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The Sheikh's Christmas Family
The Sheikh's Christmas Family
Leslie North | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Adorable, Racy, Little Romance!
Leslie North has written another adorable, racy, little romance!

Leslie, the critically-acclaimed author, has written more than two hundred books across forty-six series’ in the Romance, Contemporary Fiction and Women's Fiction genres. Alluring from the very beginning, THE SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is Book Two in the ‘Christmas with the Yared Sheikhs’ series. Book One is entitled ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Fling’ and the title of the third book is ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Lover.’

Its Christmas-time in Maatkare and Maia must make sure the Sheikh’s palace is decorated for all the holiday festivities. The decorating is the easy part. Yonas Yared, the youngest son of the family, is a bit more of a challenge. Maia knows she’s in trouble when she sees how wonderful Yonas is with her young son. Protecting her heart from the one man who makes her think naughty thoughts she shouldn’t is proving more difficult than she ever imagined.

Yonas will go crazy if he has to spend the entire holiday season with his family. He’d much rather be partying the nights away than stuck in the palace helping their new irresistible decorator. As events transpire to keep him in the palace, he’s surprised to realise he’s glad to be home and equally surprised to find that getting his serious little decorator into his bed is becoming more and more important. The problem is, once she’s there, he doesn’t want her to leave. And nothing in his life has ever scared him more.

Leslie North is very good at developing her characters where opposites attract and this novel is no exception. The meeting of carefree, party animal Yonas and Maia, who is sensible, focused and responsible, was explosive.

The storyline is easy to follow, with plenty of emotion, angst and tension. The chemistry between Maia and Yonas was electric and what was also great was the laughter and fun enjoyed within the family.

The SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is an enjoyable and well-written romance with which to curl up on the sofa on a dark winter’s night or any time, really, with a mug of hot chocolate and it makes a fantastic holiday read.

{Thank you to #NetGalley, Relay Publishing and Leslie North for the free copy of this book and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
The Other Widow
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dorrie is embroiled in an affair with her boss, Joe, which ends abruptly one cold and snowy night when Joe picks her up. He tells her the affair is over, that "it isn't safe," and then moments after, their car skids on the ice and crashes into a tree. Joe dies at the scene, but Dorrie's airbag deploys and she makes a split moment decision to walk away from the crash (undetected). But she's haunted by that evening and Joe's death. Further, what did Joe mean that it wasn't safe? Why didn't Joe's airbag deploy like Dorrie's? Did Dorrie really see someone near the car moments after the crash?

Meanwhile, Joe's wife Karen is left reeling from his death as well. Also wrapped up in Joe's passing is insurance investigator Maggie Devlin. A former cop, Maggie is suspicious about the circumstances of Joe's death--and the women involved in his life. But can she put together the pieces of what really happened? And are Karen and Dorrie truly in danger?

This novel was interesting and suspenseful, though it didn't fully grab me. Still, I read it in about two days, so it was certainly a fast read with a captivating plot. For me, I liked Dorrie and Karen well enough, but I wasn't deeply pulled into either of their lives. Neither character was fully drawn enough for me to fully relate to them. In fact, I really liked Maggie the best, but we learn the least about her. I could almost see Maggie getting a sequel--she was a very intriguing and likable character.

Crawford's novel is well-written, but seems to suffer a little bit from "who am I" syndrome... in some ways it's a thriller, but in other ways, it's purely psychological women's fiction. As such, the mystery seems to take a backseat to the women's lives, at times, and becomes convoluted and confusing by the end. There's a backstory with Joe's business that I almost couldn't fully tell you what happened, because it's not given complete attention, even though it's supposed to propel so much of the action. That duality was tough, because the book never really focused on either the thriller aspect, or the women, and you felt like you were left hanging on both plot points by the end.

Overall, this was a quick read, with an original plot, but seemed confusing and pulled in a few directions: 3 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication on 4/26/16. You can read reviews of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.
Results May Vary
Results May Vary
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Being cheated on is a terrible betrayal But does the betrayal become any worse when your significant other cheats on you with someone who is of the opposite sex as you? Caroline Hammond is experiencing this right now. Out with her husband like any other date night, she makes the brutal discovery that will change her life forever.

Thank you to Net Galley and Penguin Random House for the ability to read and review this book. From the very beginning I was captivated by the subject matter an it was so hard for me to put the book down. This book made me feel like I was a fly on the wall in Caroline's life. I don't think that I would EVER be in the situation that Caroline has found herself in, but if I ever was, I have no idea how I would deal with the situation.

For most of her life, Caroline had been with her husband, Adam. They started dating in high school and have been married for the past ten years. Those on the outside looking in can see how much Adam adores Caroline. Even agreeing to buy a house in Massachusetts when he never wanted to do that. So for him to destroy their relationship the way he did was a shock to everyone. Caroline thought for a while that she may be able to stay with her husband and forgive him, but when more secrets come to the surface, that just doesn't seem like it will b possible. Will time apart be enough to fix the betrayal? Will they have to go through counseling to repair the damage? Or is this a lost cause?

This book is great women's fiction that I will recommend to all of my friends.