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Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
274. Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Tom Cruise is totally insane, but, he does make some entertaining flicks, even in this 20+ year film franchise. He does some crazy stunts, the ankle scene, I think is still in there, and its brutal. And he fights Superman! So the main theme to part 6 is this. Ethan Hunt did not kill the bad guy, Solomon Lane from the previous film, played by Sean Harris, a cool creepy character actor, and he's back to tear Ethan Hunt a new butthole, and plans to take a bunch of people with him, including Ethan's ex Julia, what??? And to top it all off, the government bastards don't really trust Ethan, so they send a babysitter, Henry Cavill as August Walker. Ok, so the big mystery of this one... there's a mystery guy out there working against Ethan's team, and they seem to know their every move. So Ethans entire team, and August Walker is out to recapture Solomon and stop the madness before the mystery bad spy can get him. Who could it be??? The basic cast has remained the same, a few additions along the way, and then there's Henry Cavill's character, this one will be tough to figure out. But a really fun entertaining flick... Were they hinting at Ethan Hunt getting a little old?? Several scenes were focused on Hunt catching his breath....maybe its just me... Filmbufftim on FB
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Western
In 2012, comedy writer/director/actor Seth MacFarlane created and introduced the world to basically a “live action” episode of his hit show Family Guy with the film Ted. I originally thought that film looked stupid. However as absurd as it was, it was still hilarious. Something about a talking “grown up” Teddy Bear was charming enough, but also required you to completely suspend disbelief and just go with whatever ridiculousness what was shown on screen. It was the success of that film that caused me to have higher expectations for MacFarlane’s new film A Million Ways to Die in the West. Sadly, he is a victim of his own success.

Seth MacFarlane takes on the “leading man” role this time around and unfortunately, he is not a leading man. His constant diatribes about how the west can kill you are delivered in his typical long-winded over intelligent style. Only they feel out of place as the rest of the characters and film do not take themselves remotely serious. Truthfully, I found myself not caring about him at all and was more interested in the other characters. Neil Patrick Harris is a standout as a “mustache man” who steals MacFarlane’s girlfriend and the rest of the cast pull off their cookie cutter western characters well.

That is not to say that this film is not funny. It has its funny parts. However they are far between and few are memorable. Because they try to play this movie a bit more “straight” than Ted, it just doesn’t work as well. Perhaps it is because we have seen it all from MacFarlane before and it is just more of the same.

In the end, if you are a MacFarlane fan and go into this film will medium to low expectations, you won’t be disappointed and will probably enjoy this film. But if you are looking for the next best comedy of the summer or something to make you constantly laugh, best you go check out Neighbors as this film is not near as funny.
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Dead and Gone (Sookie Stackhouse, #9)
Charlaine Harris | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
More action (0 more)
Sookie (0 more)
Better than the last!
Contains spoilers, click to show
The vamps have been out for years, and now the weres and shifters have decided to follow the lead of the undead and reveal their existence to the ordinary world. Sookie Stackhouse already knows about them, of course - her brother turns into a panther at the full moon, she's friend to the local were pack, and Sam, her boss at Merlotte's bar, is a shapeshifter.

The great revelation goes well at first - then the horribly mutilated body of a were-panther is found in the parking lot of Merlotte's, and Sookie agrees to use her telepathic talent to track down the murderer. But there is a far greater danger than this killer threatening Bon Temps: a race of unhuman beings, older, more powerful, and far more secretive than the vampires or the werewolves, is preparing for war. And Sookie is an all-too-human pawn in their ages-old battle...

I have struggled with this series lately! Actually I have struggled with Charlaine Harris for a while! But I actually didn't mind this book. It was easier to read than the last few sookie didn't completely annoy the hell out of me. I think her being with Eric makes her less whinny maybe I don't know. I actually shouted out loud poor Sam a few times when will she wake up to him !

I actually got into the story line in this one too poor Jason and poor Crystal even a bitch like her didn't deserve that! Looking forward to hearing more the fairies too!!



Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2151 KP) rated Murder Out of Character in Books

Mar 1, 2024 (Updated Mar 1, 2024)  
Murder Out of Character
Murder Out of Character
Olivia Matthews | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Has Marvey Found a Hit List?
The summer fun raising campaign for the library is kicking off with a cocktail reception, and Marvey Harris is in the thick of things thanks to her job. The event goes well, but as the staff is cleaning up, Marvey finds a list of names left behind by someone. She’s intrigued since her good friend Spence is on it as is a man who has just died.

