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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Wild Things in Books

Jun 25, 2023  
Wild Things
Wild Things
Laura Kay | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this a lot!

The main character, Eleanor, is stuck in a rut, so she decides to do one wild thing every month for a year. Something that pushes her out of her comfort zone. When one of her best friends splits up with his girlfriend, El and two other of their friends decide to buy their house together - a kind of ‘Queer Commune’. A commune because there’s four of them living there as equal partners in the ownership. And it’s a decent commute time outside of London.

Only El has a huge crush on one of her housemates, Ray. And she’s had an unrequited crush on her for quite a while.

I love Laura Kay’s writing. Yes, it’s a romance, but it’s not teeth-clenchingly sweet, and El’s personal growth is as central to the story as the romance itself.
Jamie is fabulous, Will is the sensible one - all great characters and people you’d love to know and be friends with.

I’m definitely becoming a firm Laura Kay fan!
The Original Wild Style Breakbeats Album by Wild Style
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When Wild Style came out, nobody knew about the New York City underground. This record and the film became how you found out about shit that was going on at that time because nobody was really documenting it. This movie became so big and it spread the message of hip hop in a way that hadn't really been done on that scale previously. When you look at the total global domination hip hop culture has now, you can see its roots in this film, in this soundtrack. It was mad fucking powerful. This film is written so intelligently and the story is so compelling. I like the 'Double Trouble' scene where there is acapella rapping and the scene with 'The Cold Crush Brothers'. The scene in the amphitheatre at night where they're killing it is another incredible moment. The music was just so dope throughout and it undoubtedly paved the way for things like Hamilton. I saw Hamilton this year and I'm looking around and looking at all these different people – all different ages, races and genders – and I was like here now you can see the real global domination that hip-hop and rap culture has – I saw it at the start with things like Wild Style and I see it now with Hamilton and its some mad fucking shit to see how far it has come. It's like we took over the world."

Finn and the Intergalactic Lunchbox
Finn and the Intergalactic Lunchbox
Michael Buckley | 2020 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Traveling the Galaxy via…a Lunchbox?
Finn is a typical almost twelve-year-old. He’s got a younger sister who annoys him, he’s struggling to make friends at his new school, he’s being picked on by a bully, and he has a crush on a classmate. His life changes when he accidentally takes his sister’s lunchbox to school one day. When it starts to glow, he discovers that it’s become a portal to another part of our galaxy. On, and this portal is the key to a battle against a race called The Plague that destroys planets. With The Plague now looking at Earth as their next target, Finn is going to have to come up with some kind of plan to save the world.

It’s been a few years since I picked up one of Michael Buckley’s books, so I was thrilled to see he had a new series out. As you might suspect from the description, this is a wild, fast-paced right that I found hard to put down. And I haven’t even mentioned the seven-foot-tall robot yet. I did feel it got a little too apocalyptic for me at times, but that’s a matter of personal taste. The characters are good, although the one that got the most development here was a cliché. The creativity that went into this book is outstanding with lots of details that are fun. Kids will eat this book up and be anxious for the next one when they are done.
Misadventures of a Virgin  (Misadventures, #4)
Misadventures of a Virgin (Misadventures, #4)
Meredith Wild | 2017 | Erotica, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating

“And now I have to worry I may have given him more than my body. I may have just given up my heart.”

June Bell and Kase McCasker grew up as neighbors in Falls Edge. Kase was June’s girlhood crush with whom she shared a memorable kiss before he disappeared off to college and out of her life.

Four years ago, Kase received unexpected news that shook his world and drove him away. Now he’s back, a degree in hand, ready to face his demons. He’s determined to save the struggling farm that’s been in his family for generations.

The time and distance have done nothing to tame Kase’s desire for June, who is the daughter of the man trying to buy his family’s land. Just one look at her, even after all this time, has him ready to risk his future and his heart.

For years, June’s father has been trying to buy the McCasker land. Now, Kase agrees to the sale with one stipulation. June must spend 2 weeks with him on the property.

June agrees, finding out that Kase has been forgotten about her and is intent on finishing what they started all those years ago at the farm. Kase is upfront with his feelings and very possessive of June. As they spend time together and their feelings for each grow into something deeper, June begins to question whether she really wants the sale of the property to go through.

