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This book is the most recent in a mystery series, but the first book I have read by Josi S. Kilpack. I do not read much in the mystery genre, but the cooking aspect of the book interested me enough to try this one. All of the page numbers to the recipes are listed nicely on the back of the first page, so I was able to check those out without having to search for them, and they do look like quite delicious recipes, perfect for this time of year.
The main character is an older woman, Sadie Hoffmiller, who has recently opened a P.I. business in her hometown in Colorado, but has taken a vacation to Boston with her love interest, Pete, to house-sit and watch over his three grandsons. Right away she strikes me as both ultra-conservative - Sadie and Pete sleep in separate bedrooms - and a perfectionist. Not only is her cooking described in detail, but also her cleaning and personal grooming habits. She also comes off as a "busy-body" as she very quickly gets involved in the life of the woman who lives across the street and bears the reputation of a witch, the eccentric Mrs. Wapple. It is as if she is so addicted to her job back home that she must continue its nosy approach wherever she travels.
The city of Boston is obviously chosen for its proximity to Salem, Massachusetts and the many references and allusions to ghosts and witches throughout the plot. When pranks begin to strike in the house that Sadie and Pete are staying at, the obvious choice is ghosts, but their sensibilities and penchant for detective work prevent them from embracing this as the solution.
When something dire happens to Mrs. Wapple halfway through the book, Sadie is right in the thick of it, her curiosity taking prominence over even her duties as babysitter with Pete. Not even a vacation will deter her from solving yet another case.
On the whole, the book is entertaining, though Sadie can be annoying at times. Like any mystery, I want to know who is the responsible party, but my favorite part of this book is definitely the recipes.
An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason
An Assassin's Guide to Love and Treason
Virginia Boecker | 2018 | Contemporary, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Katherine's father was killed for being an illegally practicing catholic and Katherine wants revenge on the person who ordered his death; the queen herself. Toby, on the other hand, is picked by the queen to find this supposed assassin. To lure the assassin and other Catholics, they enlist William Shakespeare to produce a play called, The Twelfth Night.

The story was detailed and beautifully written. You can really get a sense of the amount of research the author put into writing this book. I've never been a huge historical fiction fan, but I did enjoy this book in particular.

Not only did Katherine (Kit as a boy) commit an illegal act (dressing up as a boy to be in a play - yes, I know, but women were not allowed to act in plays) but if Toby's secret ever came out about him liking men and women, the queen would hang him, whether she favored him or not. I felt badly for both of them. Although, sometimes, Kit was rather reckless and probably shouldn't do certain things - such as going to a dark alley and witnessing a fight so you could learn how to. Male or female, don't do that, seriously.

The plot twist, however, I wasn't expecting but it left me more confused than awed. I didn't quite understand the twist and I feel like it wasn't really explained. The ending was not too bad, but then again, I myself couldn't think of a better way to end a story like that.

I know Boecker has a witch hunger series, so I'm curious about that and hope to pick up the first book soon.