Two days later, another person on the list has died. Marvey can’t help but think she’s found a list that someone is targeting, but she is having a hard time getting anyone to take her seriously. Especially since no one seems to be able to figure out a solid connection between the four people on the list. Can Marvey discover what is going on before a killer strikes again?

I’d intended to get back and finish this series, and I was happy to see the main characters again. While the supporting players could have been a bit better developed, I love Marvey and her friends. They are just wonderful. I was intrigued by the plot, but it didn’t quite work for me. The pacing was off, with some repetitive scenes. While the killer and motive did make sense, there was still a major part of the plot that was never explained. If you are a plot first person, I’d recommend you skip this book. But if you enjoy reading about strong bonds between characters, you will want to check this one out.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Chernobyl in TV

Oct 6, 2019  
2019 | Action, Drama, History
No words...
Every once in a while, a piece of cinema comes along so profound, epic, chilling, horrible, emotional, disgusting, jarring, magnificent and wondrous it completely takes my breathe away. When I was a child it was films like E.T., Return of the Jedi and Raiders of the lost Ark. Since becoming an adult, it has changed to movies like Schindler's List, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Requiem For A Dream and now Chernobyl.

This five part HBO series not only accounts for the immediate aftermath of the disaster, but shows the relatively unknown sagas of those people who were just doing their jobs not knowing their heroism and ultimate sacrifice probably saved millions of lives and maybe the entire planet Earth.

The men in the control room of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not know what just happened. They heard an explosion and then thought there was a fire on the roof of one of the buildings. Residents in the nearly town went out to see the spectacle taking their children and stood on a nearby bridge so they could see. Those men with the local fire department were called in the deal with the fire and quickly arrived to see the devastation they faced. Little did they know most of them were doomed with this assignment.

Soon after, nuclear experts are called in to formulate a plan to not only contain and extinguish the atomic blaze, but also to contain the radiation which the wind is carrying to neighboring countries. Proud Russian state officials also downplay the situation to the rest of the world and are wary to ask for outside assistance not wanting to show weakness.

After the plan to douse the flames in successful a new problem arises. Large water tanks which are supposed to be empty now contain water from the fireman's work which now could cause a nuclear megaton explosion killing millions and laying waste to an entire region of the Earth. A plan is also forged to deal with this new development.

Meanwhile, hospitals overrun with casualties are now forced to deal with unimaginable human suffering from those who took the worst of the radiation. Their agony and torture is some of the worst human suffrage short of war time in the history of the Earth. At the same time, a scientist and nuclear expert speaks with the men near death to assume a timeline and details of what took place during those fateful minutes before the disaster.

The monumental feat this mini-series puts to task is truly astonishing. The technical and historical detail filmmakers took to ensure accuracy is among the most impressive I have ever seen. The European locations used for filming were authentic to the last detail and the style of film was harsh and unrelenting. I watched all 5 episodes straight through as I couldn't wait to get to the next installment. As each ended, I was left with my jaw on the floor is amazement wear tears in my eyes and streaming down my face. Creator/writer Craig Mazin should be commended for his screenplay which is based on quite a lot of first-hand accounts of the situation from people who witnessed it.

Lead actors Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård and Emily Watson were all astonishing, especially Harris who portrayed Valery Legasov with such conviction, you as the audience were outraged and sympathetic to his role in this ordeal.

The human suffering portrayed onscreen through the use of remarkable make up effects were so real there were several points I had to stop the film just so I could catch my breath. I was so emotional while watching this masterpiece I feel now like a changed person after just having witnessed something as magic as this perfect piece of filmmaking.

I was so enamored with this production I watched all the making of material afterwards and a documentary about the real events including some of the real graphic patient images that I will never forget.

Hopefully, this will be shown in schools in the future and future generations will continue to learn about the Chernobyl catastrophe as a symbol of human arrogance so that it will never be repeated.


Elli H Burton (1288 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Okay I HAVE to watch it now!


Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Lol I hope you love it and are as moved as I was.


