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James P. Sumner (65 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies
Jun 5, 2019
Sadly, Dark Phoenix doesn't live up to the quality of its predecessors.
It reminded me in a lot of ways of Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight Rises". It was the end of something special... we had been promised stakes that had never been higher... we expected sadness... we expected fireworks. We expected a big finish.
Unfortunately, Dark Phoenix failed where Dark Knight Rises succeeded, and that was the payoff. The film seemed to be over just as it was getting started. A strong beginning with tension and danger promised more of the same, but it never quite got there. Visually, yes, you could see the build-up, see what was at stake... but you couldn't feel it. I found myself not caring what happened to the characters, which was a real shame.
The film just didn't feel... big enough for what it was trying to do.
We know from the trailers that an early mission into space ends with Jean Grey absorbing a cosmic energy known in the comics as the Phoenix Force. This whole thing felt very watered down compared to the source material, probably because for the entire time, none of the X-Men actually knew what they were dealing with. Just that Jean was angry and, well, you wouldn't like her when she's angry.
The bulk of the story revolves around the heroes trying to save their friend, but even they don't know from what they're trying to save her from. The CGI is well done, and isn't over-used. Some of the character arcs are intriguing to a point, although they lack the depth they needed to really make you care.
Without spoilers, the ending is satisfactory. It's very Dark Knight Rises in some ways, actually. A fitting end to the film, but only because the film itself was below par. The X-Men series that began with First Class deserved so much more.
If you've seen the other three, there's an obligation to say goodbye to the current iteration of these characters. But if you're just after a typical popcorn movie, I'm sad to say you could do much, much better than this.
(Oh, and there's no mid- or post-credits scene, so no need to sit through them.)