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Jobs (2013)
Jobs (2013)
2013 | Drama
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Whatever you may think of the Apple line of products, Apple as a company, or Steve Jobs himself; one cannot deny that Apple is an innovator and one of those companies that shape economies as well as how we see ourselves.

JOBS is the story of Steve Jobs who, after dropping out of college, created the billion-dollar company so many people buy phones from now. Ashton Kutcher portrays Jobs right down to his many behavioral quirks, and does a very good job; there were even times I forgot I was watching Kutcher. He even mimicked the set of Jobs’ mouth perfectly. I found myself wondering if the people who knew Jobs would feel like they were seeing a ghost.

The movie follows Jobs as he drops acid in the 60s, finds computers in the 70s, “grows up”, while growing his business, in the 80s, and then actually grows up in the early 90s (kind of). It is well known that Jobs was hard to with, but this film shows that he was a gigantic jerk at times. He cut people out of things others would think they deserved; he treated his friends and coworkers alike, and never batted an eyelash at the hurtful things he said to those people. That being said; he truly had a vision and knew what it would take to make that vision come to life. Most driven people tend to be selfish and Jobs was no exception to this; he actually took it to a whole new level at times. The movie doesn’t shy away from this side of his personality, but it does try to explain some of the ticks. This was an area that I thought could have been done a bit better; it would have been nice to see what about his childhood left such an impression that he felt it was ok to be so mean to people. At times I found the movie difficult to watch simply due to his treatment of others, and total lack of understanding how what he said and did affected them. “Oh, that’s just Steve” was an actual line said in the film.

Other than this I found JOBS to be a very interesting look into a modern day legend. One that doesn’t pull as many punches as I thought it would, but that also doesn’t make a villain of a man who, while having extraordinary vision, was nothing more than a man.

If you are a fan of Apple, Jobs, or are just looking for a break from the summer block buster movies, check out JOBS.
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Catherine Peace | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not an easy read, but a bloody good one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have no idea what I expected from this book, but it certainly wasn't this!

Jenny and Lydia have real life problems. Both are recovering from their respective addictions (or not, as the case may be) and this book focuses on that, more than the romance, and I really LOVED that. All too often these topics get brushed under the carpet and here, they are front and centre.

Lydia has a plan, to get her own apartment, and then be on her own. Meeting with Jenny again should not waver her from her plan. She's doing well, and is committed to get to the end. Jenny, on the other hand, isn't doing so well and the place in the sober living house SHOULD be her ticket to get to be with her brother again. But Jenny's recovery isn't going to plan, and one single mistake might ruin them both.

At one point, I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book. I started it, and it took a downward turn (I thought) and I contemplated leaving it. But something made me carry on and I am so bloody glad I did!

Yes, it's not an easy read. it certainly isn't a fluffy romance that you can breeze through, but it IS a bloody good book! It shows the struggles, the real life struggles that people face. How people spiral downwards, how they hit the bottom and try to get back up. How the deal with their addiction (in this case drugs and alcohol) and what they do when faced with what might possibly be their last chance.

Jenny and Lydia are not perfect, but they are perfect for each other, and other than the issues with their addictions, the romance side of things moves along slow, at first, but then speeds up, and slows down again. I loved that it wasn't explicit. There is steam and passion a-plenty, but the detailed sex scenes are not here, and I truly think had they been, I would not have liked this book as much!

I've not read anything by this author before, nor any of the previous books in this series, I don't think you need to, to enjoy this one. I might go back and read them!

But please, be aware of the subject matter: drug abuse and alcohol abuse mostly. Some people might not be able to read this because of triggers.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Desperation Road
Desperation Road
Michael Farris Smith | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Now they loved different lives, different from what any of them probably imagined. How could you imagine the complexities of what might come?</b></i>

One night, eleven years ago, Russell did something stupid, made a terrible mistake - he drank and drove and ended up killing someone. Now he’s done his time in prison and he just wants to settle down into a normal life. On the same day as Russell’s release, troubled Maben, and her daughter, are trudging through the grass along the interstate. That night they end up in a motel with no money left and Maben decides there’s something she’s got to do to get them some cash. The night ends, instead, with a dead deputy and Maben pulling her daughter off running. The next day, Russell and Maben cross paths and Russell has to decide if it's his life, or theirs, that he’s going to save.

