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The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
Taran Matharu | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justice for Fletcher (3 more)
Past uncovered
Return of Othello, Sylva
Gremlins, Blue
It got better!
Once more I’m impressed with the Summoner books because even though I am late to the game on this series so the suspense of Fletcher’s fate was not as intense it was still thrilling to see how he would escape these false accusations and unfair trails. One can argue Fletcher has sort of put himself in this tight spot, but due to his actions in the previous book he has friends and teachers who stand by knowing there is more to what he is being accused of than what the other side would like to admit. Fletcher has become to center of a far bigger game because of who he is and the power he holds in his attempts to tie races together. Furthermore, without spoiling anything for anyone else, due to a charge which does threaten his life Fletcher is able to learn who he truly is, but he will always be Berdon’s son.

Despite the fact Fletcher was in imprisonment for a year he is game to accept a new mission that will aid Hominum in the war with the Orcs. He’s even willing to accept the challenge that comes with it to prove Elves and Dwarfs can work together in the hopes it will fix the strain on the Dwarven and Elven ties with Humans due to events that took place while he is in the hole. Results he does not doubt the Triumvirate had their hands in. All Fletcher and his friends have to do is go into Orc lands with three other teams to put an end to a Goblin breed.

It can never be easy for Fletcher.

Now, that’s all I really want to cover as important points in [i]The Inquisition[/i] because it should pull you in if my next words do not. To circle back I enjoyed the second book far more than [i]The Novice[/i] yet found a new appreciation for the first book as I realize now all the set up there is the reason the second summoner book is successful and was able to focus on the race issue a bit more

To circle back, my enjoyment of the second summoner book is due to the writing by Matharu because of how he set up [i]The Novice[/i] and there is more appreciation to be had for the first book of the series because it is after the second I realized how much had been done for [i]The Inquisition[/i] to be successful. It is within the first summoner book we’re introduced to key characters, plots (minor and major), lives of the characters, and the issues which will drive Fletcher in the second. If anything, [i]The Novice[/i] was an thick introduction to the events to come in [i]The Inquisition[/i]. So I would say be mindful if you’re thinking to begin the series of what occurs and how it will relate later.

However I want to say the character growth is still alive, for better or worse. We’re even given new characters and demons to grow fond of, or hate. Somehow 350+ pages were not enough and yet were perfect to convey where we needed to go then set up the points for the third book. And I have to say there are some twists in here I did not catch, which is nice for someone who had read so much and can predict so much to come. Even though there is some betrayal to me it was worth it as due to Fletcher’s nature we’re able to gain perspective from another race no one has probably given much thought to.

So, if you have yet to get into the Summoner Books then I suggest you go if you’re for fantasy and magic. If you’ve yet to pick up [i]The Inquisition[/i] then I have to say I have no clue what you are doing because I’m peeved at myself for not getting to it sooner. Honestly, it’s a good series to get lost in and yet think about real world issues we have today even if they’re painted a little bit different.
The Disappointing Mr. Whicher...or is it the Wandering Ms. Summerscale? No, I've got it! The Bloated Book of Everything Victorian!

I was looking forward to reading, what I thought was, a true crime book with a bit of a look into Mr. Whicher's professional life too. What I got instead was four, possibly more, books in a 304 page book. These four parts consist of the murder of Saville Kent, Mr. Jonathan Whicher himself, an analysis of detective fiction (especially Poe, Dickens, and Collins), the origin of words and phrases in the detection field, many murder/crime stories of the day, other oddly inserted facts and history, etc., etc.

