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Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The Wicker Man 2.0
Contains spoilers, click to show
Grieving over the Murder/Suicide of her mentally ill Sister and Parents, Dani decides to get away for a while to Hårga, in Hälsingland, the Swedish community that her and her Boyfriend Christian's mutual friend Pele lives in. Christian and Dani's relationship is at breaking point (unbeknownst to Dani) and the other 2 friends of Christian are encouraging him to finally split with Dani. However, feeling bad about what happened to her Family, Christian and Pele ask Dani to take the trip with them and on to Hälsingland the group of 5 friends go. On the first leg of the road to Hälsinglang, where it is their time to have a special festival called Midsommar, they hang out in a field where they are prompted to partake in some Magic Mushrooms, to which they all have a nice trip before moving on to the "Community". Hälsinglang is a beautiful and seemingly gentle and friendly community, however small cracks start to appear... and Dani's friends start to go missing. Is this community, in fact, a Cult? Or will Dani find the salvation she so desperately needs...

I have to admit, Ari Aster hasn't had me from the jump. Hereditary in my opinion is a bit beige and "meh", but the Culty look of Midsommar attracted my attention straight away and did not disappoint! It's visually beautiful and the story is actually very tragic and gives you a realistic look as to why and how some people actually do join cults. It's an absolutely mind blowing watch and a Movie that I see myself watching many more times in the future. Well done, Ari Aster!
The Last Child of Leif
The Last Child of Leif
Chris Pridmore | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did you hear about the child who ran away to join the circus? How about if that child was a crown prince called Valiant who escapes the murder of his father, barely escaping with his mother and faithful swordsman Sebastian?

That's an extremely simplistic rendering of the start of this book, but one that is quite illustrative of the way that the whole story unfolds. What starts as something very simple evolves into something a whole lot more complicated.

Valiant does indeed end up hiding in a travelling circus as its traction engines slowly pull it across an alternate 19th Century Eastern Europe. But this is no ordinary circus and among it's various performers and other attractions much skill and knowledge is hidden. As the journey continues it becomes clear that forces want Valiant dead and really will stop at nothing to achieve this.

With a story this complex and with the very big cast of characters it would be easy for the reader to get confused, but Pridmore is very careful to introduce everything and everybody gradually, giving each time and space so the reader becomes familiar. The characterisation is outstanding, everybody in the circus is very much their own person and very well realised and each character develops throughout the book, sometimes with some surprising revelations.

The plot itself is really good, building at each turn, becoming gradually more complex and more expansive as each chapter passes. The threats appear credible and the efforts to repel them are completely in line with how the characters have been developed up to that point.

Overall this is an utterly compelling read that has been very well written
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
403. The Invisible Man. One of the most uninteresting versions of this tale I've seen. It should be called The Woman that fled the Invisible Man, well he's not invisible during the actual fleeing, which is right at the start of the film. Cecilla wakes up in the middle of the night and books it from the compound, um, home, that she and husband Adrian share, because he's a controlling abusive dick, this has all happened at this point already. So with the help of her lawyer sister she escapes her psychopath boyfriend by stashing her with a cop friend James and his teen daughter. So they are totally safe here, I mean Cecilla can't go outside due to crippling fear, and the teen girl,are perfectly safe and can take care of themselves if Adrian, the psychopathic, rich genius could never get at them while policeman James is at work. But then, Adrian kills himself, and leaves Cece 5 million bucks. Yay she's safe. Then for the next hour, she stares into corners and hears things, and thinks Adrian is there but invisible, because he's a rich genius and has a thing in his basement that looks like you can strap a person into it! But when this invisible Adrian starts killing people and guess who's going to get blamed? Elisabeth Moss did great with what she had to work with, which wasn't much. Lots of logic goes out the window with this one. And the trailer for it, is literally the whole movie! Watch a few a those stringed together and save yourself 2 hours! Filmbufftim on FB

Hazel (2934 KP) rated How I Lost You in Books

Jun 20, 2020  
How I Lost You
How I Lost You
Jenny Blackhurst | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oooooo ... this was good and I am annoyed with myself for not reading it earlier when it first came out in 2015 but better late than never I always say!