This is a story about revenge, redemption and acceptance. Quite a different novel to what I’m used to but I do like to step outside my comfort zone every once in awhile. I ended up really enjoying this book, even though, as the title suggests, it’s a little bit dark and depressing at times.

What I loved the most about this book was how realistic it was. There are millions of mystery thrillers out there, that I read on the daily, that are based around “normal” people;s lives but we know, could never be real. This story, on the other hand, is perfectly plausible to imagine in a bit of a down-and-out town. With inherently flawed but morally conscious people and others who are driven to madness and evil by their deep rooted emotions, this is the kind of novel that can really hit home.

Russell, although flawed in many ways, is one of the most likeable characters I’ve ever come across. He means no harm to anyone and does everything out of the good of his heart.

My only issue with this novel was the ending, that I felt could have been grown upon. It felt a bit dead-ended and cut off, but other than that, this was a beautiful story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) in Movies

Jan 10, 2019 (Updated Jan 10, 2019)  
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Western
A winning anthology
I am NOT a Coen Brothers apologist. For every good/great film that they have made (like FARGO, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN or underrated THE HUDSUCKER PROXY) there are duds/movies that didn't work for me (like O' BROTHER WHER ART THOU, INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS and the movie I ranked as the worst film of 2016, HAIL, CAESAR). So when I heard that the latest Coen Brothers flick was going straight to Netflix AND (like HAIL, CAESAR), it was a film anthology of 6 short stories, I dragged my feet in checking this out.

But...I am glad I finally got around to it...for THE BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS is a strong film, taking on a heavy subject (death) in a variety of ways - light-hearted, poignant and deadly (pun intended) serious. The tone of this film - or, more accurately, these 6 short films - worked for me and I felt they wove together very well to tell an overarching story of man's relationship with death - as seen through the eyes of Wild, Wild West characters.

And what characters they are! From Tim Blake Nelson's titular character, Buster Scruggs, to James Franco's hapless (but lucky) Outlaw to Liam Neeson's traveling theatrical show to Tom Waite's grizzled prospector to Zoe Kazan's lonesome Prairie Widow to the group of passengers on the Stagecoach in the last vignette, all are interesting to watch, and listen to.

Credit, of course, needs to go to Joel and Ethan Cohen. These characters are interesting to watch, because these two put wonderful scenes and scenery up on the screen with dialogue (or lack of dialogue) that perfectly reflects what is going on and what the characters are feeling. In my opinion, the Coen Brothers are at their best when they focus on gritty subjects with poignancy (BARTON FINK) but fail when they try to get "wacky" or "over-serious" (BURN AFTER READING, A SERIOUS MAN), this film is full of the former and has very little of the latter.

I'm sure, like all Coen Brothers films, that this anthology of short films is not for everyone - and not every film will work for everyone - but they did for me. I thought each short film was the better than the one before it. I caught the vibe of what the Coen's were after and I fell under their spell.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars out of 10 and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Okja (2017)
Okja (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Solid Film
In their efforts to be cost efficient and profitable, the Mirando Corporation creates a breed of "super pigs" that will be able to feed more homes per pig. One pig in particular, Okja, is being raised by little Mija (Seo-hyeon Ahn) in the mountains of South Korea. When the Mirando Corporation come to claim what is theirs, Mija will stop at nothing to get her best friend back.

There is a lot to like about this film, but one primary thing bothered me overall. At one point, Okja takes an extremely dark turn that I was neither ready for nor did I think was absolutely necessary. People that have seen the film probably know exactly which part I'm referring to. It was merely a piece of an overall delightful puzzle that just didn't match.

Solid acting performances abound in the film and it's not just the big names carrying their weight. Tilda Swinton and Jake Gyllenhaal (almost spelled his name right on the first try!) were really in tune with their respective zany characters. As a viewer the two show you that they are more than mere cardboard antagonists, but rather there were layers and levels to their characters that left you with insight. Of course that can't be pulled off without a solid actor/actress behind the helm. Ahn's performance as Mija was stellar. To be able to exemplify such strength and weakness in the same role takes real talent. My personal favorite of them all was Kim's role played by Choi Woo-Shik. His humor is subtle yet sidesplitting. He accomplishes a lot in the small amount of time he's on screen.

