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(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I had been wanting to read this book since I saw it advertised on another blog. It has a creepy boarding school which definitely piqued my interest. Luckily, this turned out to be an interesting read!

I like the title of this book. It sounds super ominous. I think the title definitely suits the story as, well, the plot does kind of involve Anne's education.

I love the cover! How creepy does it look!?! I love the way the boarding school on the cover looks really foreboding.

I enjoyed the world building. I'm not going to lie. While I was reading, I kept thinking that never would a poor girl get into a rich school, but the author does a fantastic job of explaining why and how towards the end of the book. I did have a lot of questions about the world building, but Wiebe does an awesome job at answering every single one. World events are mentioned in this book and how a character in this book relates to them. That was the scariest bit of world building for me because it's so easy to picture this scenario being responsible.

The pacing is a bit slow for the first two-thirds of the book, I'd say. I was thinking this would be one of those disappointing reads that I was really looking forward to. However, the last third or so of the book picks up the pace, and before I knew it, I couldn't put the book down. The only thing that would hurt this book is that a lot of readers might give up on it simply because the pacing is so slow throughout a huge chunk of the book.

The plot was really intriguing. A poor girl, Anne, is invited to study at a prestigious boarding school where only the super rich send their kids. Not to mention, it's also a secret boarding school. When Anne arrives at the school, everyone seems to know her story. Anne discovers that not all is as it seems at Cania Christy, and she embarks on a dangerous mission to find out the truth about her secretive boarding school. I really wish I could elaborate more on the plot, but if I did, it would give away spoilers and a major plot twist. The plot twist is what really pulled me in! Also, just when you think the book is going to end, it starts back up again with another plot twist! As this is part of a series, there is a cliff hanger at the end.

I thought the characters were all written very well. I especially liked the main character of Anne. I found her to be just an average teenage girl trying to find her place in the world. I found myself always feeling the same exact feelings she was experiencing during different points in the book. I also really enjoyed the character of Pilot. I loved his care free attitude about everything and how he didn't really let anything get to him. I also thought he was really good at what he did. I didn't really know what to make of Ben at first, but I eventually warmed to him. He seemed like a really sweet guy. The one character that annoyed me was Harper simply because I hated the way the author stereotyped her as she was from Texas. I hate how a lot of authors think Texans are all rich hillbillies which is what Harper seemed to be. The stereotypes that Harper embodied just really angered me. I wish Joanna Wiebe would've done some research on people from Texas before she wrote the character of Harper because it seemed obvious to me, as a Texan, that she didn't.

I thought the dialogue felt very realistic and flowed very well for the most part. The only dialogue that annoyed me was Harper's since the author made her sound like a stereotypical Texan. A lot of the "Texan" dialogue Harper used were words I'd never even heard (and I was born and raised in Texas). I'm thinking the author just made up a lot of those phrases. I'm just hoping that people who read this book don't actually believe that's how we talk in Texas. Other then that, I enjoyed the dialogue, and it felt like a real high school setting. There is some sexual talk, some violence, and some swear words, but I felt like none of that was over the top.

Overall, The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant by Joanna Wiebe is an interesting read. I feel that if the first two thirds of the book would've had a bit more action and there wasn't any stereotyping going on that this could've been a fantastic book. However, I'm looking forward to and will be reading the next book.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who want to immerse themselves in a brilliant paranormal world.

<b>I'd give <i>The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant</i> by Joanna Wiebe a 3.75 out of 5.</b>
The Fandom
The Fandom
Anna Day | 2017 | Children
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fandom
The Fandom
By Anna Day
Review: Christina Haynes

Ever loved a story so much that you wanted to jump inside the book and be apart of it. Imagine going to 'comic con' dressed up as your favourite character. Then actually becoming them in their world. Violet her two best friends; Alice and Katie. And her little brother Nate. Arrive at 'comic con' dressed up as their favourite characters from a book/film called 'The Gallows Dance'
Whilst meeting their favourite actors who play the lead characters in the movie, something happened and they get transported into the real Gallows Dance. Only they don't know this until the main character Rose gets killed and Violet who's dressed up as Rose has to take over her role.