All in all, the book was a great detailed story. There are some parts where it felt like it trailed off, but it's historical fiction, and the plot twist I wasn't really that impressed. The story as a whole was good - I'd say 3.5/5 stars. This is more for people who are huge into historical fiction, but if you like the whole premise of a story with Shakespeare, I'd say give it a try at least.
The Secret of Marrowbone (2018)
The Secret of Marrowbone (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Keep a secret
#marrowbone #marrowbonemovie is enchanting, tense & bleak psychological drama with a slow pace that ensures you feel the emotion its packed full of. To start with I feel this #film has been marketed completely wrong, its not a horror movie & more of a drama with slight horror elements (these being mainly psychological). This isnt a bad thing at all but for those of you expecting the like of #thenun you may want to avoid this one. Its also a tough movie to review for me as while i loved acts 1 & 2 so incredibly much that once the twist his in act 3 I felt a tad let down & cheated. Thats not saying act 3 is bad it just felt sub par to the rest of the film, rushed, tacked on & far too hand holding for my liking. Shot really creative & with a #gorgeous eye for cinematography at first marrowbone feels almost dreamlike with a sence of mysterious #fairytale edge to it. This doesnt last long however as what follows is an anxiety riddled downward spiral of a tale about the destruction of a family as it slowly falls apart because of its abusive past. Symbolism & metaphors are cleverly inserted everywhere from broken mirrors representing the cracks in family & a stain on the ceiling representing guilt that keeps seeping in. Watching as this #family gradually falls apart is upsetting & uncomfortable with themes of mental instability, deceit, abuse, loss & jealousy really hitting home constantly. Music is awesome too as well as the use of silence yo great pin sharp tension & dread. #anyataylorjoy steals the show here as always not only with her acting but with her beauty too. Over all its a great little film that could of been fantastic if it wasnt for its messy end chapter but its still a very well made deep, smart & well acted piece of work that id encourage film #fans to see at least once. Think #Split meets #itcomesatnight. #odeon #odeonlimitless #screamunseen #drama #horror #jumpy #scary #witch #metalillness #thesecretofmarrowbone #filmbuff #filmcritic #review #haunted #love #murder #gore #blood #mondaymotivation
Spelled (The Storymakers, #1)
Spelled (The Storymakers, #1)
Betsy Schow | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh Pix this went wrong
All Dorthea ever wanted was to be free from responsibilities, free from her mother, and free from the curse. She wanted to be able to leave the Emerald Palace without everyone thinking she would turn into a wicked creature. She wanted to be able to make her own choices about the future. She mostly wanted to matter to her mother more than being the queen.

In a fit of selfish anger Dorthea attempts to make her desires come true when she uses a gift she received earlier to make a wish where she doesn't have to live up to parents' ideas, where she doesn't have to marry a prince, and everything is not how it is; however, the wishing star is cursed and it backfires tremendously. Everything is turned upside down. Magic doesn't work quite right anymore. What should be isn't and what isn't is. Her parents are gone. Her home is destroyed. She's stuck with a snarky servant, Rexi, and her betrothed, Kota, has turned into a chimera. Worst of all, Griz the Gray Witch is hunting her down.

So, Dorthea sets out to fix what she has done. The problem is knowing who she can and cannot trust. Oh, and trying to travel through the lands when the rules no longer exist. Can she or her friends survive? Are those who appear to have her best interest at heart people she can trust? Or is it those she would have previously looked down on the ones she needs to be put her life into?

Schow has a new take on fairy tales in Spelled in a world where Storymakers have written what shall and shall not be. Princess will find their Princes. The villains will always lose in the end. Yet she has made them better with her characters from well known tales we grew up with to new ones all of which bring to life the story she's written. Best of all it is filled with sass, wit, and cleverness to keep the pages turning while trying to see if Dorthea will make it to the end as the hero, dead, or wicked.

Forget what you know about Grimm and get ready for this book.
The Black Witch
The Black Witch
Laurie Forest | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! This story, these characters... just wow. Seriously got me right in the feels. There's quite a bit of controversy surrounding this book and i think it's for the wrong reasons. This book isn't racist or any of the other things it's been called, not in and of itself. Does it contain racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia? in spades! Religious zealots, oppression, and just plain ignorant prejudice and discrimination? Oh, absolutely! At times heartbreaking and difficult to read? Definitely! But at its core this is a book about hope. It's about moving past preconceived notions of others based on any of the labels used to divide and coming together. It's about looking beyond outward appearance and seeing the person inside. There are obvious parallels between the book and reality because the author was trying to make a point, not that she or her story are racist or condone these behaviors but the exact opposite, that it is wrong and that we could do amazing things if we quit using labels that divide us, whether it's race, religion, gender, sexuality, occupation, ability, class, country of origin, political affiliation, etc. Those are only labels, they don't define any of us nor should they.

