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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Force is strong in this one...
Like so many of us, I had theorised what would happen in this movie based on the influx of teaser trailers online, and I'm happy to say, I was wrong on nearly everything! I like being surprised, and this film was just that. A very pleasant surprise. It's Star Wars, like Star Wars should be. Not too heavy on the CGI, plenty of action interlaced with character-driven dialogue and sub-plots, and yes, someone says "I have a bad feeling about this..." which is just ace!

So, the story. (No spoilers here, promise!) We join the action some 30 years after partying with the Ewoks on Endor. The Empire is no more, yet, like an evil phoenix, The First Order has risen from its ashes and is doing much the same thing—being awful to everyone and trying to rule the galaxy. Same old, same old.

There are plenty of new faces—the three main ones effectively being modern-day retellings of our old favourites. First up is Oscar Isaac's excellent Poe Dameron, who is this year's Han Solo. A hot-shot rebel fighter pilot, with rogue-ish good looks, a cheeky grin, and wise-cracking dialogue.

Then, we have the Stormtrooper with a conscience, played by John Boyega. A really good performance by him, and despite his character’s beginnings, it doesn't take long for you to genuinely care what happens to him. He's this year's Luke Skywalker, definitely.

And finally, there's the mysterious Rey, the tough-as-nails tomboy who's hotter than you first realise, brought to life by the uber-talented, destined-for-great-things, Daisy Ridley. Not much is known about who she is, but she's this year's Princess Leia, without a doubt.

And that was the first thing that really struck a chord with me—how the film acknowledges the original characters, but gives them a twist for the newer, younger audience. The comparisons are immediate and obvious, but they work. Instead of the kick-ass princess, you have the hard-done-by street kid... instead of the teenager dreaming of escaping his dead-end life, you have one who struggles to accept he's not meant for the exciting one he has. Kids today will relate to these things, yet the film manages to keep the essence of what made the main characters from the classic films so memorable.

We also have the new lovable droid, BB-8, who, like R2-D2 so many years ago, unwittingly finds itself with a garbled message in its memory banks, and in the possession of one of our heroes.

In much the same way that Episode IV didn’t hang about getting Darth Vader on the screen, it's not long before we're treated to our first look at the big bad—Kylo Ren. Let's run through the checklist:

• Looks cool wearing black? Check.
• Masked, with scary voice? Check.
• Mean? Check.

So, Mr. Ren starts out doing everything we would expect, which is nice. We know he's working with The First Order, we know he's looking for something... so far, so Star Wars.

The film moves along at a good pace. Plenty of action and fighting, slowed down by great interaction between the main cast where needed. Then we start getting drip-fed the old-timers, which is where the fanboy in you will get really excited. We first get a look of Han Solo and Chewbacca, which we already knew from the trailers, when Han says, "Chewy, we're home." Harrison Ford steps back into the role like putting on an old pair of shoes—a little awkward at first, but you soon remember how comfortable they are, and you're off and running in no time. It's almost like he's not played any other part since 1983 (and after Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I bet sometimes Mr. Ford wishes that were the case!). Accompanied by his long-time friend, he effortlessly goes through the motions as the scoundrel looking to make some money, but always ending up owing someone more than he has.

It's not long before a twist of fate puts him and Chewy alongside our new heroes, and they're on their way to see another familiar face, Princess Leia. Except she's not a Princess anymore, she's the General of the Resistance. I won't say too much about her, as her parts in the film are integral to the main storyline, and I don't want to ruin it. Suffice to say, like any couple reuniting after 30 years, her and Han are a joy to watch on screen together.

I don't want to delve into the storyline too much, because a) you've probably pieced together the gist of it from all the trailers, and b) it's hard to do without telling you things you won't know if you haven't already seen it. So I'll leave it there, but will finish by saying it's a pleasure from start to finish, it cues up the inevitable sequels well, and it does nothing more than what it should do—it gives you a Star Wars experience that leaves you wanting to watch it again the moment it finishes.

