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Science Fiction has always been at home with the short story. The science fiction magazines from the mid 20th Century onwards was frequently the only way of writers to get their work published. As a bonus the concept of science fiction - taking an idea and seeing where it goes - is a really nice fit for short stories.

This collection is more than just a selection of tales from up and coming science fiction writers; all the stories are set in the same universe and are in some way on the theme of first contact. The introduction sets this up, with a damaged alien ship discovered on the moon. It is able to transmit details of nearby inhabited star systems - and a terrible warning about a dangerous foe - before it shuts down. Mankind learns all it can from the message and the wreckage before setting out for the stars.

Each story then follows the fate of the mission to one of the star systems. This is the point where any similarity in stories ends as each writer brings their own style and ideas for their contribution (although there are some neat nods to the other stories now and again). The result is a satisfying mix of different ideas but all within a consistant whole.

That's not to say that every story hit the spot for me, but that's inevitable given the range of authors here, but every story was interesting to read. There are also the occasional one that felt a little rushed, the idea either too big for a short story, or too many ideas vying for the limited word count. But these are minor niggles and the standard of all the stories is very high.

Overall a really good collection showcasing the talents of current science fiction writers. If you like interesting ideas and gripping stories about aliens and space exploration you won't be disappointed.
The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
Catherine Gray | 2018 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Positive and uplifting
I really wish that I had read this book a lot sooner. I’ve been struggling with being on my own for the past year and its been difficult because everyone else I know is coupled up or married, and being single in your thirties is a pretty daunting experience. Whilst I’ve been feeling a lot better within myself recently, this book is truly a wonderfully uplifting read.

Catherine Gray is a great writer. She really knows how to talk to her audience, and fill her writing with an equal balance of humour and seriousness. She knows what she’s talking about to, and it’s nice to read about someone’s view on this topic without it being preachy or smug. Not once does Gray come across as condescending to her readers. You can tell every word is from her personal experience, and throughout this entire book I could match this to my own personal experiences. It’s a wonderful thing to read a book and feel that the author truly and entirely understands what you’ve been feeling and thinking. The book itself is full of personal stories, anecdotes and also a tonne of meaningful quotes and statistics. And it’s all put forward in such a positive and happy way, yet without really slandering those who are coupled or married. This has really reinforced my current way of thinking and whilst not actually a self help book, this has done wonders to help and make me realise I’m not in the wrong for how I feel and think. This has made me the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I wish I could give this to my coupled and married friends to them rethink how they treat their single mates, but sadly they’d probably get offended!

I highly recommend that anyone single read this, especially if you’re approaching or over 30 and in need of a positive outlook - you can’t get a better one than this.
Sarah Dessen | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 1.5

<b>Note: </b>Formatting may be lost due to copy and pasting.

     I was told that Sarah Dessen's works were awesome. So I basically went into the frame of mind that it would be a good book when I actually started reading it.

     I don't really hate saying this, but as a first time peep (read: I'm reading her works for the first time) on reading a work of Sarah Dessen's, I left with a pretty "eh..." view. I did try to keep the fact in mind that Sarah Dessen is a good writer, which was why I didn't go all <s>mini stomping off with a hmph</s> frowny faced at the wall.

     I don't exactly hate the book - not really - but I found it very boring from page 1 to the end. I'm pretty surprised I didn't fall asleep. Yet. There was just something missing. While I don't really mind reading gushy romances (YA speaking), I'm not one who prefers reading a book that's pretty much completely - as in 90% or more - lack of action.

     Dreamland is basically your typical realistic fiction in the terms of romance. It was also pretty predictable (but then... I tend to predict things near the bull's eye usually...). And every time a character in a book is getting suspicious of events, it would go down the drain a little more.

