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Flavia! (2 more)
Relationship between Flavia and Dogger
Mystery plot
Another excellent entry in Bradley's Flavia de Luce series
In the ninth (! - how is that possible?) Flavia de Luce mystery, we see Flavia away from her home turf, as she and her sisters have been sent away from Buckshaw on a holiday to try to help them recover from the death of their father. But instead (of course) Flavia discovers a dead body. As the gang is boating, she drags her hand along the water, it snags on something and boom - she catches her fingers on a corpse. Only our Flavia! Of course, Flavia isn't content to leave things to the local Constable. The dead man is named Orlando, and his death leads Flavia into a world of a traveling circus, a famous Canon renowned for poisoning three women, and much more.

I am an unabashed fan of Flavia and this book didn't disappoint. It has all the staples of an excellent Flavia novel-- a strong mystery to unravel and a bunch of clever, witty, and surprisingly uncanny lines from our beloved protagonist. By now, our dear twelve-year-old Flavia has been through a lot. She's more mature, and she's as feisty and clever as ever. I admit that some of the chemistry in these novels goes over my head (I'm not as smart as Flavia, and I'm completely fine admitting that). But I love the mystery plots, and more than that, I love Flavia. I've felt protective of her since the first novel, even though the thought of that would anger her more than anything.

There's a good eclectic cast of supporting characters in this one, including an aged actor, an undertaker's son, and a woman who used to know Dogger. And, of course, we get some appearances from Flavia's ever-suffering sisters, Daffy and Feely. The best part of this novel, however, for me, was the strengthening relationship between Dogger and Flavia. Their bond is one of the highlights of the book. I love those two. By now, Flavia and Dogger feel like friends, or even family. It's a sign of how well Bradley writes and creates these characters that you feel so attached to them.

Suffice to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. If you're a fan of Bradley's series, you probably will as well. If you haven't picked up this series, I do suggest starting near the beginning, as you'll form a better bond with the characters. But you will be able to jump in with this book, too, as the mystery stands alone. The ending of this one also leaves me excited and looking forward to what I hope will be book #10.

I was very excited to receive a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Artemis in Books

May 25, 2018  
Andy Weir | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huge Martian fan here! And this one, while totally different, did not disappoint! There is plenty of space drama, including the fear of what could happen when crisis occurs, but also some charm, witty characters and some pretty crazy daredevil situations.

I didn't particularly like Jazz, the main character. Shes got man drama, friend drama, family drama, work drama.... BUT she is one pretty bad-ass chick who does whatever she wants and for the most part, takes no blame. She's extremely immature for her age (late 20s?) and incredibly irresponsible, and I couldn't believe she got away with some of the antics that went on in this book. Especially on the Moon!

Artemis is just that - a city - but on the moon! Very cool concept, totally different idea than The Martian. It's a pretty common practice to travel back and forth from Earth to the Moon occurs, but only if you are a zillionaire and can afford to do so. It is a hot vacation destination for rich and famous travelers, but like a lot of vacation hot spots - there are those who live and work there, like Jazz, and are natives, born there, work there, and are neither rich nor famous.

Jazz works in transportation, unloading the ships that bring stuff from Earth - which covers for her side job as a smuggler - bringing in contraband to those who request it- like cigars, etc. (um hellooo? we all know fire does not bode well in space!) One request for a pretty shady request, sends the entire city into complete chaos. Why on Moon (see what I did there?) would Jazz stoop so low and put the entire city in danger? Money - and lots of it. Jazz is saving up for something, and money is her answer to everything. And we slowly unfold the story that makes up Jazz and start to understand why she is the way she is. We also see how ridiculously smart and courageous she is and you may even start to like her a little!

There is a LOT of science in this book. I now know exactly how to weld on the moon. I mean, exactly. My husband is a welder and I read some parts to him and he said it all sounded pretty legit, so I can imagine the research that went into crafting some parts of the story.