So, the downsides. There aren't many, but, for me, there are some. They don't take away from the movie as a whole, but they detracted from the experience enough to make them worth mentioning, so here goes.

Princess/General Leia - I'm sorry, but poor Carrie Fisher has had so much Botox, I genuinely thought it was a different actress when she first appeared on camera. We see her go through an emotional reunion, some heartache, some humorous banter, some thrilling, edge-of-the-seat action, and a nail-biting, jaw-dropping finale... and not once did her expression change! Probably because it couldn't. She's the only one who looked like they were struggling to revive their character, because she didn't look like a natural, older version of herself… she looked like she was trying to be a younger version of herself, and it made me not want to see her as much as other characters.

Kylo Ren - This guy starts out as being awesome. His mask is suitably evil, his voice is menacing, his lightsabre is just brilliant… But then he takes his mask off. He's doing something (which I won't detail, but is another obvious and much-appreciated nod to the film's predecessors) and he just takes off his mask. Now, no disrespect to Adam Driver, but... have you seen Harry Potter? Well, Kylo Ren, without his mask, kinda looks like he's related in some distant, in-bred way, to Neville Longbottom. He continues with his evil gestures and scary intentions, but without the mask, you just kinda think... Really? Am I meant to be scared here? When I was a kid, Darth Vader terrified the hell out of me! This guy... you could probably flush his head and steal his lunch money, if he doesn't force-choke you beforehand.

I think he’s another Hayden Christensen—horribly miscast for an important role that could’ve defined the right actor’s career. Let's hope it doesn't end up ruining it for him. Should've kept the mask on, Kylo!

Captain Phasma - The name might not mean much to casual fans, but I’m referring to the chrome Stormtrooper who has inexplicably developed somewhat of a cult following since their appearance in the trailers. They’re the tall, imposing, assumed leader of the Stormtroopers, and certainly looks the part. However, that part is so insignificant, it’s like it was written in as an after-thought. The character will apparently play a more significant role in later films, but that’s hardly the point. We first see him at the beginning, and they’re all evil and shooty, which is fine. But then we see him only a couple of times after that and, at one point, he’s taken hostage in possibly the most unimposing, least-threatening way imaginable, and he just goes along with it. What the hell?! Oh, and I say “He”, but the character is actually played by a woman—Gwendoline Christie, the tall, sword-wielding blonde from Game of Thrones. Anyway…

The final thing that annoyed me a little bit is tough to talk about, because it's riddled with spoilers. But I shall simply say this: the way a certain character (who I haven't mentioned previously) was handled could've been done so much better than it was. That's it. I'll say no more. Watch the film, then read this again. You'll know what I mean.

So, to sum up. This is a great addition to the franchise, no doubt. But, forgetting it's Star Wars for a moment, it's simply a great film. It provides everything you would want from this genre, and it leaves you wanting more at the end (with a clear indication it's going to provide it at some point in the future). Now go. Enjoy. Even if you don't like Star Wars, it's worth a watch. Though I'm pretty certain after seeing it, you'll want to watch the others.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Apr 27, 2018 (Updated Apr 28, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Predictable (1 more)
Some shoddy SFX
Contains spoilers, click to show
So, it's finally here, Happy Infinity War day!
Now, I'm even going to enter down. Seriously, don't read any further if you want the movie unspoiled.

Yes, I'm calling the film predictable, because it was. It's not necessarily a bad thing, there just wasn't anything that honestly surprised me.

