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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Mother May I in Books

Apr 15, 2021  
Mother May I
Mother May I
Joshilyn Jackson | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A riveting and addictive thriller about the power of motherhood
Bree Cabbat wakes up in the middle night, convinced a witch was peering into her bedroom window. Surely it was just a dream, she thinks, trying to get over the bad feeling the dream leaves behind. But the next day she sees the witch again--a haggard old woman--at the private school her daughters attend. Minutes later, Bree's infant son, Robert, vanishes, stolen from his car seat while she watches her oldest daughter rehearse. There's a note left behind, and Bree is told she cannot go to the police or fail to the follow instructions whatsoever. A woman contacts Bree, and Bree learns the old woman is a mother herself. She has a task for Bree; Bree agrees to do it, for she would do anything to get her son back. But completing that request sets off a series of events that Bree could have never foreseen, unleashing buried secrets and disastrous consequences. And in the end, it comes down to this: how far will two mothers go to protect their children?

"I felt more than I thought, Something bad is coming for us."

Wow, MOTHER MAY I was an excellent thriller! I was sucked in from the beginning, and this riveting page-turner never let me go. It was surprisingly captivating and so suspenseful--Bree's son Robert is taken nearly immediately, and the rest of the book revolves around her frantically trying to get him back. As she does, she learns more about the woman who stole him. The relationship the two form over the phone is fascinating. Bree is one tough cookie, as is her friend from college, Marshall, a PI at her husband's law firm.

"If you ever want to see your baby again, GO HOME"

Bree was once a poor kid, raised by a fearful mother in rural Georgia, but she's now a wealthy wife and mother, having married an attorney with family money and connections. She's worked hard to push off her mom's fears and wariness and feels like that her picture perfect life has proved her right. But with Robert's kidnapping, she starts to wonder if her mom was justified all along. The novel deftly explores the theme of class. It offers some wonderful messages on the power of motherhood--no matter how wealthy you may be. It certainly makes you think: what would you do in Bree's situation? And the old woman's?

Perhaps not everything in this tale is plausible, but I could have cared less. I was here for all of it! It was incredibly suspenseful and twisty, with information oozing out and surprising you at every turn. I truly couldn't put it down. This is definitely a winning thriller in my book! 4.5 stars.
From debut author Abigail Wilson comes a mysterious Regency tale of secrets and spies, love and treachery. Orphaned Sybil Delafield jumps at the opportunity for a position at the mysterious Croft Towers. She believes she was hired to act as companion to a dying woman, but a highway robbery and a hostile welcome from the Chalcroft family cause her to wonder if she was actually hired to help someone spy for France. An unsolved murder adds intrigue to this already secretive family, and Sybil recognizes Mrs. Chalcroft’s handsome grandson as one of the infamous highwaymen who robbed her. Sybil must determine if this man’s charming smile and earnest eyes speak the truth or if he is simply using her like others in the house. Everyone seems to have something to hide, and Sybil must decide who to trust while also coming to terms with the truth about her own past.

My Thoughts: Abigail Wilson has written a wondrous novel full of mystery and intrigue. This story-line keeps the reader entertained throughout the novel; there is no lagging in the action. The characters are very entertaining and believable.

This is a story full of mystery, secrets and murder! Readers will truly enjoy this debut novel. I look forward to reading more from Abigail Wilson.

