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Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Fantasy
Totally bogus
I really wanted to like this film. I love the original two but the thought of another sequel so many years later just didn’t sit right, and I’m afraid after watching this I’m really not convinced.

There are a lot of good things about this though. It’s good to see Bill and Ted back and to see Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter back together, and this gives it a rather nostalgic and nice feeling. The film also has a good message and the whole thing is just heartwarming and enjoyable fun. By far the best thing about this film though is William Sadler returning as Death, and I also quite warmed to Dennis who was very much on the border of being cringey, at times,but these two are the only ones that made me laugh the entire film.

And now the bad. I hated the daughters, they were just either very dull or ridiculously cringey and I just found them being (smarter) carbon copies of their fathers a little bit obvious and predictable. I also feel like Bill and Ted themselves have been pushed to one side in this to make room for the daughters, and this is meant to be a Bill and Ted film! The daughters journey was just repeating the same story from the originals too. I don’t understand either why the future versions of Bill and Ted were so horrible, and the song at the end was rather a letdown as well.

I’m probably being very harsh but I really don’t think this film should have been made. If you want to watch a Bill and Ted film, watch the first two.