Now, Ms. Summerscale is a fine writer (and researcher for that matter), but it seems as if she wrote for herself instead of us, the readers. While her odd bits and pieces of history are interesting (usually), they are not essential to the plot (or what I thought was the main story), and I found myself glazing quite a bit. Whenever she rhapsodized poetic about Poe, Dickens or any of the other writers of the early detection mystery, it had the overall feel of a research paper and usually didn't have much to do with the murder in the least. The author wandered off way too many times to her own fancy and whenever she went back to the supposed case, it felt as if she had forgotten that she was supposed to be writing about the murder. This left the plotting of the book oddly pieced together and me discombobulated. Where was the editor? Out to lunch? Or did the author disregard what the editor(s) advised her to do? Who knows, but all this extraneous information was just filler and added nothing to the book. I cannot believe this actually won anything. Another quibble was that she also had a bit of a problem with her 'sensationalistic' chapter endings; they just didn't go (or flow) with the whole book.

My biggest problem with the whole book is there isn't much on the murder, which you would think there would be by the cover, synopsis, praise, and marketing. Only a little speculation is spared on a few other suspects; no why might they have done it, how the family may have felt - I wish there had been more focused on the murder and less on everything else. That's why I picked up the book, I wanted to know about the crime and consequences, not on the way of Victorian life or how it influenced writers, there are other books for that (which are listed in the notes and select bibliography in the back I might add). Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the subject content, but the overall construction of the book with all the un-necessary passages left me dissatisfied and grumpy.
How It All Blew Up
How It All Blew Up
Arvin Ahmadi | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
How it All Blew Up is about Amir, a closeted, eighteen-year-old. He always knew it would be hard to come out to his Muslim family, so he hasn't. When some bullies find out and blackmail him, Amir gets scared, skips graduation, and fleas to Rome. He gets taken in by a group of new friends and he spends his summer having late nights where he can feel like himself. Until his old life comes back knocking. Now, Amir is telling the whole story, with the entire truth, to a U.S. Customs officer as his family has just been detained. Can Amir get his hard-won freedom back?

I went into this book thinking it would be a storyline I don't really see: representation of a queer Muslim in YA... I didn't really get that. Islam plays no part in this story - Amir openly admits his family isn't that religious. When asked if his parents would disapprove of him being gay, he replied:

"Yes and no. Our culture is pretty conservative, even if you're not religious."

It also went into this huge countdown leading up to what happened on the airplane and why the family is detained and when we get there... it just felt like it fell short of what it could have been. I also just didn't care much for the main character, he never really clicked with me and I honestly don't know why but I found myself rolling my eyes at a lot of his choices and reasonings.

The whole story also felt very unrealistic to me. How on Earth does an eighteen-year-old make enough money editing Wikipedia pages to get to Rome, get his own apartment, and live there a whole month? There were so many side characters that would be mentioned in passing for only a page and then never heard from again? Amir's high school boyfriend we get built up to be this whole thing, for him to just toss him aside. We had all these supposed close relationships (Amir and his sister were supposedly super close??) but everything felt surface level and not flushed out. There's an entire scene in the novel, that I won't get into because of spoilers, but it just felt wrong and had no real build up to the entire scenario besides small side remarks.

The only character I really even cared for was Amir's sister, Soraya. She was only thirteen, but she was a firecracker just waiting to be messed with. She cared for her brother, regardless of anything.

I did enjoy the back and forth of the interrogation rooms and what happened as it made it a super fast read. Apart from that though, I think the story fell short of what it could have been.

*Thank you Bookish First and Penguin Teen for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
English Pastoral
English Pastoral
James Rebanks | 2021 | Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A love letter to Old English farming
English Pastoral is a beautiful love letter to traditional English farming.

Rebanks takes us through the journey of three generations on the farm in three parts. The first part talks about his childhood on the farm and his grandfather teaching him the ways of the land. The second part is Rebanks in his twenties, he’s experienced modern farming overseas and has ideas on how to move the farm forward, this includes using chemicals to protect the crops and enhance the livestock. Part three is Rebank’s time on the farm and their realisation that all they’ve been doing to keep up with modern farming has actually been having a counterproductive event.

It is a story of hope, a farming family brought to the brink of collapse that realise, in time, the real way forward can sometimes be backwards.

There is just too much goodness in this book to cover it all here. It’s beautifully written, it’s heartfelt and evocative. It pulls you into the pages, and I could have quite happily stayed living on that hardworking little farm on the fells.

