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Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
2020 | Card Game, Horror, Humor, Medical, Party Game
Did you know that in olden days doctors and traveling alchemist frauds would prescribe cocaine for various illnesses and maladies? It’s true. Also were you aware that fecal transfusions could cure a multitude of sicknesses? You know, taking feces from one person and injecting it into the intestines of another can cure LOTS of bad stuff. Like excessively odorous gas expelations. Well, that one may or may not be true, but if you think you can sell that cure to your friends, you are ready to play Trust Me, I’m a Doctor.

In Trust Me, I’m a Doctor (which I guess I will just call Trust Me from here on out) players will be taking the mantles of traveling salespeople hawking their wares or old timey doctors prescribing ridiculous cures for what ails their patients. Players will be using the tried and true model of Apples to Apples with a twist to throw out their cure to the patient and hope their solution earns the vote from the patient as the best of the lot. The player with the most earned Ailments cards at the end of the game will be the winning shyster or quack this side of the Mississippi!

To setup, each player will receive a hand of Cure cards. A first patient is decided, who will flip the top card of the Ailments deck. The game can now begin in earnest. Or Earnest, if that’s the persona the patient wishes to take.

On the Ailment card will be the particular malady and one or more icons pertaining to the cures that can be played upon it. The non-patients now must choose a Cure card containing a matching icon to the Ailment and begin preparing their pitch. Once all players have submitted their Cures face-down, each quack will then explain to the patient why they must choose their particular Cure by convincing them of its success rate and process. The patient then chooses the best Cure, and the winning player will collect the Ailment card as a VP. Once the game is over the player with the most VP Ailment cards is the winner!
Components. This game is a bunch of cards. That’s it. Even the rules are printed on the backs of two cards (so really it’s one card if the rules had been printed on front and back). The cards are good quality, and I appreciate the thematic art on each card. The one issue I have with the components is the choice of font for the title of each card. I get that the game is trying to convey that old timey feeling, but the font makes each card a little different and sometimes too scrunched up for my tastes. Other than that, I dig everything else. Oh, the inside of the box is even printed, much like the Tiny Epic games. Cool decision there.

So do I enjoy this one? You know, I do. I don’t have Snake Oil, but this is similar in that you’re trying to sell your opponents on choosing your card. So, if you’re a good salesperson then you will do super well here. Unfortunately for me my father-in-law is a retired car salesman so he mops the floor with us. But I mean, check out the example in the photo above. To cure Cannibalism an appropriately played card is POWERFUL LAXATIVES. Seriously? Poop out your desire to eat other people? I mean, if you have the sales skills to pull that one off, well I applaud you. Obviously the best answer goes something like this, “The power of prayer heals all. Even your taste for others.”

Now, I just gave you a pretty PG-rated response to something that could go VERY R-rated VERY quickly. Please note: this game is NSFW and I wouldn’t play it with anyone under 18 even though the box says 12+. There are some touchy cards in there that I wouldn’t want to upset little Bobby with at family game night. All in all this is a good little game to get the party started or to break in new gamers. The Apples to Apples mechanics work well and there is enough ridiculousness to make everyone laugh, or even chortle. So check this one out if you need a little card game that will get people in the mood to game, with hints of adult-ness and impossibility thrown in for good measure. And don’t forget to suggest leeches for your game-mates that don’t enjoy this. They suck the grumpiness right outta you.
Strife: Legacy of the Eternals
Strife: Legacy of the Eternals
2014 | Card Game, Fantasy
I cannot tell you how hard it is to organize a game night with the full group. And I probably don’t have to – I’m sure you understand the struggle too. So for those times when only 2 of us are available, it’s always nice to have 2-player only games to play. But sometimes deciding on a game can cause a bit of strife…

War rages across the land as the Eternals (immortal beings) fight each other for dominance over the realm. Calling forth their chosen Champions, battle after battle is fought until one Eternal emerges victorious. Will your Champions aid you on your quest for supremacy, or will you be forced to cede to another Eternal in the end? Choose your Champions wisely, and may your legacy and power reign supreme!

Strife: Legacy of the Eternals is a competitive two-player game of perfect information – each player has an identical hand of 10 cards from which to play. At its core, Strife is like War – players simultaneously reveal their chosen card and the highest number wins that battle. Players earn Victory Points for battles won. But there’s a twist. Each card has a unique ability (Battle Ability) that, when played, can influence the total power of either your or your opponent’s card for the given turn. And that’s not all – each card also has a secondary ability (Legacy Ability) that can be used the turn after it was initially played to also influence the total power for that next turn. Strategy is key! How can you play your cards in a way that both the initial and secondary powers can benefit you? One power is immediate and one is delayed by a turn, so think carefully about how to best combo your cards/powers! Don’t forget, as a game of perfect information you also know exactly what your opponent is working with too! Use your deduction skills to determine which card they might play and figure out how to use your remaining cards to undermine their total power. The game is played over the course of 3 rounds, and the player with the most Victory Points at the end is the winner!

For a game that seems so simple, Strife actually has a steep learning curve. Every card in your hand has a unique Battle Ability AND Legacy Ability that you have to learn to successfully play. You can’t just pick this game up and play if you don’t know the powers and understand how they work. It might be a little easier to learn if there was a player reference guide for all of the powers so you could just look in one place, but there isn’t one. So I’m left flipping through all of my cards trying to find a power that I thought I saw that could maybe combo with a power on a different card. The rule sheet suggests using ONLY Legacy Abilities your first game to get a feel for the flow, which I appreciate. But when you finally add in the Battle Abilities, you have to be paying attention to 2 different powers on 2 different cards each turn and it can be confusing if you don’t fully know all of those powers.

That being said, I think this game would be great if it used ONLY a Battle Ability or ONLY a Legacy Ability. Having both just feels like too much to me. Until you understand all of the abilities, it’s hard to decide on a strategy since you don’t really know how certain powers will work with each other across different cards. I have played this game multiple times, but since I don’t play 2-player only games often, I haven’t had the opportunity to totally learn all of the powers. And if you play with someone that has never played Strife before, it feels a little unfair if YOU know the abilities and how they work while your opponent is totally in the dark. It would be a much easier game to grasp if there was only 1 power on 1 card to consider for each turn.

I got Strife from Travis when he was doing a small purge of his collection, and I can see why he was getting rid of it. It’s a part of my collection, but I can’t guarantee how long it’ll stay there. In theory, it’s a cool game. But in actual execution, it’s just a little too complicated for what I feel it should be. Give Strife a try if you want, but I don’t really think you’re missing much if you don’t. That’s why Purple Phoenix Games gives Strife a 4/12.
Alpha (Shifters, #6)
Alpha (Shifters, #6)
Rachel Vincent | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was disappointing. I'm honestly sorry that I ever read that first book (which I got free somehow?). I remember being annoyed at the spelling of the main character's name, "Faythe." I should have stopped then.

The way the plot wound up, for the most part, had no real surprises. Anybody who has followed the series has to have figured out what was going to happen by now. It's been foreshadowed - heck, shouted from the rooftops.

No, my disappointment is in the way the damned romance thing was handled.

If you've bothered to read this but haven't read the series, I'm surprised. Anyway, we have a classic love triangle between Faythe, Marc, and Jace. The setting is supposed to be current day America with a twist - the characters are werecats, part of a hidden subculture.

We all know that mainstream Americans are supposedly monogamous but more serially monogamous and closet - something - in practice. Anyway, werecat society is fiercely monogamous. Females are rare, and they're supposed to hit puberty, get married, and produce the next generation with their One True Love. Period. No other options.

So Faythe has defied tradition so far. She went to college. Good for her! She had a boyfriend there. Even better! A non-Pride boyfriend. Great! (To my way of thinking, not her subculture's). She left her guy, Marc, standing at the altar to do all that, though. Eww - not classy.

But after she goes back home, she gets back together with Marc. Hmph.

Then she "connects" with Jace. That means "has sex with." Ooo, bad idea, since she was in a committed relationship with Marc at the time. Very bad idea. But Oh, They were Grieving! Together! For her brother and his best friend, who had just been treacherously killed by enemies! So of course the way to do that, instead of talking about their memories of him, is to roll around naked in the middle of a public room, right?

Um, not the way I'd do it, but, apparently that's their way. They do their grieving with a lot more alcohol than I would too, though.

They don't get caught, at least - not then. No, an enemy figures it out due to how the three interact, and tells Marc, and he believes the enemy (because everybody believes enemies over allies in the heat of battle). And they're all too immature to put the crap behind them and just deal with the fact that they're in the middle of a "war," too.

I kept wanting to spank all of them, and it wasn't because I found any of them sexy.

I did hope, at first, that bringing Jace in as a love interest - and Faythe does repeat, over and over and over again, that she loves Jace, that it wasn't "just sex" - might mean that there was hope for some sort of surprise in the end of the book. That would have been nice, right? Something of a twist that didn't lead to an unhappy ending? I would have loved to see that!

She's going to be the first female Alpha, so why not the first Alpha with two husbands? She'll be the first Alpha who has to deal with pregnancy, so why not have one husband to protect her while she's pregnant and another to get deal with what has to be done in person? What a concept?

My hope was buoyed by the fact that Vincent deliberately developed Jase as a decent potential partner, showing him taking care of Faythe well when she's injured, supporting her as she would need to be supporting when she takes over the Pride as Alpha, and working well with Marc and others repeatedly.

Marc, on the other hand, is a jerk, slamming doors, stomping around, and doing everything but pissing on the furniture to mark his territory.

Just once, I want to see a hero or heroine walk away when someone says, "I cant live without you!" I want to see someone say, "Whoa - that's WAY unhealthy, babe! You need THERAPY!"

Instead, Faythe's father tells her to "Choose the one you can't live without." UGH. Thanks, Daddy! Codependent much?

Do I think she chose the wrong Tom? Absolutely. But - she's a spoiled brat, and she chose a jealous ass. They deserve each other. Let the sweet, loving man go find the sweet, loving woman he deserves. Hopefully he'll stop the drunken escapades and keep it in his pants from now on. Maybe Kaci will grow up to be his Tabby?

Anyway, there you have it. Volume Eleventy Billion and thirteen of How To Do Dysfunctional Relationships.

Next, please!
The Good Kind of Bad
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly I’d like to thank Netgalley and Rita Brassington for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

<b>3.5 stars!

<i>Secrets don't stay secret for long.</i></b>

This was definitely slow to start. After getting into my last read almost instantly <a href="">;(All The Ugly and Wonderful Things)</a> this one didn’t seem like it was going to be my cup of tea, but after I got to around the 20% mark things started getting a little more interesting. I did enjoy reading this book, it was a much lighter read than my previous so it was nice to not really feel anything… <b>I really do mean that in the nicest way possible btw!</b> For me, this book was an easy & quick read that was entertaining but just a little bit OTT. I think this book has a lot of cliches, all very predictable, things I guessed rather easily and so if it hadn’t been for that, this would have probably been rated higher, but I prefer books that challenge and shock me.

Another problem I had with this book was that I felt like there are whole chunks of time missing from the story that either really could have helped with character and plot development or could have been explained better so we realised it had disappeared before our eyes... <spoiler>eg. she runs to Nina’s apartment (which she says is only a short distance), see’s Nina die, then runs away to the police station, stays outside for a little bit pondering what she should do (and obviously she doesn’t choose the right thing) then ends up a cafe, only for Evan to walk in a claim she’s been gone hours? Like where the <i>heck</i> did all those hours go?</spoiler>

Everything in this book was <i>massively</i> over the top. I’ve said before in a review that books are supposed to take you away from everything and land you into something fictional and exciting. But there does get a point where things become too fictional. The crazy storyline wouldn’t have mattered so much if it wasn’t for the fact that all the characters were completely unrealistic people.

However the biggest downfall for this book was the characters. To love a book, you’ve got to love the characters, and I didn’t.

Our main lady (we never find out her first name) of the book was beyond irritating. I felt like every single little thing she did was the wrong thing. She faced some really awful stuff throughout the book and then went about sorting it out in all the wrongs ways! She wanted you to think she was a high class, intelligent, independant lady, but in actual fact she was airheaded, weak and damn right ridiculous. What annoyed me most about her was the fact that she was ready to believe <i>anyone.</i> She knew all the people in this book for 3 months tops and she always just believed what they said, no questions asked. <spoiler>Also no questions asked as to why Evan was calling her “honey” & “baby” all of a sudden!</spoiler>

As for Joe, it’s pretty obvious why you wouldn’t like him. He’s a cock from the start of the relationship, I don’t understand what she saw in him to begin with to be honest.

Then there’s Evan, the good guy cop who comes to save the damsel in distress… how predictable he is. He’s the easiest character to work out in the world of fictional characters. I mean c’mon, there was no mystery to him at all.

After all my complaining, this was still an enjoyable read for me. It wasn't one of those books I try and force myself to read just to finish it, I actually wanted to find out what was happening. I will say that I <b>hadn’t</b> predicted the <i>ending</i> ending. I had predicted most of what was going to happen but there were elements I hadn’t been expecting. That’s definitely what gave it the extra point 5 of a star, otherwise it would have just remained a mediocre 3 stars. I would recommend this to people who like fast paced thrillers. I think this is the perfect holiday book!
Bird Box
Bird Box
Josh Malerman | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for something that is fast-paced and just might give you an anxiety attack, Josh Malerman's debut novel Bird Box may be exactly what you need. Set in the very near future, Bird Box is a book that simultaneously takes place during and after the apocalypse. Human beings find their minds under assault by an unseen force, one that drives them toward homicidal and suicidal tendencies. The only way to remain safe is to never, ever open your eyes.

Imagine with me what living in a world, robbed suddenly of sight, might be like. We rely heavily on our senses and, as an avid reader, I highly value my ability to be able to see the written word. I can't even begin to fathom what it would be like to find myself forced into an eternally dark void, and never have I thought of a scenario in which I would choose to be blind.

In Bird Box, Malorie and her children aren't given that option. Stranded in a home that is not her own, and faced with dwindling supplies and a lack of social interaction with anyone but her two children, Malorie must embark on a dangerous mission to find a new, safer haven for her small family: only their destination isn't very close to them, and they are not alone. There's a fourth party traveling with them and they are helpless to identify the newcomer.

The entire story does not follow that journey alone, though. In fact, it simultaneously takes place prior to Malorie's endeavor, introducing us to an entire cast of characters ranging from lovable to untrustworthy; from the purely innocent to those whose madness goes beyond all help. Though I'm not a huge fan of the constant back and forth chronology (in fact, I find it to be extremely distracting), the manner in which Malerman reveals bits and pieces of his story is crucial to progression: it gives readers the opportunity to develop their own feelings for Malorie and how she handles her problems. I also found that the odd way in which he split the story kept me reading, if only because more often that not, I found myself wondering how or why something was the way it was presently if, at the beginning of the end, everything seemed to be headed in a totally different direction.

Like most stories that take place after the world as we know it has met its doom, whether by nuclear fallout, bio-warfare, or the collapse of government, Bird Box brings out the best, and more readily, the worst in people. They become desperate or panicked, sometimes to the point that their actions defy all logic: such as the voluntary or involuntary blinding of oneself to avoid madness. Perhaps I so easily love post-apocalyptic books for that reason alone. They have a habit of reminding us exactly how pathetic and disgusting our own race can be; how often we are willing to put ourselves first, despite the suffering of others, should the situation call for it.
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
Easy to learn (2 more)
Quick To Play
Plays well for all age groups and player counts
Not Much Variety (1 more)
Hardcore gamers might see this as too simple.
The Perfect Gateway Euro
Carcassonne is probably one of the most recognised tile games in the world today, and it's easy to see why so many people have enjoyed it, as it is super easy to teach and pick up, and works well no matter the age group you're playing with.

The rules of Carcassonne are very simple. Each player will pick a random tile from a stack, and starting with the first player (who always starts with the same beginning tile) will place their tile, so that it connects to one or more adjacent tiles. Each tile will have a road, city or church on it. Roads can only connect with roads, cities with cities, and churches around either of these.

Once a tile is placed, the player can then choose to place one of their meeples on it, either on a road, city, church, or surrounding field. Once that particular area is completed (a road connects to a town, city or church on either end or a city is completely walled around) then that meeple scores you points. 1 point for each section of road per tile, 2 points for each city piece per tile (double if that city tile has a shield on it) and you will score 9 points if you manage to completely surround a church with 8 other tiles. Once the meeple scores, the player removes it from the tile, and can be used again on another tile.

