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Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
A glimmer of hope
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After a fleeting visit in Batman vs Superman (bleugh), my hopes weren't high for Wonder Woman.
But as everyone knows, it's actually pretty good.

One of the main problems with BvS is that it felt rushed, like Warner Bros were trying to pack in as much as they could in a short amount of time to establish a far reaching movie universe. Wonder Woman is a perfect example of why they should be concentrating on standalone movies first.

Given a full film to shine, Gal Gadot is a great fit as DCs First Lady. The time devoted to her backstory makes you care for her, and her surrounding team mates.
Gadot, and Chris Pine make a duo worth rooting for.

The story being set in wartime is used to great effect. The scene where Diana steps out into No Man's Land is nothing short of breathtaking. The visuals used throughout are great, and the script is a vast improvement on what we've had so far. There are no silly gimmicks like with Suicide Squad, just a good solid superhero adventure, with a good solid lead.

Wonder Woman falls apart at the final hurdle however. After Danny Huston (who is just sort of there) is set up to be Ares, it is revealed that David Thewlis' character is in fact Ares, and what follows is a climatic battle that is a dodgy CGI overload.
I have no problem with David Thewlis playing Ares, but his little mustache peeking out from underneath his Ares war helmet looks absolutely ridiculous.

But honestly, with the exception of the last 15 minutes, director Patty Jenkins has done a pretty decent job of bringing Wonder Woman to life. It's stands alongside Shazam! in terms of quality, and I'm actually looking forward to the upcoming sequel!
I may be in the minority of people that actually liked that DC blew up everything prior to the New 52. Prior to New 52, DC was even more convoluted than Marvel's universe (if that's possible). They did go with a different origin, but I preferred it, and I was glad that the DCU film, Wonder Woman, borrowed from it. I also really liked the art.

Geepee (0 KP) created a post

Jun 16, 2017  
Wonder woman, pretty good I thought but the photography was a little poor in the night scenes. Too grainy and not enough detail for my liking.
The story line was good enough. Dc are still miles behind mcu though, can't see them gaining much ground any time soon if this is the standard they're producing.
I know that last part is a little damning but I still enjoyed the film
The concept of the Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman is great to get new fans. They're not part of the ongoing story, you don't have to read every single issue to know what exactly is going on. Each issue is written and illustrated by different people, which keeps it varied.
Still, there wasn't a stand-out story. My favorite out of the bunch was the one by Gail Simone.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Wonder Woman (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Would've liked to see the Invisible Plane. So to speak.
The world reacts with due amazement as a mysterious group of film-makers breaks into the offices of Warner Brothers and manages to produce a really good movie without Zack Snyder noticing. We can speculate all day about just how this happened, but my inclination personally is to not look a gift horse in the mouth and simply enjoy the best DC-based movie since Christopher Nolan parted company with Batman.

There's something very refreshing about the way laborious franchise concerns are firmly put on the back burner, and all the focus is kept on telling a good, strong story. The decision to change the setting to the First World War (apparently made to avoid comparisons with the first Captain America movie) proves to be a really smart one, giving the film its own tone and atmosphere, and the story is well-paced with great character development. It's now hard to imagine anyone other than Gal Gadot playing Wonder Woman, and even Chris Pine is not too annoying for once.

Watching Wonder Woman feels a bit like travelling back in time to a point when summer blockbusters were less calculated, grasping, and egregiously thick-headed. My advice to DC would be to give the security staff a nice long paid holiday and hope the makers of Wonder Woman come back and do it again.
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
Strong female characters (3 more)
Love Interest without a "damsel in distress"
Not too dark, and not too happy either
The most cohesive DCEU film to date
Not the most fascinating story (0 more)
A Triumph for Women Everywhere (and the DCEU)
Gal Gadot is perfect. She kicks ass and looks great doing it, dominating every frame she inhabits. Thanks to Patty Jenkin's guiding hand, Gadot's iteration of Wonder Woman does so without becoming yet another one-dimensional sex symbol. The movie itself is the most cohesive and fun segment the DCEU has offered yet. Free of the glowering and overbearing lens Zack Snyder has placed over Superman and Batman, Wonder Woman touches on themes of hope and discovered humanity that were yet to be seen in DC's fledgling movie universe. Even if the story is a little basic, and a little reminiscent of Captain America: The First Avenger, it stands on its own two feet and puts up a good fight for two hours and twenty minutes.