There are some charming little anecdotes in this book, and the reverence with which Rebanks tells them is palpable. Rebanks is acutely aware of the contrast in farming techniques and frequently draws comparisons. From his grandfather gently moving a nest from one part of a field he’s cutting back (then moving in back again), to modern-day combines just hacking their way through a field regardless of the wildlife within.
This also re-affirms his grandfathers earlier statement that modern-day farmers sitting up in the cabs of their tractors have lost touch with the land.

This modern-way of farming doesn’t quite sit right with Rebanks and his father, they know that something is not quite right with the way they do things, but what else can they do to keep up with modern demands. The pivotal moment comes when Harry passes away. Harry is a local farmer of the same generation as Redbank’s grandfather, he’s stayed connected to the land and hasn’t gone in for all these modern ways. Another farmer who plans to buy the land gets the soil tested (in anticipation of what nutrients he may have to put into it) the soil inspector explains that the soil is healthy. In fact, it’s some of the best soil he’s ever seen.

This is when Rebanks begins to realise that the farmers themselves are the problem with the land. The ultimate irony that the very people who are supposed to be caring for the land are also the ones slowly destroying it.

Not only is this an exquisite little memoir, it is also a lesson on looking after the land. Rebanks lays it out as it is; in cold hard detail, this is what happened this is what he did about it. There is no preaching, but if we’re lucky we’ll learn something from it
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard this for the first time at some point in the mid-90s and it had a big impact. For something so old, it sounded more like the future than anything being released then. It was hard to find on LP, but my friend John McKeown had a copy that I would borrow or listen to round at his. Eventually I bought a CD player so I could get it on reissue, as it took me years to find the vinyl. I reckon Eno was frustrated in Roxy Music. There didn't seem to be enough room for his experimentation or ego. You feel that he's running wild with pent up ideas in the way George Harrison did on All Things Must Pass. Although the sound is unconventional and experimental, it doesn't feel over-considered or precious in the way that many contemporary prog LPs do. It's spontaneous and quite thuggish at points. 'Blank Frank' sounds like he's wearing out the strings with a scrubbing brush. It's beautifully constructed as an LP. The songs are distinct and can stand alone, but there are wee passages of sound that link them together and the songs often overlap into each other, moving effortlessly between moods and musical conventions, melody and abstract noise. One moment 'Cindy Tells Me' sounds almost like it could be on the soundtrack of Grease (despite the lyric of rich girls confused by their new freedoms leaving their Hotpoints to rust in their kitchenettes), then you're in the dark, foreboding gloom of 'Driving Me Backwards' - ""kids like me have got to be craaaaaazzzzzyyyyy"" - what he does to his voice at that point will always sends a great shudder through me. I love his vocal delivery. It's very English and of that time - I hear it in Kevin Ayers, Robyn Hitchcock, Bid of The Monochrome Set and Syd Barrett, but none of the English singers around now seem to sing like that. What happened? Did that accent die out? There's a lovely send-up of the other Brian in 'Dead Finks Don't Talk' where he slips into a lecherous deep croon. It's heavily layered throughout, but it sounds like he didn't listen to himself as he double-tracked it. The phrasing and exaggerated vibratos don't often match which adds to the unnerving sense of panic which can suddenly drop to an intimate murmur. Eno has such a huge and recognisable persona, but not as a lyricist. There are some incredible lines on here: ""send for an ambulance or an accident investigator…""; ""Juanita and Juan/ Very clever with maracas…""; ""By this time time I got to looking for a kind of substitute/ I can't tell you quite how, except that it rhymes with dissolute…""; ""Meet my relations/ All of them/ Grinning like facepacks…"" the imagery is vivid, unsettling and direct. That's from a guy who pretty much abandoned writing lyrics shortly afterwards. Like Hunky Dory, this LP bridges two distinct parts of a career. There's still a Roxy flavour (Phil Manzanera is all over it), but songs like 'On Some Faraway Beach' point towards his ambient sound of the later 70s. It's a fleeting moment, never to be repeated. Well, except for on Taking Tiger Mountain. Maybe that's what makes this moment so great. He could have made another fourteen records with this template, all of which I'm sure would have had virtue. But he didn't. When we recorded our first LP, I played it to Tore Johansson [producer] and said I wanted it to sound like this. It didn't turn out that way, but it definitely had an impact on the session. We asked Eno to produce our second LP. He sent us a nice letter saying he couldn't do it, but that his daughter was a big fan of the band... Looking back I realise that it was the Eno who made this LP I was asking to produce. He's a smart guy and probably spotted that straight away."