In learning more about Kase, June also learns some startling truths about her own mother’s death and the ongoing feud be their two families. Will this startling revelation destroy any chance of a happily ever after?

This was a great, well-written story. The characters were well developed. I found myself able to really empathize with characters emotions. Meredith Wild is rapidly becoming my favorite romance author.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Jan 7, 2020 (Updated Jan 29, 2020)  
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Several Wild Animals
The Dead Don't Die is truly a bizarre experience.

Jim Jarmusch has crafted a gratuitously deadpan and self aware zombie film that tackles tired genre tropes in unique and confusing ways.
Truth be told, I was ready to hate it. I knew that it wasn't the same style of zombie-comedy as Zombieland, or Shaun of the Dead, and I expected to be bogged down in pretentiousness - I'm happy to admit that I was wrong in this case.

A lot of the complaints I've seen about TDDD is precisely that. That, and the fourth wall breaking, but those are two aspects that I actually really liked.
The humour is really subtle for the most part. The dead pan delivery of a lot of the script was quite jarring at first, but it didn't take long for it settle, and I actually ended up finding it pretty funny, just not in-your-face funny (which is a good thing).
The fourth wall stuff verges on being too-clever-for-its-own-good but it just about pulls it off, and gives an interesting alternate thought process to the general narrative.

The cast is brimming with people that I like and love - Bill Murray, Adam Driver (surely a full blown man crush by this point), Chloë Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Danny Glover, Tilda Swinton... God damn I even love Iggy Pop. It's a great cast list for sure, and the charming and witty script gives them all a lot to do, even if some of the many characters feel under developed at times.

The zombie aspect is a bit if a back seat for me. I was certainly more invested in the aforementioned cast, than any actual zombie action, but I enjoyed the 'classic' shuffling zombies in a small town setting for what it's worth.

I'm not sure what I expected from The Dead Don't Die, but it certainly wasn't what I got, and that precisely why it stands out.
Wings (Wings, #1)
Aprilynne Pike | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had some good, some bad, some supremacy, some mediocrity. here's my warning now, that this has spoilers in it.

good: a wild twist. the idea that fairy's are plants never once crossed my mind, the idea that Laurel had flowers growing out of her back instead of actual wings was... kinda weird but also really cool. and in my opinion, the good over-weighed the bad.

bad: i remember very vividly that the boy she falls in love with is introduced in the first paragraph (or second, or something like that.) and that totally gave away that part of the plot. i knew right away she'd become involved with him. i would have liked the author to develop his character a little more, or develop Laurel's character a little more, before introducing him.

supremacy: it had me hooked from about the fifth chapter to the twenty-second. i literally read for five hours. that's a long time for me. i mean, i read A LOT and ALL THE TIME, but five hours at once? seriously. the only other times that's ever happened was for twilight and harry potter. very nice, Aprilynne.

mediocrity: the writing itself, the prose, the sentence structure, was not all that fabulous. it was just basic sentence structure most of the time, and ok vocabulary. the words themselves were not poetic and artful, something that you find in Edger Allen Poe or J K Rowling.

the last thing was the end. it left you hanging, a little. which, as a writer, is a smart and mean thing to do at the same time. i'm a writer, and in every single one of my books i leave my audience hanging. but as a reader, it's annoying. i the one thing i want to know is what happens about her and the boy thing? who does she end up with? i'll bet that the boy she met at school ends up with the girl who's had a crush on him forever, and she goes back to her fairy-boy. (can you tell i've forgotten some names and don't have the book with me?) whatever. but i hope there's a second one, because that one little thing will bug me from now until whenever the new one comes out (if there is one.)

of course, again, the book was addictive, and had a great twist. i will say that if i ever had a chance to read it again, i would probably not do it. but i will (if there is one) read the sequel. all in all, i did like this book. quite a lot. and i do recommend it to anyone who likes romance, fantasy, or adventure.

