitioned, and Sam has the dawning realisation that he is not in the right body after reading one of Cameron's books. That CAMERON makes him see who he really should be, a man and a Daddy. These two are absolutely perfect for each other, they really are! Loved how the D/b relationship developed.

I will be honest, I wasn't sure the smexy times would work, I don't know WHY I thought that, but you know me and my book brain, but bloody hell! They work, trust me! Super spicy smexy times!! Loved that!

You get deep into the psyche of being trans with these two. The emotions are deep and heavy in places. Made me cry in some places, it really did, the weight of feelings that these men have about themselves. It's really painful reading in parts, and I think you need to be aware if you have any triggers regarding body dysmophia.

I LOVED this book, in case I didn't say it yet!

I see two pairings among the side characters, one set have their book next and I will be reading that book, and any more that come along! I also found that this is only the author's second book, with a short before this one. And bloody hell, they smashed it out the park!

I cannot give it anything other than. . .

5 full and super shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
    Anxiety Relief Hypnosis PRO

    Anxiety Relief Hypnosis PRO

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Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Action, CGI, THE ROCK (0 more)
Very thing plot. Malin Ackerman is not very good as the villain (0 more)
Pretty much what you'd expect - and it's fun
There are times when you go to a movie, you are going there to immerse yourself in a world that draws out strong emotions with stellar acting, writing and directing and Cinematography that takes your breath away.

And there are other times where all you want is to watch Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and a giant Gorilla fight a giant Wolf and a giant Alligator in downtown Chicago.

Guess which one RAMPAGE is?

Based on a video-game of the same name, RAMPAGE tells the tale of a primatologist who's "friend" (a gorilla) is infected with an experimental - and illegal - pathogen that turns him (and 2 other animals) into giant killing machines. It will take all the skills of this primatologist (did I mention that he is a former Navy Seal) to withstand the onslaught and find an antidote.

But, of course, with these kinds of films, the plot really doesn't matter. All that matters is that The Rock is playing the Pathologist and Naomi Harris plays a discredited genetic engineer. The two of them teams up with a mystery "agent" (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) to battle the bad guys - and the monsters.

But, of course, in these kinds of films, the characters don't really matter either. What REALLY matters in these kinds of films is the action and the CGI that is used to create these actions - and both of them are pretty good - at least, good enough.

Director Brad Peyton teams up again with The Rock (they were together for SAN ANDREAS and JOURNEY 2), so he knows not to linger too long on anything. He moves the plot (what there is of it) along smartly and focuses most of our attention on the action and only really stops for a joke or two - and they (for the most part) land just fine.

The Rock is, of course, THE ROCK in this film. He does "his thing" and he does it well. Jeffrey Dean Morgan basically plays the same character he plays on THE WALKING DEAD (but...he is a GOOD GUY here). Naomi Harris (still smelling fresh from her Oscar nominated turn in MOONLIGHT) clearly needs to pay for a house in Malibu by "slumming" it in this movie - I can see her conversation now...

"How much is that house in Malibu...?" (calls her Agent) " much are they willing to pay me for the Giant Ape movie...?"

Malin Ackerman - never my favorite performer - is pretty one note as the main villain in the piece. She plays a Corporate Exec who wants to...wait for it...MONETIZE the giant animals!

But again, we are here to see The Rock and the giant Gorilla fighting the giant Wolf and Alligator - all the while destroying indentifiable landmarks in downtown Chicago.

And in that...this film succeeded...well enough.

Letter Grade B (it's probably a B- or C+, but I'm a sucker for these types of films).

7 (out of 10) stars and you and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2012*

This is going to be a hard review for me to write. No,no, it’s not a bad book. It’s one of my favorites. It’s bittersweet because this is the ending to one of my favorite Christian Fiction series. I fell in love with Ms. Lessman’s work when I read book 1 in this series, A Hope Undaunted. Ironically, it’s not the first in the O’Connor clans stories…there was a series previously written called The Daughters Of Boston. This particular series is so emotionally moving, so deeply intense that you get to become a part of the story. You can feel yourself being pulled deep into the heart of the story, becoming the characters, feeling every pain, every laugh, and every tear drop that falls. It’s absolutely an amazing feeling when reading a Julie Lessman novel.

I’ve been dying to read this book. This one is Steven O’Connor’s story. He’s the baby boy of the O’Connor family and, while I adored each of the others that I read about, I felt that Steven was the most deserving of having his story told. He was quietly awaiting his turn through out all the other books and it’s finally here! And oh what a turn it is! We get a bit of background on Steven in the other books, having a broken relationship with his ex fiance. Now, he’s a respectable man of the law and 25 years old. What he’s not expecting is for the arrival of Annie, a young impressionable girl of 17…..and his former fiance’s baby sister. Or the protectiveness he feels for her.

Susannah “Annie” Kennedy has left her home in Iowa to move on from her past and embrace a future in Boston. Her parents are dead now, her sister has raved about Boston and she’s ready to embrace a life out side of her straight and narrow past. When an circumstance arises and Annie finds herself face to face with Steven O’Connor, her sisters ex, she’s embarrassed…..and highly attracted to him! There’s just one little problem with that….he doesn’t realize that she’s Maggie’s baby sister.

