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2007 | Nautical, Pirates, Racing, Transportation
I have said before on several reviews that I just love the pirate theme in board games. I don’t really know why, exactly, but most piratey games just click with me. Is it the doubloons? Is it the booty? Yes, it’s probably everything. This time, however, the game is a race around the island, and it will do you well to get past the starting line.

Jamaica a dice-chucking, simultaneous action, hand management racing game set in the year 1708. Player assume the roles of pirate captains and crew traveling around the island of Jamaica deciding the best courses to take and the greatest booty to plunder and bring back across the finish line.
To setup, place the main board in the center of the table. Each player chooses a pirate captain and receives all components of that color. In addition each pirate will receive 3 doubloons, 3 food tokens, and 3 cards drawn to begin their journey. Consult the rulebook to setup the rest of the components, give the starting player the token and dice and the game may begin!

On a turn the starting player will roll the two action dice and places one on the morning action space and one on the evening action space. Each player then chooses a card from their hand of three to play. Once the starting player plays and resolves their card, each other player will do the same. Whatever number is on the morning action die corresponds to the resource or movement amount to be placed in hold or moved on the board. For example, if the dice values are 4 and 3 for morning and evening, respectively, then the players will gain 4 of whatever resource or movement is shown on the left side of their card and 3 of whatever is shown on the right side of their card. There are special rules for placing resources in holds and for landing on certain spots on the game board, which I will have you discover when you play your first game.

On occasion pirates will end their movement on a space already containing another pirate’s shipeeple and, as is customary, a battle ensues. This involves both players choosing the amount of gunpowder (resource) they wish to add to the roll of a combat die. For example, if Laura attacks Josh at the starting line (because one had moved backward and then forward again) and dedicates three gunpowder to the combat and rolls a 4 on the combat die her total is seven. Josh then dedicates his five gunpowder to the combat and rolls a 5 as well for a total of 10. Josh wins and can steal items in one hold space on her ship, steal a treasure card earned at pirate lairs, or give a cursed treasure card to Laura.

Play continues in this fashion until one player crosses the finish line at Port Royal. The round finishes and then players tally points. Points are earned for board space number where their shipeeple finished, doubloons in holds, and positive VP treasure cards. If any cursed treasures are held they are negative VP cards and will be deducted from the player’s total score. The player with the most VP at the end of the game is the winner of the race and thus has bragging rights until the next annual race is held.
Components. The components in Jamaica are stellar, and the art is incredible. Every single component in the box is just wonderful to behold and to handle during play. I especially enjoy the art style employed, even down to the graphic design of the rulebook. Every piece seems to have love and affection poured into them and that is partly why Jamaica is so highly regarded among many (currently ranked 494 on BGG in February 2021).

Another reason pirates dig this (haha see what I did there with the digging as if referencing the hiding of booty… nevermind) is because the gameplay is so smooth and enjoyable. Yes, I have been witness to a game where two players made it not three spaces from the start when the game ended. It was ridiculous and unforgettable. Yes, there are points in the game where you MUST travel backward in order to continue forward in the game. Yes, much of what happens in the game is a result of dice rolls, but choosing the best cards to use in order to maximize the dice results is the crux of the game. No pirates have special abilities, so it is an even playing field, and I love that.

The game is absolutely stunning on the table, easy to pick up and play, and offers so many wonderful memories to be made each time you play. Purple Phoenix Games emphatically gives this one a booty-ful 19 / 24. If you are looking for that niche pirate-themed racing game with treasure stealing and dice rolling, this is it. I have found the perfect game for that slot in your collection. If you are looking for a fun racing game that also includes battles and possibilities of incremental progression, this is it. I can’t speak highly enough about Jamaica, and the only reason it scores a 5 for me instead of a 6 is because I simply cannot play it enough to increase its score. It hits all the buttons for me, but I fear it does not have the wider interest in my group to reach my Top 10.
Marissa Meyer | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (96 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cinder is a cyborg, looked down on by society and that's by the one's who can even bring themselves to look at her. A gifted mechanic, she spends her days as a ward of her widowed stepmother in a market booth, mending communications systems and other devices - ipads of the future. The Lunar Chronicles are set in a future where the world has come out of it's 4th world war, the planet is battle scared and it's people are battling Letumosis; a plague with no cure. On an otherwise seemingly normal day, 2 things happen in Cinder's life that will start her down a dangerous path. Firstly a visit from a disguised Prince Kai, searching her out to fix his broken droid and secondly another market worker being struck with the plague. Rather than sit out the quarantine, Cinder makes off from the market with the prince's android in tow, a decision which has far reaching consequences for those that Cinder then comes into contact with. A series of events then start unravelling everything that Cinder has ever known about herself and what she thought her future held, can she make it to the ball on time and get to the charming prince?