So a little information about the Gallows Dance. The Gallows Dance is a book within this book, written by an author called Sally King. The characters in the book are called 'The Imps or the Gems'
The Imps are lower class citizens they live on the streets or in small houses, sealed in the old cities whilst the Gems have the countryside. The Imps don't have much, they are rife with disease and crime, they all look different and not 'what the gems like'
The Gems, however, are PERFECT. They are genetically enhanced to have the perfect body, the perfect mind and life. They live in these perfect houses and have taken over the stately homes and castles all for themselves. They have servants and go to balls almost every day, they stick to only Gems and marry only Gems.

The Gallows Dance is set in a dystopian London but in a very backwards way, for example, the Gallows is where they hang the Imps like they hung people back in the Elizabethan era in Tyburn, where they would hang 'Witches' The clothing is similar to this (well this is how I imaged it anyway) of course things are more like now, with the landmarks, but its all very backwards.

In the 'Gallows Dance' Rose is a rebel Imp who wants to with the rebels help, stop all Gems from being 'THE RULERS' and treating Imps like they are the lowest of all humans and that the Gems are the best. She heads into the Gem's world and tries to find out secrets to destroy the Gem government. She does this by working for the Gems as a servant in the Pastures, to gain the secrets about a powerful Gem, Jeremy Harper. She does this by befriending his son Willow Harper. However, Willow falls for Rose and in return, she falls for him. As the story goes on they both run away to which Rose is caught and hanged at the 'Gallows Dance' but not before Willow confesses his love for her. Which puts an end to the 'Gallows Dance' once and for all and everyone will live as one again, no more Imps and Gems. They will simply just be Humans.

But all this won't happen if Violet doesn't complete the story how Rose would of. If Violet does not get Willow to fall for her and follow her to the Gallows. Then they will all be stuck in the book forever and never be able to go home.

So time is ticking for Violet and her friends, they have exactly one week before Rose who's now Violet is due to hang. So Violet had better start learning her lines.

Tell Her No Lies
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, how do I put this? Well, I pride myself in providing honest, and quality, reviews, so, I'll say this. I didn't care for this one. It took me three times to get through just the first four chapters. As someone who has read and loved Kelly Irvin's Amish romances, I was very disappointed in the outcome of reading this one. I didn't finish it past chapter 4. 

The dialogue was not easy to follow, as it felt stiff. I just could not enjoy a book like that. The characters weren't life like to me, like I like to feel when reading about them. I like to become the characters, to feel as though I'm a part of the story. Not being able to get past chapter 4.....well, that's because the characters all felt forced. 

That said, I do still encourage you to try this book. Not everyone is for every book and not every book is for everyone. What I found forced and undesirable, you may find beautifully chiseled and absolutely gripping, as you can see that Kelly Irvin really does have a great writing style, if you've read her past Amish novels. So, this will be my first 2 star review in quite some time. I hope that you find you like it, if you give it a try. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins (Thomas Nelson) and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Outcast Girl vs Pretty Boy (Forever Love #4)
Outcast Girl vs Pretty Boy (Forever Love #4)
Jordan Ford | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Outcast Girl vs. Pretty Boy is a continuation of Bianca and Cam's story. This is the fourth book in the series and I definitely recommend reading them together or the story just won't make sense.

Cam and Bianca are perfect for each other, yet they keep secrets. Not just tiny, insignificant secrets, but big, HUGE, ones that have a direct impact on their relationship. We also get snippets of Stacey and Hayden in here too.

Just like the others in this series, I was engrossed in the story and never noticed how close I was to finishing it until there were no more pages to read. One thing I had to google was 'Milo'. I was intrigued before but now I know what it is, I'm oh so tempted! Now to find somewhere here in Germany that stocks it!

I loved how this story worked out, with both Cam and Bianca dealing with their issues. I look forward to seeing how their relationship progresses as the story continues. I thoroughly enjoy hearing how Tane and Harper are getting on, so I'm hopeful we will get the same here.

