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Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Zack (Seth Rogan), and Miri (Elizabeth Banks), are two lifelong friends with problems. Their lives in a Pittsburgh Suburb have not turned out as well as they would have hoped as they find themselves mired in low paying jobs struggling to pay the bills and have any semblance of a happy life.

With their ten year high school reunion pending on the night before Thanksgiving, Zack agrees to accompany Miri but has little enthusiasm to see the same group of people he went to school with especially when he has so little to show for his post school life.

While things do not go as hoped for either Zack or Miri at the reunion, things get even worse when their water and power is turned off upon returning home forcing them to contend with a very cold and dark Thanksgiving.

In a fit of inspiration born out of desperation Zack decides to make a Porno as a way out of their financial issues. Zack contends that most of their fellow classmates will buy it out of curiosity and if they can sell 1000 copies, their problems will be over. Despite their platonic relationship, Miri agrees to make the film with Zack, and after getting financed by one of Zack’s co-workers with money meant for a plasma television, Zack and Miri begin the process of casting and creating their film.

Of course things do not go as planned and one series of hilarious events and disasters after another arise to hamper the budding filmmakers, and add even more pressure to their pending first time with one another.

With Deadlines pending, Zack and Miri must deal with the problems surrounding the film as well as their own long dormant denied attraction to one another the two life long friends must make choices that will have lifelong ramifications.

Writer and Director Kevin Smith has created a funny film that is both familiar to his previous works yet a more mature and emotional film. Yes there is plenty of outrageous humor and very frank and explicit diologe between the characters yet there is a maturity amongst the characters. As he showed in “Clerks II), the leads in “Zack and Miri” make a porno are dealing with bigger issues than trying to have sex, they are dealing with the fragile emotions that come with opening your heart and the fears of rejection that come with it. The theme of doing what you want to do rather than what is expected of you is also a constant theme here, and it is refreshing to see Smith once again tackle such issues without being preachy or heavy handed.

Supporting Rogen and Banks are Smith staples Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson as well as solid supporting work from Justin Long who is utterly hilarious in every scene he is in.

While some fans may want more full out humor such as Smith gave in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”, Zack and Miri is more in tune with “Chasing Amy” as it focuses more on the relationship amongst the leads rather than wall to wall blunt humor.

No matter how many times I see Kevin Smith films, I am amazed at how well he captures the natural conversation between his characters. Yes, it is very raw but also very natural as it has a flow to it that embodies and defines the characters without ever overshadowing them. We all know of people who sit around having conversations as frank and outrageous as the characters in Smith’s films but never do the words seem forced or clichéd.

I am curious to see what future films Kevin Smith will craft as I find myself longing for the classic stable of Jersey characters like Jay and Silent Bob to return, yet understand the need he has to move forward and progress as a filmmaker.

“Zack and Miri” may not be the best work Smith has ever done, but it is very funny and deeply entertaining and shows a positive new direction for this talented director.
Eagle Eye (2008)
Eagle Eye (2008)
2008 | Drama, Mystery
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zack (Seth Rogan), and Miri (Elizabeth Banks), are two lifelong friends with problems. Their lives in a Pittsburgh Suburb have not turned out as well as they would have hoped as they find themselves mired in low paying jobs struggling to pay the bills and have any semblance of a happy life.

With their ten year high school reunion pending on the night before Thanksgiving, Zack agrees to accompany Miri but has little enthusiasm to see the same group of people he went to school with especially when he has so little to show for his post school life.

While things do not go as hoped for either Zack or Miri at the reunion, things get even worse when their water and power is turned off upon returning home forcing them to contend with a very cold and dark Thanksgiving.

In a fit of inspiration born out of desperation Zack decides to make a Porno as a way out of their financial issues. Zack contends that most of their fellow classmates will buy it out of curiosity and if they can sell 1000 copies, their problems will be over. Despite their platonic relationship, Miri agrees to make the film with Zack, and after getting financed by one of Zack’s co-workers with money meant for a plasma television, Zack and Miri begin the process of casting and creating their film.