This book is beautifully written, with very well developed characters that u come to love and plenty u despise, in a world very similar to our own in different ways. It's emotional. It's wonderful. It has an important message. I am so glad that I read it for myself instead of just going on the negative reviews and jumping on the hate bandwagon. Thinking for yourself instead of believing what you're told about something is a pretty strong message in the story as well. I absolutely loved it and was disappointed when I got to the end. I implore everyone to please take the time to read it yourself and see how it makes you feel instead of avoiding it on some misguided principle after reading a bad review written by someone who either didn't get the obvious messages within The Black Witch or was already prejudiced against it themselves. Seriously, it's worth it.
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
The actors, the filmography, the effects, is influenced by the book but does not follow the book (0 more)
is influenced by the book but does not follow the book, The time period, made weak women out of a strong women (0 more)
Cool Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I enjoyed this movie. The actors were all good choices, and the effects were great- for the most part. The movie was definitely influenced by the book, but did not stick close to the book. The choice to not stick close to the book could be seen as a wise one, as the director/ producer probably wanted it to be relatable for the viewers. The problems I had with the movie, was the time period, that they took strong women characters and made them weak, and that the Uncle was hiding his powers. The time period was a few decades earlier in the book, which helped explain the main characters quirks a bit better than the movie did. The women in the movie got the "Women in the Refrigerator" treatment. Meaning the two big women roles, who in the book were highly powerful, were lowered in their abilities in the movie. The neighbor witch to the main character, was elderly and was more powerful than the Uncle was and never had a curse put on her in the book and didn't have a romantic relationship with the Uncle. Also, Selena was the one who was summoned in the book and was the main baddie, while in the movie they teamed her up with her husband effectively making her character useless. Another point, the magicians and witches in the books didn't hide their powers, magic was meant for anyone to learn or study. In the movie, magic is hidden and only for a select few. I did love the part were the demon showed up, it was very freaky and made what was meant to be a kids movie into a "uh...well that was disturbing," kind of dark tone to the show. I love Eli Roth's films, but he could have done a little bit more with this than he did.
Elora of Stone (Legend of Rhyme, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Elora of Stone</i> is the first in an exciting fantasy series, <i>Legend of Rhyme</i>, for young readers. Set in a magical kingdom, an evil magician steals one child of every pair of twins born. In order to protect their children, Asher and Ariana’s parents move to live near Elora – a good witch turned to stone by the sorcerer. Despite the protection, four-year-old Asher goes missing. The night of her thirteenth birthday Ariana learns of Asher’s whereabouts but only has until midnight to save him.

Full of magical creatures such as witches, fairies, pixies and goblins, <i>Elora of Stone</i> is the start of a sensational story for eight to twelve year olds. Heart stopping moments will urge the young readers to see the book through to the end to discover whether the twins succeed in being reunited and learn the truth about who is good and who is evil.

Although Asher and Ariana are the main characters of the series, they are not born until exactly half way through the book. As <i>Elora of Stone</i> is only one hundred pages, there are a bit too many chapters focused on setting the scene, resulting in the main story line and climax becoming rather rushed and crammed together.

Now that the preliminary introductions to characters and settings have been made, the following books in the series will hopefully flow better. <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> promises to be a unique fairytale to enthrall pre-teens of all reading levels. The narrative is clear and easy to follow with a limit on tricky words. To break up the text there is the occasional beautiful illustration depicting the author’s visual impressions of a handful of characters.

Ending on a slight cliffhanger, <i>Elora of Stone</i> will leave readers wanting more, thus making the <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> series a great set of books to collect; a wonderful start to your own personal library.
We Hunt The Flame (Sands of Arawiya #1)
We Hunt The Flame (Sands of Arawiya #1)
Hafsah Faizal | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in a planned duology, and I NEED THE SECOND ONE RIGHT NOW. Zafira is a firecracker, and Nasir is a precious gumdrop, and Altair is a mystery, while I can't help but read Kifah as Valkyrie from Avengers. (Seriously, if this ever gets made into a movie and Tessa Thompson DOESN'T get cast as Kifah, I'll be upset.)

These characters, and this setting, and this worldbuilding, and this plot...Faizal has blown me away with this book. There are twists I saw coming, and some I did not, so I'm not going to go into much detail about the plot, but Zafira and a few other people are searching for a magical artifact to restore magic to their kingdom, after it was locked away many years ago. I don't remember exactly how long it's been; Zafira can't remember having magic, but she does mention at one point that her mother was a healer. So sometime during her mother's lifetime? The kingdom has been cursed in the absence of magic, different curses for the different districts, and the Arz is a magical forest encroaching on the borders. Almost no one who goes into the Arz ever comes out again, so it's incredibly dangerous for anyone who isn't Zafira. Zafira has the unique ability to always know which direction she needs to go to reach her goal, and it's this ability that brings her to the attention of the Silver Witch, who sets her on the path to find the artifact. The artifact is, of course, on the enchanted island that serves as a prison for all the magical objects and creatures, so Zafira and her companions face all kinds of unknown dangers.