The Last Place You Look
The Last Place You Look
Kristen Lepionka | 2017 | Crime
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
funny (2 more)
Roxane Weary is good at finding things. She always has been. So when she's hired by Brad Stockton's sister, Danielle, to find Brad's teenage girlfriend, Sarah, she doesn't think it will be a difficult case. Danielle is convinced she spotted Sarah at a gas station--despite the fact she disappeared fifteen years ago. Meanwhile, Brad is in jail--set to soon be executed--for the brutal murder of Sarah's parents the night Sarah disappeared; the prosecution also alleged that Brad killed Sarah as well. Brad did not put up much of a fight in his defense, but Danielle refuses to give up. Roxane quickly becomes caught up in Sarah's story and finds ties between her disappearance and other girls in the seemingly idyllic town of Belmont-- as well as connections to cases worked by her father, a police officer.

This is just a great book. It's easy to read and funny, albeit dark and sad at times. Roxane's dark, sarcastic humor is perfect. She gives off a Kinsey Millhone type vibe, if Kinsey was a functioning alcoholic with major Daddy issues. She's a complicated character (a complicated, real, female character - so refreshing!). She's bisexual (so wonderful to see reflected realistically in a novel). The other characters are well-formed and range from awful to sweet, but they support Roxane and the story perfectly.

As for the plot, it draws you immediately and keeps you constantly guessing, wondering what people know, who is telling the truth, and what's the actual story. I actually didn't figure this one out, so kudos to Lepionka. There are a few amazing "aha" moments that basically made me gasp. The town of Belmont is creepy and dark, and you'll find yourself completely wrapped up in its twisted, sad characters.

It looks like this is the first in a series, and I couldn't be happier; I can't wait to see where Roxane is headed next. Definitely recommend this one to mystery and thriller fans alike.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Oliver Bowden | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Continuation of the story (2 more)
Remaining true to the video games
Remaining true to the franchise
The Story Continues
The second novel to be released in the series continues the story of Ezio Auditore, just as the game of the same title did. Ezio has concentrated his efforts to bring down the Borgia family and the Templar Order, and traveled to Rome in order to complete his work that he started some years ago. Now a Master Assassin, Ezio must recruit his own brotherhood of Assassin's if he is to defeat the Templar Order.

The story of Ezio, allows us an insight as to his character development, as he grows from a young man seeking revenge, to a Master Assassin, seeking to bring down the Templar Order for the fate of the world depends upon the succession of the Assassin's. Rome is yet another brilliant setting for the Assassin's Creed franchise to take place and Ezio is certainly one of the most interesting Assassin's to follow throughout the franchise.

With help yet again from his previous allies, including Leonardo Da Vinci, the story told here is one of mystery and excitement.