Adam Silvera recommended 100 Sideways Miles in Books (curated)

100 Sideways Miles
100 Sideways Miles
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Andrew Smith (Winger; Grasshopper Jungle) pens a phenomenal novel about life's many detours, told in the unforgettable voice of an epileptic teenager with heterochromatic eyes (one blue, one green) and a strange history. When 16-year-old Finn Easton was seven years old, a dead horse that was being transported to a rendering plant fell "one hundred sideways miles" off a bridge and landed on Finn and his mother. The impact broke Finn's back and killed his mother. His epilepsy, which he may grow out of, is a "souvenir" of the accident, and if he does grow out of it, he suspects he may miss the way the seizures empty the words out of his head. Finn measures the world in miles instead of minutes, because he believes "distance is more important than time." His crush, Julia Bishop, a Chicago transplant living with her aunt and uncle because of a devastating secret, admires Finn's perspective on life. The moment he meets Julia, Finn wonders "how many atoms from the same calamities out there in the universe our body shared.... Maybe my right hand and her left hand both came from the same supernova." Julia, ever astute, gets why Finn named his dog Laika, is patient with him during his wild mood swings when he's returning from a "blank out" (seizure) and, most importantly, she loves Finn back. Which makes it crushing for both Finn (and readers) when Julia must return to Chicago--the very place where she was victim of a tragedy that makes Finn wish he "could push the world back all those miles with my bare hands and make it change direction," even if it means they'd never have met. Throughout the novel, Finn suffers from an identity crisis as he questions whether or not he's the product of his father's bestselling cult-classic novel, The Lazarus Door, starring a protagonist with the teen's name, heterochromatic eyes, seizures, and scars identical to the ones he has on his back from his post-accident surgery. So Finn sets out on a road trip with his best friend, the memorable Cade Hernandez, to figure out the ending to his story, when an unexpected accident rewrites their future. Smith's sly commentary on today's school system ("designed to make us all the same," in Cade's words) intertwines with the story of Finn's desperation to break out and be different--not a reproduction of anyone's expectations. The well-rounded supporting characters and the Southern California setting make for a welcome departure from the usual glitz of Los Angeles life. Hilarious and wise, 100 Sideways Miles is an addictive and panoramic read about the intersecting--and divergent--paths that lie ahead. Breathtakingly good."

Long Shot (2019)
Long Shot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
When his small paper is bought out but a large media conglomerate the free-spirited journalist Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) quits rather write for a company he believes has a low moral compass. His best friend Lance (O’Shea Jackson Jr.) takes him out on the town to drown his sorrows. They decide to go to a charity function to get free drinks and watch Boyz II Men. As chance would have it Fred’s babysitter from high school, Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron), is also there. Charlotte happens to be one of the most powerful women in the world. She is currently the Secretary of State and has her eyes set on the on the White House. But she recognizes Fred and they connect for a few moments. This chance meeting seems fortuitous for both. Fred needs a job and Charlotte is in need of a writer to help punch up her speeches. Fred also gets the chance to travel the world with his high school crush. Even though Fred isn’t your normal member of a government official’s entourage, dresses like a child, has a scraggly beard and looks high even when not, he can write. So he gets the chance to write entire speeches. As his role increases he needs to get to know this version of Charlotte a little better, rather than the girl he know in high school. They begin to spend more and more time together getting to know each other. Then a near death experience in Manilla leads to a wild night between the odd couple. But rather than a onetime thing the two begin sneaking away together. But as Charlotte heads toward a Presidential Campaign it seem inevitable that this secret relationship needs to end or go public.

This Jonathan Levine (The Night Before, Snatched) directed romantic comedy is predictable with flares of originality. The cast is great. Rogen and Theron have good chemistry and do well. The supporting cast, O’Shea (Straight Outta Compton) as well as June Diane Raphael (Blockers, The Disaster Artist), Ravi Patel (T.V. series Wrecked, Grandfathered), Andy Serkis (Black Panther, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy) and others, all have fun moments. Bob Odenkirk (T.V.’s Better Call Saul) is very funny in his role as President Chambers. The comedy is fun, but raunchy at times. There were definitely laugh out loud moments. But some of the jokes were predictable and other good jokes were spoiled by the trailers, so avoid if possible. The story was also pretty predictable with the outcome never really in doubt but the ride was fun and had both really good moments and some that fell flat. It blended what could be believable politics with some things you know would not be, or you really hope couldn’t be, done by someone in a powerful government position.

I thought the film was good but it did run a little long, 125 minutes. I think it would be a good date movie but definitely leave the kids at home due to prevalent drug use and raunchy moments. I went in with low expectations and that could also help. But if you need a laugh or non-super hero movie to see this is worth the ticket price.