Overall it was a lot of fun - Jazz is quite the character and I'd totally read a sequel if Jazz had another story to tell. Andy Weir knows his space, and I'm quite glad he loves it so much to write such entertaining and engaging stories for us.
Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1)
Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1)
Sylvain Neuvel | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sleeping Giants is the first book in a new sci-fi series that is told epistolary-style, mostly in interviews and journal entries, with various other reports and articles thrown in for good measure. The basic synopsis is giant alien body parts were strewn across the globe millennia ago and (supposed to be) discreet teams go look for them while our "A-Team" -- as it were -- figures out how it works.

I found the book to be swift, fun, and easy to read, except for a couple of sections that made my eyes cross at trying to visualize the science and math. Readers who are more adept at math would most likely find it easier to grasp. There is also plenty of humor right up my alley, dry oftentimes, with a side of sarcasm. The first character we are introduced to is Rose Franklin, a physicist and the head of the project, who also was the first to stumble upon a body part, quite literally, as a child. I had a hard time getting a feel for her personality as she often is describing or explaining things about the alien robot. The others are Kara Resnik, a helicoptor pilot for the U.S. Army, Ryan Mitchell, also a pilot of the Army, Vincent Couture, a linguist of a sort, Alyssa Papantoniou, a geneticist, and an unnamed interviewer who I dubbed The Handler. Kara is one of the best characters as she really comes to life in the text. She provides most of the sarcasm and is prickly to boot. So I won't give anything away, I enjoyed the different personalities as they came together and interact, although it's not the usual sort of interactions since the story isn't traditionally told. However, by far, my favorite character is The Handler as he is dry and witty in a very subtle way. Nothing personal is mentioned about him, or at least not much, but his exchanges with everyone are highly enjoyable and amusing.

I don't have anything really bad to say about Sleeping Giants, but it did have a slightly slow start as it was more info-dumpy than I'd like, and I thought there was a little too much personal relationship issues brought into it. Those are only little nit-picky things, and on the whole, I don't mind them. During my reading I couldn't help but think numerous times that this would make an awesome tv series, it's just ripe with imagery that would totally work in that medium. In fact, it reminded me of Stargate SG-1 on occasion. I'm a bit put out that I want to read the next book immediately and the first hasn't even come out yet. If you're into sci-fi with a bit of a humor and mystery, I'd definitely recommend giving it a read.
At War with a Broken Heart
At War with a Broken Heart
Dahlia Donovan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
get the tissues ready, you'll need them!
Davet and his younger brother moved to Bideford, in Cornwall to be away from their abusive parents. Davet runs a coffee shop and Fie goes every day for his coffee before starting in his pottery shop. Sid is a local police officer who also frequents the coffee shop, mostly when Fie is there too. All three men have crushed on each other for several years. When Davet is dealt a devastating blow, Fie and Sid have to rally round Davet, to keep the younger man from crumbling. Can they really make this work, the three of them?

I was warned, you know? Warned that I would need a box of tissues, for this one and boy did I need them!

Davet's blow is shocking in it's extreme, and it broke my heart for him. But also, for Fie and Sid, watching their man ( and they WERE a three, even before they voiced it!) fall apart around them and not really being able to help. BUT Davet's parents turning up galvanised them into doing what DAVET needed, rather than what they thought they should be doing, if that makes sense?

It's mmt overly explicit for a three way book, but that's not needed here. HERE it's about three men falling in, and acting on that love, even if it takes a tragedy for them to see it. That loves shines right from the start and it really is a joy to watch them fall, almost one after the other, like dominoes!

All three men have their say, so we get it all. We get Fie's dawning realisation to what Davet might feel for him, and how he deals with his survivors guilt, or not most days. We get Davet's heartbreak, but equally his joy when they finally give in to each other and how HE deals with everyone and everything in his own way. And we get Sid and his internal wrangling with himself over his relationship with his dad, and whether the three of them can REALLY be together.

It's full of Ms Donovan's witty one liners, quirky characters and her damaged and tortured men. Ms Donovan's boys do like to play with their food and I'm so glad we got a little food fight here!

I started this book at 10.15pm, after a long busy shift at work, full of a nasty cold. A few pages before sleep, is the lie you tell yourself and the next thing you know, it's 2.30am, your head is pounding, and you've ran out of book.