Justin (2 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies

Feb 2, 2018 (Updated Feb 2, 2018)  
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Some funny comic moments (0 more)
Its a dc movie so keep those expectations low (0 more)
The second recent dcu movie i didnt regret sitting through
Im plesantly supprised by justice league. Comming off the back of the ok and not too bad but could have been better wonder woman. DC have actually done what i was starting to think might have been impossible for them. They created a pretty enjoyable movie that actually holds its head in the good catagory rather than turds or just above average they have been making the past few years. Plenty of comic moments as well that wouldnt seem out of place in a marvel flick. Star of the show has to go to the flash and im preparing myself to regret looking forward to the stand flash movie as Ezra Miller does a great job at changing my mind on wishing they had cast the series flash in the role. The only reason i wont put spoilers in is as like all other dcu i can hardly remember anything of merit plot wise that was worth taking in lol. Although its enjoyably action orientated from start to finish and a good waste of a couple of spare hours
Superman: Red Son
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"For Truth, Justice ... and the Soviet Way"

I must admit, this has an intriguing premise: what if the spacecraft carrying the infant Kal-L crash-landed in Russia, instead of in rural USA?

What if, in other words, Clark Kent had been brought up in a Communist society instead on in a Democratic one?

Reading that, you might think that Mark Millar would go down the route of making Superman and out-and-out villain, but that's not the route he chose. Instead, we still have a Superman who is doing what he believes to be the 'right thing': the only difference is in his view of just what that is.

You also might think that the story might concentrate on his upbringing. That, however, is barely touched upon with the story starting roughly 30 years after his arrival just as he comes onto the world scene. It also has Superman and other major characters interacting with actual historical characters such as Stalin or J.F.K., alongside showing his (Superman's) own-going battles with Lex Luthor, and also brings in other comic-book characters such as Wonder Woman, Batman, Brainiac and Hal Jordan.

I have to say, also, that I didn't see *that* link at the very end coming ...
Twelve Nights at Rotter House
Twelve Nights at Rotter House
J.W. Ocker | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has stuck with me. I read Ocker's non-fiction book @Cursed Objects: Strange but True Stories of the World's Most Infamous Items, the other day, so I decided to try out his novel.

In the first chapter, we find out that the original title of the book was 13 nights, rather than 12. So, obviously, something happened. The main character is a travel writer (like the author), and a skeptic (like the author), who decides to spend 13 nights in a supposedly haunted house.
There were hints, dropped throughout, as to what is actually happening, various movie and book references. Crimson Peak was the most obvious one.

After one night spent alone, the author's best friend comes to visit. There's some unspoken thing that happened a year ago, that's not all that hard to figure out. When things begin to happen, screams, apparitions, etc, the author explains them away. He is a skeptic after all.

The woman character/ghost, has a head that's split down the middle... wonder what that symbolizes.

Towards the end, the author gradually unravels. The end, with the twist... Honestly, I have mixed feelings about it. That's why I just rated this as ok. It was entertaining, and haunted me for about three days,
Black Adam (2022)
Black Adam (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson did a lot of cheerleading for this movie.

Like, a lot.

I was still completely unaware, however, that it would include Pierce Brosnan's Dr Fate nor Hawkman not Atom Smasher nor Cyclone (all of which, for me, were the first time I had seen any of them on the big screen).

It also fits into the - current - DCEU - with Black Adam getting his powers from the same council of Wizards as Shazam (and using the same word), alongside cameos by Viola Davis' version of Amanda Waller and - in possibly the worst kept secret - a certain superhero during the end credits (the actor for who was told he would be returning to that role, then told not).

Anyway, this sees The Rock's Black Adam released from his tomb 5 centuries after being imprisoned within it, to modern-day Kahndaq which is now occupied by foreign invaders with some very advanced weaponry. The plot is then your usual run-of-the-mill softening of Adam's hard edges, teaming up with his supposed enemies to fight his real enemies, lots of destruction and a few general quips thrown in ...

The result? Somewhat messy; not as good (or surreal) as, say, Aquaman or Wonder Woman. Maybe a B+.

David McK (3251 KP) rated Wonder Woman (2017) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2021)  
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
The No Mans land scene (0 more)
Like, I'm sure, many others, if you'd mentioned the words 'Wonder Woman' to me prior to 2016 Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice I probably would have thought of the 1970s(?) Linda Carter starring TV series.

That was a role that Gal Gadot took in in the 2016 movie, portraying a different take on the character: one who has largely remained in the background throughout history, only revealing herself (and her powers) towards the end of that movie.

