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Lights out Liverpool (Pearl Street #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
22 of 235
Lights out Liverpool (Pearl Street #1)
By Maureen Lee

The folk of one small Liverpool street cope with the first year of World War II. They find the war affects each of them in a different way. One woman worries about her twin sons who are called up, another is liberated from a loveless marriage, whilst Jessica Fleming's life is changed irrevocably.

I love a good saga! This one kind of hit home with the start of WW2 and in comparison to what we are dealing with now and it’s quite frightening to think of what they were facing and the loss that was felt. It was a little heartwarming to read and have a break from my usual reads.
Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Good gory fictional historical events that could have been shorter.
Been looking forward to this one for a while. While I enjoyed the film overall. the story took too long to develop in some spots. Characters felt a little hollow and depended on the World War II setting to get the viewer to understand them. That being said, once the story hit its mark, the action was fast and furious. Some truly amazing visual effects. Not for the weak stomached in the least. A good, gory fictional take on historical events that could have been helped with shorter run time.