So, it can only get . . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
RDJ as Tony Stark/Iron Man The cast Some cool action sequences "if you could make god bleed people would cease to believe in him" I'm not going to lie that is an awesome line (0 more)
Poor story Too busy setting up the greater MCU Whiplash is a poor villain Lacking a satisfying conclusion Mediocre score (0 more)
"if you could make god bleed people would cease to believe in him"
What made Iron Man so great was its original story, exciting action, and stellar performances. But beneath all the spectacle was a heart, characters we cared about and a coherent story in which we watched a narsasistic asshole become a good guy. All of that has vanished in the rushed, noisy, but enjoyable sequel.

Tony Stark is now living the life of a rockstar, a superhero that everyone knows the identity of, enjoying a celebrity lifestyle. Meanwhile, a villain connected to Tony's past recreates his technology and seeks revenge. Tony also deals with the mystery of his dead parents, his relationship with Pepper, wards off government attempts to control his technology, rebuffs his corporate rival, and has to rework his technology that is slowly killing him. Oh, and The Avengers show up.

If that sounds like an overcrowded movie to you, that's because it is. Iron Man 2 acts as an Iron Man sequel and an Avengers prequel. The clashing of these two stories is due to an unfocused narrative trying to cram in ten different storylines. Half the stories don't conclude in a satisfying way, and we're left with a pretty looking movie.

Luckily the performances are still great, Robert Downey Jr. is again a delight to watch, Sam Rockwell is fun as his counterpart rival, and Don Cheadle replaces Terrence Howard as best friend Rhodes, a worthy replacement. Scarlett Johansson joins the cast as an Avengers refenerence, with very little to do other than look good and kick ass.

Jon Favreau seems much less interested in the project this time around, as he falls under the weight of the studio pushing for a sequel in two years as opposed to three. The script has a couple of witty highlights, mostly with Same Rockwell as Tony's business rival.

The action is thrilling and everything you'd want when it comes, but it doesn't show up often. The visual effects are improved, and the sound design is top notch. The score is mediocre, with a few notable exceptions.

There is too much going on for one movie, but by the end of the movie you're left wanting more. Not enough time was devoted to the different characters and plot lines, which results in a highly uneven movie with short bursts of excitement and a solid cast. Worth one watch.
City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2)
City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2)
Cassandra Clare | 2008 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
City of Ashes is the second book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. It continues the fantastic world building that Cassie started in City of Bones. You delve further into the Shadow World and the politics of the Clave, although it still takes place solely in New York City. Some people have difficulty immersing themselves in the City of Bones because the pacing isn’t fast enough for them, but there are some good action sequences that might make this second book more appealing. I personally have not experienced that lack of engagement, but I appreciate the world building and that may cause me to approach the story from a different perspective.

As much as I loved the first book, you can see a marked improvement in Cassie’s writing even by this second book. There is a particular scene in which the setting is described so vividly that you can easily imagine the location building around you in your mind. Immersive world building is always very important to me in books, especially fantasy series, so I cannot recommend this series enough. Although it is the earliest of her writing, you cannot miss out on all of the details she provides about the world. You go on the journey with Clary as you both learn about Downworlders, the Clave, and demons.

City of Ashes further develops the relationships and connections between the characters. You can feel how much they care for one another and it’s really authentic. Although I’ve read this series before it has been a while since I delved into the series that started it all. I am being reintroduced to favourite characters and realizing just how much they’ve grown over the course of the numerous novels that Cassie has written. As I re-read interactions and laugh at witty lines, I fall in love with the characters all over again. I remember what it is that made me care for them in the first place, not just their strengths but their vulnerabilities.

There’s not much else I can say without discussing plot points or spoiling things from this or the first book, so I would just end it with – please, if you’re hesitant, give this series a chance. I would highly recommend it and in my opinion, it definitely needs to be read prior to reading Cassie’s newest series, the Dark Artifices. As incredible as the world building is in that series, it’s adding to the lore that has been built and evolved over the course of ten novels. It won’t be as impactful if you don’t have the foundational knowledge before you read the Dark Artifices.
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)
Cassandra Clare | 2013 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clockwork Princess is the stunning conclusion to Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices trilogy. The pacing of the third book is much brisker than its predecessor and immediately drags you into the plot. There are also significantly more scenes with action in them, which help to break up the scenes that steadily move the story along. As with the previous books, the story is very character-driven and continues to bring further depth to each character’s personality.

