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An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
Hank Green | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cliffhanger (0 more)
I read this because I'm a big fan of John Green. I love his writing style and have watched him and Hank on YouTube. I hoped Hank would be as good at writing as his brother. I was not disappointed.

This book, however, is nothing like a John Green story. The characters are in their twenties rather than their teens and the storyline is science fiction. Hank's writing style is also different, however, it is different in a good way. It is captivating, easy to understand and makes you think and feel a whole variety of things.

So, if you like John Green and want to see what Hank can do, you won't be disappointed. Likewise, if you're not John Green fan, you'll still love An Absolutely Remarkably Thing. It's a win-win situation.

The only negative? A cliffhanger. The story ends on a BIG question mark and it is unlikely we will ever find out what happened. I guess it's up to our own imaginations.
Green Lantern (2011)
Green Lantern (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Ryan reynolds (0 more)
The costume (0 more)
Green lantern not a classic super hero movie by any means but does star ryan reynolds saves it from being one of the worst movies i know people hate it thats fine i kinda like it for the action scenes but the costume not like its the kinda movie i will watch again

Robert Skorak (1 KP) May 17, 2018

I honestly thought Ryan and Blake were the only things that semi saved the movie from a complete belly flop.. You could tell they tried everything in their power to save the movie and I give first movies in the comicbook world alot of slack because I know it's a origin story and it will take things slowly to set up future movies but the villain was all wrong and everything for the first one.. Although once the end credit showed a new member of the Yellow Corp I was sorta wanting to see what Hal could do in the 2nd having Ryan at the helm!!

Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.3 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really liked this novel. I found that I really enjoyed John Green. I've heard a lot about him and I figured I'd give him a try, the fact that I found a novel by him and my favorite author was simply icing on the cake. I'm always nervous to start a David Levithan novel because you never know if it going to change your life. This book was not earth shattering but it was still an extremely interesting read and made me smile.

The characters were outrageous. Tiny was hilarious and irritating at the same time. I wanted to hug him and punch him. Will Grayson (1st Will Grayson) was an interesting guy. I found him annoying yet lovable and realistic. will grayson(2nd Will Grayson) was an interesting read. You don't get the characters when they are in the middle of everything. You get a character who is struggling with the onset of depression but never the character who has it and is just living with it.

I found myself really entertained with this novel. I am definitely glad that I read this novel and I will definitely look into John Green.
The Green Knight (2020)
The Green Knight (2020)
2020 | Action, History
Green Knight, based upon the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, does the poem justice. We join our relatively pure-hearted Sir Gawain (Dev Patel) on Christmas morning, as he wakes up in what appears to be a brothel. He rushes home to his Mother (Sarita Choudhury), to change for the Christmas Day feast with the aged King (Sean Harris). Mother is left behind as Gawain goes to the feast, and conjures the appearance of the Green Knight.
Gawain agrees to the Christmas game proposed by the Green Knight, so he can be knighted himself. The game is the same as the poem, a knight gives a blow to the Green Knight, and a year from that date, the knight will visit the Green Chapel so he can return the favor.
The year passes, and Gawain sets out on his quest. Mother gives him the gift of a green sash, that will protect him as he faces the journey and the Green Knight. He sets off on his trippy journey, encountering a scavenger (Barry Keoghan) along the way and is quickly delayed in his quest and left for dead, losing his green sash. After freeing himself, he sets out on his allegory-filled quest again, encountering St. Winifred (Erin Kellyman), giants, and is led by a fox to a castle near the Green Chapel.
The castle is where the film gets back on track with the poem. The Lord (Joel Egerton) shows kindness and hospitality, while his wife (Alicia Vikander), takes the role as temptress. Alicia Vikander plays both the Lady, and the prostitute that Gawain is in love with back home. It’s understandably confusing for Gawain. The same deal is struck between the Lord and Gawain, while the Lord is away on the hunt, he will give Gawain everything he catches, while Gawain promises to give the Lord anything he receives at the castle. Gawain does not end up keeping the agreement as he’s seduced by the Lady and gets the green sash back. He escapes the castle and goes to the Green Chapel to finish the Christmas game. The end was very interesting, would Gawain choose to be courageous and maintain his honor, accepting death? Or would he be a coward, running away to be knighted, then subsequently become King? The ending was scary good.
My first thought after the film ended was that we finally got a film that did an Arthurian legend justice. I happened to be really into Arthuriana, so this film was such a treat. Though, I am left with some questions. I’m not sure which sister Mother was supposed to be. Was Mother Morgaine or Morgause? I assume it was Morgause, but Mother was a little more witchy, so maybe Morgaine? I also don’t know if in the film, the Green Knight was the Lord. The characters were played by two different actors, but the Lord is definitely supposed to be the Green Knight.
Another thing I did like is that I don’t believe they ever called the King by his name, Arthur. This was a smart move, as the story was centralized on Sir Gawain, and not about Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
The one sore thumb for me was Alicia Vikander. Her accent when she was the prostitute, Essel, was horrid. I also think that character wasn’t really needed at all because she was just annoying. The whole brothel situation itself was kind of lame because Gawain was supposed to be pure and innocent. The innocence being lost at the Castle was a major part of the poem.

Dev Patel was excellent as Gawain; I was entranced by him, and he kept my attention the entire film. I know there were grumblings about his casting, but seriously, this is a fantasy story. It also is not impossible for people of a different race to be present all over Europe. There once was this empire called Rome, that encompassed a very large area, and enabled people to travel around and settle in areas.
I had been looking forward to this film since March of 2020, and it completely delivered. I hope we get more films like this, rather than the barrage of big dumb action and comic book films. I can’t wait to go see this film again!
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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Sep 9, 2021

I can't wait to see this. Not out over here until the 24th Sept sadly.


Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 10, 2021

I actually returned to the cinema after nearly 2 years to see this. The cinema I went to had the movie so dark I could barely see any of the film so I've seen the first 20 minutes! lol Doubt if I will ever go back.

Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mental Health Issues (3 more)
It ended (0 more)
John Green Does It Again
I will start off by saying that I love John Green. His books have always been a favorite of mine. Looking For Alaska is a book I will gravitate towards over and over again. He has such a great writing style with the most beautiful quotes. I can't get over it if we're being honest.
Mental health is a big and important topic. With something so big comes a lot of responsibility when writing about it. John Green nails it. The way he talks about Aza's OCD and how he describes her thought processes is amazing. You really start to bond with the character and feel for her. BUT, not only do you feel for her, you get frustrated with her because you start to get invested. The way that she navigates her life, her thoughts, her relationships, her everything is so well thought out by John.
I think this book has started a lot of really important conversations. People are talking about OCD. How to cope with someone who has OCD. How to cope with having it yourself. How to seek help and know that there ARE great resources out there that people don't know about. Best of all, it's helping to take away the awful stigma that seems to be attached to mental illness and mental health.
Thank you, John Green. Your books bring me peace.

Chris Hooker (419 KP) rated Solitaire in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Solitaire] is one of those books that came across my feed as "We Think You Might Like". It was compared to John Green and Rainbow Rowell. I will agree with that but British, definately British. It has lots of unexpected twists and turns and is written so well you get through the book in no time. The fact that I was kept guessing until almost the end was amazing.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Made me cry! Beautiful story.
The Fault in our Stars is an international bestseller by an award winning author John Green. This is John Green’s most loved and heartbreaking story yet which will be hard to beat! If you have not heard about The Fault in our Stars, where have you been hiding? Age does not matter with this five star beautifully written, heart warming, must read story! Do not wait to read this book, bump it up your pile or BUY IT NOW! I will forever praise and highly recommend this book to you all.

I could not put this book down until I had finished it (I was in another world while reading this book). As most of you will know this story has been adapted into a film and if you are a book worm like me, the book has to be read first! I cannot compare this book to the film as I have STILL not managed to watch the film yet! This is the perfect book for you all but specifically for those who enjoy the young adult, drama, death, romance and contemporary genre’s. This has to be on of my favourite books ever by John Green which led me to reading all his other books, I did find The Fault in our Stars a very emotional read so be warned!

This is Hazel’s story, Hazel has terminal cancer and will not expect what is about to happen… When Augustus walks into her life Hazel’s story will be completely re-written. Will they fall in love? Will Augustus show Hazel how beautiful life really is? That is for you to find out not if, but WHEN you read this outstanding story, trust me it will not let you down and will stick in your heart and mind forever! Enjoy, try not to cry!

Andy K (10821 KP) created a poll

Jan 22, 2019  
OK The 2018 Oscar nominations are out.

I know we all have our own opinions about which movies should have been nominated; however, we don't make the rules. This year's list is an interesting one.

Which movie do you think will win? (Not which deserves to win). Please feel free to comment your thoughts below as well.

Black Panther

0 votes

Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
A Star Is Born

0 votes

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s lunch time, and Piggie has whipped up a batch of her favorite treat – slop. And she wants to share it with her best friend – Gerald. Will he try it? Will he like it if he does?

Yes, this is a variation on Green Eggs and Ham, but the execution is flawless. There are plenty of laughs, both from Gerald’s reaction and some of what Piggie says. Plus, the moral about it being okay if you don’t like something as long as you tried it is perfectly done and a natural part of the book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
2014 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Revenge of the Green Dragons starts as we follow the two young boys that immigrated from China to America and New York City, in a neighbourhood that is run by the Chinese gang known as the Green Dragons.

Recruited at a young age Sonny (Chon) and Steven (Wu) have grown up as part of the Green Dragons under the leadership of Paul (Shum Jr) a businessman that uses the gang to get what he wants. We get to see how the two rise through the ranks in the Green Dragons that even grabs the attention of the FBI.


Thoughts on Revenge of the Green Dragons


Characters – Sonny is the quieter of the two friends that gets taken in by the gang, he is the one that would like a life outside the gang which isn’t as easy as it seems, even when he falls in love. Steven was built for the gang, even after he gets seriously injured in the battle between the gangs, he becomes the one that won’t hesitant to pull the trigger. Paul is the leader of the Green Dragons, a businessman on the outside, that uses his intelligence to make sure he can stay ahead of the game in the gang battle.

Performances – The performances in this movie are fine, nothing is great or bad, we get to see the different ranges of emotions that the two friends must face during their decisions. We don’t have any of the performances that stand out though.

Story – The story follows the gangster storylines we have seen before, two young men or in this case boys get recruited to a rising gang to become big players in their gang in a war against another gang, until they step out of line. This time we follow Chinese immigrants in New York and it shows how they would never hold back on anybody of any age or gender. This does give us a brutality in the story, but in the end it is just more of the same.

Action/Crime – The action is just gun battles and brutality to the people who get in the way of the crimes being committed by the Green Dragons, as we see how they try to stay off the radar while conducting their business

Settings – New York will always be a great choice for settings for crime movies, this is unlike any other showing us how gangs had neighbourhoods and always want more.

Scene of the Movie – Put the gun down, it brings a clever kill.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It offered nothing new to the genre.

Final Thoughts – This is a by the book crime movie, it shows the rise of two in a gang and just where they would go onto be in the gang, but otherwise gives us nothing we haven’t seen before.


Overall: Been Here Seen This.