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Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
1985 | Horror
Part V of the Friday the 13th franchise is an absolute blast, and no one can tell me otherwise. Is it silly? Definitely. Does it go overboard with its goofy characters a little too often? Damn right it does (pretty sure someone gets called "a dildo" at one point) Are there better Friday films out there? Yes sir, but none of this stops the fact that Part V is a decent, entertaining, smack bang middle of the 80s slasher.

The killer this time around isn't Jason Voorhees, even if it is only by name, and this "mystery" surrounding the killers identity achieves two things - 1. It adds a whodunnit element to the series, otherwise only ever seen in the original and 2. It keeps the killer offscreen for most of the runtime, saving budget costs by not showing much in terms of kills (although that belt against the tree death is a doozy). This results in a less gory sequel, especially after the more brutal Part IV, but it's not a big issue. The whole thing almost feels like an R-Rated episode of Scooby-Doo. The reveal of the killer is definitely weak though. Not enough set up means and underwhelming payoff.

There are soooooooo many characters in this. I swear there are still new ones being introduced up until the last 20 minutes, and they're all just body count fodder for "Jason". Not necessarily a bad thing, pretty standard practice by now. I did like little Reckless Reggie. That dude is awesome. Way more awesome than Tommy Jarvis, who is just a whiny bitch for the whole runtime. Thankfully Thom Mathews is just around the corner.

It's not the best Friday movie, but far from being the worst. As far as 80s slashers go, it's damn good time.
The House on Crow Mountain
The House on Crow Mountain
Rebecca Lee Smith | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery Thriller, Cozy Rules
The House on Crow Mountain is probably the most uncozy-like cozy I have ever read. Don’t get me wrong it totally adheres to all the cozy rules; no graphic language, sex, or violence. It also follows the popular cozy tropes; a small town, a broken-hearted woman who returns home to make a new start, clever pets, etc. It is just I consider cozy to be a light afternoon read. More fluff than serious. I mean no disrespect to the books and authors I have read to date, some are among my all-time favorites.

This book from the first sentence to the last pulled me into a hard mystery thriller that just happened to follow cozy rules. It has everything; gripping suspense, a leading lady wracked with grief and guilt, and a possible love interest trying to redeem himself from a tragic mistake, or was it? There are far-reaching family secrets, menacing red herrings, and a sinister plot. There was no guessing whodunnit before the reveal. I really (I mean really) did not like the person, but there were so many other people to not like, to suspect, to think about that it barely registered. I could not put this book down as the story unfolded and the floating, maybe relevant plotlines merged bringing the story to its climax.

I seriously hope for this to be a series as there are characters that I would love to learn more about, but I tell you, I would be okay with this being a one-off. The story as it stands has mostly been told and it is that good.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
Dirty Kiss (Cole McGinnis Mysteries, #1)
Dirty Kiss (Cole McGinnis Mysteries, #1)
Rhys Ford | 2011 | Contemporary, Crime, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts with a blast... a shotgun blast, to be precise, by a grandma wearing a leather bikini! If that doesn't want to make you bleach your eyeballs, I don't know what will. This is a story filled with mystery, banter, action, and steamy relationships. I loved the connection that Bobby and Cole had, and every scene in which they were in made me smile. Cole himself is a brilliant character, he has trauma and sadness in his past that he is dealing with. When his brother, Mike, asks him to look into an apparent suicide, Cole doesn't think that it will last long. However, he opens a can of worms, smokescreens and lies as he tries to find out just "whodunnit".

This is extremely well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found. You get a brilliant backdrop of characters, situations and history, apart from one thing that is alluded to, but never answered. I am presuming this is part of the story that will come out in future books.

The reason for my 4-stars is that I never actually felt much of a connection with Cole or Jae-Min. At times, yes, but not constantly, and not enough for them to move as fast as they did. We're talking insta-love here, after a three-year hiatus on Cole's part. I don't know, for me, it just didn't seem to fit right. But that is probably just me as I'm not a big fan of insta-love anyway. Absolutely loved the rest of it and would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 20, 2016
Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Original and Quirky...enough
KNIVES OUT was one of the films I had circled on my calendar as a "must see". It seemed to be a perfect antidote to the CGI-Fest films that are very prevalent in the multi-plex today. So...when life got in the way and I couldn't get to this film for about a month, I tried (and succeeded) in not getting this movie spoiled for me in my various Social Media feeds.

And I'm glad I went to such lengths, for I found KNIVES OUT to be a truly original and entertaining film that kept me guessing throughout the length of the film - right up to the "big reveal."

So...if you haven't seen this film...stop reading this now...go see it...and come back.

Still here (or are you back)? Okay...let's continue...