Of course things do not go as planned and one series of hilarious events and disasters after another arise to hamper the budding filmmakers, and add even more pressure to their pending first time with one another.

With Deadlines pending, Zack and Miri must deal with the problems surrounding the film as well as their own long dormant denied attraction to one another the two life long friends must make choices that will have lifelong ramifications.

Writer and Director Kevin Smith has created a funny film that is both familiar to his previous works yet a more mature and emotional film. Yes there is plenty of outrageous humor and very frank and explicit diologe between the characters yet there is a maturity amongst the characters. As he showed in “Clerks II), the leads in “Zack and Miri” make a porno are dealing with bigger issues than trying to have sex, they are dealing with the fragile emotions that come with opening your heart and the fears of rejection that come with it. The theme of doing what you want to do rather than what is expected of you is also a constant theme here, and it is refreshing to see Smith once again tackle such issues without being preachy or heavy handed.

Supporting Rogen and Banks are Smith staples Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson as well as solid supporting work from Justin Long who is utterly hilarious in every scene he is in.

While some fans may want more full out humor such as Smith gave in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”, Zack and Miri is more in tune with “Chasing Amy” as it focuses more on the relationship amongst the leads rather than wall to wall blunt humor.

No matter how many times I see Kevin Smith films, I am amazed at how well he captures the natural conversation between his characters. Yes, it is very raw but also very natural as it has a flow to it that embodies and defines the characters without ever overshadowing them. We all know of people who sit around having conversations as frank and outrageous as the characters in Smith’s films but never do the words seem forced or clichéd.

I am curious to see what future films Kevin Smith will craft as I find myself longing for the classic stable of Jersey characters like Jay and Silent Bob to return, yet understand the need he has to move forward and progress as a filmmaker.

“Zack and Miri” may not be the best work Smith has ever done, but it is very funny and deeply entertaining and shows a positive new direction for this talented director.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Cecilia Kass (Elizabeth Moss) is a woman living in fear. Despite living a life of wealth and privilege in a seaside home; she is ready to take drastic steps in her life.

Cecilia is trying to escape from her controlling and abusive husband who despite being considered a wealthy genius in the field of Optics; has made her life a living hell and forces her to make a daring escape that has her barely getting away with the help of her sister Alice (Harriett Dyer).
The film picks up two weeks later where Cecilia is hiding with a friend of her sister Officer James Lanier (Aldis Hodge) and his daughter Sydney (Storm Reid). Cecilia is scared to even leave the house and do simple tasks such as checking the mailbox and is livid when her sister comes to visit as she is sure that her husband will find her by tracking her Sister.

Alice informs Cecilia that her husband has killed himself and she is now free to live without fear. Cecilia gets a letter informing her that she is to receive 100K a month to the sum of five million dollars as part of her husband’s will. The fact that nobody should have her mailing address does seem odd to her as does that fact that the estate is being handled by her ex’s brother Tom (Michael Dorman).

With her new wealth Cecilia gifts James and also sets up a school fund for Sydney and begins to emerge from her shell.

It is around this time that unusual things begin to happen to her. A lost item from the night of her escape shows up and a mysterious kitchen fire starts. Cecelia also wakes up to find the covers off the bed and what appears to be something unseen standing on the blankets when she attempts to pull them up.

When she expresses her concerns to James that her husband is alive and exacting revenge, both he and Tom ignore her and when things begin to escalate, Cecilia is the one who starts to look more and more unstable as the tormenting continues and her life spins out of control.

The film is Written and Directed by Leigh Whannell who rose to prominence as one of the co-creators of the “SAW” franchise. The film is the perfect example of how to do a film of this sort as it is very clever in how it is paced and allows for the suspense to build without relying on many of the standard Horror Film staples.
The film is also good about having things happen before it pulls back so it is not an extended series of intense moments but several incidents between the tension and setup.