The book starts with a letter written by convicted child killer Susan Webster to the Parole Board seeking early release from her prison sentence that was handed down following her conviction for the murder of her 3 month old son, Dylan ... a murder she has absolutely no recollection of but had to admit she committed the crime because everyone was telling her she did. On release, Susan, now called Emma, is making attempts to rebuild her life however when she receives a picture of a toddler called Dylan, she starts to ask questions and so begins Susan/Emma's search for the truth of what actually happened on that fateful day.

Written mainly from the perspective of Susan/Emma with flashbacks of other characters, it's told at a good pace with good tension and twists. The characters are excellent and well developed but if I have one gripe, it's that Susan/Emma is a little naive and quick to trust despite her situation of having to live under a new identity to protect herself which I found a little odd.

Overall, I found this a gripping story that had me captivated until the end and I will most definitely read more from this author.

Thank you to Headline via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unedited review and I can only apologise that it has taken me so long to get round to reading it.

Colin Newman recommended Clear by Spirit in Music (curated)

Clear by Spirit
Clear by Spirit
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"They were in my opinion one of the best West Coast bands from the 70s. I got this album around 1970; I can't remember what year it came out, 68 or 69, something like that. It's got one or two unbelievable tracks on it: 'Ice' and the title track. Both are amazing instrumental pieces which are really like nothing I'd ever heard before. They're jazzy but they have a flavour, a rhythm of something else. Some of the songs are okay and some of the songs are a bit silly. I had a little square Dansette and a tiny room when I was a kid and the room was twice the size of the bed, and I used to lie on my bed with the speaker next to my ear. And I remember it being very hot and listening to that album and feeling like the music had captured the heat in a way that no other music that I'd heard actually did. So I always associate it with heat. And I always figure that if somebody knows about Spirit then they probably know quite a lot about music. And the guy who produced it is the guy who later went on to produce Carole King, and he was interviewed for the NME. At the time Carole King was regarded as being super unhip, and the journalist said oh, you produced the Spirit album; they were fantastic. And the guy said oh, I didn't really understand the music, which I thought was stupidly disingenuous, because actually he brought a really interesting touch to it."

Shakespeare in Love (1998)
Shakespeare in Love (1998)
1998 | Comedy, History, Romance

"Shakespeare in Love is my next one. It holds up so great. I’ve seen it about 15 times. All these movies are movies that I watch a bunch, and that’s my ultimate test is can I watch them over and over. Shakespeare in Love totally holds up. It is a phenomenal metaphor for Hollywood. That’s what I love about it. It’s probably the best movie about Hollywood ever made, even though it’s not about Hollywood because it’s about writing and financiers and actors, and it just rings so true. And it’s also a movie that I don’t think… I can’t speak for you [to Wernick], but I could never have written it because it very much feels of its time, and I think that’s a particular voice. Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard did it, and it’s just a particular voice that would be incredibly hard to ape, I think. It has probably my favorite shot of all time about love, where it’s just a push in on Joseph Fiennes as he’s looking at Gwyneth Paltrow. It’s a push in on both of them, and just the look on his face and her as the object of his love; it gets me every time. Then, of course, it’s got all that Shakespeare weaved in — Romeo and Juliet, actual lines from the play. There’s a segment right in the middle of the movie where they just do Romeo and Juliet for a montage for about five minutes straight, and it’s showing all these different things, but the words are all Shakespeare, and I love it. I just love it."

Bone Canyon
Bone Canyon
Lee Goldberg | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Burning Need to Solve a Cold Case
A recent wildfire in the Santa Monica mountains has had a surprising side effect. The bodies of several people dead for many years have started to be found since the brush that’s been hiding them is no longer around. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Detective Eve Ronin and her partner, Duncan Pavone, have landed the most recent one of these cold cases. Their case proves to be complicated when they identify the body as that of a twenty-something who vanished several years before. As they begin to investigate, they make several startling discoveries. What exactly lead to her murder?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I wasn’t disappointed with this one in the slightest. Part of the fun is learning the twists of the case as they unfold, and then watching Eve try to make sense of it all. There is plenty of action on the way to a wonderful climax. Eve is a strong main character, and I enjoyed getting to know her better here. I did feel like a few of the supporting players could be stronger, but maybe that was my reaction to their poor attitudes which aren’t fully explained. While the overall tone of the book is serious, as it should be given the case, there are some very fun moments, most of them coming at the expense of Hollywood. This isn’t one of my typical cozies, so there is language, sex, and violence; be prepared before you pick up the book. I’m glad I picked up this fast paced, twisty mystery.