Directed by Rian Johnson (known by many as the Director of THE LAST JEDI, but I think this movie owes more of it's heritage to his breakthrough film BRICK or his Sci-Fi action flick, LOOPER), KNIVES OUT is an old-fashioned, Agatha Christie-type murder mystery complete with an oddball Detective trying to figure out "whodunnit" that features an All-Star cast of suspects as well as an Oscar winning murder victim.

As I stated above, Johnson has traversed a murder mystery-type film before in his neo-noir homage BRICK, but in this film he really let's his wings fly as he plays, marvelously, with the drawing room murder mystery pastiche. Johnson wrote and directed this film and the twists and turns and originality of his vision is apparent on screen, playing with expectations without being too clever.

He has assembled an All-Star cast of actors playing interesting characters. Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Chris Evans, Toni Colette, Don Johnson and Jacob Trombley all bring star power and charisma to their roles and each one COULD have been the murderer. As often happens in these types of films, each one gets A scene to shine, but only the one "whodunnit" really gets to step out.

As the Law Enforcement on their trail, Lakeith Stanfield (GET OUT) and Noah Segan (LOOPER) play off each other well and they play off of Daniel Craig (James Bond, of course) very well. Craig plays Private Detective Benoit Blanc with some sort of Cajun-type accent that works more than it doesn't, I enjoyed his performance enough to find it charming and not annoying.

Special notice needs to be made of the performances of Christopher Plummer - as the murder victim (I'm not spoiling anything here, it's in the trailer) and Frank Oz (the famous Muppeteer and Director). Both are "old pros" who bring a grounding to the proceedings. Their performances are almost down to earth commentaries on the other characters/performances and they both helped out this film tremendously.

Finally, the film revolves around the journey that Ana de Armas' character, Maria Cabrera, is on in this film. She is the audience's eyes and ears into this story, having clues and plot points revealed to her as we, the audience, have them revealed to us. I fell in love with de Armas when she played Joi in BLADE RUNNER: 2049 and she is pleasant enough company here to search out this mystery with.

With all these pieces - and characters - to put together and move around, I did find that this film suffered a bit by "too much" and "too fast" at times that caused me not to care about certain people and circumstances (especially at the beginning), but that was quickly forgotten/forgiven as the film progressed and I was engrossed in the mystery - a mystery that I did not know how it was going to end.

And that, is unique and rare enough for me.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
***NOTE: I received an advance copy of this book for review through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

Julia Snowden is in Busman's Harbor, Maine, wrapping up the tourist season for her family's Clambake business and trying to decide if she will be headed back to her job in New York now that summer is over, or if she will be staying in Maine full-time. When a potential competitor turns up dead in the water, Julia's brother-in-law Sonny finds himself high on the list of suspects. Making matters worse, he is obviously hiding something from Julia, her sister Livvie, and the police. Julia is afraid that her boyfriend, Chris, is hiding something from her too. Since he's one of her reasons to stay in town, the decision to stay or go is just that much harder.

Once again I started a series somewhere other than at the beginning. While you won't be lost reading this book without having read the previous installments, in this case I do wish that I had read books one and two first. I think having a better understanding of the interpersonal relationships beforehand would have been nice, but the author does a good job of keeping you informed without totally rehashing everything that has already happened. With that aside, I really liked the story. There were enough characters and sub-plots to make it hard to guess "whodunnit", yet without being confusing. I felt like I should already have known who did it once Julia finally figured out who the murderer was, but while the conclusion was logical, it was not obvious.

This book is part of a series of culinary mysteries, and recipes like Lobster, Shrimp and Fennel Scampi, Hot Lobster Dip, and Grandma Snowden's Pumpkin Whoopie Pies are sure to make your mouth water.

I will be heading back to Busman's Harbor to read the beginning of this series, and I'm looking forward to more books to come.
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
John David Bethel | 2016 | Crime, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When businessman Recidio Suarez is kidnapped it is the start of a brutal ordeal of beatings and torture as the gang try to steal as many of his assets as they can, and once they have done so it is clear they will kill him.

The police fail to investigate and it is up to Suarez' lawyer Nolan Stevens to track down the gang and try to stop them before they strike again. He races against time to put the evidence together that he needs, but will his efforts be enough?

Based on a true story, there are two distinct phases of this story. Firstly the kidnapping, torture and theft carried out by the gang. The second that of the attempt to capture them. The first part manage to convey the plight Suarez finds himself in well, the panic, the desperation, the pain and the realisation that he is unlikely to get out of this alive.

But it is with the investigation that this novel really steps up a gear. Stevens is a great foil, using the law to his advantage but also carefully breaking it when he needs to. As he tracks the gang down, piecing together their identities, actions and motivations bit by bit the reader is drawn along too, wanting him to succeed.