For one, I completely guessed the first two people to bite the dust, based solely on the end credit scene in Ragnarok. Heimdall dies first, but not before conveniently getting Hulk out of there.
Loki dies next, but not before you think they're completely going to reverse the story arc from Ragnarok. Whew, but they didn't. Hiddles did a really fantastic job in the whole 5-10 min he was in the film.
Thanos looked pretty good, they seemed to have fixed the color on him from the whack neon purple in that first trailer. His minions were a bit weak, and overall I don't even know what their names were, however, I don't think I was supposed to care.
I think the Guardians of the Galaxy were given way too much screentime. I'm so over them. I also got a Gamora backstory that I didn't want nor need. I'm hoping she's one of the for sure dead.
I was so happy they finally addressed Red Skull, of course he was alive! My only question is, yall couldn't shell out enough money to get Hugo Weaving back in the makeup? Come on Disney.
The only characters I for sure believe are dead and gone, are Vision, Loki, and Heimdall. Gamora is up for debate. Everyone else...come on, it's a comic book movie. I do wish they'd have had the balls to let Tony Stark die.
So, at the end, we're left with the OG Avengers. Hawkeye and Ant Man are with their fams, and Thanos got what he wanted. There's also the Captain Marvel paging scene after the credits. Of course it needed to be in there.
ALSO, set up for Venom?? That was such a good idea! At least, I believe it was supposed to be a set up...
Ah right, the shoddy SFX... there are a few scenes towards the end, especially with Thor that looked so cheap. It was strange.
Anyway, I can't give it a 10 because of those shoddy graphics, and there was too much GotG.

Ross (3284 KP) Apr 30, 2018

I didn't previously think "too much GotG" could be a thing, but I totally agree now. Given all the uber-powerful supes in the film, and the amount of plot to cram in, giving so much screentime to a group of wisecracking knuckleheads seems bizarre.


Erika (17788 KP) Apr 30, 2018

It was almost a GotG featuring the Avengers movie. Quill was also a dummy who messed up twice. It was really strange to me, I'm guessing it was that way because GotG are the group kids love the most? Regardless, I was completely irritated. Maybe my mind will change when I go see it again today. But, prob not.

A Stranger in the House
A Stranger in the House
Shari Lapena | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.1 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Karen and Tom Krupp have been married for two years and they are very much in love. When Tom comes home from work one night, he finds his front door unlocked and dinner half way done in the kitchen, but his wife and her car are no where to be found. After calling her best friend and neighbor Brigid and having no luck with where Karen, might be, Tom calls the police to report her missing. Shortly after, the police arrive at his door to let him know that Karen has been in a terrible accident and is in the hospital. Tom is instantly worried because none of these actions sound like his wife. But does Tom now Karen as well as he thinks? Is she keeping secrets from him?

Let me just say that female thriller writers are hitting it out of the park this year. I don't think I've read one bad one yet. <u>A Stranger in the House</u> was incredible. From the very beginning it grips you and pulls you into the story. It was so hard to put down.

Karen Krupp is your typical housewife with a part-time job. Dinner is on the table at the same time each night. But lately, things haven't been quite right. Things are moved in the house that neither she or Tom have moved. After her accident she has amnesia and can't remember what happened that night and with her mind still foggy from the concussion she's not sure if she's going crazy or if things really are being moved. She is living in constant fear of her past and the police since a body was found near the scene of her accident. Will she be able to lean on Tom for the support she needs during this difficult time? Will she be able to count on her friend Brigid to be a shoulder to cry on?

There was only one thing I saw coming in this book the rest took me by surprise. There were twists and turns around each corner. I wasn't sure which way I wanted the story to go, but I was eager to figure out who did what to who and how and why. This is by far one of the best books I have read this year and I highly recommend it.
An Amish Homecoming
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What better way to spend a time lost in book than in a book by not just one of my top Amish authors, but by FOUR of them? There really isn't a better way if you ask me. When I received this book to review, I was sick. I didn't want to read much of anything. But I dove into it with highest of hopes to be able to finish it. I read not just Ms. Clipston's novella, but all of them and fell in love with these stories of hope, faith, understanding and acceptance. Each story, written by equally talented authors, is unique and filled with characters that will stay with you long after.  While I loved all the novellas in this story, I will focus on Clipston's and Fuller's. 

Amy Clipston's NO PLACE LIKE HOME is beautifully and tenderly written.  Her unique writing style shines through and the messages from God are woven throughout. The characters are chiseled beautifully and I could feel myself walking along side them, as Eva returned home and came face to face with a man she once knew, and know is unsure of. Her story of letting go and moving on, is truly a tender one and one that will have me coming back to this story again and again. 

Kathleen Fuller's WHAT LOVE BUILT is another beautiful, moving story. Carolyn quickly stole my heart and when Atlee is introduced, bless! These two sweet souls truly had me pulling for them!  I cold feel their heartaches, their love for the Lord, all of it, as if the story was written just for me. I loved the messages of acceptance, of faith, of trust, all woven together to spin a story I won't soon forget! 

These stories together create a 5 star worthy novella collection that will be on my keeper shelf for many years to come. The Amish simplicity and the hope and love within, will forever pull me back. Each author did a wonderful job in their stories and I am looking forward to another collection like this from these talented ladies! Well done, and I highly recommend this book to all! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Sam (74 KP) rated Perfect in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Cecelia Ahern | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Celestine is Flawed to the very backbone, according to The Guild. She went against society and assisted a Flawed man – going against every value a Perfect citizen should hold. She was branded as flawed, not just the maximum of five times, but a sixth. Now, she finds herself on the run from The Guild and their Whistleblowers, an attempt at freedom that a Flawed citizen should never have.

Perfect is the second and final book in Cecelia Ahern’s Flawed series.

I read Flawed, the first book, a couple of years ago now. It’s the first book I had ever read by Cecelia Ahern, and it’s what made her writing stand out to me. However, for whatever reason (I can’t remember now) I’d put off buying Perfect. And when I did finally buy it, it sat on my bookshelf for ages. That was until the other weekend when I finally made the decision to read it.

I forgot how immersive the world Ahern created was. I was straight into the book as it jumped straight into action, and found it really easy to remember everything that had happened in the previous book.

Perfect is a fast paced novel, that never really slows down for a second. I found myself finishing it in just a couple of days, and really couldn’t put it down. It was addictive and kept me wanting to know what happened next.

I love Celestine as a character. The fact that she points out that she’s Flawed, but likes that part of herself because it makes her real is one of my favourite ideas of the whole book.

Celestine is strong and confident, and doesn’t need to have anyone by her side to help her get her way. She’s the perfect independent protagonist and I love her for that.

The focus on an over-controlling society where if you do the slightest thing wrong, you’re branded for life was really interesting. It makes you question whether a person can really be fully bad, and whether a person’s past is really different to who they are in the present day.

It’s definitely a thrilling book with some of the best characters you’ll find in YA. I would usually comment about how I’m not really into YA or Dystopia, but I’m not because I’m now definitely a convert and really enjoying the genre.

Kaz (232 KP) rated Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the 'Never Say Spy' Series in Books

May 18, 2019 (Updated May 18, 2019)  
Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the &#039;Never Say Spy&#039; Series
Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the 'Never Say Spy' Series
Diane Henders | 2011 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exciting Story, Likeable Characters, Great female Main Character (0 more)
Slightly Implausible behaviour by some of the characters at times (0 more)
A Real Page Turner
This book was given to me as a present by a friend and is the first in the 'Never Say Spy' Series.

Firstly, what I really liked about this novel, was that the main character was a woman. This is a book set within a crime/spy environment and it's unusual to have a female main character, within this genre. I also really liked how Aydan Kelly was not portrayed as a weak, helpless victim, who was waiting to be rescued. She had guts and could definitely hold her own in a tricky situation.

This is a very fast- paced novel, from the very beginning. I liked this because you felt like you were finding out things, as Aydan was. This is so gripping, that I found it difficult to put this book down.

I also liked the Sci-Fi element to this novel. Usually I don't like books mixing genres too much, but actually., I wish that it could have been used a bit more, because it makes this different from every other novel within this genre.

