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Bill Nighy recommended Bringing Up Baby (1938) in Movies (curated)

Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
1938 | Classics, Comedy, Romance
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"""With Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn, I have to stay there. I don’t know how people can act that quick. I’m a big fan of quick acting, and i’m going to try to build it into my career from now on – I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. I think in the old days, everybody used to act really quickly because Hollywood was built by theatre people. And I don’t believe that cinema is a non-verbal medium, I believe people should have t-shirts made with, “Cinema is a not a non-verbal medium,” because I don’t know how that entered the language – it’s from people who can’t write presumably. I don’t believe that, in some way, having a theatrical background should exclude you from the movies, which was a fashionable thing in the 1970s. It’s ludicrous given that Hollywood is built by mostly European theatre people. You can’t speak any quicker than Cary Grant speaks in most of his movies – it’s really cool – and everybody gets everything, nothing misses. I love to watch those two together, because they’re dry, they’re witty, they’re fuuny and it’s romantic, and they get together in the end. I’d have said The Godfather, because it is one of the greatest films ever made, but it’s too obvious! I also like to watch Sign of the Times with Prince, because he does the splits whilst playing the guitar and comes back up on the backbeat, and anyone who can do that is good enough for me. Also The Last Detail, with Jack Nicholson and Randy Quaid, which is a marvellous movie, and all those 70s movies like Dog Day Afternoon with the young Al Pacino. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. The Servant with James Fox and Dirk Bogarde is another great English film, that if you want to see two halves of the 60s British films, check out Performance with James Fox and check out Le Serpent with James Fox, and then you get a pretty good idea; both ends of the spectrum."

The Great Wall (2016)
The Great Wall (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.8 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Universal Studios and Legendary’s latest monster film is from the brilliant mind of Zhang Yimou. I must say that though this was a Yimou film I was not really intrigued with the trailer and almost skipped it however I’m glad that I didn’t!

William (Matt Damon) and Toval (Pedro Pascal) are mercenaries trying to make it rich. They are on a mission in China on the lookout for legendary exploding black powder. Instead they find a huge Great Wall and are mystified as to why it was built and what it is trying to keep out. The Tao Tei, are prehistoric looking monsters who are a danger to all of humanity and the only thing stopping them is the wall. William is a skilled archer and Toval a witty fighter. With their help they might be able to save humanity from the onslaught of the Tao Tei.

 I thoroughly enjoyed this film and found it extremely entertaining. The action and unexpected humor is what sold it for me. The casting of Matt Damon and Pedro Pascal was brilliantly thought out and kept the audience laughing with the duos chemistry and how well they played off of each other.

Despite all of the controversy about having Matt Damon as the lead in a Chinese film is crazy and I think Zhang has made the right choice in doing so. To be successful in the American film industry sometimes you have to use a big star to bring in big results. Though the story and script are basic and easy to follow the action, scenery, costumes and humor are fantastic and what makes the film great. This film should definitely be viewed with the 3D option as it fully immerses the audience into and becomes a part of the story. A lot of CGI was used and though normally I am not a fan of a lot of CGI, it works with the film rather than against it. I would definitely recommend this film but the monsters might be too much for kids to handle in 3D.
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Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Honestly struggled to get on board with this one.
I generally don't like musicals (with a couple of exceptions) and Anna and the Apocalypse certainly doesn't change my mind in that respect, but everything surrounding fell a bit flat for me as well.

For one, none of the characters are remotely likable, apart from Anna herself. By the time people start getting chowed on, it's hard to care. It takes its time building up, treating us all to four full forgettable songs before anything properly kicks off, and when it does it's all a bit meh.
In terms of zombie action, it's not the worst I've ever seen, but it's one of those films that likes to cut away instead of showing off any decent effects.

The music itself is just quite bland. It's certainly going for a Glee type feel with what it's doing, so for me personally it's just a huge miss. I'm sure there are plenty out there who enjoy Glee, and therefore will probably get something out of the music on show here which is fine, just not for me.
There's one scene to be fair, where Anna leaves her house with her headphones in, completely unaware of the carnage unfolding around her whilst singing. This bit was actually pretty entertaining and amusing, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the scene that set off the whole idea process.
The film can't quite decide what genre it's going for however. Is it a musical, is it a zombie horror, is it a Christmas movie? I'm sure the advertising campaign would have you think it's all three, but it just doesn't do any of them justice. Most of the jokes fall flat - I will admit that I audibly laughed once during the whole thing...

Ultimately, Anna and the Apocalypse ultimately draws comparisons with its more superior peers, such as Shaun of the Dead, but the truth it's no where as witty or groundbreaking. Since SOTD, the zombie comedy sub genre has been done to death, and these days, it takes something special to really stand out. This film takes a punt, and genuinely tries something new, but it's not executed well enough to rise above the pack.
The Prince And The Puppet Thief
The Prince And The Puppet Thief
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really loved The Prince and the Puppet Thief. This was a true fairy tale retelling that definitely didn't take itself too seriously.

Simon the Squirm is the son of the (second) most feared bandit in the kingdom and when we meet him he is stuffed into a cannon, ready to be fired to the tallest tower of the castle in order to steal some jewelled slippers. See what I mean about not taking itself seriously?

Simon also loves fairytales and the botched robbery sets into motion his own fairytale adventure, complete with dancing rats, sassy handmaids, the funniest bandits ever and some seriously cute queer relationships.

