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The Night Raid
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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If you are a fan of drama, history, romance, World War II related books, heartwarming read and words that will make you laugh and cry at the same time - The Night Raid from Clare Harvey is the perfect book for you.

In the time of the World War II, in a factory in England, women work their way to earn a bit of money for themselves and their families. All of these women have their own stories and their own secrets.

When a woman comes to the factory to paint the ladies working the night shift, a lot of secrets will reveal itself. The stories of love, broken hearts, never-haves, hopes and dreams for the future will be painted on that canvas.

Full with passion, mystery, warmness and moments that will stay with you forever, Clare Harvey captures all of these and more in this amazing book.

She describes the characters in a unique way, she gives them life and meaning, and in a page or two you will already be inside their world, going through their happiness and pain.

This book was quite fast paced - in the meaning of, the story goes on smoothly, and there aren’t any sideway streets where you can get lost into. It was easy to keep track of what is happening from the very first beginning and easy to stay on track as well.

Clare managed to capture the World War II period in England quite well. I would never know how it was then, of course, but by reading the book, I could find myself being there, stuck in that time, stuck with those principles that we don’t believe in now. Stuck in a time where people believed that if a woman becomes pregnant during her working time, she has to either give up the baby, or live in a house full of other women that ended up the same way as her. Stuck in a time where gender equality is not a thing, and how could it be?

I would definitely recommend this book to every one of you, because it is a perfect blend of history and romance, of sadness and happiness, and of such powerful women that fought against all odds to survive and achieve in what they believed in!
A Net for Small Fishes
A Net for Small Fishes
Lucy Jago | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could end this review quickly and just say “I loved this book”, because I did. I loved it. I love well written, historical fiction with a foot firmly set in reality, and A Net for Small Fishes certainly fulfils that requirement for me. The attention to detail shows just how much research must have gone in to this - even down to the fastenings on the dresses, the makeup the women wore and the ‘simples’ they made up to ease ailments.
This is a story that I already knew a little about: I read The Poison Bed by E. C. Fremantle on The Pigeonhole about 3 years ago, where the story was told from Frances Howards point of view, and A Net for Small Fishes does nothing to contradict that story. They both illustrate really well how women were expected to conform and be perfect, docile, brood mares for their influential husbands, and in Frankie’s case, how political marriages weren’t always happy ones. It also illustrated how desperation to escape a loveless marriage made two women take desperate action. As so often happens throughout history, the women in this story are punished for the barefaced cheek they had to want better lives for themselves. It’s a frustrating conclusion - but I could see that it was inevitable. It showed that it didn’t matter if you were a woman in one of the most influential families in the country or a doctors widow, you toed the line or suffered the consequences. But what a journey they had!
This is such a good story, as real life often is, and it’s a book that’s going on the Keeper shelf (yes, I bought a copy after I read it on The Pigeonhole - that’s how much I liked it).
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, and to Lucy Jago for contributing to the conversation.
Labyrinth (Languedoc, #1)
Labyrinth (Languedoc, #1)
Kate Mosse | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
115 of 235
Labyrinth ( Languedoc 1)
By Kate Mosse

When Dr Alice Tanner discovers two skeletons during an archaeological dig in southern France, she unearths a link with a horrific and brutal past. But it's not just the sight of the shattered bones that makes her uneasy; there's an overwhelming sense of evil in the tomb that Alice finds hard to shake off, even in the bright French sunshine. Puzzled by the words carved inside the chamber, Alice has an uneasy feeling that she has disturbed something which was meant to remain hidden... Eight hundred years ago, on the night before a brutal civil war ripped apart Languedoc, a book was entrusted to Alais, a young herbalist and healer. Although she cannot understand the symbols and diagrams the book contains, Alais knows her destiny lies in protecting their secret, at all costs. Skilfully blending the lives of two women divided by centuries but united by a common destiny, LABYRINTH is a powerful story steeped in the atmosphere and history of southern France.

I really enjoy historical fiction and I like how this brought the lives of these two women to life. There were some parts I felt were a chore to read but overall it was a good read. I like Kate Mosse and her writing style so that pulled me through those hard parts. The link between these women was special and so well written!
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
1998 | Comedy
A crazy, interesting ride
Since I am a huge Gilliam fan, I was excited to watch this film. From the very first frame you are sucked in to this unusual, sometimes hilarious, sometimes detestable adventure of two men doing drugs, booze women all while in Vegas for a convention.

Some of the movie doesn't make much sense, the voice over helps a little. The awkward situations the two men get into and some of the unique people they encounter are my favorite parts.

