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MissCagey (2652 KP) rated Lady Bird (2017) in Movies
Jan 22, 2019
Keeping Mum (2006)
A pastor preoccupied with writing the perfect sermon fails to realize that his wife is having an...
Amber Tamblyn recommended The Book of Light in Books (curated)
TravelersWife4Life (31 KP) rated Lady Airell's Choice (Ladies of Ardena #1) in Books
Feb 23, 2021
This is my first time reading a book by Rachel Skatvold and it will not be my last! I truly loved this author’s perspective on life and her writing style as well. I believe that it is book one in a series and I am already looking forward to what will come next
Kelly MacDonald recommended After You'd Gone in Books (curated)
Kelly Fremon Craig recommended Marriage Story (2019) in Movies (curated)
Kristina (502 KP) rated Archer's Voice in Books
Dec 7, 2020
I enjoyed Archers Voice. I admit it felt a little sluggish and, I don't know, amateur-ish, maybe. The writing just felt all wrong. That being said, I did love the story and characters. Archer is like no one I've ever met before and it was refreshing to read something a little different.
Kristina (502 KP) rated Reason to Breathe in Books
Dec 7, 2020
The writing seemed hard to read and concentrate on. The storyline wasn't all that bad, which is what kept pushing me to continue reading. Also, it was easy to like Evan, which definitely helped persuade me to finish the book. Unfortunately, I found myself skipping most of it and reading the dialogue.
Nicole Fall (34 KP) rated Mister X (Frank Quinn, #5) in Books
Jun 2, 2020
This book was not a book that I couldn't wait to pick back up. The characters were easy to figure out and predict as well as the ending. There was too much 'decorative' writing rather than 'meat and bones' to the book. However, I will consider reading another book from this author again.
Simulation Theory by Muse
The album deals with the themes of virtual reality, simulated reality and about 'the idea of fantasy...
Lee (2222 KP) Jan 22, 2019