The Lunar Chronicles is a series that I have had my eye on for ages, so on a whim I picked it up from the bookshop and I am so glad I did. Far from a traditional reimagining of the Cinderella tale, this does have a few nods to the source material, some glaring and others more subtle, but is very much it's own unique story. I could not put it down, it was an light and easy read for me, a ton of content but non of it weighty or overly complicated, which many parts of the story could have been. It's a world full of strong characters and in this instance I felt a pang of sympathy for the "wicked" stepmother, although it's clear that the big bad in this incarnation is the Lunar Queen Levana rather than Cinders adopted family.

I was hoping that Cinders story would be wrapped up in this episode but it becomes clear that hers will be an overarching story in how these books play out, so I'm off to get Scarlett (book 2) as soon as i'm able. This is a perfectly paced story with lots of twists and foundations being laid for future books in the series, characters that you will love and hate and heart stopping moments that will keep you turning page after page.
Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)
Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)
9.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I do not give out many 5-star ratings, but for this book I couldn't do anything else. That is despite the fact that [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|] did something I honestly didn't think he would do to his legions of loyal readers, something that I absolutely detest. Something that I will not tell you about, because I loathe spoilers.

If you know anything about me, though, it means a great deal to say that even though I would drop most authors who use that particular technique like not just hot, but rotten hot potatoes, I cannot even consider not getting the next Dresden Files book and devouring it the very first millisecond I am able to do so.

My family can attest to the fact that I didn't just laugh out loud while reading <i>Changes</i>. (Anybody who doesn't laugh out loud at least once while reading the Dresden Files should be checked for rigor mortis.) This time I laughed so loud and so long at one point that Sam got up and came into the room where I was to make sure that I was okay and getting enough air. There was absolutely no way for me to explain what was so funny, of course, without spoilers.

While there is a great deal of humor, there is also darkness. A lot of darkness. The blurb for the book makes that clear. Susan, the love of Harry's life, kidnapped years ago by a Red Court vampire and half-turned in a plot to get at Dresden, is back with big, bad news: she had a daughter by him, and the child has been kidnapped by someone. As usual, things go downhill from there.

Many series start out with a bang, have maybe two or three strong volumes, then devolve into more and more and more contract fulfillment books that I occasionally think might be written by clever shell scripts. The Dresden Files is one of the few, beautiful exceptions, as volume twelve proves. I honestly thought that Butcher was winding things up to move on to other projects, due to some of the events in the book, but I will say that he surprised the bejesus out of me. This is definitely not a series-ending book!

I anxiously await number thirteen. I might even do something I've never done before, and pre-order it. Yes, Jim, you've got me hooked, and how.
Three O&#039;Clock High (1987)
Three O'Clock High (1987)
1987 | Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Solid 80's Film
I've seen a lot of 80's films this year alone. I have to say, I had just as much fun watching Three O'Clock High as I did any of the other more familiar 80's titles, in some cases moreso. The comedy is about a nerd who gets on a bully's bad side and gets challenged to a fight after school. Jerry (nerd in question) spends his entire day doing whatever he can to try and get out of the fight and the antics that ensue are hilarious.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 4
Definitely the weakest part of the film. The beginning of the day drags out as they follow every single facet of Jerry's routine. I understand that they are trying to show the audience how boring Jerry was, but I don't think it needed to take that long.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 7
So many great memorable shots. The scene in the library. Jerry's poetry reading in class where he's hitting on the teacher. The big climax. Director Phil Joanou does an excellent job of capturing the intensity and emotion from each moment.