Absolutely need to be read in order and definitely worth it! As recommended by me 😁

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Fae King (Beyond The Mist, #4)
The Fae King (Beyond The Mist, #4)
Valerie Twombly | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast-paced and full of action
THE FAE KING is the fourth book in the Beyond The Mist series and we have a prophecy, a light fae King, a dark fae princess, and a mad elf prince!

This is an action-packed story that goes from enemies to lovers, sort of. Trevan and Amber don't actually hate each other - or at least, not until Trevan acts like a jerk as he allows his fears to reign. Their families have a bad history, with both sides at fault. They hate the thought of each other, and their actions out of fear only seem to compound that. It takes the mad elf prince and the prophecy to turn their hate to love and, once it does, they are unstoppable.

Fast-paced and smoothly flowing, this story skims across the surface, leaving me wanting more. I loved seeing the brothers, Storm, and Harper and want to see how the kingdom fares going forward.

I enjoyed this read and think it certainly adds to the series. It can be read as a standalone, but it makes more sense to have read them in order. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
First Comes Love
First Comes Love
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Comes Love is the story of a family. A family that is devastated by an extremely tragic event, the death of a child and brother. The story takes place 15 years after this event, and is told through the eyes of the two remaining children, Josie and Meredith. Each sister has a different personality and they definitely see the world from opposing perspectives. When secrets that have been plaguing the sisters for so long come to the surface, the only thing that will keep their relationship together is the love that brought them into this world.

I am a big fan of Emily Giffin. Her books always bring out a host of emotions in me. Happiness, sadness, understanding, compassion. And this title did not disappoint. The newest from the author, it covers the relationship between two sisters in the aftermath of their older brother's tragic death fifteen years earlier. Both still haunted by the events of that night and the outcomes that came from it, will they be able to find the love they have for each other to sort out what is going on.

Josie is the oldest of the two and she is single and a first grade teacher. Starting out her new school year,she finds out that her ex-boyfriend's daughter is going to be in her class. This brings back a whole host of memories from when we they were together and the reason they broke up. Determined not to let this get her down, she makes a very important decision that will change her life forever, the only problem, she's not getting the support she wants, especially from her sister Meredith.

Meredith is the youngest child. She is married to Nolan and has a young daughter named Harper. From the outside, Meredith looks as though she has her life together. She is a lawyer and her and Nolan are living in her childhood home that they bought from her parents. But something is clearly missing from Meredith's life, she's just not sure what it is and how to find it. Hating to be overshadowed by Josie's need for things to be all about her, she takes some time for herself to recognize what is going on in her life and what she can do to fix it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me this advance copy of First Comes Love
The Fix (Amos Decker #3)
The Fix (Amos Decker #3)
David Baldacci | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a typical day for Amos Decker. He is on his way to the Hoover Building in downtown Washington, DC when a man pulls out a gun and shoots a woman right in front of FBI Headquarters. Then he turns the gun on himself. What the hell just happened and most importantly for Decker to find out, why? This is Decker's second case working for the FBI and they've moved him and Jamison from Quantico up to the Washington Field Office. Why would someone choose to shoot another person in front of the FBI building? Why would a successful businessman with a family do such a thing? What did the woman he kill do? Will Decker and his team be able to answer these questions before it's too late?

Walter Dabney seems like your average businessman. He lives in a nice house, with his wife. His grown children are all out of the house doing their own things making a lives for themselves. There are so many secrets though that this family is hiding and slowly they all begin to unravel. After Dabney shoots Ann Berkshire in broad daylight and then himself, other people start to turn up dead. Are all of these deaths connected and what is the connection? When Harper Brown from the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) turns up claiming there is spy work involved, it makes Decker even more eager to solve this case. But there are secrets behinds every corner and getting different government agencies to cooperate is not the easiest task.

Government secrets, spies from decades ago, messages passed through dolls and Harry Potter books, how will it all end?