     If it wasn't required reading, I probably would've ended up just setting it down, walk away, read another book, and then return it. But, if you're one who likes realistic fiction and romances rolled into one "bookrito," then you probably just got another recommendation. However, if you're one for romance and action rolled into one, then I don't exactly recommend it.... but feel free to read it if you want to try it out, as everyone's reading preference is different....
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
The man writes some hilarious dialogue (2 more)
The return of the View Askew-niverse
Some pretty sweet cameos
Kevin Smith returns to his roots... And it's awesome!!!!
When approaching Kevin Smith's work, I am apprehensive... His past forays into the realm of horror proved to ve a little too fucking weird for me... Red State was cool. Tusk was...well.... Tusk... And Yoga Hosers was almost a complete bust... Johnny Depp was hilarious... But it was still a fail for me.
Enter Red Bank New Jersey... The land of Askew... The home of the Stash... And the birth place of Clerks...
What could go wrong???
I admit I was skeptical to have him return to the characters that made him a superstar in the writer/director world. But my apprehension soon faded during the opening 5 minutes... I was nearly crying with laughter and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
This return proves that you never forget where you came from...
Smith reopens a universe he never should have left. It felt like he became comfortable writing a script for people he loved. He returned to what was fun for him... Making a movie with his friends. And if that is where he is comfortable and does his best work. Then that's where he should be.
Jason Mewes is the unsung hero of this film. He took a different turn playing Jay this time around. He kept up with the dick and fart jokes that made him who he is and expanded it to include a performance that was actually heart felt. Little bastard almost made me cry ffs.
With appearances by Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and even Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth... Reboot is going to put Smith back where he belongs... On top of a game that he started, making movies with his friends and family... And making people laugh their asses off....
Snootch to the mutha fuckin Nuge...
Script for Scandal
Script for Scandal
Renee Patrick | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will a Movie Script Revive a Scandal?
In 1936, a bank robbery took place in Los Angeles. While the robbers were killed, the money was never found, and rumors have circulated that there was someone else involved. Most suspect that the someone else was LAPD Detective Gene Morrow, the boyfriend of Lillian Frost. While the rumors have mostly died down, they are about to come out again in 1939 thanks to a new movie being filmed at Paramount. Costume designer Edith Head has seen the script, and she gets a copy to her friend Lillian so she and Gene can be prepared. Lillian is more concerned than Gene and actively tries to find out who the writer is claiming is his source for this movie. She hasn’t been looking for too long before someone turns up dead. Can Lillian and Edith figure out what happened back then and how it is impacting what is happening today?

I was so happy when this series found a new home because I enjoyed the first two books so much. This book is just as strong. The authors mix real people with the fictional characters so expertly I am sure I missed some of the cameos. Yet everyone comes across as real. I did think the plot was wandering a bit early on, but everything became an important part of the story before it was over. Not that I was complaining since I was hooked for most of the book and couldn’t wait to see how it would all turn out. Both Edith and Lillian are instrumental to solving the crime in the end. Meanwhile, there is a delightful subplot involving Lillian’s boss preparing for a job as an extra that leads to a hilarious scene. This book brings old Hollywood to life in every detail, and I enjoyed every minute spent in that world. This book will delight Edith and Lillian’s fans and win them new ones.
The Girl in the Spider&#039;s Web (2018)
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
It would be a major change for any actress. But for Claire Foy, to go from the beauty and elegance of Elizabeth II in The Crown, to punked out gothic hacker in The Girl in the Spider’s Web takes some doing – and she adapts to it extremely well.

The film is based on the novel written by David Lagercrantz after original writer Stig Larsson’s death. It attempted to restart the series which had become very popular, especially with the original films starring Noomi Rapace. These were held in high regard and the decision to remake The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was met with cautious scepticism.

But where David Fincher’s remake was dark and unnerving Fede Alvarez‘s Spider’s Web is stylish and explosive. Filled with gadgets and a variety of hacking abilities that wouldn’t look out of place within the world of James Bond or Mission Impossible, the film doesn’t provide enough sinister thrills. Instead, it pumps out several action set pieces, that while thoroughly entertaining, leave behind the trauma and shock value of Dragon Tattoo and subsequent originals.

Filled with gadgets and a variety of hacking abilities that wouldn’t look out of place within the world of James Bond or Mission Impossible

After an opening that provides plenty of back story surrounding Lisbeth’s childhood, we’re fast-forwarded into the high-tech world. Here a computer programme that can access virtually any nuclear codes in the world has been created by a now remorseful tech whiz (Stephen Merchant) who wants to help destroy it. With a number of people interested in the program, Lisbeth must go on the run and at the same time dig up her past in order to save the world.

This incarnation of Lisbeth Salander feels like a softer version compared with the portrayal by Rapace and 2011’s Rooney Mara. Yet the character is played with gusto by Foy who delivers her lines with a determined grittiness. The film’s plot while somewhat far fetched, is still an enjoyable ride.
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Western
In 2012, comedy writer/director/actor Seth MacFarlane created and introduced the world to basically a “live action” episode of his hit show Family Guy with the film Ted. I originally thought that film looked stupid. However as absurd as it was, it was still hilarious. Something about a talking “grown up” Teddy Bear was charming enough, but also required you to completely suspend disbelief and just go with whatever ridiculousness what was shown on screen. It was the success of that film that caused me to have higher expectations for MacFarlane’s new film A Million Ways to Die in the West. Sadly, he is a victim of his own success.

