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It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
1946 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
After George Bailey wishes he had never been born, an angel is sent to earth to make his wish come true. George starts to realise how many lives he has changed and impacted, and how they would be different if he was never there.

This one is being shown as part of a classic Christmas line up at Cineworld. I like the idea of seeing some golden oldies on the screen, and I'm a little ashamed to admit that I have never seen this one. It really felt like I needed to fix that.

Is there anything more wonderful than an opening credit scene on an old movie? A printed book with a title page and all the actors listed out... I think not.

I'm not sure this will make it into my list of favourite Christmas movies, even though it was lovely. Old films do get me deep down, there's something so much more wonderful about them than some of the overly CGId modern films.

You've always got the great message of this film to fall back on too. You don't know how your life has impacted someone else. You shouldn't wish it away, you never know who it might impact in the future.