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Titanfall - Expedition
Titanfall - Expedition
Fans of Titanfall can celebrate the release of three new maps in the brand-new Titanfall Expedition DLC. The collection retails for $9.99 but is available for $24.99 for those who wish to save some money and purchase all three of the planned content packs ahead of time at a reduced price.
While the collection does not offer anything new in terms of gameplay modes, weaponry, or significant upgrades, what it does offer is three new highly enjoyable and highly detailed maps which can be played in both attrition and variety pack modes.
Attrition is the classic Team Death Match where essentially if it moves, shoot it, while the variety pack is like having the game on iTunes shuffle as you could be playing Capture the Flag one moment and attrition the next.

Swamplands is the first pack that I played and this is an interesting mix of combat in the Temple as well as within a swamp as the name would suggest. With plenty of roots, trees, and various to hide it could be a sniper’s delight but for those stealthy enough to take advantage the cloaking abilities you can point your opponents and rack up some impressive streaks. I found that alternating between my Wingman side arm and machine gun work very well and I was not against using some up-close melee combat to finish enemies off.
For me setting my Titan in auto mode was the best option due to some tricky terrain that time could create bottlenecks and leave your Titan a sitting duck.

Wagames takes the best of Titanfall’s industrial maps and combines them into a combat simulator complete with holographic displays and environments. There were some Tron-esque elements to the landscaping and I love the elevated platforms it allowed me to take out enemies arriving via dropship below and pouncing down upon them and enemy Titans that passed by. With a nice mix of street combat as well as rooftop and building interiors this is ideal for run and gun gameplay enthusiasts such as myself.

Runoff is the final map and the least unique of the new offerings. That being said it is extremely well designed in that the feature of the map is that it is best suited for gamers who were on the move. Set in a water filtration plant, everything from Walks and towers, to ditches and drains make up this environment and the ability to leap from one environment into the water is very enjoyable.
There is a nice mix between close quarter and ranged combat and having a nice variety in your combat areas does allow for a welcome change of pace.

While none of the new maps are certain to be items that push you over the top if you’re already on the fence about purchasing the game, remember you are essentially paying $3.33 per map, less if you purchase a season pass. So in summary, while it is not necessary to have it certainly adds to the enjoyment level of the game in that you get three new diverse and enjoyable environments in which to test your skills at a very affordable price which makes it very easy for me to recommend.

The collection is available for the PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 versions of the game.
Captain Cat
Captain Cat
Cats rule! Seriously. Just ask the crazy cat lady that lives with me, err… I mean my wife (cue Doug Benson). Cats are natural fisher… cats? Right? And who doesn’t like a great puzzle game. So why not have all three. Mobile users have been living with this kind of excitement for a while now, and they have finally let us console games have some fun as well.

Joking aside, Captain Cat (“CC”), which originally launched on iOS and Android, has made its way to the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. With a price tag of $6.99 on both platforms, the big question is, is a mobile to console port even worth that price tag?

CC is super easy to pick up and play with its simplified control scheme. Playing as the titular character, your end goal is to catch fish using your… anchor? The game starts pretty simple, but introduces new obstacles and adversaries to add to the challenge as you progress. With 4 game modes available, there seems to be plenty to do.

Waspfish, the main came mode, has you making your way through 25 levels of casting your anchor, dodging obstructions and catching fish. Watch for those enemies though, as getting hit could cause you to restart your level. Housekeeper is another mode, also having 25 levels, and it’s essentially the same as Waspfish. It has subtle differences including enemies, and your end goal being to catch a snail that can hide in its shell. Try to catch him while he’s hiding and you’ll have to restart the level. As with many games on mobile, you are scored on your performance on each level in both modes. Your aim is to try and nab a three-star rating by completing the level as fast as possible, in as little moves as possible, while collecting all the coins you can.

Our third mode, Infinite, is exactly what it sounds like. The Captain casts out into the sea where your goal is to get as deep as you possibly can while dodging obstacles and enemies. The final mode is called Perfect. This is by far the most difficult of the game modes. Getting only one cast of your anchor, you restart the level if you miss. It requires some trial and error, but the challenge was welcome and a great mode to get you to think strategy in where to cast.

These combination of modes should keep you occupied for a few ours, and are great for a quick pick up and play game when you only have a few minutes to sneak in some gaming. However, I question why you wouldn’t just pick up your phone and play it on there if it’s a game you really want to play. Although a quick look showed me that the game is no longer on the Play Store and can only be side-loaded via APK from other sources. I cannot speak to the availability on iOS.

Overall, Captain Cat is a fun puzzle game (which is surprisingly missing any sort of leaderboard) that provided some challenging moments and kept me engaged while I was playing. So now we get back to our question at hand. Is it worth the $6.99 price tag? If it’s on the Switch, I would say go for it. It’s the version I reviewed, but it also seems to make much more sense to be able to carry the game with you and play anywhere, versus the stationary nature of the Xbox One.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Life is Strange in Video Games

Aug 25, 2018  
Life is Strange
Life is Strange
2015 | Action/Adventure
Great story (3 more)
Very good voice acting
Cool soundtrack
Unique gameplay
Occasionally being stuck searching for something (0 more)
An amazing immersive game
A little late to the party for this game released early in 2015. I had heard good things and all episodes were available for just a few pounds on Xbox Live gold so I gave it a go.
You will be hooked very early on. It's a unique game unlike anything I've played before. You make decisions as you go which can effect the past, present and future! In terms of story it's like a college drama like mean girls, mixed with something like Chronicle and mostly The Butterfly effect. In regards to gameplay it's similar to something like Shenmue or a detective game. You have to explore, find out clues, details and talk to characters for information.
I found it like playing an interactive film as it has a lot of cinematic moments. It's so gripping you'll likely play each of the 5 episodes in one sitting, around 3 hours each. The story is great with some dramatic moments and voice acting of a high standard, I liked a lot of the pop culture references.
The graphics are good although stylised rather than going for a realistic look. The soundtrack is subtle and very cool as well. It also has the replay value of trying it again making different decisions.
I can't praise it enough. I completed it in just a few days because you can't put it down. Everyone should check it out. It would be great if this got made into a film! The sequel is out soon.

Dean (6925 KP) rated WRC 8 in Video Games

Nov 26, 2020  
Racing, Simulation
Graphics (1 more)
Engine sound
Handling (2 more)
Very much a simulation
Unforgiving learning curve
I'm a fan of driving games and like Rally ones as well. So when I had a chance to get this free on Xbox live I checked it out.
It looks great, although trees are a little flat and lighting can be harsh on some stages. The cars and scenery look great. The sounds of the engines are loud and realistic.
This is a very realistic simulation giving you control over many aspects in career mode. The main problem is that it's very difficult and unforgiving even if you are used to more serious driving games. The tracks are very narrow, the slightest rock or tap of the brake can often spin you off course. The cars handle like a brick and don't seem to drift around bends as you would hope. Before you know it the steering and transmission are damaged making it handle even worse!
The co-driver tends to shout out the next 3 bends at one go which makes it difficult keeping track which direction the next bend is. There's no mini map anywhere to give a clue either, leading you to look at the signs at the top of the screen to keep track. It makes it very difficult to get a decent time.
It's a shame but the handling of the cars along with the difficulty of the tracks and just trying to navigate the stages will leave you frustrated. You'll be going back to Forza or something else pretty quick. One for hardcore fans only.