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Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Realisationship by Andrew Hung in Music

Nov 12, 2017  

Andrew Hung - Say What You Want (Official Audio)

Roach Material Vol 1 by Roachee
Roach Material Vol 1 by Roachee
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The beats on this are really good. You've got Dirty Danger on there as well and a few other guys. Grime wasn't being lorded at this time, it wasn't glamorous, it wasn't in vogue and that's what I like. You can feel that in these recordings. Today's stuff is still good. I bought Giggs' album the other day, Landlord, that's really good. I was going to buy Stormzy's but after last night at the Brits, I don't know now! I can't believe he went on stage with Ed Sheeran. Call me closed minded but I just thought, mate, what are you doing? He's got a really good flow but he needs to live a bit more for those words to ring true. Even with Skepta's early work you can hear he's hungry for it."

The Dead Zone (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
1983 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
David Cronenberg tackles Stephen King
After a nearly fatal car crash which send him into a coma for 5 years, former teacher Christopher Walken must try and rebuild his life while dealing with the discovery of his new "power" to see into the someone's future just by touching their hand.

His assists several townspeople before running into power-hungry politician Martin Sheen.

Early film from director David Cronenberg still holds up as a decent thriller. The "visions" are interesting as always people are not what they seem on the surface. Intriguing developments keep you entertained the entire time as you watch to see how things play out.

You are definitely hoping certain characters get what's coming to them.
Nourishment not Deprivation!

Have you ever thought you struggle to lose weight even when you don’t eat properly? What about not being able to live without your tea, coffee or chocolate fix on a daily basis? Are you always saying how exhausted you are?

More than likely you have said something along these lines, but did you know that these complaints are often down to a hormonal imbalance?

The Balance Plan by Angelique Panagos tackles how to deal with all those issues and more, whilst offering practical advice, and suggestions for overcoming things like always feeling hungry but never feeling satisfied, or constantly feeling bloated.

Split up into four parts there are recipes, meal plans and full on explanations about how to optimise your hormonal health. To achieve this Angelique has created a six-step method (the six pillars of balance) which include; nourish (eating correctly), balance (stabilising ourselves by planning ahead), nurture (looking after ourselves), cleanse (cleansing our bodies), move (exercises) and restore (pampering).

In addition we hear about how hormones work and what exactly they are, through “The Sassy Six” and how to recognise what is happening to our bodies. From PMS, toxins, to stress and the menopause — major transitions in a woman’s life — it’s all covered.

This is an empowering book which highlights how we should celebrate our feminine cycle, by learning to understand and support our hormonal balance through a journey of gentle consistent lifestyle changes. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hippy-ish, but it’s not at all. The Balance Plan helps to show us how we don’t need to reach for the pills for a quick fix, only to gloss over what is really happening to our bodies.

This is a thoroughly educational read, that should be on every woman’s bookshelf. Imagine if you can sleep better, enhance digestion, elevate energy levels, lose weight, reduce stress and feel happier. This book plans to help you do just that!

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Real Murder in Books

Sep 26, 2019  
Real Murder
Real Murder
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There a murder or murders that no one want to unsolved. It seem that their a killer that has yet to be answered. It all starts with the discovery of the missing sheriff deputy Mike Gardner and his cruiser in the lake.

There are more mysteries to solve and it all get started once Joshua and Cameron some what gets involved. Joshua on the case with his case and Cameron deals with a case that involes a sweet old lady that is her neighbor and named Dolly. Cameron wants to find closer or answers for a mother that lost her son.

Who killed Ava Tucker and her young man? Are they all connected or not? Why was Mike looking into a local hooker murder and is it a family secret that got him killed? Hunter seem like he want to find his fathers killer. You will be surprised at how it ends.

Laura does a remarkable job of bring her characters to life. You feel the their love for each other. Tracey seem to have found her love in Hunter Gardner. Will they marry and have a happy life together. We see how Cameron and Joshua deals with their marriage issues and their love for each other as well. They seem to work well together.

If you are a mystery fan or murder fan. Then you are missing out on these author books. Lauren Carr books are must read books. She will have you leave satisfied but hungry for more. This book was no different. I love how they are all intertwined.
Audible – audio books, original series & podcasts
Book, Entertainment
8.3 (48 Ratings)
App Rating
Choice of books (2 more)
Frequent 2 for 1 offers
Stephen Fry Narration
Some narrators (1 more)
Some books in a series are missing
Too many books, not enough time...
What can I say about Audible that hasn't been mentioned in other reviews? Probably nothing ?

I live near London and unfortunately the commute is hell, reading makes the commute go faster but with train carriages packed like cattle you can't really turn the pages of a book. This is where Audible comes in, you can unobtrusively listen to books that you may be embarrassed to show others that you are reading (eg The Very Hungry Caterpillar)

This isn't the only thing, you also get the options to listen to Audible specific Audio Shows like Frys English Delights and How Not to F**k up your kids, these are free for subscribers and pro ide a nice 30 minute piece of escapism.

Some Kindle Books come whispersync enabled which gives you an Audible copy of the book, sometimes cheaper than buying the audio book individually.

I also have the Audible app on my Fire Stick and with the sleep timer you can easily fall asleep listening to a well narrated piece of work.