Conflict: 10
Jerry doesn't want to get beat up so he's willing to do any and everything to get out of the proposed fight. Things never seem to get old as Jerry's efforts lead him down a rabbit hole of trouble. It only gets funnier as the story progresses.

Genre: 7

Memorability: 8
The film is captured and progresses in such a way that you can't help but remember a number of scenes that played out. I don't want to spoil the fun, but it's definitely a film you will want to again once you're done. I think that has a lot to do with Jerry's crazy character development over the course of the story.

Pace: 10
A less than stellar beginning is quickly corrected with nonstop comedy and action-driven moments. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next as Jerry pushes the envelope from one scene to the next. Among other things, I appreciated the film's consistency.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 9
Not perfect, but gets the job done. Not to mention, it's light years better than the beginning. Kind of cheesy, but in a good way.

Overall: 85
If you're looking for a fun movie night or a way to expand your 80's film palate, Three O'Clock High is definitely worth your time. Solid film.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama
6.1 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tom Cruise returns as Jack Reacher in the second cinematic installment of the popular character in the book series by Lee Child. In “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back”. After helping the military with an operation, Reacher returns to his drifter ways but is enticed to travel to Washington D.C. to visit Major Turner (Colbie Smulders), after establishing a friendship with her via phone during the recent operation.

Reacher has left the military behind and why he agreed to do the task for the Military is unclear aside from the actions of those involved upset his moral compass and made him become involved.

Upon reaching D.C. Reacher is informed that Turner has been arrested and charged with espionage and that she has requested that he not be allowed to see or contact her.

This does not sit right with Reacher and the fact that Turner occupies the same office that he was commanded has made this more than a personal score for him. Reacher also notices that he is being followed by some military contractors and soon suspects that he and Turner are in serious danger.

Reacher uses his resources and abilities to break Turner from confinement to save her life and sets off to clear her name and stay ahead of the forces that seem to know their every move.

If this was not enough trouble for Reacher, he is also implicated in a crime he did not commit and learns that there is a young girl named Samantha (Danika Yarosh), who has been targeted to get to Reacher even though he has no idea who she is and how she is involved.

What follows is an exciting mix of action and suspense as Reacher and Turner battle enemies and try to solve the clues behind their situation before it is too late.

The sequel has a premise that grabs you early on and an energy that keeps you compelled to the action. Cruise seems to be very comfortable with the part in his second outing as Reacher and it shows as he commands the screen with a mix of physicality and restraint that underscores the complex nature of the character. Smulders also does well with the physical nature of her part and works very well with Cruise as she is far from a damsel in distress.

The film at times takes some leaps of faith but the intensity and suspense of the film as well as the solid action scenes and pacing make the film a very pleasant surprise and one worth watching.
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truly, I've been meaning to read this one for ages, but those Hulu promos with Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington really did push me over the edge. Shaker Heights is a planned community in Ohio, focused on perfection. No one loves the community more than Elena Richardson, who has lived there most of her life. She and her husband have four children, and Elena works as a reporter for a local paper. They also rent a townhouse to deserving tenants. Their latest project is Mia Warren and her daughter, Pearl. Mia is an artist and Pearl goes to high school with the Richardson kids. Mia is everything Shaker is not--mysterious, interesting, and different. When Elena's friends try to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a battle erupts within Shaker Heights that splits the town--and Mia and Elena. Elena starts digging into Mia's past, but her obsession with this woman will soon put both Mia and herself at risk.

I'm not sure there's much I can say about this popular book that hasn't been said before. I'm often hesitant to read hyped books, fearing a letdown, but I really enjoyed this one. It's mesmerizing, drawing you into Shaker Heights, as one event keeps leading to another, things unfolding before your eyes. Disaster, you know, is waiting right around the corner.

Ng flirts constantly with the idea of being different--Pearl, for instance, isn't sure she likes being different--and loves spending time with the Richardson kids, who seem so average and normal. There are others who are scared of being different. We see different ideas of conformity. And the thread of fires--big and small--real and metaphorical--throughout the entire novel. Ng is an excellent writer; I was really impressed with how everything tied together. She captures the everyday moments so well.

