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Lukas Graham - 7 Years [AUDIO]


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about The Graham Norton Show in TV

Aug 13, 2018  

Graham's Top 10 Moments From Season 17


Andy K (10821 KP) created a video about Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) in Movies

Dec 5, 2017 (Updated Dec 5, 2017)  



Bird (1700 KP) created a video about track Sights by London Grammar in If You Wait by London Grammar in Music

Jul 8, 2017  

London Grammar - Sights

Official video

A Love To Remember
A Love To Remember
Sarah Hadley Brook | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so desperately wanted to hear from Sam!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Graham takes his dad to the cabin in the woods, because he cannot be on his own anymore. Ravaged by Alzheimer's, his father needs calm, and peace. But Graham can no longer look after his dad and work, so he hires an in-home nurse, Sam. Sam and Graham have met before, after a brief hook-up. Sam wants more, but Graham has to take a step back, and make Sam realise, what's slowly killing his father could very well kill him too.

It's only short, this one, some 85 pages, but Brook manages to get a lot in those 85 pages!

We get the intensity of that initial hook-up. We get all of Graham's fears for his dad. We get all of Graham's emotions trying to keep Sam at arms length, while fighting to pull him close. We get all of GRAHAM.

What we don't get is Sam. Any Sam, at all. And that's the only reason I'm giving it 4 stars, because it is single person point of view. Had Sam had a say, this could well have been a 5 star read, it really could!

It's not overly complicated, just two men falling in love while one tries really hard not to. There is no major breakup/make up, no nutty exes. It has some sexy time, and some emotional times, especially when Graham is fighting with himself to look after dad but having to admit that he really can't.

It really is a lovely, if short, read. Passed an hour, while watching the rain, on a Sunday afternoon.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best one of the bunch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Soul Match series, and you really MUST read the other books in the series to know what has driven these people to this point.

Graham has suffered the fate that Chris and Morgan were expecting. He was abused by the Nall, to such an extent, he is permanently scarred. Graham, his brother and his father were due to hang, at the Nall's gathering, for punishment for the attack at the Nall's party. And Alasharian saves him, and Graham's opinion on the race changes. Balor is a guard to the Nall, but also part of the rebellion. Oman is advisor to the Nall, but has been watching Balor for some time. He knows Balor is his Soul Match and when Balor mentions the human he helped save, Oman knows they will be a three. But time is of the essence, and humans and Alasharians must band together to any of them are to survive.

What I particularly liked about this one, was the CARE that Oman , and indeed Balor, took with Graham. They both knew he had suffered, badly. They can see his scars, and are enraged by the treatment of Graham by the Nall but they know Graham needs time. They may NEVER fully Soul Match, but Oman and Balor will take whatever Graham can give them.

Graham, while reluctant, knows that he can give as little, or as much, as he is able to, to Oman and Balor. I liked that he was in total control of the speed that things moved. LOVED that he was not the submissive in this match. Liked that he spoke to Morgan about the Soul Match, since Morgan was equally, if not more so, against the idea.

While Chris, Lasar and Nary take no part here, the rebellion is gaining ground as more and more humans and Alasharians arrive at the old air base they are camped out at. Problem is, no one knows where Chris, Lasar and Nary are, or even if Chris is a real person!

Book 5 is next, and it is the conclusion of this series. I'm not sure I really want to read it! Thoroughly enjoying these!

5 stars
The Lumberjack Effect
The Lumberjack Effect
J. W. Ashley | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
117 of 200
The Lumberjack Effect
By J.W. Ashley

0 Reviews
Lena Garza has a secret. Five years ago she had the best sex of her life with a stranger. That night turned into two blissful weeks where it felt as though their passion would never end.Until Graham walked away without a backward glance.Now, Lena finds herself uprooting and moving a state away to confront Graham, unsure how he will react when she confesses a heartbreaking truth she's not sure he will accept.Facing him will be the most difficult thing she's ever done, and could prove to be the biggest mistake of her life. After all she's betting a whole hell of a lot on the man he used to be

I was in two minds about reading this book I just wasn’t feeling it from the synopsis. But I’m so glad I did as I really enjoyed it! The whole story and way it was written was so emotionally charged.
The characters and story were so easy to read and fall in love with!
Think I need myself a lumberjack.
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
OK, I'll admit it … that was better than I was expecting.

Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams starring Rom-Com, as the members of the Icelandic band 'Fire Saga', who get chosen (for plot reasons) to represent their country in 2020s Eurovision Song Contest, which is being held in Scotland for some reason(?!).

Yes, the actual 2020 Eurovision competition itself was cancelled due to Covid-19.

As for the film: after a slow(ish) setting the scene start, it picks up once Lars and Sigrit make it to the song contest, and with the introduction of Dan Stevens completely-over-the-top Russian entrant - the firm favourite to be the winner of said competition - alongside a whole host of actual Eurovision nods and winks.

And Graham Norton.

Yes, that Graham Norton.

(although he may be more familiar to UK watchers than to others)
Marrying the Rancher
Marrying the Rancher
Roz Denny Fox | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tandy Graham leaves the army to to look after her son, Scott on the Arizona ranch she inherited after the death of her father. Life becomes quite hostile from the other ranchers after biologist Wyatt returns to track the wolves he released a few years previous.
This is the first book I've read from Roz Denny Fox and would certainly read more from this author. Marrying the rancher is a slow building clean romance with a hit of suspense and fans of Mills and Boon Cherish will love it.
All Your Perfects
All Your Perfects
Colleen Hoover | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

Quinn and Graham had the perfect romance and marriage. But now, that marriage is on the rocks and all those perfect memories threatened as their union is about to implode. If they can't talk to each other and work things out, they're done. Can they get past their problems and find that perfection again?

Wow, I picked a doozy for the first book in my challenge! This book was almost physically hard to read at times! It's a brutal look at a struggling marriage, as Quinn and Graham--once a perfect couple--can barely look at or talk to one another. Told in a then and now format from Quinn's perspective, we see how the two fell head over heels in love. And, conversely, we see how they fell apart. It's an emotional and tense read that's often bitterly sad and heartbreaking. Hoover makes you feel as if you're in the book, part of the characters' dissolving marriage.

This one hit home, as Quinn and Graham battle with infertility, something I know quite well. If you've struggled with this, this will be a hard read--yet you'll be able to find many parallels with the couple. It's not necessarily a happy book, yet it's romantic and sweet too. It presents a very realistic portrayal of marriage and one of the best portraits of a (straight) couple grappling with infertility that I've ever read.

This isn't an easy book to read, but it's really quite good. It packs a sucker punch, but in a good way. You'll find yourself lost in Quinn and Graham's world--I certainly recommend this fierce, touching look at love, marriage, and how far we will go for the ones we care about. 4+ stars.