Maybe I lost some of the point since I have only seen it sober? Not sure about that.

I do know it was one of the most stolen and/or never returned films in the history of Hollywood Video.


Jennifer Fox recommended Roma (2018) in Movies (curated)

Roma (2018)
Roma (2018)
2018 | Drama

"What I love about “Roma” that is that the director created a story where you can see the force of society in the background of the narrative in such a way that feels so truthful to the way we live history as human beings – in fact we don’t notice history even as it is creating us. As the maid lives her ordinary life, caring for her upper-class family, the world is swirling around her, yet she must continue to do her job even while the very fabric of the society she lives in is being torn apart, ransacked and recreated. This film is about so much and of course it is about class and the complexities of class, but yet despite class, in this story the “sisterhood” of women triumphs over station in such an ordinary and surprising way. It is this aspect that was glorious. The father disappears to follow his wandering desires and the mother, grandmother and the maid and cook are left to fend for themselves and the children. Yet even as the mother rages against the loss of her husband and takes it out on the maid, she completely accepts her maid’s accidental pregnancy and includes her in the family tribe without a second thought"


ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Nine in Books

Jul 29, 2021  
The Nine
The Nine
Gwen Strauss | 2021 | Education, History & Politics
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Nine is the true story of nine women who escaped a German-led Death March at the end of WWII - and it makes for compelling reading.

I had heard of death marches, but in a very vague way. The Nine gives a face and a story to one of the many groups of people who were forced to march until they died of exhaustion, starvation, dehydration and exposure. This was thought to be easier than shooting them.

These nine women escaped and walked to freedom - but it wasn’t easy. They encountered many dangers, not least the ordinary Germans who thought that they must be criminals, or worse still, Jews. These women had skills though: they were Resistance fighters, and some were multi-lingual. The fact that they could speak many languages, and in particular German, is what helped them on their journey. These were determined, brave and resourceful women, and their escape to freedom used all of their collective strength.

I really liked that the story didn’t end at the point where they reached US soldiers. Gwen Strauss was able to find out what the women’s lives were like after the end of the war. How what had happened impacted on their personal lives.

It’s such a well-researched, fascinating read. It’s only through learning about the history and horrific treatment of the many people targeted by the Nazis, that we will hopefully remember and learn that these acts can never be allowed to happen again.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book.
First In The Fight: 20 Women Who Made Manchester
First In The Fight: 20 Women Who Made Manchester
Helen Antrobus | 2019 | Biography, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book concentrates on Influential women from Manchester, who fought for women rights and tried to make our life more equal to men. We can find many biographies that inspire and left me more determined to fight for my rights. It also shares quite a lot of history of Manchester and how these women changed it. I really loved the illustrations of every single woman who’s biographies were shared, as well as plenty of photographs from statue reveals, rallies, and other important events that happened in this fine city. I really loved the research done for this book, there are tons of facts, and I applaud the dedication.

I liked the writing style, but it was quite suffocating sometimes with all the facts and historical terms, and it wasn’t the easiest of reads for me. The chapters are short, and that helped to cope with the style of this book. To conclude, I think it is a very important book to read, and I am very happy that this book was published and we have a chance to know more about all these icons, that moulded our country and it’s society. If you would like to get inspired and feel low on self-esteem, do read this book, it will weak up the warrior in you!
As someone who is prochoice and not religious, I could have lived without the "God doesn't want you to kill your baby bits". Other than that, the story was pretty riveting. I do wish that Maryanne would have gotten a rape kit done at the hospital. Like many women, she was too afraid and was afraid of having to give her history out to her coworkers (she was a nurse). I was also a little sad that we didn't find out who Emma's father was in the end. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was Barry's child, since he worked so hard to "get rid of the evidence".
The Subway Girls
The Subway Girls
Susie Orman Schnall | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever story, great characters, interesting TRUE history! (0 more)
Nothing - I loved it! (0 more)
Charming, interesting and Girl Power!
Soooo charming and loads of girl power!!

The Subway Girls had me roped in from the second I heard about the story. Being in advertising, having lived in Brooklyn, and ALL about being a strong, independent and confident chick - I soared through this book and cannot believe I didn't know about this campaign before! Now, I'm gobbling up every book and article across the internet about it!

The Miss Subways campaign was basically a beauty/modeling contest, which translated into posters of beautiful women splashed across subway as advertising to encourage New Yorkers to ride. But it was also so much more than that. It opened doors for these women, when there weren't many available. Some went on to modeling careers, while others went back to their quiet lives at home with their family - thrilled to have such an exciting experience, even if just once in their lives. One contestant even received 278 marriage proposals!