This film takes place at an earlier period in her life (albeit 'bookended' by a modern day setting, with Diana receiving a vintage photo of her in costume): during the First World War, to be precise, when Diana first leaves the Amazonian island paradise of Thermiscyra and enters the world, discovering her powers and heritage in the process.

While there may be an element of truth in the criticism that the plot of this movie is - largely - a role-reversed Captain America (World War setting? Sacrificial ending?) and that it probably could have done without the CGI battle at the end (which, IMO, lessened the impact the movie would have had without it) this is still a very enjoyable movie indeed!

As an aside: the stand-out scene where Diana crosses No-Mans land on her own? That was nearly cut from the movie.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
An excellent audition for the Gunn's (0 more)
Dark Justice anyone??
First thing to clear up - This is a comic book film. The premise - what if Superman wasnt all about truth, justice and the American way? Familiar story - couple discover crashed spaceship with baby inside and raise him as their own. As child gets older it starts to realise it has powers but rather than use them for good he uses them for his own gain. All the performances are excellent but the one thing the really surprised me is the gore. There are 3 scenes in particular that are possibly the best gore I've scene in years - an eye, a jaw and the first time we've ever seen heat vision to the face properly in live this part involves some SPOILERS - this was written by James Gunn's brothers and produced by Gunn himself. This is an audition for Gunn to direct a Dark Justice League film. This is further teased at the end during Michael Rookers news program where he talks about other threats and shows rough drawings and describes wonder woman, batman and Martian manhunter - obviously not by name as it's not a DC film. Yet! This needs to be made - give the Gunn's the keys and let's start a new Dark DC universe! I'm in!!

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Confession in Books

Jun 13, 2021  
The Confession
The Confession
Jessie Burton | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Confession centres around three women in different times: it’s the 1980’s, and Elise meets writer Constance. So begins an intense relationship between the two women. When Constance’s new book is bought by a studio and they start to film, Constance takes Elise and goes over to watch her novel become a film. It’s a very different life to Hampstead, and Elise struggles.

We meet our third protagonist, Rosie Simmons, in 2017. She lives in London with her boyfriend, and she’s starting to question their relationship. She seems very discontented with her life in general, and this is perhaps partly because she never knew her mother. Her father, Matt, never talks about her. However, during a visit to France where her father lives, he tells her about the woman that her mother had once lived with: Constance Holden.

When Rosie returns to London, she decides to find out more about Constance. And through a set of strange circumstances, Rosie becomes Constance’s assistant - under another name.

I did wonder how Rosie was eventually going to explain her way out of the situation she had got herself in to, and the resolution didn’t disappoint me. I was completely enthralled by this book: the complicated relationships, the love of both parents and lovers, and the strong women, all made this a really satisfying read for me. A recommended read!
I've not read that much about Superman, but my boyfriend has kept me updated on the plot. That background knowledge really helped when reading this volume, as it was pretty confusing.

The start took me by surprise; Lex Luthor as Superman, following the death of Clark. What's he doing as Superman, though? What are his true motives?

One thing to remember with this is that DC have several universes, meaning there are different Clarks/Supermans on different worlds. And this issue involves a Superman who is not on his home planet, and an extra Clark that nobody was expecting...

I love Clark's little family, and the way it's affected by his being Superman and everything. There wasn't much in this volume of the family together, though, as it is mainly based on the fight between Superman, Lex, Wonder Woman and Doomsday.

I would've liked more explanation in here on the whole situation with all the different Supermans, but I haven't read any previous issues so I suppose they might explain it. (Maybe I'll ask my boyfriend about it.)

One thing I haven't yet mentioned is the mysterious figure commentating on the battle, even intervening and stealing Doomsday away. I'm really interested to see where that's going.

As usual, the art is awesome. It's not my favourite comic, but I still enjoyed it. 3.5 stars.