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X2: X-Men United (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
After having a bit of a revelation with the first X men movie this sequel set me back to square one. I was disappointed with the storyline and found it unenthralling. I have the third film recorded so am willing to keep trying!
X-Men Origins - Wolverine (2009)
X-Men Origins - Wolverine (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Meant to be the start of a new Origins series in which we would learn about our favourite X-Men characters, Origins: Wolverine was a dreadful mess directed by Gavin Hood. Hugh Jackman has since could out and criticised the film, but it wasn’t helped by a practically finished version being leaked on the internet just months before its release. Loud, obnoxious and what were they thinking with Deadpool? Thankfully, Ryan Reynolds would have another chance at putting it right in 2016. It remains the worst in the series.
X-Men: First Class (2011)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Back on form
Fox made a smart move with First Class. After just four movies, the X-Men movie franchise had already started to feel a bit stale. The solution? Take the story way back for a 60s adventure.

The casting here is pretty strong. James McAvoy is great in the role of a younger and cockier Charles Xavier, and Michael Fassbender seems like perfect casting as Erik Lensher (even if his Irish accent slips into his dialogue now and again!)

The relationship between the two friends, sadly destined to become enemies, is the beating heart of First Class. A lot of the action we've become accustomed too throughout these films is sidelined to explore their friendship, and their conflicting ideologies. As the plot comes to a head, and these two really pull in opposite directions, the emotional impact is well earned and hard hitting.

Elsewhere, we have Nicholas Holt as Beast and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. They also fit the billing pretty well, and are a welcome addition to the cast.

As an X-Men comic fan, it's a lovely touch to see less known characters get screen time such as Azazel, Havoc, and finally - Banshee!
We also get an adaption of Emma Frost, although she is criminally underused, merely present as a glorified henchwoman.

Kevin Bacon is the big bad this time round, playing Sebastian Shaw, a relatively minor X-Men villain, who plays his part well in First Class - he never feels like a huge threat, but that works as it doesn't steal the limelight from Erik's descent into Magneto.

The final action scene is enjoyable comic book fun - the small X-Men team clad in yellow and blue outfits (a nod to the original comic costumes), and the setting is full of colour. Its pretty damn glorious.

First Class is a stand out entry into the X-Men franchise, and certainly worth your time, even if you've never seen another X-Men film!

Awix (3310 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Jun 6, 2019 (Updated Jun 6, 2019)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Final main-sequence entry in a film series that made a lot of noise about celebrating difference is likely to be met with indifference (at best). The sense that the X-Men franchise has finally run out of steam is only emphasised by the fact that this is another swing at the Dark Phoenix storyline, which somehow manages to be even less satisfying than the first time they did it.

A thin script and lacklustre direction are mainly to blame; there is the odd decent moment but they are not strung together effectively. Most of the X-Men feel like cardboard cut-outs this time. The usual charisma and acting skill is also largely absent, with only Michael Fassbender making much of an impression. I think it's fair to say that without the X-Men series there would not have been the MCU movies, so this franchise's place in history is assured - but the superhero movie has, ironically, evolved, and this film feels very tired and irrelevant.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nothing (0 more)
Too much to say (0 more)
The Dark Phoenix??
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to begin by saying is I am glad Fox is done with the X men. This bad excuse for a Dark Phoenix story was by far the worst of the lot. I thought the Apocalypse movie was bad. They made one worse! I know there is only so much you can do in a movie but to call this The Dark Phoenix was not the right movie title. Maybe it should have been called X Men: The Alien Invasion. That's all this movie was...a story about Jean Grey getting the Phoenix powers and Aliens trying to get her and steal the powers to rebuild their race. That's the storyline. It seems there wasn't even an effort to tell the story half way right. But at the expense of going on a rant, Fox is done so maybe now Marvel can do the X men justice. My recommendation...don'r waste your time on this abomination.
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
The X-Men film we deserve
After a line of underwhelming X-Men feature films, Day of Future Past is an absolute belter, and compliments the excellent First Class as a sequel.

After becoming familiar with the characters throughout the X-Men and X2, it broke my heart when the third film failed to deliver the goods, as it seems like we wouldn't see a lot of the same actors again, especially after First Class introduced all new faces for some familiar characters.
When it was announced that DOFP would include both casts, I was so genuinely excited.
And rightly so.

This is the FOX-X-men equivalent of Infinity War. All of these characters coming together to stop a threat that fans have wanted to see on the big screen since day one - The Sentinels.
The bleak future painted is truly horrifying, as mutants are on the edge of extinction after being hunted down.
Throw is a little time travel to stop this future from ever coming to pass, and we are set with Wolverine in the 70s, with the cast of First Class.
It's a great move, and makes for a really fun setting, with high stakes to boot.
The action is plentiful and thrilling (especially the future-set fight near the end - hard to watch at times), and it's a real throwback to hear the original score from the original trilogy.

It ticks all the boxes as it plays on nostalgia, whilst giving us something new simultaneously.

It's a real treat for X-Men fans, and was for a short while, my favourite entry in the franchise (then Logan came along...)

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated X2: X-Men United (2003) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
X2: X-Men United (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
A strong follow up
X-Men 2 builds upon the first in pretty much every way possible - were introduced to new characters (Brian Cox as William Stryker being a stand out here) and some really thrilling set pieces.

Notable amongst them - the opening scene of Nightcrawler attacking The White House (set to Mozart's Requiem in D Minor) is honestly one of my top scenes in a comic book film ever.
The scene where the mansion is attacked at night - we see Wolverine a lot more feral here than in the first film, and we're introduced to Colossus.
And the almost everything on Alkali Lake - the glimpses into the Weapon X project, the hints at Dark Phoenix - are all comic book ticks (until they were a bit shat on in future sequels)

There are still faults - the biggest one here for me is Lady Deathstroke - second X-Men movie in a row that backbenches a classic Wolverine villain in favour of a fairly useless mute version.

I remember and appreciate X-Men 2 for what it was at the time - a movie for a young franchise brimming with future possibilities. It still stands strong as far as Marvel adaptions go.

Lewis John Hatchett (23 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Characters, Action scenes, story (0 more)
Runtime, villains. (0 more)
Unexpectedly fun
For a film series that has had its ups and downs, going into Dark Phoenix, I had my doubts but came pit of the film feeling it was better than my expectations.

 Story wise it handled the Dark Phoenix Saga better than the last time it was used in X-Men: The Last Stand. However for being the last film in the X-Men Saga, it didn't feel like the end it felt like there was more to come when there won't.

Also the only downside story wise was the villain of the film who wasn't really needed and could have just been Jean Grey.

A good film overall but I'm now looking forward to seeing Professor X alongside Thor and Spider-Man
X-Men: First Class (2011)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
This is definitely my favorite X-Men movie, though, I am total trash for anything with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. They both did well as Professor X and Magneto. Personally, vengeful Magneto is my favorite Magneto. I liked the vibe, and the story line. Hugh Jackman's cameo was hilarious. Kevin Bacon was excellent as the villain. The only thing I can live without is another film where they don't give Mystique clothing.

Katherine McIntyre (105 KP) Mar 5, 2018

Looove that movie!

Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
It’s grittier than the other X-Men movies because they were able to get the R rating. It’s darker and more adult. I enjoyed the action scenes and the storyline was fast paced. If you have any interest in Wolverine you will definitely want to see this!