Everything is described well, from the sticky heat Suarez has to endure in captivity to the indifference of the police and the planning of the gang and the violence of their crimes. I also couldn't help but chuckle as Stevens find time to settle an old score at the same time.

As crime thrillers go this is a good one. Not a 'whodunnit' as that is revealed very early on, but more showing not only how far some people will go for money but also how guile, wit and tenacity will often produce results in the end.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Deadly Harm in Books

Nov 25, 2019  
Deadly Harm
Deadly Harm
Owen Mullen | 2019 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mackenzie is a survivor. She has survived a brutal kidnap ordeal and now runs a refuge for women who need to escape domestic violence. But when she has to turn a young woman away only for her husband to kill her, Mackenzie blames herself and resolves that she will do anything to prevent anything like that happening again. It isn't long before she must test her resolve. She has survived before. What will she do to survive now?

Once again Mullen demonstrates his credentials as one of the best crime writers out there, throwing a couple of extra murders into the mix and once again having dogged and dog-eared policeman Andrew Geddes play a large part, not only as an upholder of the law but also as Mackenzie's potential love interest. But how can a man who lives in terms of black and white cope when his girlfriend lives in the grey areas? The moral choices made by the leading characters may be questioned by the reader, but their motivations are always clear.

And what a cast of characters. The beauty of this is that everyone - Mackenzie, Geddes, the women at the refuge and killer Malkie Boyle - are all damaged from their lives and experiences. Even when Mullen's clean-cut private investigator Charlie Cameron crops up, it only serves to cast a light that reveals the shadows around the others. Everybody rings very true and the whole plot is very believable, and could be playing out at this moment.

And speaking of the plot, as usual this moves along at a breezy pace, introducing characters as it goes without slowing its momentum. This isn't a classic 'whodunnit' - it is clear exactly who did what - but isn't without twists and surprises, several plots simmering along next to each other and coming to the boil perfectly throughout the book.

Another fantastic read from simply one of the best authors there is. Very highly recommended
I have found the series to be lots of fun. It features a spunky heroine who is at home in all the great cities in Europe, is great at her job, and takes the more than occasional murder in stride.

The thing I find most intriguing and also most inviting about this series is the fact that the murder takes place so late in the story that you almost forget that this is supposed to be a murder mystery. Instead, you get to meet all the characters, learn their secrets and affiliations, begin to develop feelings for them. It is very Agatha Christie like and very cool. The great characters added to the brilliant descriptions of European cities, tour stops, and culture makes the reader feel like they are taking part in the tour and gives them a personal stake in discovering whodunnit.

Death of Leprechaun is no exception. Lana has secured a spot on her current tour for dear friends of hers and she is really looking forward to touring Dublin. Unbeknownst to her, almost every member of the tour has a connection to a corrupt reporter who ends up dead. Everyone he has written about or even for has a motive to want him dead, but only Lana’s tour group had access to the murder weapon.

Beyond the search for the murderer, I have to admit my favorite part of this book is when Dottie and later Lana hang a lantern on the fact that guests in Lana’s tours always seem to turn up dead. Though I will give kudos for the switch up here in that the tour group is still suspect, but the victim, is an outsider.

Readers who enjoy travel fiction, epic character development, and clever mysteries will enjoy this series.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
Hiding Place
Hiding Place
Jackie Keswick | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted Robert and I don't get him.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Zach buys a Pele tower that needs fixing up, in an effort to hide from the loss of his bandmates. Said tower belonged to Robert's grandfather. Someone died in that tower, murdered, and it was never solved. Can Robert and Zach find some answers with what Zach uncovers? Or will Robert's past eat away at him too much.?

Now, if you follow my review, you'll know I'm ALL about sharing of the book feels, right? And I have one overwhelming feeling about this one:

I wanted Robert and I didn't get him.

This book is told entirely from Zach's point of view, in the first person. While I liked Zach well enough, it was ROBERT who held my attention for much of the book and I wanted to hear from him, badly. I needed to know what he felt about his grandfather doing what he did with the tower. What he felt about Zach, cos in the beginning, Robert sure did blow hot and cold! And just what was going on in his head when he finally gets it all out, and tells Zach about his birth. It wasn't pretty, reading Robert telling Zach, but I wanted in Robert's head then the most.

It's quite clear early on, to me anyway, whodunnit, but just not HOW. Zach's discovery in the loft explains that though.

I know I shouldn't have, but I had to chuckle at the bit when Zach was sick and Robert wanted to get some medicine down him. Benylin is cough syrup, and the only and correct way to take said syrup is to swig out the bottle, and Robert says that to Zach, have a swig of Benylin! Made me laugh that did!

So, while I really enjoyed this book, I still felt that Robert might have made it a 5 star read, but I didn't get him, so...

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere