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I've read all of Ravenwolf's books. I enjoyed them greatly. I've always been a skeptic when it comes to religion and spirituality but Wicca was always something that seemed different (I'm . Since I first read TW, I've dabbled, and something always sticks in my mind with this author's books. She has a way of dumbing it down for New Witches and the like. Not too much where its like "duh" but enough so that someone who may not be entirely familiar with Wicca would be able to understand the information.
Clan of the Goddess
2.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this book was written for a 6 year old...or a really clueless, Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan!

This one takes "fluffy Wicca" to the extreme!

It may work for some...but not for me...I've been a witch for way to long!

Good for a beginner, maybe!
The Witches of BlackBrook (Witches of BlackBrook #1)
The Witches of BlackBrook (Witches of BlackBrook #1)
Tish Thawer | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an enjoyable and entertaining tale told in the present time but with flashbacks to Salem. It is smoothly linked and always done with a reason, not simply gratuitous. With lots of intrigue and suspense to keep you turning the pages, this is a story that is an easy read with plenty of references made to Wicca and the correspondences to various flowers and crystals etc.

I enjoyed this story and didn't find any editing or grammatical errors. I enjoyed the climax of the story although it didn't really come as a surprise. However, I wasn't reading it for the shock value so this in no way detracted from the story for me. It did remind me of 'Charmed' in more ways than one so I would have no hesitation in recommending this to any fans of Charmed or their version of Wicca.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 20, 2015
This book has a specific audience, and it can be hard to tell if you're a part of it. From the perspective of the confused Christian, it's a great resource. Sanders does an excellent job of describing why people are leaving Christianity for Neo-Pagan religions. She turns a critical eye on her own faith and holds it up to Wicca to figure out the appeal. Where she fails, though, is in thinking she's going to convert anyone. Her proselytizing takes up only so much of the book. I would definitely recommend it for the bewildered Christian, but it certainly isn't an "Occult/Witchcraft" book, as the back claims.

Janeeny (200 KP) rated Making Magic in Books

May 16, 2019  
Making Magic
Making Magic
Briana Saussy | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I receivef an ARV of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
As a Pagan, and a dabbler in Wicca I’m always keen to learn other forms of practice and sometimes pick up other things to use in my rituals. So I was keen to read 'Making Magic' as the blurb sets it as “welcoming guide to accessing your magic and creating a spiritual path that is all your own”
It does just that, each chapter talks about an aspect of magic and gives you an idea and an example of ritual.
The concept isn’t anything new, but the rituals are pared down to the very basics. although it does suggest using certain talismans and trinkets they are not necesarry and each ritual can be brought right back down to nature. That was actually what I liked most about this book, the very basic nature of the rituals.
Most other books on practicing Paganism talk about ‘summoning your circle' or 'calling the corners', for someone like me that sometimes struggles with this kind of visualisation I was quite pleased to see that the ritual preperations in this book were just two cleansing breaths; In and Out. This is something which I shall definitly be adding to my own little pot pourri of paganism.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Since I don't feel like writing a review, I'll just detail what I liked and disliked about the book.

The subject matter - From what I know, I think the author handled Wicca/Witchcraft very well.
How it was written - I'm not the grammar police and don't know everything about it, so it was fine with me. Sometimes I think that the books that have the best grammar are the most unrealistic and holds the reader away from the book and story because of this. I mean Mr. Sellars has a point, how many people really speak or think in proper English?
Most of the book.

The constant use of paleface, squaw, and other white or Native American Indian terms. I get that Rowan and Ben are friends and they use the words as buddies (and the author means well I assume), but I think it's unlikely that anyone would say them so much - it felt forced and unrealistic to me.
Some repetitions of phrases, descriptions, etc. - i.e. Felicity's hair, eyes, temperament, other actions people did, or descriptions of places.
The use of the word query. How many people actually use that word? LoL
The ending was a bit saccharine and not very likely, but I'll let that pass.

Some of the descriptions made me a bit queasy but I think it added to the storyline.

Overall, I was very impressed with the story, will read the next and be on the lookout for others in the series.
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Keli is an attorney building her own practice, she’s also a semi closeted Wiccan. When an ill-fated favour for a friend lands her not only in the middle of a murder investigation, but also a person of interest in the investigation, Keli attempts to clear her name, find the real killer, and save her reputation. Whilst also struggling with her now public identity as a practising Wiccan.
I loved this book!! It was a nice quick read, no complicated texts, although some things, I felt, were a little bit over explained. Saying that it was a good engaging story, the characters were well developed, and I love it when I feel I’ve learnt something from a book too. As there was also a nice touch where Hesse gives a few little insights into the life of a practicing Wiccans. As a pagan myself, it was actually quite a joy to read these aspects openly described in the book. I hope that this could also help any non-esoteric types gain a better insight into what Wicca is really all about.
This is the fifth book in a series. I haven’t actually read any of the other books in the series, so was a little worried that there would be a lot of references that wouldn’t make sense, or characters with pre-existing back story. Surprisingly had a good standalone storyline, I thoroughly enjoyed it without needing any prior knowledge of the series. All the characters were well introduced and any references to past events were relevant to the story and had a brief explanation with it.
In fact, I enjoyed this so much, I’ve now purchased Midsummer nights mischief (book one in the Wiccan wheel mystery series)
The Gathering (Wilde Grove #1)
The Gathering (Wilde Grove #1)
Katherine Genet | 2020 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WHAT. A. BOOK! The Gathering tells the story of Erin, an adopted daughter who has been diagnosed with "Dissociative Fugue" and has never felt like she quite fitted in. When she finds out she has inherited a cottage (with conditions) from her birth grandmother, she is intrigued and goes to find out more. This leads her on a journey she never expected and yet is more than capable of fulfilling.

There are so many parts to this book and I am struggling to mention them all! The characters are amazing, both the main one and also the supporting cast. Erin is stronger than she realises, but she has to learn that the hard way. I am sure there will be more stumbles along the way, as she has to figure out who she is by doing, not by reading in a book. I adored the descriptions of Macha, and the old leader of the Grove. One of my favourite parts was that Elen of the Ways was mentioned and honoured. The invocations and prayers sent a shiver down my spine in the most delightful way.

This is a long book, designed to pull you into the story and not let you go until the last word. Even then, you will be left wanting more. And can I just mention the cover? Absolutely stunning. This is a series of books that I will not only be re-reading but that I will be buying the paperbacks of, so I can sit them and stare at the gorgeous covers.

If you are a Witch, Druid, Wicca, or just like the Old Religions, then I absolutely recommend this book. If you like contemporary fantasy, then I absolutely recommend this book. In fact, why don't I just say I absolutely recommend this book? Because I do! Go and grab your copy now. You won't be disappointed.
Voice of the Elders
Voice of the Elders
Greg Ripley | 2018 | Natural World, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puts focus on the harder topics of what we face with global warming as a race if we do not start thinking about sustainability as a complete way of life. (0 more)
The ending was extremely rushed. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Voice of the Elders by Greg Ripley is a very well written book that anyone who has a strong connection with earth and nature would be drawn to right away. This is well received as the book puts a lot of focus on the harder topics of what we face with global warming and as a race if we do not start thinking about sustainability as a complete way of life. It also brings to light the idea that even if sustainability is the best for the planet as whole companies such as big oil and nuclear power may not be all that interested because it takes profit away from them, showing just how harmful human greed can be.

The book also mentions many aspects from different religions and cultures, along with their moral views. Christian theology is even mentioned in the same paragraph as the threefold version of the Golden Rule which many would attribute to the Pagans or more specifically the religion of Wicca. However, a lot of talk in the book revolves around Chinese Daoism and somewhat in-depth at that. This lost me at a few different places but not for long as the ideas were also explained fairly well. I believe the average reader should be able to at least the get gist of what is being said during the conversations.

The basic idea of the book is that the Earth is in major trouble. As humans, our greed and lack of concern for our environment is killing our planet as it is already too late to reverse these effects unless we do something big really quick. A meeting is being held at the United Nations to address these concerns and that is where the reader first meets the main character Rohini. It is also where the Elders are first introduced into the story. Without giving too much away to the interested reader I feel like I can safely say that the Elders tell the World Leaders about what can be done to save the Earth and propose a plan where the Earth will send ambassadors to the world of the Elders.

Rohini is chosen to be one of these ambassadors and is brought before the world on TV when all of those selected to be ambassadors are introduced. This is when trouble starts, those against the Elders and the sustainability programs launch their first direct attack and kill most of the ambassadors and the President forcing Rohini, her trainer Jane, and Jane’s friend Guangming into hiding as suspects while waiting for their names to be cleared.

