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Rocketeer Adventures Volume 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like, I'm sure, more than a few others, my first exposure to The Rocketeer came from the early 90s movie of the same name: even back then, I remember thinking that it bore more than a few resemblances to the 1988 Amiga game 'Rocker Ranger', with both set during (or near) World War 2, and both concerning a test pilot who learns the use of a jet-fueled rocket pack.

I was completely unaware that the film - and, more than likely, that game - were based on a comic series of the same name: this particular one.

I aoso have to say that the film (from what I remember) draws heavily from this source, although (if you'll forgive the pun) neither ever really seemed to 'take off' for me: to heavily draw me in.
A Short History of the World
A Short History of the World
H.G. Wells | 2018 | History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Best known for his classic fiction, HG Wells also wrote a non-fiction book summarising the history of the world, going from the history of the solar system, right up to the date the book was published in 1922.

As I hoped, the book often reads like a novel, with 67 distinct sections, each like a mini story. In order to fit the history of the whole world into one book, by nature the story telling ranges from nice and rapid, to a little too rapid. I found it rather like a catalogue of numerous interesting little nuggets of information. Despite covering events from all over the world, the topics often flow seamlessly from one topic to the next. Due to so many overlapping topics, this history of the world isn't told in a linear purely chronological pattern, but has to go backwards a little, now and again.

At various times throughout, the stories are gripping and Wells successfully brings history to life. I particularly liked the various sections on religious leaders. Appropriately, Wells tackles religion as would any unbiased historian-become storyteller. I also enjoyed the beginning, where Wells paints a crystal clear picture of our solar system and the vast empty space that our dramas are within. His description of our galaxy sounds nothing short of beautiful.
The book was meant to be predominantly factual, but Wells did include a substantial amount of speculation and opinion. This does not distract from the storyline, but adds value in generating the concepts of the time periods.

It covers progress and prosperity as much as carnage and decimation, and provides good explanations of everything it covers. (Although it would benefit from more illustrations). At times it feels detail heavy but also gives the reader a feel for each age - the book is not limited to which country went to war with which country and when, but also examines changes in ways of thinking through the ages. Including the Ancient Greek philosophers, Arabian progress in maths and science, the advent of experimental science, and the development of political and social ideas in Wells’ time.

I was reassured to learn that despite not studying the history of the world in its entirety in school, I was already familiar with much of the book’s content. Having said that, there were also topics where I really felt I was learning something. I read Wells’ opinion on why the Roman Empire fell, and how the industrial revolution was not merely a revolution in machinery, but rather a revolution in how people conducted their everyday lives. There were also some important figures from history described that were never mentioned in my school days, particularly Charlemagne and Roger Bacon.

Towards the end of the book, Wells correctly predicts another war like that of the Great War. However his final message was one of faith and hope in humanity’s progress.

With such a huge scope, Wells must have struggled with deciding what topics to include and what to exclude. I thought he ought to have included a touch more detail on Ancient Egypt, and on the causes of the Great War (World War 1). As a British person myself I would have liked to have seen more on British history.

Likewise, if the book were written now rather than 1922 I began to speculate on what he would and wouldn’t have included. I imagine there would certainly be a section on World War 2, rockets into space, the internet, and 9/11. He would have provided an excellently conducted section on how humans are destroying the planet.

One of the beauties of this book has to be its availability. If you type “short history of the world” into Google, the free PDF of this book takes up much of the first 2 pages of results. If you’re sketchy on world history, this book will fill in the main blanks, and is worth a read if this is your aim, especially if you wish to do so quickly. The fact that it’s split up into so many succinct sections also means that you can pick up and put down the book as often as opportunity allows. It also works well as a reference book, as it does not need to be read from cover to cover in order to look up one particular event or time period.

In summary, this book would be a welcome addition to bookshelf (or ebook library) of the general non-fiction fan or historian.

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Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Everything (1 more)
Literally everything!
I wanted a Black Panther 2 to watch the next day!
I almost don't know where to start. This movie hit all of my good feels. The storyline, the cast, the production quality, the attention to detail - all of it is perfect.

Let's start with the storyline: The way they worked all of Wakanda and the Black Panther into their own world was superb. We got to know Black Panther in Civil War and then we take him straight to his own movie. We get this glorious reveal of Wakanda and all of the characters very quickly. From that point forward, it is a huge tie in to the MCU and Civil War along with introducing all of the rest of the new characters.

The cast was astounding. From TChalla to Killmonger, Makia to Okoye and in particular Shuri. There was this blending of established, well-known actors and actresses and some new faces that are going to go on my permanent watch list.

The attention to detail was maybe the part that sucked me in the most. The merging together of various African cultures into one to represent the people of Wakanda was a stroke of genius. The use of language, costuming, and even set dressing from those cultures along with linguistic choices just made me fall in love with the entire movie.