The book is told by two women: one in the past, one present day. Both strong and ambitious, trying to find and make their way in the world. A world as we know - basically ruled by men.

Charlotte, dreams of a career in advertising - not an easy feat in the 1940's for a woman. Her boyfriend Sam supports her ambitions, while her family, for the most part - does not. She strives to get into any position at these prestigious firms, but when her efforts fail, she aims for a new way of achieving opportunity - the Miss Subways contest. Swept up in the whirlwind of beauty contests, meeting glamorous new friends, all the while fighting with her father - her struggle between doing what's expected of her and what is in her heart threatens to upend all her dreams.

Fast forward 70 years to Olivia, an advertising exec workaholic, desperate for a normal family and steady, loving relationship. While just like Charlotte - she has lofty ambitions to make her mark in the world - but struggles to make herself shine in a (still, of course!) man's world. When Olivia's firm gets a chance to land the NYC subways account - she dives into researching the history of the Miss Subways campaign. The juxtaposition of these two amazing women's lives is so clever and interesting!

I totally understand the personal and professional juggle struggle! And also the strength it takes to accomplish some things that come WAY easier in this world to men. The power of the story in this book is pleasantly overwhelming and so creatively done. I fell in love with Charlotte, her spunk and determination. And Olivia's history is a bit painful, but she never gives up. The girl power is real here, and I loved the story from beginning to end!

Becka (82 KP) Jul 9, 2018

You make me want to read this. So I added it to my list of books to read.


Becka (82 KP) Jul 9, 2018

You make me want to read this. So I added it to my list of books to read.

Things a Bright Girl Can Do
Things a Bright Girl Can Do
Sally Nicholls | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst founded a new organisation called 'The Woman's Social and Political Union’ because she like many other women believed that they should be equal to men and be allowed a vote!

Although women over thirty did get the vote in 1918 - after the bill was passed. It wasn't until 1928 that all women got the vote. But unfortunately, Emmeline Pankhurst died before she got to see this happen.

When WWI broke out men had to go and fight, leaving their jobs to the woman. This was the start of women getting more opportunities. Even though they weren't being paid the same, they were still happy to be doing something to help. (Though that's a different story)

But this whole having a job, and helping with the war was only for the meantime, because after the war men wanted their jobs back!

Things a Bright Girl Can Do is about three girls who live in this time. Three girls who want to do more with their lives. Three girls who want freedom and the chance to be different.

Evelyn, May, and Nell.

Evelyn is seventeen and has dreamt of going to a university like her brother, but is unable to do so because, for the simple fact, she's a girl!

But mind you, she is probably smarter than her brother. Or any boy for that matter. So what does she do? She joins the suffragettes! And by doing this she see’s exactly what it's like to be a suffragette and what they do first hand. Though it's not as nice as it seems. She takes part in a hunger strike while she's in prison; like many suffragettes before her. She gets ill afterward and though she did what she believed was right, she soon realized that it wasn't such a great idea.

But in some ways, it made her a better person in the future because she knew exactly what it was like and why they were fighting for their rights.

May is fifteen and has been a part of the suffragettes along with her mother for a while now. She campaigns and she fights for the rights of women in a peaceful way. By handing out flyers, by going to meetings and talks. Again like Evelyn, she knows what it's like to have money and to be in a better situation than some women who don't even have that.

Nell, who’s grown up not knowing money, she's always tried to work and help her mother with whatever she can. She later meets May and the two of them fall in love and dream of a better world. She joins the cause of ‘Women's Rights’ and fights for them. Because why should men get everything?

All three girls are very different and all want something out of their vote. They all become a part of the suffragettes in their own different ways.

Sally Nicholls gives you a great insight into the past, bringing it to life again. Questioning what life was like back then, for woman and the government. She does all this by turning three stories into a reality that we all now take for granted. Even now women don't use their votes.

My opinion is that no matter whether you like politics or even believe in them, you should always use your vote. That's what I think anyway. For the simple fact, women died for your right to vote. It's your life as well you should use your vote to make the world better. To have a say.

From the suffragettes to WWI and it's 'we can do it’ attitude, this book is amazing inside and out. From the facts and the stories within its pages to the history lesson of fighting for your rights - to what women did to help in the war, you need to try this book.

So would you be one of the suffragettes, or did you have one in your family? It would be interesting to know.

Just remember, we can all do it.

Love, Christina ?