I really enjoyed basically everything about this book. There was character development, a touch of romance, a team learning to work as a team, secrets, magic, ancient evils, trauma and emotional work...just a lot. (Also enemies-to-lovers, if you're into that.) It is a brilliant epic fantasy, and I cannot WAIT for the second book. I need to know what happens! (It doesn't end on a cliffhanger, exactly, but things are definitely NOT. RESOLVED.)

You can find all my reviews and more at
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
I'm A Believer
Midsommar is a modern day folklore fairytale masterpiece that's traumatizing, intoxicating, stomach churning & deeply hypnotic. If you've seen Raw or the Witch & enjoyed them Midsommar is easily on par standard wise & comparability wise to them. A tale of love, passion, grievance, trauma, connection, communion, religion, celebration, purity & punishment. Filled with folklore, depth, symbolisum, metaphores & small visual clues Midsommar is one giant puzzle box & for everyone paying close attention there are entire multiple layers hidden in everything. Be it the pictures hung on the walls in the background, dialog, music cues, camera angles, subbtle special effects, screen transitions, facial expressions & props. Most people watching this film will leave wondering what strange horror movie they just saw & while technically it is a horror as the film played out I began to realise its intentions thus seeing its beauty & messages clearly. For instance like how if we all united as one unity & learnt to love rather than hate we could live in perfect harmony with nature. Acting is jaw dropping especially from the lead actress & sound design realises that creating tension doesn't necessarily need any sound at all. Visually its vibrant & striking with subtle effects like things pulsing & warping as if reality its self is an illusion. Midsommar made me feel quezy, disturbed, intreagued & so happy with chills going up & down my spine frequently as I also couldn't shake this feeling of dread the entire time. When violence hits it hits hard & sickeningly rough but as the last scene played out & the perfect ending hit I was smiling the most I have during a film in a long time. What an intelligent, thought provoking look at how a trauma in life can make us more susceptible & easily lead, how guilt/trauma manifests in us, how innocence & purity thrives above deceit & selfishness, but most importantly how we could all live way happier & more for filling lives as if we all respected each other & the world around us experiencing both pain & pleasure as one. Go see it sit in the front row & let Midsommar embrace & absorb you in the best experience of the year so far by far.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Really want to see this!


Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Man you simply have to

The Turn of The Key
The Turn of The Key
Ruth Ware | 2019 | Thriller
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Interesting Twist to a Familiar Tale
This suspense thriller was a close one for me but ultimately it just didn’t totally click. I listened to the audio version narrated by Inogen Church, who seemed to be a talented narrator just unfortunate that the person she was narrating was so irritating to me. The writing was of a high standard and I’ll certainly be looking at more of Ruth Ware’s work.

When Rowan takes a live-in nanny position in a remote Scottish she is soon faced with more than just the usual new nanny woes. The house has been converted into a modern all bells and whistles smart home, but it’s not exactly making life easier for Rowan. The book is told via the correspondence between Rowan and a solicitor from her prison cell following her arrest for the death of one of her charges. The result is a slow build of difficult circumstances from her perspective and a strong denial of any responsibility…. but what did happen?

This is a solid suspense thriller with plenty of creepy atmosphere in it and I can imagine some people will really love this book. For me, though I just kept getting a bit irritated. I’m not a big fan of kids (I know - burn the witch!!) and there are some prime examples of why that is in this book from the brats. Why someone would want to be a nanny is beyond me so Rowan is very hard to relate to. I really couldn’t care less about the routines of children. I’m also not a fan of having a narrator who constantly hints towards things not being as they seem but not clarifying until the “big reveal” troupe. So maybe just not the best book for me, in particular, to pick up.

Smart home things like speakers, voice-activated lights, fridges curtains, etc don’t do anything for me and the fact they added to the creepiness of Rowan’s situation was an interesting approach. Ultimately a book that many will love but just not my kinda story, so can’t get too pumped for it.