The cast is very good and what is amazing is that the film was made for a $7 million dollar budget yet looks every bit of a major studio film.

There are some interesting twists along the way as while I was able to predict two of them; the others were a very nice surprise.
It is so refreshing to see a film like this come along as in many ways it can help redefine the Horror genre and proves that you can make a quality movie that is also scary and intense.

I for one hope we see more from this franchise in the near future.
4.5 stars out of 5.
    Daily Blends

    Daily Blends

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    Daily Blends is the ultimate plant-based recipe app by Simple Green Smoothies, with a community of...

Glory Road (2006)
Glory Road (2006)
2006 | Drama, Sport
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sports films have long been a popular genre in Hollywood as classics such as Pride of the Yankees, The Natural, and Raging Bull are all examples of some of the finest examples of sports films which encapsulate the very essence of the sport they portray.

In the new film Glory Road Josh Lucas stars as Don Haskins, a girls Basketball coach who is given the chance to coach a Division 1 team at Texas Western in 1966.

The small school cannot offer the coach much in the way of amenities as Don and his family are required to live in the student’s dorm. Since his dreams of playing pro ball came to a halt after a knee injury, Haskins looks at his job as a chance for him to make a name for himself.

The task will be daunting as Texas Western is a very small school that puts the majority of its athletic budget into the football program leaving next to no money for the gym, new equipment, and recruiting of players.

After a frustrating attempt to recruit players at a local invitational, Haskins sets his sites on a young African American player who while big on attitude, is also big on potential.

With scholarships to offer, Haskins and his staff travel the nation and shock the conservative school by offering scholarships to 8 African American players. In a day and age when teams had at most 1-2 African American players; many of whom did not see much playing time; this is a risky move for the coach.

Undaunted, the coach begins the process of integrating his new players with his current players all of whom are Caucasian, which leads to some tension over starting rights, abilities, and styles.

Haskins is a no nonsense coach who is very strict in regards to grades, effort in practice, and above all avoiding late nights and carousing while the season is underway. Despite this, many players decide to test the will of the coach which raises issues of commitment to the team and discipline, all of which are standard staples of sports films.

When the season starts, a funny thing happens. Not only is the coach playing his African American players in a heavy rotation, but little Texas Western is winning their games and beating some of the more noted teams in the country in the process.

As their notoriety increases so does the amount of hostility directed towards the team from racially incensed fans who do not like the make up of the team and especially hate their success.

Despite this, the team finds itself in the National Championship game against powerful Kentucky coached by the legendary Adolph Rupp (Jon Voight), where Haskins makes history by starting and playing only his African American players which is a first in NCAA finals history.

While the marketing and trailers for the film certainly do not hesitate from telling you most of the above and underscoring that the team ends up in the finals and that the film is based on a true story, it is not about the final results, it is about the journey the team took getting there.

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer is a master at knowing what the fans want and director James Gartner gives viewers a by the number film that delivers the goods. Yes, the film heavily uses all the sporting clichés from the ailing player, the us against the world mentality, the team of misfits, and so on all of which combines to offer little cinematic tension as it is very clear early on and from the ads where this film will end up.

Despite tipping their hand early and throughout, the filmmakers have decided not to rock the boat and have stuck with a tried and true formula that results with a winning albeit very predictable film.

Lucas does a solid job in the roll and makes the best of the material he has to work with. The game sequences are well managed and rousing which had members of my preview audience cheering.

While it offers little originality, Glory Road is a lot of fun, and despite mining every cliché in the book, is an entertaining time at the movies.
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Horror
Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is an unassuming young man who makes his way through life the best way he can despite being plagued by Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This particular affliction is a serious concern for Columbus as according to his rules for survival, bathrooms are a very dangerous place.

In the new horror/comedy “Zombieland”, Columbus finds himself as one of the few remaining people left alive, and is trying to make his way from Texas back to his family in Columbus in the hopes of finding them alive.