Overall the book is very well written and I failed to find any major editorial flaws in it. Still, I rate this book to be 2 out of 4 stars. This is because while I loved seeing Rohini grow spiritually and increase her personal connection with the Earth I found the book lacking. The last five-chapter or so felt rushed like Greg Ripley got bored or wasn’t sure how to pull everything together. I guess more of what I am trying to say is with how amazingly detailed the rest of the book was the end felt haphazardly thrown together. Now if this were the first in a series I would change my rating to a 3 providing that a few things got explained better such as who exactly the “Others” are (not going to say anything more about them without risking a spoiler) and what happens with the Earth and the Elders.
A Discovery of Witches
A Discovery of Witches
Deborah E. Harkness | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness is the first book in the All Souls Trilogy. It introduces a witch and her vampire lover and the fight they must endure to be together against all odds. As the first book of the series, it really draws you in and makes you really think about how things are perceived and creates the illusion that vampires, witches and daemons (daemons are demons in Harkness’s fantastical world) could be hiding amongst us without us ever knowing. The book is placed in modern times, but brings in tons of history as the main character; a witch named Diana, is a historian and often is immersed in one history topic or another. It is quite interesting to read about her approach to life and see how it changes when she meets a vampire who whisks her away, so to speak. As a reader, you are able to delve into a world where anything is possible and see how just similar things would be if this was truly our world.

A Discovery of Witches is a book about a witch names Diana has encountered a very old and lost manuscript that many others want. Upon being granted access to this book and denying the magic in her that calls her to investigate it with her powers, she returns it, only to find herself being threatened, stalked and in danger due to it only being obtained by her and returned to the library and back to its magical disappearance. The finding of this book however, helps he discover who she is and a new lover, who is a vampire. The odd couple experience a threat and a mystery that they wish to uncover. As well as, an old rule that they now must try to change, no matter the cost

I had really enjoyed reading the first book, and found its quick pace refreshing but also pleasing to read. Though there were many things left for me to wonder about. All the secrets the vampire had and his worries that will be revealed in the second book, I hope anyways, makes me want to just read all the books back to back. Though the book was 576 pages long, I was able to finish reading it in two days. I often didn’t want to tear myself out of the book to do my daily tasks. It’s definitely a page turned with how Harkness was able to describe everything in the book and flush out some character while leaving mystery on what is to come in the next book.

Harkness was able to draw in each of the five senses into her writing. I was able to smell, taste, and feel what was being describe it was easy to get lost and forget easily all that was around me. However, I did find that somethings where a bit odd and would never have paired up, like the smell of cinnamon and cloves. I will have to try to make the combination in my kitchen to see what that might smell like together as I am not one for the smell of cinnamon. I did find the characters to be extremely well put together and often found myself happy when they were happy, as well as sad when they were. I did quite enjoy that A Discovery of Witches has some things that were extremely accurate while still being fantastical. For example, in Wicca or Paganism rituals are done to do witch craft. Spells and such are handed down to members of the family for generations and the holidays match up to what is practiced today. However, the way magic is portrayed isn’t what really happens in our world, or so I know of, but if it was, I can see how Harkness describes it being how it is.

A Discovery of Witches is just an amazing piece of work that will draw you in and keep you wanting more. Though some words can come across odd, as they aren’t used in normal, everyday conversations, it really says a lot about Harkness’s writing style. She is intelligent and it shows in her work with how she describes things and often uses things from our past to put things in our present world in to perspective to pertain to her characters.

I loved how the book has made me think and do some research myself, on different topics, if only to see what was true and what was made up. For example, alchemy is what puts our character in a situation that seems harsh and completely uncalled for by some extremely bad characters. Not knowing much about alchemy, I had to look up just what the photos Diana might be looking at. The author described them so well, I would picture them in my mind and when I looked them up; I was amazed how much close to the actual images Harkness had described. Though, I am on a computer versus in a library with old manuscripts.

Overall, I would rate this book 3 star out of 4 stars. That may seem harsh seeing as it is one of the best books I have read, and I read a ton, but I found that with all the secrets the characters keep from each other and the reader as a whole quite infuriating. I wanted more and find myself here not able to resist the urge of starting the next book. I do hope some things are clarified and revealed; otherwise I will end up being a very upset reader. Harkness’s writing does seem promising to reveal more as the story develops though. A Discovery of Witches is an extremely good book, even with its infuriating secrets, that I would recommend to anyone who loves the ideas of vampires, witches and demons existing in a world alongside us.