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The Dead Zone (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
1983 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
David Cronenberg tackles Stephen King
After a nearly fatal car crash which send him into a coma for 5 years, former teacher Christopher Walken must try and rebuild his life while dealing with the discovery of his new "power" to see into the someone's future just by touching their hand.

His assists several townspeople before running into power-hungry politician Martin Sheen.

Early film from director David Cronenberg still holds up as a decent thriller. The "visions" are interesting as always people are not what they seem on the surface. Intriguing developments keep you entertained the entire time as you watch to see how things play out.

You are definitely hoping certain characters get what's coming to them.
    Women Do It Better

    Women Do It Better

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    It’s Not a Comparison - It’s A Knowing Women - No more dimming so others feel comfortable...

Nourishment not Deprivation!

Have you ever thought you struggle to lose weight even when you don’t eat properly? What about not being able to live without your tea, coffee or chocolate fix on a daily basis? Are you always saying how exhausted you are?

More than likely you have said something along these lines, but did you know that these complaints are often down to a hormonal imbalance?

The Balance Plan by Angelique Panagos tackles how to deal with all those issues and more, whilst offering practical advice, and suggestions for overcoming things like always feeling hungry but never feeling satisfied, or constantly feeling bloated.

Split up into four parts there are recipes, meal plans and full on explanations about how to optimise your hormonal health. To achieve this Angelique has created a six-step method (the six pillars of balance) which include; nourish (eating correctly), balance (stabilising ourselves by planning ahead), nurture (looking after ourselves), cleanse (cleansing our bodies), move (exercises) and restore (pampering).

In addition we hear about how hormones work and what exactly they are, through “The Sassy Six” and how to recognise what is happening to our bodies. From PMS, toxins, to stress and the menopause — major transitions in a woman’s life — it’s all covered.

This is an empowering book which highlights how we should celebrate our feminine cycle, by learning to understand and support our hormonal balance through a journey of gentle consistent lifestyle changes. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hippy-ish, but it’s not at all. The Balance Plan helps to show us how we don’t need to reach for the pills for a quick fix, only to gloss over what is really happening to our bodies.

This is a thoroughly educational read, that should be on every woman’s bookshelf. Imagine if you can sleep better, enhance digestion, elevate energy levels, lose weight, reduce stress and feel happier. This book plans to help you do just that!