Seth MacFarlane takes on the “leading man” role this time around and unfortunately, he is not a leading man. His constant diatribes about how the west can kill you are delivered in his typical long-winded over intelligent style. Only they feel out of place as the rest of the characters and film do not take themselves remotely serious. Truthfully, I found myself not caring about him at all and was more interested in the other characters. Neil Patrick Harris is a standout as a “mustache man” who steals MacFarlane’s girlfriend and the rest of the cast pull off their cookie cutter western characters well.

That is not to say that this film is not funny. It has its funny parts. However they are far between and few are memorable. Because they try to play this movie a bit more “straight” than Ted, it just doesn’t work as well. Perhaps it is because we have seen it all from MacFarlane before and it is just more of the same.

In the end, if you are a MacFarlane fan and go into this film will medium to low expectations, you won’t be disappointed and will probably enjoy this film. But if you are looking for the next best comedy of the summer or something to make you constantly laugh, best you go check out Neighbors as this film is not near as funny.
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Horror
Joss Whedon (of Buffy/Firefly/Avengers fame) has written one of the most interestingly confusing scripts in recent history (with the help of co-writer Drew Goddard, who also directed the film). Starring Chris Hemsworth (Thor) as “the jock,” and a cast of other young folk, The Cabin in the Woods tackles what’s best described as an entirely new genre of filmmaking. This became obvious to me immediately after experiencing the last 30 seconds of the film.

The movie starts off with two disjointed storylines. In one plot thread, you have five college kids heading out for a weekend at a cabin on a lake. In the other, you have two professionally dressed desk jockeys going to work in what seems to be a mission control center. It becomes evident very early on that the organization for which these two men work is tracking the five vacationers.

The college group is comprised of the usual roles: the Jock, the Stoner, the Attractive Nerd, the Other Attractive Nerd, and the Slut. The five find themselves in a stereotypical horror film cabin. As the plot thickens, confusion sets in, and it becomes evident that their actions and fates are being controlled to some degree.

The most important observation I can share with you is that this movie was nothing like what I expected. It kept getting stranger and more unique the longer it went. Aside from the cheesy use of word graphics when the title was displayed, the cinematography is great. The acting is only decent, but the writing is entertaining. The film didn’t follow the normal conventions of a horror movie, but instead seemed to be an amalgamation of fantasy, horror and comedy; it was strongly reminiscent of the Evil Dead series.

I recommend watching The Cabin in the Woods purely for its unique and interesting take on a familiar story. You will be entertained.
Holmes and Watson (2018)
Holmes and Watson (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Mystery
They can't all be winners
Well...they can't all be winners.

I know that Will Ferrell is an "acquired taste" - either you like the "all in" comedy of this man, or you don't. I happen to like Ferrell, his comedy has aged on me like a fine wine. I find that some of his most recent films like THE OTHER GUYS and THE HOUSE are very funny (maybe not as funny as ANCHORMAN...but what is). I think this comedian still has his fastball.

But, sometimes, wine doesn't age well, it turns into vinegar. And for Ferrell, this vinegar is the comedic dud that is HOLMES & WATSON.

Partnering with familiar on-screen partner John C. Reilly (who paired with Ferrell in films like STEP BROTHERS and TALLEDEGA NIGHTS) this film is a parody of the multitude of Sherlock Holmes films - this time showing that not only is Holmes and idiot but so is Watson. But, somehow, they manage to solve the crime and save the day anyway.

Ferrell is (typically) over-the-top and obtuse as Holmes. Usually, this combination works for him (see ANCHORMAN) but it just falls flat here. Same thing for John C. Reilly's Watson - he is just as over-the-top and obtuse and (I think) that's the beginning of the problem here. The two just bounce off each other without the joke landing on either of them - nor does it land of the audience.

Ralph Fiennes (Moriarty), Rebecca Hall (potential girlfriend), Rob Brydon (Inspector Lestrade) and Kelly Macdonald (Mrs. Hudson) all fair poorly with poor material to work with.

Writer/Director Etan (that's Etan, not Ethan) Cohen (IDIOCRACY) does nothing to help things here with either his writing or his direction. My only thought here is that he thought that Ferrell and Reilly could improvise themselves into a good film.

It didn't happen.

Letter Grade: C (because I guffawed out loud - despite myself - a couple of times)

4 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)