I really enjoyed this book. I love the character of Amos Decker. I like how he has no cut cards, and shoots straight from the hip. He may get up and walk out of a room without explanation. He has a unique personality with his ability to never forget and see things in color. I look forward to the next Decker adventure.
Ripping Off the Mask
Ripping Off the Mask
Harper Jewel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ripping Off The Mask by Harper Jewel
Ripping Off The Mask starts with action. Coop is with his (work) partner, Silvio, when they are called to a bank robbery. Others are on their way, or already there, chasing the suspects. Silvio goes off by himself as he is faster than Coop. That leads to them both being shot, only Silvio doesn't make it. What he does do is to open up a hornet's nest within Coop, as he tries to come to terms with everything that has happened, and what he did.

I liked Coop and Wes when they weren't talking. In fact, I liked ALL the characters when they weren't talking. The minute they opened their mouths, I lost interest. The conversations and comments made came across as very stilted and forced, with lots of repetition between what they thought and what they said.

Some of the situations in the book just didn't seem realistic - and yes, I know this is fiction, but I still like to be able to pretend it's real! There is a paranormal element to this book that you will either like or loathe. Personally, I liked it, but that's just me. The premise of this book is a good one, and has all the elements there that I normally like. However, although I still liked the book, it didn't really get to me. There are plenty of themes in this book, from the twins separated at birth, to ghosts/angels, to the big bad with a rough childhood. This is a long book, so there is plenty of time for everything to play out.

I think if you can get to grips with the pacing and style of writing, then you will probably enjoy this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Brown_Flopsy (3 KP) rated The Dry in Books

Feb 4, 2018  
The Dry
The Dry
Jane Harper | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension (0 more)
Excellent debut novel!
What a great book!
Set in Australia, police investigator Aaron Falk is called back to his rural childhood home to attend the funerals of his old friend Luke and his family.
However, Kiewarra is experiencing a crushing drought, which is killing the town; it looks like Luke killed himself and his family; and Aaron and his father were run out of town 20 years ago in connection with the death of Aaron and Luke's friend Ellie. Tempers and temeratures are boiling and Aaron is not welcomed by many who remember the past, especially when Luke's parents ask him to look into the circumstances around his death and that of his wife and child. Did Luke really kill them and them turn the gun on himself? Did Luke kill Ellie too?
This story is beautifully crafted by Jane Harper. It is a very impressive debut novel - atmospheric and tense, with lots of red herrings along the way. I loved that you were with Falk, and local policeman Raco, through every lead, and I was just as convinced as them that they were on the right track each time....and shared their disappointment and frustration when the leads did not pan out.
I really enjoyed the twist in Ellie's story at the end too - just when you thought you knew what had happened to her.
I think this will be one of my top reads this year! Now on to Harper's new Aaron Falk thriller Force of Nature!

Carma (21 KP) rated Forbidden Lovers in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
Forbidden Lovers
Forbidden Lovers
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating is 3.5 stars for Forbidden Lovers by Kimberly Troutte. Ms. Troutte is a new to me author and while I felt this book had some good bones, it failed to grab my attention completely.

Matt Harper is returning home to Plunder Cove after leaving, without a choice, 10 years ago to join the Air Force. He left behind his fiancée, who rapidly remarried (supposedly) 3 months after he left, estranged parents and a home comparable to a compound.

Julia Espinoza lost the love of her life when her fiancé was killed when his plane was shot down in Afghanistan 10 years ago. She doesn’t know her mother and has lived with extended family since she was small. She isn’t wealthy like Matt was but he never seemed to care. She never got to say goodbye when he left, but he left her the most precious gift of all before he enlisted.

Matt returns home after being summoned by his father, along with his siblings, to some big announcement. Reconnecting with Julia, who at first doesn’t recognize him believing he was dead, was an added bonus. Will they be able to pick up right where they left off?

While this story was interesting there was just too much I didn’t like about it. Mostly, the flow and sentence structures. For me, it was too jumbled and while it was short it was very unnecessarily wordy. I voluntarily downloaded a copy from Netgalley without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.