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Emma in the Night
Emma in the Night
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cass and Emma are sisters. And like most sisters, some days they are best friends and some days they just aren't. But one thing that keeps them tethered to each other is their shared love/hate relationship with their mother. She is a narcissist and only praise of the utmost will allow her to bring her children any joy. Then the girls disappear and three years later Cass shows up at her mother's doorstep, demanding that they find Emma. Cass describes the place they had been living for the past three years and hopes that the FBI and investigators are able to find this mysterious island and Emma.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book started off a little slow for me. Hearing the background information about what happened before the disappearance, intertwined with what was going on now to describe the place the girls were being held, took up the first half of the book. Told from the perspective of Cass, the youngest daughter and Dr. Winter the FBI Psychiatrist who did the initial investigation. After that, the reading went by much faster when the twists and turns started to take place.

Cass and Emma have a mother who constantly needs to be told how beautiful she is and how good of a mother she is. The only problem is that she's not. But hearing these things make her feel good about herself and keep her children on her good side. When things don't go the way she wants, she punishes the girls in unspeakable manners. Buying one a gift the other wanted, favoring one child and ignoring the other. This is a family that has a lot of issues going on inside of their home. They way things are handled are completely out of spite for another member of the family. Although this book had a slow start, it really had a great ending. So stick with it if you have to and it will be well worth it.

Wendy Walker also wrote, All is Not Forgotten which was also a great book released last year. I look forward to what else Ms. Walker has in store.
Stone The Crows (Wolf Winter #2)
Stone The Crows (Wolf Winter #2)
TA Moore | 2018 | Horror, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better read than book one!
I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Wolf Winter series, and you probably should read book one, Dog Days, before you read this one. I didn't much care for that book, though.

This one, however, is a whole different matter!

I said in my review for Dog Days that I was left with so many questions about the Wolves, and the Prophets and what was going on. I'm STILL left with questions about what's going on, but I'm feeling better about being left waiting, you know? Does that make sense?? I still have questions, but I'm not left hanging, right? Sorta, kinda!

Nothing is settled here. The Prophets are still doing despicable things to the people and indeed to Jack and Gregor. They took Gregor's Wolf and Jack's skin. The Prophets are still trying to get the upper hand on the Gods, but it's HOW they are doing it: preying on ordinary folk, in extraordinary situations, that gives this book the horror tag I've given it.

Nick is human, but Gregor takes a shine to Nick after he saves him. I wasn't sure about Gregor, not in the beginning. we heard such horrible things about him from jack in Dog Days, and I did NOT want to like him, but he grows on you! He has that "Mine" moment you get with werewolves, and I loved that, even though he refused to admit what was going on, even to himself, it was NICK he wanted to save first, not his brother Jack.

Who the Prophet turned out to be was a bit of a shocker, and what she did to Nick was no picnic, and she's STILL out there. So there is more to come. Or at least I HOPE there is! Because you know, I still have questions!

I found this a much better read than Dog Days, and I read it in two sittings, cos that darn dayjob got in the way.

Thank you to Ms Moore for my copy.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Nest Learning Thermostat
Nest Learning Thermostat
Smart Home
Control via app when at or away from home (2 more)
Compatible with Alexa/Echo
Ease of operation and reading temperatures
Input could be easier (e.g. WiFi code) (0 more)
Excellent Product
We've had a Nest Learning Thermostat for almost 18 months now, and it's been a really good investment. It was installed along with a new boiler, when our just out of warranty, 10 year old boiler gave up the ghost.

Since the installation of the new boiler and Nest thermostat, our heating bills have decreased significantly - and the time that the thermostat was installed coincided with the time that I began working from home and so, one would assume, our heating demands would have also increased.

The ability to connect the thermostat to an app controlled with our mobile phones means that it recognises when no one is home and so the house does not need to be kept warm, and instead is kept at the minimum temperature we set, and also when we are returning home and can begin to warm the house up. Similarly, I can also turn the heating up when I'm away from home so that it's nice and toasty when I get in during the winter months, or can increase the minimum temperature if I want to keep it a bit warmer for the pets while we're all out.

The device can also be paired with Amazon's Echo devices and so controlled with Alexa - great when I'm working and want to crank up the heat in the room without breaking from what I'm working on.

It's so easy to read and operate, even our 5-year old can use it (and could almost as soon as it was installed) to increase or decrease the heat to a specific temperature. Probably my only criticism is that the input of things like the WiFi password could be a bit more straightforward - I accidently put it in wrong first time, and even the electrician who installed it had to jump through hoops to go back and change it.

Overall, I would buy it again and would heartily recommend it to anyone looking to get a smart thermostat.
Nightmare Keep (Euphoria Online Book 2)
Nightmare Keep (Euphoria Online Book 2)
Phil Tucker | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moments of luck/deus ex (0 more)
Outstanding follow-up LitRPG fantasy tale
The follow-up to Death March continues straight on, with Chris being marched off to the eerie evil presence lurking in the nearby ruined village. From there on, Chris has a mission to accomplish and things are looking good for him, albeit with some hard work to come. Just as things start to look up, he is booted out of Castle Winter by a group of stronger players and has to find another way to complete his mission.
The action is thick, fast and wonderfully narrated throughout the book. While the constant mention of which Skill, Spell or weapon is being used gets a little bit annoying, it adds to the gaming feel and allows you to see the characters' actions and how they chose them.
The story is excellent, barring some slightly confused metaphysical stuff right at the end, where the world becomes all hand-wavey and dreamy and you kind of lose the immersion a little. But the character development (literally, by completing tasks and winning fights, Chris gains XP and levels up) and interaction is top notch, totally nailing the language that would be used by gamers trying to be their character but also retaining their own personalities.
There are a couple of moments in the book where it seems Chris has just plain run out of luck, but something always arrives just at the right time for him to get out of his predicament. One revelation in particular was a little jarring where he managed to de-crypt a message and work out (or guess) what he had to do, which could have worked but was delivered a little clumsily in my opinion. In hindsight the smaller incidents are minor and did not detract from my enjoyment of this book.
Once again, the book is just cruelly short and leaves you wanting more. Luckily, there is one more book in the series so I won't be away from Euphoria Online for long.
Read as part of free trial on Kindle Unlimited (so for free!).
His Frozen Heart
His Frozen Heart
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>His Frozen Heart pulled me into an idyllic winter paradise and made me want to cuddle up with a warm blanket and a hot chocolate in my bed.</i></b>

This is the most romantic novel by Georgia Le Carre I have read so far. Don’t you worry, the steamy scenes are there too, but for the first time, they are not the main focus of the book.

Cade lives alone on the mountain side. He is there to escape both his reality and his troubled past. When a woman crashes her car and a blizzard is coming up, she needs to spend a few days in his cottage.

Sometimes, you only need a few days with a person to know whether they are right for you. What begins as a lust turns into a deep relationship, full of love and caring.

But with an unexpected twist, I started doubting everything I had read and all the characters involved. With an even more unexpected ending, I felt so disappointed…

When you find out a dark secret that makes you double-check your feelings, you need to talk to the other person. You need to get face to face and bloody talk. No matter your decision, whether you’re going to stay or go. No matter if you have already made your mind, you need to say something. If nothing is said, how can it be a happy ending?

Despite the ending though, and my emotional reaction, this is so far the most thrilling book I read by this author. Unpredictable and satisfying, she did manage to keep me on my toes, and actually managed to get me to care about the characters.

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Joe (2014)
Joe (2014)
2014 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, officially … spring is here although it still feels like winter to your friendly
neighborhood freelance photographer but according to the calendar it’s spring.

Another indicator that it might be spring? Nicolas Cage has a new film out.
Seriously, he does .. and it’s actually a dark, heavy-duty drama.

‘Joe’ is based on the 1991 novel of the same name written by author Larry Brown.
Directed by David Gordon Green who’se credits include comedies like 2008’s
‘Pineapple Express’ and the HBO t.v. series ‘Eastbound & Down’ … ‘Joe’is certainly
no comedy.

Starring Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, and Ronnie Gene Belvins ‘Joe’ is a dark, gritty
film that tells the story of Joe Ransom. An angry ex-con who befriends Gary, a teenager
from an abusive, broken home who approaches Joe looking for work with his ‘tree poinsoning’
crew. Impressed by Gary’s stubborness and determination Joe gives him a job (and later
his truck) and attempts to set Gary on ‘the right path’ and becomes an unlikely rolemodel
for him. At home though, Gary’s family life is slowly spiraling at of control due to
his alcholic father and the situation points to a dark, violent confrontation.

I can honestly say that this is one of Nic Cage’s best and ‘sincere’ performances in a
while and due to the darkness of the film, it will most likely go unrecognized. The film
doesn’t hold back. It’s in-your-face, gritty, and violent. The minute you don’t think it
can get more disturbing, it does just that. As the viewer, the experience was like an
old-fashioned pinball machine only you, the viewer, ARE the pinball.

I don’t recommend this as a ‘date movie’ but if you like Nicolas Cage’s work and you’re
looking for a good drama, this is defintely one to see. If this movie is any indication,
I imagine it won’t be too long before Nic Cage has another great performance under his belt
so keep an eye out. ‘Joe’ is rated ‘R’ and you can catch it in theaters on April 11th.
I give the film 4 out of 5 stars.