I enjoyed reading about the male characters within this novel. They are all very distinctive and I liked that they all had their own identities. I loved the dynamics of the two main male characters with Aydan and it kept me wanted to know how this was going to resolve.

Due to the fact that Aydan Kelly is such as strong character, she has some very funny one liners and I really cared what happened to her. However, my only criticism of this novel would be that, as well as being a feisty woman, she also has a lustful mind. This is good because it's realistic, but, I did feel that these thoughts crept into her mind at the most inappropriate times, particularly when she had just been in an intense, dangerous situation.

This is also violent and gory in places. Although I wouldn't say that these parts were not inappropriate to the story.

I'm generally not a fan of spy novels and films, but I really enjoyed this one. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.
Hesitant Heart (The Hampton Road Club #1)
Hesitant Heart (The Hampton Road Club #1)
Morticia Knight | 2018 | Erotica, History & Politics, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Naive runaway Sam finds himself in a bathhouse as a job. Aaron frequents the bathhouse, and has noticed that Sam has noticed him. When Sam finds himself in a bit of a pickle, Aaron's baser instincts kick in, and his protectiveness goes into overdrive. Is Sam really the submissive Aaron has been waiting for? Will Sam run again, when he understands what Aaron wants??

Thank you, Ms Knight, for a thoroughly enjoyable historical BDSM book! It's been a long time since I read such a book, and I loved this one!

Sam is truly naive, totally, in all ways, a virgin. He knows he doesn't like girls, at all, and he knows Aaron makes him think and feel all kinds of things he never did before, but Sam also knows he NEEDS something else, something he isn't able to voice. When Aaron begins Sam's training as his submissive, the penny drops and Sam fully immerses himself into Aaron's world, one training session at a time.

I loved that Aaron, while fully on board with Sam's "lets have sex now" attitude, he waits. He waits til Sam is really ready for that step. And once they do take that step? Both men fall fast and hard.

I loved that I found it not overly explicit, for some weird reason! It goes into detail, about training and what Sam and Aaron are doing, and it's hot hot hot, but not explicit, if that makes any sense! Reading that bit back, it doesn't, for me, but I can't word it any different! But I needed to say that, and that I loved it.

The way Aaron and Saul, Aaron's friend, deal with Sam's father was well done, and in a way that no one was hurt, and Sam could walk free from the fear that his father represented.

It is set in the 1920s so comes with all the rules and regulations and words of the time. And I really enjoyed that!

Book one in the Hampton Road Club series. I do hope I get to read the rest of them!

Thank you, Ms Knight, for my copy!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
2019 | Crime, Documentary
The third of these was the most powerful for me. It was Confessions of a killer: the Ted Bundy tapes. I mean… I had no idea. His name was in my imagination somewhere as a candidate for pure evil, but I had no notion of the level of media hype and drama behind and before this. Which is why I recommend this absolutely comprehensive 4 part series as the best in this dubious category I have yet to see.

With the benefit of at least some hindsight, we can see in this case the epitome of such terms as “serial killer” and “sociopath”. Looking at it in pure terms of an idea worthy of dramatic exploration, then this is it! And, interestingly, to this date, besides the Zac Efron misfire, it is a story beyond worthy of correct telling, the basis of which should be the real footage. Because nothing is more bizarre than the real man and what he not only attempted to do, but actually did.

Take the basic idea that one individual is capable of murdering 30 plus women and girls over a period of two decades… then accept that he systematically went back to the corpses and committed acts of necropholia and decapitation without ever skipping a beat in what he perceived as his true persona as a competent lawyer in his own right, and you have the stuff of true nightmare. Add to that the fact that he escaped custody twice, and defended himself in court to such a charming extent that the judge himself admitted an affinity with him, and you have the recipe for something that transcends fact and becomes myth. Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself.