Despite being alone, Columbus keeps himself sharp through constant vigilance, and a list of rules he has created for surviving a world gone mad which he has dubbed Zombieland. As the film opens, Columbus establishes some of his most common rules which are then illustrated in very funny examples, which also serve to establish the backdrop of the film.

As he travels, Columbus crosses paths with Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), who is on a quest to find the last remaining Twinkies in the world. Tallahassee established a no names rule, hence the characters in the film are known by the locales they are from. When he is not cruising the roads in search of his elusive snack cake, Tallahassee is an avid Zombie killer and takes great delight in dispatching as many of them as he can.
When a stop introduces the duo to a pair of sisters named Wichita (Emma Stone), and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), who are dedicated to survival at all costs, and are not above taking some serious measures of manipulation to get ahead.

After some initial difficulties, the group joins up and head for California where Wichita has convinced Little Rock that a local theme park is a Zombie free area that will provide them a safe haven.

Despite some skepticism but buoyed by his attraction to Wichita, Columbus tags along, and awkwardly attempts to impress her which results in some very touching and funny moments.

The film shifts into high gear when the group arrives in L.A. and takes refuge in a mansion which has tons of laughs as well as a very solid celebrity appearance which is a true gem.

Eventually the subplots of the film all converge in a frantic array of action, humor, and romance that had the audience at the preview screening cheering and laughing.

“Zombieland” is a very enjoyable film that provides plenty of laughs and a good mix of action yet remains a character driven story. The leads all work very well with one another and Eisenberg follows his turn in “Adventureland” with a performance that establishes him as a young actor to watch. His likeable everyman quality combined with his charming sincerity and awkwardness makes Columbus a great foil and companion for the outrageous antics of Tallahassee.

The young love storyline is handled well in the film, and does not resort to any of the usual staples, and unfolds as a very realistic event in a world where Zombies are commonplace.

Director Reuben Fleischer keeps things moving at a brisk pace yet allows time for the characters to shine.
Naturally the film will draw comparison to the classic British film “Shaun of the Dead”, which features normal guys trying to cope with a Zombie invasion. Shaun had plenty of laughs, but at times seemed unsure of what direction it was trying to go in, especially toward the end of the film.

“Zombieland” almost defies you to categorize it as it is great mix of horror, comedy, and action disguised as a romantic comedy. The winning cast and formula makes “Zombieland” one of the most enjoyable films of the summer and a real treat.
Fans of the award-winning Borderlands 2 will be thrilled with the latest downloadable content adventure (DLC) Tiny Tina’s assault on Dragon Keep. This is the fourth downloadable adventure for the game and while it is not necessary to own or have played the previous adventures it is required that you own the full version of Borderlands 2 in order to enjoy the game.


As any fans of the series will know, Tina is the highly precocious yet unstable character with a penchant for blowing things up. This time around she is hosting a role-playing game session for her colleagues from the first game. With time on their hands, the group reluctantly agrees to take part in the adventure which is set within a fantasy realm. This allows the game developers to capture the elements of Borderlands 2 that works so well such as the team-based gameplay, millions of weapons and power up combinations, customizations, and above all action-packed gameplay while introducing a new twist.


The twist this time around is not only in the fantasy setting which allows gamers to encounter skeletons, dragons, Orcs, dwarves, wizards, and other fantasy opponents, but dealing with Tina herself. As the host of the game, Tina often presents seemingly impossible challenges such as introducing an undefeatable Dragon at the start of the game. This allows humor to enter into the picture as you can clearly hear the other players complaining about this development which in turn causes her to adjust the game on the fly to a more manageable opponent or situation. While being immersed in the game and being able to hear the players banter about their situation as well as complain to Tina really captures the immersive elements of role-playing games and provides some of the best moments of the series to date.