The whole book was incredibly compelling; I had not realized that there was a mystery element to this one, as Elena digs into Mia's past. I was fascinated, and I loved how real each of the characters seemed. The four Richardson kids are unique in their own way, and of course, Mia, Elena, and Pearl are quite captivating. The world-building and storytelling here is amazing.

Overall, this book is just fascinating. I was hooked from the beginning and awed by the excellent writing, as well. I'm extremely curious how this will translate to tv (and what liberties they will take with the story). 4.5 stars.
Pretties (Uglies, #2)
Pretties (Uglies, #2)
Scott Westerfeld | 2005 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Pretties is the second book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. I loved the first book a lot, and I had to continue the series!

In the first book, we are introduced to a world where beauty means everything. People are born as Uglies, and once they turn 16, they undergo plastic surgery and become Pretties.

Tally is still an Ugly, and all she ever wants to do is become a Pretty. After all, all of her friends are already Pretties. But she meets Shay, who doesn’t want to become pretty, and during amazing adventures in the first book, Tally discovered that there is much more in the world than just being a Pretty.

If you haven’t read the first book yet, please be aware that this review will contain SPOILERS. If you want to know more though, I would suggest reading my review of the first book, Uglies.

In Pretties, Tally is now a Pretty herself. She is completely different, until one day a person from the old crew pays her a visit. She can vaguely remember some things, and a challenge is in front of her. A letter from herself from the past will make her remember why she is a Pretty now and what she needs to do next.

But accepting such a task means danger of being found out and silenced forever. But if she succeeds, she might actually find a cure to being a Pretty.

My Thoughts
Filled with adventure, I read this book in only a few sittings. I am in love with the world the author created, and the moral dilemmas he tests us on. The chapters and scenes are vivid, entertaining and never dull.

I did, however, struggle with characterisation. Even though I am a huge fan of Tally, she wasn’t much different from any other character. They were all sort of the same, believing in almost the same things, and not much else was said. I would really have loved to see more perspectives from the Specials, but I think that is coming in the third book, which gets me all the more excited.

The last few chapters were everything and I will cherish all the moments. Many “book highlightings” were done and many quotes were remembered. I also need to mention that plot twist in the end. I should have seen it coming, because all the clues were there, but I didn’t. And I can’t wait to read book number 3.

I recommend it to all readers who enjoy different worlds, adventure, a bit of fantasy and dystopia.
Queenie Malone&#039;s Paradise Hotel
Queenie Malone's Paradise Hotel
Ruth Hogan | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book was Tilda/Tilly, and she is sharing her life story. The story keeps switching between present and past, Tilly is sharing her life story from when she was little, and Tilda is sharing the events happening now. I really loved this kind of storytelling, the same person, but perspectives completely different and unique. Tilly is absolutely adorable and very grown up for her age. I loved everything about her, she is a funny, playful, smart and very extraordinary little girl. Tilda, on the other hand, was a very strange persona, who sounds very messed up and weird. My least favourite character would be the mother, I honestly didn’t understand the reasoning for what she was doing, it just didn’t make sense to me.

The narrative is carrying two different stories, but they are very entwined with each other. Tilda’s relationship with her mother is very complex, she can’t understand why her mother done some of the things in the past, so when she finds out, it leaves her gobsmacked. It is a very painful and emotional story to read, it shows how misunderstood people and their actions can affect you for the rest of your life. I really loved this constant suspense, I was dying to find out more about Tilly’s mother, and the author was very creatively teasing me all the time. This novel carries a great variety of characters, who are very intriguing, and Tilly’s gift makes the whole book very mysterious.

The writing style of this novel felt like a hug, it feels very comforting, snugly and absorbing. The language is easy to read, but it got me thinking because some things were a little confusing. The one thing that didn’t really leave me happy was chapter length and paragraph size. I know it is silly, but I normally read on my commute, so I prefer shorter chapters and paragraphs, it is easier to follow later on. The ending was very well thought through and rounded the story well, but I think it was very unfair and cruel.

To conclude, it is a very well written novel, filled with difficult relationships, very unique characters and layered plot. I really enjoyed different storylines as well as unexpected turns and twists. I am definitely in love with Ruth Hogan’s writing, and will definitely be going to read her previous novels. So, please, do give this book a go, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Puzzle Girl
Puzzle Girl
Rachael Featherstone | 2019 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Cassy, a very successful accounts director in the social media firm. I loved her and I hated her decisions at the same time. I admired her cleverness and organizational skills (She has a list for everything!), she is a strong and independent woman who has an incredibly funny gay best friend Dan. But no, she needs to mope about her trashy ex-boyfriend and get herself into the most bizarre situations ever (which were really funny, to be honest). I am absolutely jealous to Cassy that she has Dan, it is an amazing friendship they got there. &#x1f642;

The narrative was incredibly funny and got me giggling and saying “Oh NO!” out loud many times. It is just unbelievable how unlucky one person can be! So kudos to Cassy for surviving all that mess, which she brought on herself. &#x1f600; This book is full of twists and unexpected turns, but I knew who the puzzle man was way before things started being obvious. Nevertheless, I kept reading to see what another silly situation Cassy is going to get into, also, I wanted to see whether I was right with my guess. (Just to clarify, I am always wrong with my guesses, ALWAYS! Except for this time.) The narrative is told from Cassy’s perspective and it was fully sufficient for me. I really liked the way the protagonist opened up throughout the pages. She had some deep realizations about her life, and the mistakes she made in her relationships.

I really loved the writing style of this book, it is light-hearted and very enjoyable to read. I loved the setting of this novel as well, books set in London feel very relatable and close to my heart. I really liked the structure of the chapters, they are not very long and filled with lists and text messages which made the whole reading experience more playful and entertaining. The ending was very well deserved and rounded the story very nicely.

To conclude, it is a very funny and enjoyable novel, filled with very well developed, diverse characters and great adventures (kind of). I think it would be a great romantic comedy film, and I hope to see it one day. &#x1f642; I really enjoyed this novel, and if you are looking for something to lighten up your gloomy evenings, this is definitely a book to go for. Do give this book a go and I hope you will enjoy as much as I did.
Foundations Of Faith
Foundations Of Faith
Michael Chrobak | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Style: Light

Point of view: Third person

Difficulty reading: It was as easy as singing the ABC’s!

Promise: Foundations of Faith promises a compelling religious read that will have you answering questions about your own faith.

Quality: All around good read, wasn’t what I was expecting but would definitely reread again.

Insights: Usually when it comes to Fantasy style of books, I always think powers (spells), mythical creatures, places that don’t exist, etc. etc. Foundations of Faith didn’t really have the typical Fantasy aspect to it. Theresa and Thomas have ‘powers’ but they aren’t magical powers like a witch or wizard would have. But it was still a great read that will end up being reread a couple more times.

Ah-Ha Moment: There wasn’t really a moment where I went ‘Ah yea, that’s the turning point’. One scene did come pretty darn close though. This scene: Thomas returns back from the retreat and finds out his mother is in the hospital and his father is in jail for putting his mother in the hospital. It’s never revealed how Thomas’s mother was hurt, and I would have definitely loved if that was explained better but then again this isn’t a Thriller so it’s also okay.

Favorite quote: “She shared how she had finally found God, not in the back of a church with hands held in prayer, but in the back of a police car with hands held in cuffs.” – I feel like this is a huge reason why most end up finding religion/ God. Something terrible or even life-threatening happens to them and they just start praying, see some signs and boom they now believe.

“As he walked, he felt the darkness behind him, following him. He swore he heard it whisper, “Run!” – Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains, within the sound of silence. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself 🙂

Aesthetics: I reallyyyyy dig the cover! It gives it that mystery horror feel even though there isn’t really any horror in Foundations of Faith. The chapter headings, awesome font. Great read. But that cover is just so aesthetically pleasing. 🙂

“The deeper the feelings of unworthiness dug into his heart, the darker the room became. It spread from the outside in, growing darker and more ominous with each new thought. He feared it would swallow him whole.”