This films captures your attention both in its originality and a consistently entertaining pace. Even during the scenes with heavy dialogue, the film managed to hold on to its unique feel that captured my attention in the first place. Prepare to run the gauntlet of emotions as it goes from funny to heartbreaking to heartwarming to just plain sad at times. So glad I saw what I think has the potential to become a cult classic. I give it an 84.

Dana (24 KP) rated Burned (Burned, #1) in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Burned (Burned, #1)
Burned (Burned, #1)
Ellen Hopkins | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I honestly didn't know how I would feel about this book. I haven't been having the best week or so, so I didn't necessarily want to read something too heavy. While this book did have a lot of heavy themes, it wasn't too dark for me, which I was glad about.

The rest of this review will have some spoilers, so read at your own peril.

I didn't really know much about this book as I was going into it. My roommate gave it to me on a recommendation, so I read it the next day and I really enjoyed it. I know it came out ages ago, but I don't think I was really emotionally mature enough to really appreciate the story. Overall, I am glad I waited until I was a bit older.

Even though it is close to 550 pages, it doesn't feel that long because of the way it is set up. The poetry gives it a fresh perspective and a very interesting storytelling perspective. I absolutely loved the formatting, especially the shapes of the poems.

This book talks a lot about religion, abuse (specially religious and familial abuse), independence, sex, and relationships in a very mature, yet approachable way.

This book supports the idea that you should get help from someone when you need it-even if it is not the authorities.

It was interesting to see Pattyn's development throughout the book, as heartbreaking as it was. She starts off as such a timid, rule-abiding girl, and then turns into someone with her own thoughts and morals. I feel like that as she was able to experience more, she grew into her own person to an extent.

I love Aunt Jeanette-she just wants what is best for Pattyn.

The ending crushed me. I just wanted Pattyn to be happy with Ethan, but no. It just had to come to a horrible end, didn't it?

Sorry this review is pretty short. I can't really find all the right ways to say what I'm thinking about this book.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I think I will check out more of Ellen Hopkins's books.
The Plus One
The Plus One
Sophia Money-Coutts | 2018 | Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did Not Finish it...
Full review can be found on my blog:
I love romance, and chick-literature. I love fast reads, and enjoyable nonsense. The cover looked so cute, and when I got approved the ARC on The Plus One from Sophia Money-Coutts on Netgalley, I was excited to read it. And then, it all started going downhill…

The Plus One is a book about Polly Spencer. She is thirty, single and works for Posh! Magazine. I didn’t like the Poly Spencer of now, and I thought, this might be a book where the main character is a lady with no self-respect, gets dumped, doesn’t have any ambition in life, and that’s okay.

People learn, people change, or if people don’t change, they start to be happy in their own world, without bothering what others think about it.

But Polly - she is all of these things, and on top of that she is not a happy bunny. She keeps complaining about things without trying to act on it, and her day consists of her checking if the phone has a message of her ‘crush’, and asking herself eighty-six times whether to send a message first or not.

I usually love these types of books, but not in cases where the character is just so… I don’t even have the words to explain.

And the book is full of words used too often (Shenanigans is such a lovely word, and Sophia destroyed it for me), lame pick up lines (‘I carry farm animals. I can manage you.’ - WHO SAYS THAT?), dialogues and useless waste of pages with people deciding what to eat:

‘So let’s get some onion bhajis to start. And then I’m going to have a butter chicken. And it comes with popadoms, right?’
‘Yes’ - I said, taking the menu from him.
‘And I’ll get the chicken jalfrezi. And plain rice. Mums, do we have any chutney?’
And it goes on…

At 42%, I decided to store this is my DNF stack. I really wish I had loved it, and I am so sad I didn't.

But life is too short to read the books you don’t like...
Before you tar and feather me for giving a Julie Klassen book a three star rating, please hear me out. As stated in my rating system post, "This is reserved for books that I look upon with pleasure, but do not produce the feelings of complete adoration." The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill was unique and enjoyable to read, however it did not move my soul.