Watching as these two came to terms with their past, and seeking forgiveness to over come it, and move on to a life filled with love and happiness was absolutely tear jerking! I loved every minute of this amazing 5 Book conclusion to my favorite series. Ms. Lessman kept the intensity woven through out as she did with the previous books. Her messages of forgiveness, letting go and seeking His love are just as strong and sweep through the reader instantly. If you love passion, if you love heartbreaking redemption and amazing historic detail, then look no further than the author who can create an unforgettable, un-put-downable novel that will spin the readers mind out of control. Well done Ms. Lessman and I am anxious to see what you have in story for your fans next…will we get glimpses of the O’Connor’s? Will we get to fall in love with another amazing family? Keep up the amazing writing, Ms. Lessman!
The Missing Barbegazi
The Missing Barbegazi
H. S. Norup | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely Christmas novel (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is Helle Norup's debut novel and was featured as a Sunday Times Children's Book of the Year. It is magical and the perfect book to read as you curl up in your pyjamas with a cup of hot chocolate.

A Barbegazi, in case you are wondering as I did, is a type of Swiss mountain/snow elf with a long beard that can only live in freezing conditions and has a severe intolerance to iron. The story is told from the point of view of Tessa, a young skier and Gaiwon, a barbegazi who is hunting for his missing sister. No-one believes the barbegazi exist anymore except Tessa. The only other believer was her recently deceased opa (grandad) and a professor who wrote about them years before. The barbegazi, for their part, rescue humans who have been trapped and injured in avalanches, erasing their memories afterwards. They are extremely mistrusting of humans.

Norup's passion for skiing, the Alps and magic are clear throughout the novel and I think this is what makes the story so captivating. I loved the development of Tessa from grieving for her grandfather and wanting everybody to believe he was right about the barbegazi to realising that fame and proving a point are less important than trust and friendship. She never wavers in her faith that the barbegazi still exist and is a headstrong and loveable character.

The highlight for me was definitely reading about the barbegazi themselves. I particularly love that despite being more than a hundred old, Gaiwon's parents still treat him like a child. I loved the argument between Gaiwon and his father as Gaiwon shouts "I cannot wait to get my own cave" and his father retorts:
"You can build one right now. And take your sesquicentennial hormones with you." This highlights that Norup doesn't 'write down' to the target audience but includes wide ranging vocabulary, as well as her own inventions, such as 'potzblitz', an emphatic expression of the barbegazi.

There is peril throughout the book though this is very mild. Tessa learns that people are not always as trustworthy as they seem. I always love the text-book sections that punctuate the novel (see photo below), describing features and traits of the barbegazi.

This is really effective with ambitious vocabulary for children and introduces them to another style of writing, combining fictive and non-fiction styles.
The book is set between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve, that magical time when you don't know what day it really is and we are all enjoying the post-Christmas days where we live in our pyjamas, eat too much and don't really do much of anything except relax and catch up. It was simply the most perfect time to read this book and imagine I was in a gorgeous Alpine ski lodge, surrounded by magical folk who will keep me safe in the snow.
This is a fantastic debut novel and I really can't wait to see what Norup offers up next. Thanks for making my Christmas even more magical, Helle!

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated On the Basis of Sex (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
What a great way to start this film. Ginsburg walking through the crowd of men all set to the Harvard fight song "Ten Thousand Men Of Harvard", it sums up the message of the film so well and makes you realise just how much of a challenge she was up against.

With such a wide career to work with I was pleased to see that for the most part the film concentrated on that main case. The preamble up to that point was interesting and seemed to be well chosen, I did initially find it slightly confusing initially as I think I blinked slightly too long and missed the point where it showed the year change.

I liked the changing dynamic of Ruth and Martin, it showed an amazingly supportive relationship, when he couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel she was there for him and when she thought she was failing he was her rock. The emotion between the two showed throughout and was a welcome addition to the film and there's one moment that's just so amazing where Ruth looks up at Martin and I wondered for one second if Jones and Hammer were actually in love.

Hearing her listing the reasons she'd been rejected from jobs was mind-boggling and had it been me I'd definitely have ended up in jail after bitchslapping at least one of the interviewers. I think the film handles the sexism quite well, although I'm sure it wasn't quite as "easy" as it appeared. The "unintentional" sexism in the characters was interesting to see and added an extra layer into the story.

I could probably wade around in this film for ages nit-picking about things, it's a perfectly adequate production with nothing massively wrong with it... apart from Martin wearing a short sleeve shirt with his suit, that's still annoying me along with the question: why is she referred to as Ruth Ginsburg all the way through apart from once? I feel like we were being kept out of the loop on some in-joke/secret. I came out feeling let down though, partly because I don't think it was quite what I was expecting and partly because of the ending.

You know you're going to get a showstopper of a speech from Ginsburg but it actually was the showstopper from which we switch to a worded cut screen and voiceovers. This was completely at odds with the rest of the film and it robs us of the gratification of seeing the characters get their win. It almost felt like it was aware that it needed to do something to link it to the modern side of the story but didn't know how.

What you should do

It's not a bad watch, but I wouldn't worry about seeing it at the cinema. I'm going to seek out the RBG documentary next and it might be something to watch that covers a wider history.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Some of those RBG logic and reasoning skills would be absolutely amazing.