I'm not sure how many times I can praise Bowden for his work on this series. All I can say is that he does not fail to entertain and reveal a new experience to the world of Assassin's Creed. If you have read my previous reviews then you know how much I praise this man for his work on the series of Novels he has written for the fans. Each one delivers a new thrilling experience and each one stays true to the events of the video game as much as possible. Of course each person who plays the video game plays differently. These novels give more of a sense of what the Assassin's themselves would have truly done in the events that unfold.
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2)
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2)
Kate O'Leary | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twell and the Rebellion (Como Chronicles #2) by Kate O'Leary
Twell and the Rebellion starts from where book 1 left off - thank goodness!!! I had guessed who her genetic match was with the description of the silver eyes, but I did enjoy the feeling of knowing that I had guessed correctly. The action is pretty much non-stop in this book as Twell's training ups a gear and she meets others with the same powers as her. Unfortunately, because they're training in power groups, it means that she doesn't see as much of Jonaz, or the others. Add Avin into the mix and it's not surprising that Twell feels confused, and easy pickings for Shanna. Now, I need to say something that might not go down too well, but I didn't like Shanna as a character. I started off with the same feelings for Mira, but she grew on me (like fungus!), until I loved every scene with her in it because of her acerbic tone. Shanna though... nah, she doesn't do it for me. I will also say that I really, REALLY, dislike love triangles. And yet you will notice that I gave this book 5-stars. Simply put, it is because there is no 'nonsense' in this book. Everything that Twell feels and goes through, I could understand perfectly how she felt. She wasn't just being indecisive for the fun of it, which seems to happen all too often.

This book is absolutely chock-full of character development, with new characters to behold too. I don't think there were any editing or grammatical errors in it, but I was too engrossed to notice if there were! With a gripping story, cliffhanger ending, full of emotions, and smoothly paced - what more could you ask for? Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Murder, D.C.
Murder, D.C.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sully Carter is a journalist in Washington, D.C. When he starts to investigate the murder of Billy Ellison, the son of a prominent African American family in the area, he finds out a lot more information then he had planned to. With so many questions about this death and curious circumstances about talking to the family about it, Sully is determined to get to the truth, even if his own life may hang in the balance because of it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Viking for the opportunity to read and review this book. This is the first book I have read by Neely Tucker and I look forward to more that he has. I enjoy reading books in and around Washington DC as I have lived in this area most of my life.

This book had a very interesting story line and a few twists and turns along the way. Billy Ellison is gay and his family is very well known throughout the DC area. His family wants him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a lawyer, but this isn't something he is interested in. He enjoys exploring his family's rich and illustrious past in Washington, but then he discovers something very disturbing. After his death, Sully Carter, picks up where Billy left off and tries to find out what in the research could have gotten him killed. As Sully gets closer to the truth, his life is on the brink of ending as well.

In the book, Sully works for "The Paper" not sure which that would be, but I'm assuming its the Washington Post, the largest in the area. Sully is a character who you can love or hate, really. He didn't grow on me too much. The story overall had a good plot, but there were parts of it that my eyes read but my brain did not digest.

Overall the book is good and if given the opportunity, I will read more books by Neely Tucker.
Things We Never Said
Things We Never Said
Samantha Young | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
Emotional roller coaster
I've been in a reading slump the past few weeks so I was excited that I could dive into the ARC of Samantha Young's newest book. I started reading Samantha Young back when she first published On Dublin Street, and I've been a fan ever since.

While reading this book, I finally was able to figure out what I love about Samantha Young's writing style, and it's the fact that each story reads like your best friend is telling you the story. It's almost like you sit down and spend 4 hours listening to your best friend's dirty jokes, setbacks, and love life. It's truly a fantastic experience. I love how conversational her books are, and I always feel like I'm saying goodbye to a friend when I finish a book. This book was no different.

Things We Never Said is the third in the Hart's Boardwalk series. We learn about Dahlia McGuire's past, her heartbreaks, and her family. Dahlia was never a character I connected to in the other books, so I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as her other books. Luckily, my hesitancy was misplaced. Not only did I start to connect with Dahlia as a character but I also truly enjoyed the plot. We got to see more of Dahlia's background, and I couldn't help but cry for her and her experiences.

I loved Dahlia's messy background, and I couldn't help but cry for her and her family. I enjoyed learning more about her history and see how she could overcome some of her hardships. With all of Samantha Young's books, the characters and relationships were the shining stars of this story. I think many readers will be able to connect with Dahlia and Michael. They were realistic, and I loved the character growth they both had to do throughout the book.

All in all, I'm giving this 4 1/2 Caffeinated Stars! The plot was interesting, the characters superb, and I really can't wait for the next book in the series.