The first thing that I noticed about this book that is different from any other of Mrs. Klassen's books, is the the point of views are strictly female. Alternating between three women, we get a unique look into life in a small village set in England during 1820. I learned a lot about the inner workings of the inn and got explore the lives of these different women who represent very different personalities and stations in life. Reading through the eyes of these three women also added an extra sense of mystery. Because we don't know what is going on in the minds of the gentlemen in this story.

Julie Klassen does take on some heart wrenching topics in this book. Specifically, difficulties with pregnancies. I will not sugar coat it, descriptions are detailed and quite graphic in my opinion. Please proceed as you feel appropriate. I just know that for myself, it was difficult to read those scenes and I feel it only fair to give my fellow readers a heads up. I never had any complications with pregnancy, but have had a lot of medical trauma with our second son, during and after delivery(everything is OK now). Therefore, I find it hard to read about anything at all happening to children in books.

Overall, I enjoyed Mrs. Klassen's book in her very first series and I will read the next books. The Innkeeper of Ivy Hall was an entertaining book and I look forward to what comes next.

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Cecelia Ahern | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The sequel I didn’t know I needed
Review POSTSCRIPT was the sequel I never thought I needed. Let’s face it, PS I Love You finished in a good place and so it has existed for over a decade. I was worried that book two would sully the good memories I have of book one, I was worried it would disappoint, it did none of these things.

Holly was seven years down the line from Gerry’s death, living her life, happy, in a relationship and officially in a different phase of her life from when she recceived the original letters. I wondered where Cecelia Ahern would take us, without harping back to the experiences of the first book too much but Gerry’s letters were used for good, to empower others.

What I liked about Holly in this book was that she was still a bit of a hot mess. She didn’t have it all together, even after all this time, showing this was just a personality trait. What I also loved reading about was Holly’s grief for Gerry and the life she lost. The grief that shone through was dulled down but with occasional acuteness and this seemed real.

The quest that Holly went on alongside others in her PS I Love You club was a journey. I had my reservations about it just like her boyfriend, friends and family but I was won around by those characters of Bert, Genika and Jewel especially. I made it to 88% rather smugly thinking that ‘I’ve not cried, I wont now’… and then proceeded to sob twice before the end.

“…ultimately, it’s all anyone wants. Not to get lost, or left behind, not to be forgotten, to always be a part of the moments they know they’ll miss. To leave their stamp. To be remembered.”

Cecelia Ahern wrote about the journey towards death and the grief that ensues with sensitivity and tangibility. She also wrote it in an uplifting style. She connected me to the characters and narratives with skill and affection. I am so glad that this second instalment came along and made it seem as though no years had passed since the last book.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Twerp by Mark Goldblatt" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Owls

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received an ARC copy of the book from the publisher via Netgalley. My review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     In the 1960s of Queens, New York, 6th grader Julian Twerski takes an incident too far with his group of friends and gets suspended as a result. He's asked by his English teacher to write a journal about the incident just to get out of writing a report. Instead, he writes about other incidents because he isn't really ready to talk about the incident that gets him a suspension.

     Julian and his group of friends, Lonnie, Quentin, Sholomo, Eric and Howie, tend to get away with a lot of pranks after doing them. I love how Goldblatt writes Julian's life in a very realistic way that Twerp reminds me a lot of my 6th grade year in some way. It's pretty dramatic, with people holding grudges longer than necessary and when you look back, it somehow just reminds of some decisions where there was more than just one route... I feel pretty naive looking back now. If I could go back in time and rethink things through, there are just some things I probably wouldn't have done, even if I don't get in trouble for it.

     Twerp is basically about taking responsibility for your actions. When you mess up terribly, sometimes apologizing is the right thing to do to make up for your actions (and sometimes, even apologizing doesn't work).

     While I can't go back in time myself to rethink awkward/funny moments and situations, I'm really glad Julian finally realizes how far he took the incident and con fesses about what really happened instead of lying just to get out of it. I'm also really glad that he convinces his friends that what they did was wrong and they should, at the least, apologize about the incident. It's nice to know that after evaluating the situation and actions, it lifts a burden off someone's shoulders.