Will continues to be my favourite focus of any scene with his witty comments and sense of humour. It was nice to see him play off his sister at times, because normally only Tessa can manage Will. Although they have been apart for many years they still have a wonderfully authentic relationship, like how easily she is able to get under his skin. Will and Jem’s parabatai relationship, as it was in the previous books, is so real that you can easily imagine the love they have for one another, the pain each feels when the other is hurt, and how they would do anything for each other.

It was nice to see the continued development of characters that we’ve grown to love, as well as the new faces that have joined the familiar at the Institute. The number of important characters does not ever feel overwhelming or confusing, as each has been given the time to become established and grow in the world that Cassandra Clare has created. I love each and every one of the characters because they are not only true but integral to the story as a whole.

Despite having read this entire series before and knowing what will happen – it is still so brilliantly written that it elicits myriad emotions throughout. Each character feels real and their lives affect your own. A tear slips down my face as one character experiences unbearable pain, while another comes at the thought of losing a character I’ve grown to love so much. A grin overtakes my face in light of the overwhelmingly happy news. The books that I have grown to love are the ones that speak to you, change you, and will forever stay with you.

Clockwork Princess is quite possibly the best series finale that I have read and certainly the best final book in a trilogy. Despite the book causing me to cry, multiple times, I never felt dissatisfied with the conclusion. The story comes to a climactic end, then Cassandra Clare takes the final chapter to pull everything together and the prologue to make me cry again. I loved re-reading this series so much and hope that you are inspired to read it as well.
A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2)
A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2)
Roshani Chokshi | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Crown of Wishes is a companion novel to Roshani Chokshi’s A Star-Touched Queen, but neither needs to be read to enjoy the other. They can either be read in conjunction or be read as a stand-alone without the story being affected significantly in either case. That being said, A Crown of Wishes takes place later in time than A Star-Touched Queen and if you plan to read both perhaps reading them in chronological order would be best. I personally enjoyed A Crown of Wishes more than A Star-Touched Queen. The writing was equally lyrical and beautiful, but I found it to be more engaging than its predecessor.

I found Gauri and Vikram to be more likable main characters than Maya and Raja, from the other book. Gauri is tough, she had to be to grow up with the cruel Skanda as her brother and King of Bharata. She trained with warriors and keeps her emotions tucked away. Vikram is the adopted son of the King of Ujijian, but despite his mind, his lack of blood relation to the monarch will force him to be a puppet king. He wishes more than anything to be taken seriously and rule his people fairly, not via a corrupt cabinet.

Vikram was definitely my favourite character in this book, he was witty and cheerfully went out of his way to get under Gauri’s skin. The relationship and interactions between the two of them went from mutual disdain to begrudging respect authentically. It was nice to see them support one another, even if they didn’t have any reason to beyond being partners for the Tournament of Wishes.

The story was more engaging than its predecessor, continuing to build the magical Otherworld but including scenes with faster pacing and action. The Tournament of Wishes was intriguing, as each contestant’s role and journey were different. No two people experienced the same trials or puzzled through the same clues. It was interesting to attempt to discern what each clue referred to before Vikram inevitably worked it out.

The beautiful prose and flowery writing definitely lent itself to the story. It helped to build a magical and unusual world for readers to slip into. Each vibrant fruit, eerie tree, and terrifying creature come to life in vivid detail. As long as you don’t mind words that you really must pay attention to in order to absorb, I believe you will enjoy this book. It might not be your style if you tend to skim and breeze through stories, as this does require a degree of concentration to appreciate. Overall, I would recommend this book to fans of Renee Ahdieh’s or Laini Taylor’s style of writing.
How Hard Can It Be?
How Hard Can It Be?
Allison Pearson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's all fun and games until someone posts a belfie.