Play continues like this until the tile stack is depleted, then some endgame scoring occurs, where unfinished roads, churches and cities score 1 point per tile in the area. If farmers were used (laying a meeple face down on a field) then 3 points are scored per completed city in that field area. If ever two meeples share the same city, road or field through future tile placements, then each player will get the same points, and whoever has the most points at the end, is the winner.

Carcassone plays between 2 to 5 players, and having played with all player counts, I can say that it plays well, no matter how many players are there. The components are great. The tiles are colourful, and one the game is over, you can build some pretty impressive landscapes. Each player will have different coloured meeples, so it's easy to tell whose is whose, and the score tracker is a handy addition.

My only criticisms I can find is that, after playing a few games, you find that there's not much in the way of variety when it comes to placement of the tiles, and some more hardcore gamers could class this game as too simple. But these are very minor niggles.

Personally, I think Carcassonne is a fantastic first step for people who may not have played many board or tile games before, and if you do get tired if it, there are tonnes of expansions for it, which can add more variety to the game.
Rhino Hero
Rhino Hero
2011 | Action, Animals, Kids Game, Party Game
What’s that on top of that building? It’s a…..rhino? Yes – you’re not hallucinating! Your neighborhood caped-crusader is indeed none other than Rhino Hero! Although not necessarily the most nimble of superheroes, he always gives 100% when it comes to protecting his people!

Rhino Hero is a dexterity-based game of literal hand management in which players are trying to use their cards to build the tallest tower possible. In simple terms, picture a ‘Jenga’ of sorts mixed with building a house of cards – instead of removing lower tiles and adding them to the top, though, you’re just adding cards to the narrow tower in an attempt to build the highest possible building for our superhero to traverse! The game is very easy to learn, simple to play, and entertaining for all involved! Here’s how it works: All players start with a hand of 5 roof cards. Each player, on their turn, will first place wall cards (as indicated) on the previously played roof card. Once that is done, the active player will then choose a roof card from their hand to play on top of the newly ‘built’ walls. Play continues until either one player has played all of their roof cards, or until a player causes the tower to fall over! Dexterity is important – how steady can you keep your hand as you build the tower? But strategy is key too – some roof tiles allow players to take special actions (play an additional roof card, reverse turn order, etc.), so timing your use of these powers is essential to success! Do you have the steadiness and strategy necessary to help our Hero on his quest for justice? Or will you end up as the clumsy sidekick who ruins the plan?

I thoroughly enjoy playing Rhino Hero. It’s such a fun and lighthearted little game that I can’t help but smile every time I play! One reason it’s so great is that it is extremely simple to learn, teach, and play. Playing with new players? Try Rhino Hero. Playing with children? Try Rhino Hero. Need something short and light to play between big games? Try Rhino Hero. It’s just a nice breathe of fresh air and I am almost always down to give it a couple of plays!

Another reason why I like Rhino Hero is that it’s more than just a dexterity game. Yes, the brunt of this game is centered around carefully building the tallest tower possible, but the card abilities take it to the next level. It adds an element of strategy that keeps players engaged beyond just needing a steady hand. How can you use your cards to best benefit you, or best block your opponents? It all depends on your current roof cards, so every game can require a different strategy!

If you’re looking for a short, light game, I hope you’ll consider Rhino Hero. It’s not the most strategic or cut-throat game out there, but it will definitely keep you engaged until the end – with pumping adrenaline and shaky hands (for me, at least). Purple Phoenix Games gives Rhino Hero a rhinoriffic 16 / 24.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Delirium in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2011 | Children, Dystopia, Romance
7.8 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
What would you do if love was a disease? A dangerous thing to be eradicated. The fluttery, nervous feeling in your stomach or overwhelming sensation of warmth just a precursor to death. The final stage of deliria, or succumbing to the deadly disease of love.

Lena is born to a world that believes this. People are cured on their eighteenth birthdays to live a contented, unemotional (but not emotionless) life. Parents don't console their children when they are hurt and kisses are just curt transactions.