Now the cons...
Not all narrators are actually good to listen to, Unfortunately it would take too much time to get more recorded and taking into account their schedules.
Some series are incomplete and it does not look they will be recorded sometime soon (Julian May, Many Coloured Land)
Gunslinger: (Claire Whitcomb Westerns Book 2)
Gunslinger: (Claire Whitcomb Westerns Book 2)
D.V. Berkom | 2020 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not one for reading westerns or much historical fiction however, I am a fan of D.V.Berkom's work so was persuaded to read the first of the series "Retribution" and I surprised myself by enjoying it so jumped at the chance to read "Gunslinger" as I was itching to find out what Claire gets up to next.

D.V. has a great ability to create characters that you quickly become invested in and Claire is definitely one of those. D.V. also creates strong, female characters that don't take any grief from the supposedly stronger gender and, again, Claire is most definitely one of these but her job is made even harder given the time and location in which this book is set.

I'm not going to go into the plot here, you will just have to read it, but what I will say is that you really get absorbed and transported to the Wild West and you are quickly captivated by the characters and drawn into this action packed story so much so that, before you know it, it's over and you are left wanting more and herein is the only gripe I have ... it's not long enough but maybe that's because I read too quickly!

As I said, I usually give Westerns a wide berth as they are not my thing but this series has definitely made me think twice about doing this in the future and if you are of a similar opinion, I would suggest you do the same by giving this series a try ... you never know, you might change your mind and fine another genre to get your teeth into.

I am lucky to be a member of D.V. Berkom's ARTeam and was sent a copy of Gunslinger before the official publication date of 28-December-2020 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for which I am extremely grateful and I don't have to wait long for book 3, "Legend", which is due to be published in January 2021 and which is already sat in my to-be-read pile just waiting for my hungry little eyes to be engrossed once again.
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
So Sad Today: Personal Essays
Melissa Broder | 2016 | Biography
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Sad Today is a compilation of essays by Melissa Broder that narrates the interior monlologue of a person with mental ilness trying to survive and handle and deal with day to day life. Broder deals with a mariad of issues from sex and sexual identity, to masturbation, to anxiety attacks, to an addiction to the internet.

It was fascinating, enlightlening, entertaining, and relatable. It was violently truthful and brutally honest.

There are two sides of me responding to this book in two different ways.

The fememist inside me wants every young person to read this book for three reasons:

1. you are not alone in what you think it sweirdness and strangeness.

2. Here is someone who has experienced things you are curious about. Live vicariously throug her and learn from her mistakes but do not make the same choices.

3. This book is both a journal and a love letter, and it’s from her to you, so read it understanding it as both.

The other part of me sees the stuff she’s dealing with and ache for her. Broder is dealing with issues and trying to answer questions with no guidance and no purpose and no direction. It’s a battle I’ve never had to fight because I don’t seek for my fulfillment from me, I find it in my identity in Christ. And that part of me that sees her hungry and seeking and lost and confused really wants to take her out to coffee. So Melissa, if you get a chance to read this, I’d like to take you to coffee. Or we could just text. :)

Content/recommendation: mature and adult content. Lots of swearing and sex. 16+

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2080 KP) rated Gone for Gouda in Books

Jan 9, 2023 (Updated Jan 9, 2023)  
Gone for Gouda
Gone for Gouda
Korina Moss | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Preempts Author Event
Willa Bauer is thrilled to be hosting a stop for Phoebe Winston on her tour promoting her new cookbook. The celebrity chef is sure to bring in lots of people to Willa’s new cheese shop. However, when Willa meets Phoebe, she discovers the author is a bit of a diva, with demands that make the event a much harder prospect than Willa bargained for. Then Phoebe is murdered in the house she was renting in the area, with Willa’s employee Archie the last person on the property’s security system. Can Willa figure out what happened?

I enjoyed the first book in the series, but this was even stronger. We meet Phoebe long enough to know what a pain she is before she dies, but then we learn even more, opening up the suspect pool. The climax becomes a race to figure things out, and I was along for the twists that kept coming at that point. I was thrilled that the supporting players got a bigger role this time around. They are fantastic, and I enjoyed spending time with all of them. I grew up in Sonoma County, so I have a special connection with the setting even if I did have to move my mental map of the fictional town where most of the action takes place. This book will leave you hungry for cheese, so the three recipes at the end will be welcome. I’m already anxious to see what happens to Willa and the others in the next in the series.
Not Another Soldier
Not Another Soldier
Samantha Holt | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the story of Sienna and Nick. Nick is her dead husband's best friend although they haven't actually been that close over the past few years. Nick wants Sienna, and Sienna wants Nick, but she doesn't know if she can 'just' be a wife any more, especially an army wife. Nick however knows what he wants and isn't prepared to back down from a challenge.

On the whole, this was an enjoyable story that kept me reading. It's not one of the best that I've read but it definitely wasn't one of the worst. One of the things for me is that Sienna is quite a whingy character. Now I'm not saying she doesn't have the right, she really did have a scumbag of a husband but you see, my thing is, she is the one that made the choice to stay with him for all that time. Yes, I know she was leaving him when he died and it took his hands around his throat for her to do that but still... she knew he was cheating, it was a loveless marriage, yada yada yada and she STILL stayed. Nick deserves a medal, not for being a marine, but for keeping his mouth shut in such a situation.

Not Another Soldier is a relatively well-written and fast-paced novel. The characters are all well-rounded whether you like them or not. For me, it was a bit like a Chinese meal - satisfying at the time but hungry half an hour later.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016