Kate Reddy is back. And her daughters backSIDE is causing some trouble. We jump right into our favorite bad-a$$, anxiety-ridden, take-charge heroine Kate's life as she is approaching 50 and it seems the hilarity and struggles of parenting, working, wife-ing, friendship and everything else in Kate's life is just as amusing as ever.

Kate's daughter Emily has taken a pic of her butt and the crazy life of Kate's we all know and love, just cannot seem to get any more complicated - until it does. She's been out of the workforce, and looking to get back in, She's not having much of any sort of pleasant relations with husband Richard (yes, surprisingly, still married). She's having a mini mid-life crisis trying to accept she's almost 50, her parents are aging, and her kids are now teenagers and the struggles to communicate with these digital-age micro-adults is almost as difficult as communicating with Russian Investors.

As Kate tries to make her way back into the world of investing she once was so good at, she has some pretty cringeworthy experiences, and struggles to find a way in that world as an "aging" woman. We find several comparisons to the past, when just being a mother was the wall between her and success. She finds herself lying to herself and others, trying her best to tiptoe through a marriage in crisis and lack of communication with her children, and praying the looming milestone birthday isn't going to be the demise of any semblance of the woman that she knows she is, and desperately wants to find again. Oh, and did I mention Jack is BACK?!

The book is classic Allison Pearson: witty, entertaining and full of laughs. I didn't realize how much I missed Kate (I totally still picture SJP in every situation...) and I settled into a familiar routine of rooting for her to find her stride and finally be happy with who she is, who she's becoming, and where she might be headed next.

The story is nostalgic of I Don't Know How She Does It, but reads well as a standalone with snippets of backstory that are well-placed and don't interfere. Avoiding any spoilers, I'll just say that I'm pretty sure readers and fans of Kate Reddy will be pleased at how it all turns out. How Hard Can It Be? was refreshing but familiar and it felt like an old friend was back in my life.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the Advanced Copy and opportunity to review this book.
Do This For Me
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can I give a 5 star rating for PART of a book?!? I was ALL-IN from page one of this book. The beginning was so fast, so awesome, with such manic intensity - I was like, this chick is BAD ASS! I TORE through the first quarter of this book. And then... meh. I guess we needed a bit of a breather because the first quarter of this book is one serious wild ride. It got back to it's intense awesomeness almost mid-way through, but then I felt it just got sappy and fizzled.

I need a book about JUST the Raney Moore in the beginning. She is NO JOKE. High-powered attorney Raney Moore has it all. Shes partner at her law form, he husband is a famous bug guy, and shes got twin teenage girls who are the light of her life. She's wealthy, and can have anything she wants. But she already seems to have it all. Or so she thinks. When Raney finds out her life is not as perfect as she thought - in less than a split second she turns into a jilted-wife phsychopath - and goes balls-to-the-wall revenge-mode to destroy the cause of her pain. But may in fact destroy everything good in her life. You don't even see it coming. I was riveted by the endless access she has to everything you can imagine to carry out her plans. Money, researchers, cars, hackers.... you name it. Don't mess with Raney. You cross her and you will be in SERIOUS trouble.

I read a lot of reviews that people didn't like the book because they hated Raney. I think some of the best books are when you have intense feeling for a character. Good OR bad. Raney was a character I couldn't get enough of. There's another almost equally manic scene in the middle where she is in a dressing room, and the crazy, intense Raney (with yet again, resources aplenty) returns and I am once again enthralled with her.

But unfortunately, after about mid-way it just fell flat to me. A lot of the dialogue is hilarious. It's witty, fast and keeps your attention, but the rest of the story just wasn't what I wanted - what I craved. I wanted more Raney. I didn't want her to try to change herself, or be a better person. Eliza Kennedy shouldn't have written the old Raney as such an incredibly intense and off-kilter character because she made me fall for her - but then she took her away! (sad face)

I'd kill for a prequel. To see Raney as she emerges into the person she was in the beginning of this book: her start at the law firm, her rise to Partner. Give me that Raney All. Day. Long.