TheBookMother (105 KP) rated All That She Can See in Books

May 11, 2019 (Updated May 11, 2019)  
All That She Can See
All That She Can See
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprising plot twist that one does not expect. Loveable characters. Imaginative and a perfect light escape. Reminiscent of Joanne Harris's Chocolat. Perfect for those who love Celia Adhern. (0 more)
The chapter breaks that are depicted by little cakes and fruit I found to be quite annoying and distracting! (0 more)
As light and pleasant as one of Mary Berry's bakes!
I had some doubts about this book when I picked it up in a charity shop recently but hands up now, I was pleasantly surprised and did enjoy it.
I am a bit of a fan of the Fletcher's and find them to write some quite charming books which I tend to think of as my guilty pleasure!
They are the ones that have a heart warming tail or romantic fairy tale twist that gives you the warm fuzzies.
They are what I turn to in-between some heavy reads for some light relief.
It started off in a fairly standard way but I was very taken aback to where the story did lead and in fact end!
There is a sci fi and almost paranormal element that reminded me of something you can imagine watching on Netflix a bit like The OA. It was similar to The Book of Tomorrow by Celia Adhern.
It was very emotive which was to be expected when alot of the story is about feelings.
There is alot of very imaginative text which really does draw you in and you want to carry on reading.
I did devour this book in a couple of days. Some areas are a tad predictable but all in all it is a pleasant read.
It isn't a literary masterpiece per se but I don't think it's pretending to be either.
It may not change your life but it will stay with you for a little while afterwards and what it did do was help one mum escape the chaos of raising two young boys for a little while!
If you like Celia Adhern, Joanne Harris and of course Giovanna Fletcher then you will no doubt enjoy this read too.

JT (287 KP) rated Takers (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Takers (2010)
Takers (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The bank heist, it’s been done to death in Hollywood over the years but it still seems to be a film favourite. You’d be hard pressed to find a really bad one out there and most of the ones that I have seen have been exceptional films.

Of course they all follow a very similar pattern. Group steals money, plan one last job which will inevitable go wrong where someone will get double crossed and not everyone walks off into the sunset with the money.Its a no brainer really and only an idiot could really mess up that style of plot.

Takers is no different from any other before it, the cast here seem to be a bit mismatched in places. There are real life rappers Chris Brown and T.I. aka Clifford Joseph Harris Jr., eye candy favourites Matt Dillon and Paul Walker with Brit Idris Elba making it the most unconventional mix of cops and robbers ever.

The film’s highlights are the well choreographed set pieces including a decent hotel gun fight, a hiest that goes wrong leading to more gun play, and an impressive chase through the city. Even the opening does well to set the story and character back grounds.

Where the film let’s itself down, through no fault of its own, is the way in which we are always one step ahead of the plot. This is just down to all the hiest films we have seen before and we’re pretty much going to make our own assumptions as to what is going to happen and who is going to get away with what at the climax.

There are a couple of wasted back stories which do little to the film such as Matt Dillon’s corrupt partner or Idris Elba’s crackhead sister. Zoe Saldana is a virtual unknown in this and pops up from time to time doing nothing but enlighten the screen with her clear beauty.

It’s never going to compete against the big boys such as Heat, Point Break or The Town, but it does well enough to hold the attention for 90 minutes or so.
A History of Violence (2005)
A History of Violence (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Story: A History of Violence starts as we meet mild-mannered Tom Stall (Mortensen) working in his local diner with his own family, wide Edie (Bello) and child Jack (Holmes) and Sarah. One evening two men arrive in his diner trying to rob and kill the people inside, Tom’s quick thinking kills the criminals making him a local hero.

The act of heroism brings gangster Carl Fogarty (Harris) to town who claims Tom is from the criminal underworld hiding out with his older brother Richie (Hurt) waiting for him to return back to the criminal world.


Thoughts on A History of Violence


Characters – Tom Stall is a quiet man, running a diner having a loving family, he steps up to protect his customers and friends makes him a local hero. Now he has drawn a target on his chest with his past coming back to haunt him. Edie is the wife of Tom, she works in law bring home the bigger pay checks, she supports Tom, until she learns the truth and must decide where she stands with him. Carl Fogarty is the mysterious stranger that arrives in town claiming to know Tom from a previous life, he brings the danger back into Tom’s life with the past he wanted to run away from. Richie is the crime boss and brother to Tom, he has been searching for his brother for years and now sees the chance for the connection.

Performances – Viggo Mortensen is outstanding in this leading role we see how he keeps his character perfectly calm in everyday life and how the switch can make him a deadly killer, this is an ability that not everyone can achieve. Maria Bello is strong in her role as a woman unsure who her husband really is. Ed Harris and William Hurt in the supporting role are fantastic both take over the screen with their presence adding much needed tension to everything.

