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L.A. Noire
L.A. Noire
2011 | Action/Adventure
Groundbreaking facial animation (2 more)
A fascinating world
Genuinely difficult to 100%
Action gets a bit repetitive (1 more)
Ran its studio into financial trouble :(
Still the best game of its kind
This game...its one of my favourites.

Its not an action masterpiece, in fact its a little clunky at times, with a similar but inferior combat style to GTA, but it has a legitimately great atmosphere, beautifully capturing the period and the stylings.

The detective work actually requires a little thinking (Which is rare) and asks the player to make choices without too much handholding (Which is even rarer), and as the game progresses, the challenge to interrogate the more devious individuals can prove rather vexing!

The animations, and the emotions they are able to portray in a game this old, puts to shame big budget thrillers from recent years (Mass Effec Andromeda, I am looking at you!), the city design is beautiful, and the characters are played by a number of recognisable actors which add to the big budget feel that runs all through this game.

Is the remaster an improvement on the 360 game? A little, higher resolution, parred up for Xbox one, but essentially its the same as it ever was, and that is fine.

There is still not a single game I have come across which has done the detective game as well as this, and it is a crying shame that the technology and effort used to create LA Noire has essentially been lost, since even now, manakin faced characters are still the norm.

This game still has a lot to offer, if you can look past the action sequences, and instead enjoy the characters, peformances, and genuine puzzle solving aspects of this classic title.
2017 | Action
Create your own world (2 more)
Relaxing and fun
Lots of Mods to expand your play
Complex if you want to advance (0 more)
Bought for my daughter, played by me.
I told my partner time and time again, we shouldn't buy this game, because it doesn't end and I'll play it all the time lol I wasn't wrong. I really do adore this game it's a lot of fun, especially in Survival Mode. There's so much to explore and the aquatic part is breathtaking. So far I've got two houses and an underwater monument base and I don't see it stopping there. I will eventually build a house in each biome, I think. The terrible graphics holds its own nostalgic charm for me and it's mostly easy to play. Brewing and Enchanting is a lot of work and there are so many steps I feel like I've always got to have Google open on my phone to figure out how to do it. Using experience points to mend and enchant is super annoying because the more advanced your item the most xp points you use to fix it. I currently have an awesome iron pick with several good enchantments on it but I can't use it because otherwise it will break and it costs 33 xp to fix. Another annoying point that gets me is some things that are drops are useless to the player (magma rock, zombie flesh for example) it would be nice to have some use for these items at some point. My 8 yr old can only play in creative mode or on peaceful in survival otherwise she continuously dies and gets super frustrated with it so unless your kids are seasoned xbox gamers I probably wouldn't start them on this. Personally, apart from a few annoying features I love the game. It's creative, relaxing and fun.