The quest is a straightforward save the Queen style mission but along the way there’ll be plenty of laughs and challenges to keep even the most hard-core gamer satisfied. I took great delight in using my high-powered sniper rifle to take down adult skeletal archers as well as reducing skeletal swordsmen to crumbling piles of bone with one well-placed punch. For me the ultimate delight was knocking a helmet off opponent with a well-placed shot and then sending the skull flying with the follow-up. Unfortunately you still have the skeletal body to contend with but once weakened, they went down very easily. There are no vehicles to contend with this time as all travel is done on foot but this in no way lessens the experience as this is a classic combination of role-playing games and Borderlands universe that comes complete with jokes about rolling for initiative and other genre staples.


There is a lot of challenge offered in the game and at times some of the boss battles are exceptionally difficult and work best when you have players assisting you in the quest. Even so, expect several trips to the regeneration chamber as death is definitely a constant in the game even for the most experienced players. The game supports up to four players and allows them to drop in and out of the game at any time.


The graphics and sound of the game are first rate and illustrate just why Borderlands 2 won so many awards. The detail level of dungeons, castles, dark forests, and other fantasy realms came alive with vivid clarity and was a nice change of pace from the previous settings in and around the world of Pandora. I found myself enjoying this offering more than I had the previous three DLC packs which is saying something as each one of them was highly enjoyable in their own way. The banter between Tina and the players will have fans and stitches but there are some very unexpected and tender moments in the game as well.


There are also plenty of side quests available for those who want to expand their experience and countless new weapons and power up opportunities can be found from the abundant treasure chests that litter the landscape as well as by defeating key opponents. I did find the pathfinding at times to be a bit frustrating especially in the mines as at times various members of the party was unsure of which way to go. That being said, the final result was a big success and I look forward to seeing what is to come next in the franchise. The game is available for the PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3 systems.
Wanted (2009)
Wanted (2009)
2009 | Action, International, Romance
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wesley Gibson (James Mc Avoy) is a man with issues. He toils away in his office cubicle taking countless amounts of grief from his boss and lamenting the fact that he has gone nowhere with his life. As if this was not bad enough, his best friend is having an affair with his girlfriend, and he has a standing order for anti anxiety medication to deal with his frequent flare ups.
One day while waiting in line for his prescription, Wesley encounters a very attractive lady, and before long, is in a world gone mad as a violent gunfight has erupted all around him. As he attempts to flee the scene, the mysterious woman comes to his aid and whisks him away in dramatic style only to thrust Wesley into a frantic chase through the city streets as they attempt to escape from their mysterious attacker.
Eventually Wesley learns that the woman is named Fox (Angelina Jolie), and that he has been recruited to join a secret society known as The Fraternity.
At first awash in disbelief, Wesley is told that the man who tried to kill him also killed his father. Wesley had thought that his father had abandoned him at childhood and despite initial reservations, joins the group.
Under the leadership of Sloan (Morgan Freeman), Wesley begins to train and learns that he is part of an elite assassin’s guild and has abilities that go beyond the powers of normal men. As the training progresses, Wesley changes from the docile offer drone to an efficient and deadly adversary who is capable of killing with a variety of weapons.
Wesley will soon have to use all of his training and abilities to the fullest extent as the action switches into overdrive leaving a path of death and destruction as this bloody tale of revenge unfolds.
In the new movie “Wanted” Director Timur Bekmambetov, the guiding power behind the highly successful Russian Vampire “Day Watch” trilogy, has crafted a sleek action film that pulls no punches. From edge of your seat action and stunts to graphic violence, the film is a ballet of bullets and blood that mixes in equal amounts of humor with solid FX in a winning formula.
The leads work well with one another, and the story and characters are a cut above the standard genre staples. While the film does drag in the final third, it recovers nicely to conclude with an action filled finale as well as a few unexpected twists.
Angelina Jolie does well with a very physical role as does McAvoy who shows that he is a talent to be watched. The film is based on a graphic novel and as such has a distinctive style that mixes the real world with the unknown to help illustrate the transformation of Wesley from doormat to deadly weapon. The FX is solid, though at times the bullet time may seem a bit repetitive after you see it a few times. That being said, “Wanted” is a solid action film that is not afraid to take chances and step outside the box.