Story – The story here follows a mild-mannered man whose past comes back to haunt him after protect people he loves and cares about. This is almost like the story that follows up one of the gangster films where we see someone leave the life only to get drawn back years later against his will. The film like to use the idea of violence being the breaking point for relationships between husband & wife, father & son and two brothers which gets played out perfectly. There is an air of tension from start to finish in the film which leaves us only wanting to see where things would go next.

Thriller – The film uses the tension to keep us feeling uneasy through nearly each moment in the film never knowing what would happen next.

Settings – The film is set in a small town which Tom makes safe and happy, if would make sense for his character to be there too, it shows how media can expose anybody’s secret.

Scene of the Movie – The first crime rescue.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The bullying side which isn’t the most important thing we see.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the best modern thrillers you will see, you have four stunning performances and shocks around each corner.


Overall: Stunning thriller
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008)
2008 | Comedy
5.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It has been four years since Harold and Kumar embarked on their munchies induced quest for White Castle hamburgers. The resulting chaos and mayhem that resulted led to solid box office and DVD sales and spawned the sequel “Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay”.

The film picks up at the conclusion of the last film and finds Harold (John Cho), planning a trip to Amsterdam with his friend Kumar (Kal Penn), in order to surprise his new girlfriend Maria (Paula Garces). Kumar is thrilled at the idea of the trip fueled in large part due to Amsterdam’s very tolerant attitude towards drugs.

As they prepare to board their plane, the duo meet Kumar’s old girlfriend Vanessa (Danneel Harris), who is about to marry a powerful and conservative Texan named Colton (Eric Winter), who has designs on being the President someday.

Unwilling to let on that he still holds a torch for Vanessa, Kumar attempts to get high during the flight and ends up getting himself and Harold mistaken for terrorists. Before the duo know what has hit them they have run afoul of Homeland Security agent Ron Fox (Rob Corddry), and are sharing a cell in Guantanamo Bay.

Desperate to escape their plight, the duo soon find themselves on the lam with Fox and the nations law enforcement officials in hot pursuit.

Harold and Kumar hope to make it to Texas in order to seek help from Colton as Harold thinks that due to their friendship and his connections he can get the duo out of their predicament. Kumar is all for this as not only is it the best way to get out of their situation but he secretly thinks he can get Vanessa to come back to him before it is too late.

Along the way the duo look to find help from their bizarre friends, and run into all manner of obstacles ranging from the Klan, Rednecks, and Neil Patrick Harris in a very funny cameo, and countless other bizarre people and situations.

The film is crude but if you were a fan of the last film, you will likely find this film very funny. The chemistry between Cho and Penn is good and it is fun to see the misadventures of the two best friends and hear them argue amongst themselves over their plight. Harold being the more level headed of the two is furious over the irresponsible Kumar and how he got them into this situation, but he is willing to stand by his friend to a point, which results in one of the fun moments in the film when the duo end up in a brothel in Texas.

Penn and Cho also seem to be having a good time playing the characters and despite the abundance of crude and drug related humor, there are some genuinely funny moments in the film and it is better than the first film in the series.

Those expecting a deep plot and characters will be disappointed, but if you came into this film looking for those elements, then you must have gotten into Kumar’s stash. That being said, take the film for what it is, and enjoyable if light piece of comedy, and you are likely to be glad that you are along for the ride.
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
1989 | Horror
6.1 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The fall of the franchise.
Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris) now has a psychic connection with Michael Myers, she has visions showing who and where he is going to kill next.

If that sounds dumb to you, then trust me, the movie will feel dumb too.
Halloween 5 feels more like a Friday the 13th movie, filled with dumb teens getting picked off one by one, featuring some unrealistic subplot to distinguish it from other entries.
Gone is the eerie suspense, the music is a shadow of the original's score. Gone too is the tension of asking "where is Michael?" As Jamie's visions literally show us where he is.

 There is also a weird change, in Halloween 4 Leslie L. Rohland played the part of Lindsey Wallace, shown as a friend to both Jamie and Rachel (Ellie Cornell), Leslie did not return for H5. In Halloween 5, they cast Wendy Foxworth as Tina Williams. What's confusing is Leslie and Tina are very similar to one another, they look alike and their characters were similar. In H5 they played off like Tina had known Jamie from before. So it begs the question, if you had to recast why not keep the same character? And if you had to change character, why not cast someone unlike Leslie? I don't know but it's always bugged me.

There are a couple of good things to say about it. Some death scenes are intense and brutal, the ending is good, intense with a decent twist.

Overall though, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers is the first entry in the series that really truly disappointed me, mostly due to its dumb story.