I loved everything about this book - did I mention I loved it? The writing style was very witty and I loved the little references and "skits" that poked fun at the fairytales we know and love. We even get an alternative version of The Snuggly Duckling pub from Tangled!

The villain of the story is captivating: they are both misunderstood and jaded by their past; trying to help but ruining lives when things don't go their way. The fact that the reader ends up sympathising with them really says a lot about both the writing and character development within this story.

But for me the relationships stole the show: I loved the contrast between one relationship which was very new and tension-filled, where the characters didn't know if their feelings were going to be accepted, never mind reciprocated and the second, forbidden but very settled relationship where the characters had been in love for some time.
There were some moments where the LGBTQ characters were not entirely accepted by others and I can't speak as to whether this would be triggering or not. Thankfully the main characters are very strong, they stand up for themselves and are so sure of their love that, by the end of the book, they are accepted for who they are.

If you're looking for a funny, cute but sassy, camp fairytale-turned-on-it's-head then this is the book for you!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4) in Books

Apr 7, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4)
Lucien (Fueled By Lust #4)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am absolutely loving the Fueled by Lust series by Celeste Prater. Before Lucien, I thought that Cato was my favourite. Everyone's best bad boy made me go all gooey inside. But along came the Emperor and changed all that.

Lucien has been an interesting character in the three previous books - a warm, caring father obviously still grieving for his lost wife. Well, with this being his book, we get more chances to see what makes him tick. He is simply wonderful. He has a sense of humour that had me chuckling as I read his witty comments. He cares about his guards and basically all the people of his land. Does this make him a sap? Not at all. Does this make him perfect? A big fat no! I have been chuntering "dumbass" to my Kindle more times reading Lucien than I have with the three previous books. He thinks he is doing the right thing but I just want to kick him.

Luckily, he has some good friends, including unexpected ones, to sort him out and then it's down to him to try and sort things out with Tana (which I won't go into detail with as you REALLY need to read this series for yourself!).

So many things to mention in this book but I will limit myself to a very short comment. Ulixes and Kallon!!!! Oh my!!!!

I'm thinking my house must be a tad dusty at the moment because my eyes have leaked on more than one occasion during the reading of this. I wasn't crying though, honest. It was dusty, yep, dust got in my eyes.

Lucien is sinfully sweet with smokin' hot scenes. Definitely the best Sci-Fi series I've read in a long time! And to answer the question at the end of the Synopsis - I definitely want one of these males!!! Love them
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
December 18, 2018
Leo (Three Divisions #1)
Leo (Three Divisions #1)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having been a mahoosive fan of Celeste Prater's Fueled by Lust series, I had a few trepidations about reading this one. For starters, the BDSM scene isn't really my thing, and the few books I have read involving it didn't do anything for me at all. BUT!!! being as how I loved her Sci-Fi, I thought I would give it a go... and I'm glad I did!

Whether or not it rings true doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I found it completely believable within the constraints of the story. The definition of 'Three Divisions' made so much sense, and it made a nice change to have it spelt out in a way that was understandable without being condescending. It actually gave me the warm fuzzies to think that there is someone out there who would be able to take control but also put someone else's needs above their own. I absolutely loved how Leo took care of Jillian, in all ways! The humour was witty and well-timed. I really enjoyed watching Jillian grow, both in the playroom and out. Her put down of Brent was fantastic and I was giving her a high-five at the time!

The suspense side of it was exceedingly well-written, with surprises coming left, right and centre. You knew something was up with the amount of 'air time' that Jillian's client got, but the actual outcome, I didn't see coming. Jillian's handling of said event, and the aftermath, were superb - cool, calm and collected.

Hopefully, without giving anything away, I loved the wrap-up to this book. Everything was as it should be, and I am very much looking forward to the next book in this series. For not liking BDSM books, to giving this one a 5-star and feeling the fuzzies, I can highly recommend it to anyone considering reading about BDSM, or who just wants a steamy, sexy, suspenseful, romantic read. LOVED IT!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 22, 2015
Empire of the Vampire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Empire of the Vampire
This book is not for the feint hearted. Not only is it decidedly grotesque and gruesome, but its also a monster of a book, coming in at 725 pages with another book on the way.

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise. For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own.

Gabriel de León is a silversaint: a member of a holy brotherhood dedicated to defending realm and church from the creatures of the night. But even the Silver Order couldn’t stem the tide once daylight failed us, and now, only Gabriel remains.

Imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:

The Holy Grail.

The book is dark and gruesome, but also delightfully entertaining. Kristoff puts an original spin on the vampire world and created a deep, well-rounded character with the biggest chip on his shoulder. All the characters are well-developed, to be honest.

The humour, as expected, is dark. Which is what makes it so great. I found myself laughing out loud in parts. I loved the witty banter and insults from the characters.

My woe with this book was, though I enjoyed it, it did feel like I was reading a 725 page book. Sometimes the time flew, and others I found myself counting the pages wondering how much longer this was going to go on for. I think the story could have been shorter without losing anything vital.

Read if you like:

Adult fantasy
Legendary battles
Blood and gore/violence
Religious occult
Dark humour

Don't read if:

You are a child
And dont like:
Prolific swearing
Sexual Content
Religious Themes

Trigger warnings:
Anything mentioned above
Drug addiction
Child abuse

It reminds me of Interview With a Vampire meets Van Helsing...