Prior to your birthday you are evaluated and matched with four to five possible future husbands. Once ranked, you are paired and will marry after you graduate from University. That is the only pseudo-choice you are given over your own life. Even your University and major are chosen for you.

Lena is afraid. She's afraid to break rules, afraid to even think the wrong thoughts. Sure that those in charge will find out and take her away. That is why when her best friend starts to question, to wonder if the cure is happiness, to explore and to listen to music banned by the government - Lena's world is turned upside down. Through Hana and some trespassing, she meets 19-year-old Alex.

Alex introduces Lena to things she never even knew she wanted. Time ticks down to Lena's cure and she realized that she might not want it anymore. but that's not a choice she is given. The cure is mandatory, so what is she going to do?

The world we are introduced to is much like our own, yet it is a world changed by deliria. The government taps people's phones, regulators and police perform raids during which all rights are forfeit, and your life is chosen for you. The world-building is wonderfully done, allowing us a look into this strangely familiar world through the eyes' of Lena. There are short quotes at the beginning of each chapter that illustrates some of the rules, propaganda, cautionary tales and banned literature that Lena would be familiar with. It gives the novel an extra level of depth that benefits it greatly.

The characters in the novel are varied and realistic. Lena is a normal, ordinary girl - or at least that's the way she thinks of herself, but she makes courageous extraordinary choices. Where will her heart take her? Hana, her best friend is rich and beautiful but she wonders if there's something more. Will she give up her contented life or take the cure? Alex is from another world and different ideals shape his thoughts. Will he alter the girls' perception of their government and lives, or will they choose the cure?

Wonderfully well-written novel that I highly recommend to young adult/teen readers even if they don't normally read dystopian style novels. There are only one or two instances of a curse word being used and no inappropriate scenes detailed. This is a very enjoyable read that will keep you up into the wee hours of the morning.
No Fourth River: A Novel Based on a True Story. A profoundly moving read about a woman&#039;s fight for survival.
No Fourth River: A Novel Based on a True Story. A profoundly moving read about a woman's fight for survival.
Christine Clayfield | 2017 | Biography, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on:

 No Fourth River is a very powerful story about swimming up to surface, when the world is against you. A story about child abuse unlike anything else, and one very determined woman.
This is the second Audiobook I have listened to, with the first being Ready Player One. Two completely different experiences. It was disturbing listening to such a painful story for a while, and it took me a long time to finish it.

The story of Christine is so sad and so unique. She is being molested by her father in ways you could never imagine. She goes to boarding school and she is being bullied even by the nurses. She wets her bed every single day. And bad things keep happening, one after another, after another, until she is in her thirties and almost dies being beaten to almost-death by her husband.

And then she decides to change her life and to be the most successful woman.

At first, when I read the synopsis, the thing that thrilled me was the ill mother that suffered from dementia. I thought this book will revolve and focus on this point, but it didn’t. And I was very disappointed.

Then I manned up, and decided to continue listening, despite my unhappiness. It was a decent story, a powerful, motivational one, but not realistic. And it hurts me saying this, because this book is autobiography. Of course these terrible things happened. But I didn’t felt for the woman. Not in a way I usually would.

The writing was just about average, or maybe the woman reading in the audiobook was to blame. I will leave that up to you, who have listened to the audiobook, or choose to do so.

The character of this woman was honest, but I still can’t imagine how and why a person would stick to people that keep hurting her, despite everything. Even if love, even if forever after, I would not stay one more day with a person if he, for one moment, loses control and raises a hand over me. I would be out of the house in a minute, never returning back. A man would never hurt a woman. No matter what she could do, or couldn’t do. I can argue for hours, and I can admit being wrong, and I can cope with being yelled at, because I have done something stupid. But the moment the line is crosses, I would be out – FOREVER.

If you guys are looking for a story that will keep you thinking about whether you’ve made right decisions, this is a great book for you. A powerful success story of a woman that was brave enough to say NO (after a few years, that is) and brave enough to start building a new life. I recommend it, even though I personally did not really enjoy it a lot.

I have won this Audiobook as a giveaway from LibraryThing, and all my opinions are honest and completely unbiased.