Do I agree with these cases being shown as entertainment? No, I don’t. Essentially. Because they are rarely told from the victim’s point of view. We have a fascination with an unsolved mystery and grim death that is undeniably curious. The cult of personality pervades, and we should be wary of why we get involved with this stuff. As addictive TV it is undeniably going to continue. Please be careful of the line between understanding and entertainment. God forbid I would give these shows a rating, as if it were a thing worthy of encouragement. It is the most undeniable yet horrific side effect of our media growth imaginable. Watch at your peril. But watch discerningly with interest.
Stranger in the Lake
Stranger in the Lake
Kimberly Belle | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte and her husband, Paul, live in a small lake town. But their marriage has caused gossip and rumors, when poor Charlotte, who grew up in a trailer park, marries the rich and older Paul. Then Charlotte discovers a body floating in the lake beside their house--in the exact spot where Paul's first wife died. Even worse, Charlotte saw Paul talking to the woman the day before, but he lied to the police about it. Then he disappears into the woods, leaving her to deal with the aftermath. As Charlotte begins digging into her husband's past, she starts wondering how much she can trust him.

"Something very bad has happened, right outside our door. Again."

This was an excellent and easy-to-read book with a compelling plot. I was drawn in by the story from the start and flew through the pages. Belle creates an atmospheric read, with the snow and lake basically appearing as extra characters. We find Charlotte (once "Charlie") pitted against her old best friend, Sam, who is on the police force and believes Paul killed his first wife. And we learn that Paul had a high school friendship with Micah, the son of the police chief, and Jax, who is now homeless and known as the town kook. It is Jax who asked to see Paul the day before the woman is found--and Jax who is lurking around Charlotte's house. Is he threatening her, or trying to warn her of something? And is there truly a chance that Paul killed his first wife? I loved how much this one kept me guessing.

What I found amazing is that Belle is able to take a familiar plot--a younger woman marrying an older guy with a past--and transform it into such a spellbinding thriller. What could come across as trite and stale is instead fascinating and intriguing. Charlotte is an easy-to-like protagonist who didn't seem to make dumb decisions. This can't be said of her husband, who was, frankly, an idiot. I had an inkling early about who might be responsible, but it did nothing to diminish my enjoyment of the story.

If you like your thrillers filled with secrets and lies, the power of family, and featuring a fascinating plot, this one is for you. 4+ stars.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Shorefall in Books

Nov 16, 2020  
Robert Jackson Bennett | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mediocre sequel
I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Shorefall picks up around three years after the events of Foundryside, when a small crew stand up against the mighty, powerful families of the city, stop their evil plotting and strike out on their own. They have set up their own, independent scriving house, making magical machinery, and helping others to do the same. A bit like BrewDog, but without the financially dubious shareholder arrangements.
In this world, magic comes in the form of scriving - bending reality to make objects behave in a certain way (persuading a door it cannot open without a specific person being present, convincing an arrow it is falling, so must accelerate accordingly, albeit in a straight line, etc). Most of the book's plot and action centre around this, and it becomes quite draining, and a stretch at times. I forgave the first book quite a lot in this regard, because it was world-building, but this much world-building in a second book seems wrong. And the mechanics of it are so much like coding that that is all you can think of. At times it is like watching an episode of 24, but instead of following Jack Bauer's thrilling escapades, you are watching Chloe coding a macro to speed up her timesheets while being vaguely aware that something exciting is happening.
The book starts very strongly, we are in the company of Sancia and Orso as they appear to be down on their luck and having to sell their work to make ends meet. Cue: exciting espionage scenes as Sancia sneaks off to steal.
Sadly, this opening chapter in which we had no idea what was happening was the best one. So many times throughout the book the crew were on some mission or other for some reason, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what or why, and nor did I particularly care. The plot just seemed to be in a backseat with the world-building driving with no sat-nav. And so was character development, as all the main characters just completely plateaud and didn't change in the slightest.
In short, I found the book very dull and drawn out and the second half was a real chore.