I wanted a Black Panther 2 to watch the next day!
No One is Here Except All of Us
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! I've been on a bit of a WWII kick lately with my books. This one was not at all what I expected.
This book tells the story of Lena, a your Romanian Jewish girl living in an all but forgotten village in rural Romania as WWII rages around them. The town decides to reinvent the world in hopes of keeping the war at bay. It works for a time, until a newly forbidden radio is discovered under the floor boards of a barn turned temple. Once the radio is again brought to life, the war crashes in around them. Lena's husband is kidnapped & the people who are left behind struggle to make sense of what is going on.
Lena take matters into her own hands & decides to set out with her 2 young sons to escape the war. They walk & walk losing more than they gain along the way. The help they find turns out to be unexpected. They take from Lena, but also in the end give her much in return.
It is amazing that they were in the middle of the war yet were able to avoid much of what other Jews were not so lucky to miss. Lena's life is not without great loss however, its just not the kind I expected to experience when I picked up this book.
The thing that sticks out most to me is that despite the horrors & loss Lena went through, she was able to come out on the other side better. This is not to say that you will get a fairy tale ending with this story though. Lena is not exactly happy as the book closes, but she is hopeful. And to her that is all she can ask.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Bianca's Vineyard in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Bianca's Vineyard
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We learn about what life was like in Italy at that time. You can read the book in a form of a diary or as someone is telling a story in a storytelling. You can learn the secrets of this family. You also learn a bit about Italian culture. You will learn what Italian culture was at that time in history.

Most of this story is about Egisto and his wife that he married before going to America. Tough as soon as her children when to school. She decided to go back to Italy. The book really does teach us lessons that were going on in Italy.

You also see the family deals with her and the rest of the family. Egisto father was fond of his niece Bianca. Egisto knew the war was coming to Italy. We learn about Armida and her what she decides. She is going to need to make a choice. I feel bad for Armida and Egisto children especially when Armida gets a bit strange.

We learn what the vineyard is about and it meaning to the family. I really like the fact it was told somewhat in a form of a diary. You also learn about each family member that's in Egisto life. It mostly takes place in Italy and his Italian family members. The author did a really good job of showing us what it was like during World War 2 era. You see the reliant of the Italians after the war and shows how the family was back together when Egisto returns.
The Great Alone
The Great Alone
Kristin Hannah | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my second Kristin Hannah book, and it is set in very different circumstances to the last one (the last one was The Nightingale, set during World War 2). This is set during the 1970s in Alaska, in the back of beyond.
This is a story of survival: Leni and her mother survive the violence of Leni's Vietnam War vet father (who is suffering from PTSD after being held as a prisoner by the enemy). Cora, Leni's mother, will not leave him, saying that she loves him and needs him, and repeatedly pays the price. Leni loves Alaska and her boyfriend Matthew, but tragic circumstances take her away from both for a number of years. Many years later, under different circumstances, she is able to return.
I think I really like Kristin Hannah books. The way she describes the surroundings in Alaska: the wildness, the beauty, the unpredictability. I've read a couple of books recently set in the cold, snowy arctic circle, and this only made me want to actually see it myself even more!
 I know I'm only two books in to my Kristin Hannah experience, but I can't say as there is anything about either of them that I didn't like. I'll be hunting down more!
Blood's Campaign
Blood's Campaign
Angus Donald | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Third entry in Angus Donald's Holcroft Blood series (after Blood's Game and Blood's Revolution), with this one set in Ireland.

Which is where I live (well, in Northern Ireland).

Living, as I do, not that far from Carrickfergus in Belfast I was aware of the siege of Carrickfergus, and (of course) of the Battle of the Boyne - it's impossible not to be, living here! With William's victory celebrated by a section of the community every 12th of July - although the subjects were never really taught at all in my school days; seemingly more concerned with the Norman conquest or with the English Civil War or World War 2 than with 'local' history. In retrospect, I think that might be because local history is (still) a touchy subject: what is one man's hero, for example, is another man's villain in this country!

Anyway, I've gone off topic: Blood's Campaign.

An interesting read, with Holcroft Blood still an unusual protagonist (hinted as being on the autistic spectrum?), with - even for someone born and raised in Northern Ireland - some fascinating history thrown in, although (I have to say), that this one didn't quite grip me as much as Angus Donald's 'Outlaw' (Robin Hood) series.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Emperor of Thorns in Books

Sep 13, 2017  
Emperor of Thorns
Emperor of Thorns
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The conclusion of the first of Mark Lawrence's trilogies, the Broken Empire, sees Jorg once again travel across the empire, and is once again split into 2 timelines.
Again, the pace at which events of the past are revealed and their implications for the present timeline emerge is just right, allowing enough to be worked out in advance by the eager reader.
I didn't much like the present timeline story, it really was just a long dragged out roadtrip and didn't add much to the overall plot. Luckily enough focus was given to Jorg's adventures through the radioactive fallout zones and Afrique that this didn't detract from enjoyment too much.
Once more, the introduction of elements of the distant past (our future) was a risk worth taking for the author, as it helps explain so much of the mysterious yet familiar world we are travelling through.
The ending felt slightly rushed for me and the final encounter should really have been given much more attention, but I was happy enough with the conclusion and intend to revisit this world for the Red Queen's War trilogy in due course.
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2)
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2)
Miranda Grant | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Think of Me Demon (War of the Myth #2) by Miranda Grant
Think of Me Demon is the second book in the War of the Myth series, and the focus of this one is very different. Instead of being in the 'normal' world, we spend most of it in a demon stronghold, where Galvanor is being held against his will. His lifemate is a drazic demon, but it doesn't look like a happy ever after as she needs to kill him if she wants to live.

I LOVED this story! So very different from book one and yet with similarities too, in a good way. The story is enthralling, Galvanor's history is heartbreaking, and Matakyli is the perfect foil for him. I was pleased to see the other team members show up at the end, and Elizabeth's cameo too. It ties it all in very nicely with book one, and definitely leaves you wanting book three.

With excellent descriptions and world-building, this story held my attention from beginning to end. If I did half stars (which I don't) it would be a 4.5 star read. A definite improvement upon book one - which was still an amazing read. Miranda Grant's skill in weaving a story is improving in leaps and bounds, and leaves me looking forward to Jack and Charlie's story in book three. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Richard Stearns is the president of World Vision United States who, along with his wife Reneé, regularly visits the poorer countries of our world to see the ways the charity is helping to change people's lives. <i>He Walks Among Us</i> is a compilation of short thoughts and observations (two-to-three pages, including photographs) they have both had while conducting their work. As they alternate the writing, we are given opinions and experiences that we may be able to relate to our own. As Richard is the president of the organisation, he can give an insight into the way World Vision works, however, he can also express his opinions as a father, grandfather and believer in Christ. Reneé is also a World Vision worker, but due to her nature, gives a more maternal impression of the scenes she witnesses.

The individuals written about in this book come from all over the world. Most are located in Africa, but there are also similar stories in Asia, South and North America, and even Eastern Europe. The terrors these people have faced are shocking (AIDs, war, sexual abuse, natural disasters etc), but each family has been aided in some way by World Vision and their donors.

The purpose of <i>He Walks Among Us</i> is not to promote World Vision, but to encourage us to let God and Jesus into our lives. Richard and Reneé assume their readers are Christians, however, they realise that being a Christian does not equate to fully accepting God's plans. The victims of war, rape, and poverty mentioned have also been touched by Jesus. Many did not know him before World Vision came into their lives, but they have now been transformed through the power of his love - although their situation may not have significantly improved.

The actual stories used to illustrate the work of World Vision are only brief mentions, providing the bare bones of the situations. What Richard and Reneé have focused on is linking these lives, their lives and our lives to passages from the Bible. Either taken literally or metaphorically, the pair manage to relate everything to the actions and fates of a number of key Biblical characters. This emphasises that Our Lord is walking among us, giving life, peace, hope and steadfast faith.

Giving someone new hope or purpose in their life can be related to Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Whether people are literally dying, or on the edge of hopelessness and despair, improving their situation can turn their lives around.

The donors and workers at World Vision are like the Good Samaritan in Jesus' parable. We do not know these people, know their religion or circumstances, yet we send money and aid. To do nothing would make us the Priest or Levite in the story.

David was only a young boy when he had to face Goliath, yet, against all odds, he defeated him. The children mentioned in this book are similar to David. They each have their metaphorical Goliath's: poverty, illness, loss of parents, war, hunger etc, but with God working through us, these can be overcome.

<b>Noteworthy Bible Verses</b>
Each chapter of the book begins with a Bible verse, and often more are included within the text. Here are a few that really relate to the work of World Vision and the ways in which we can involve ourselves:
Philippians 4:12-13
Luke 21:3-4
Luke 6:20-21
Psalm 23:4

23 million people in sub-Sahara Africa are suffering from HIV.
In Soviet-controlled Georgia, churches were banned. Some villages are only just seeing their first church in over 400 years.
20 thousand children under the age of 5 die every day.
Every 4 seconds a child under 5 dies.
Over 2 billion people in the world are living on $2 or less a day.
1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water.
41% of the population in Niger have no clean water.

Helen Keller: "So much has been given to me, I have no time to ponder over that which is denied."
Oswald Chambers: "The great hindrance in spiritual life is that we will look for big things to do. Jesus took a towel ... and began to wash the disciples' feet."
Mother Theresa: "I am a pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."
C.S. Lewis: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less."

<b>Other Mentions</b>
Hymn - Frances R. Havergal, <i>Take my Life and let it be.</i>
Film - <i>Pushing the Elephant</i>