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Touch Of A Yellow Sun (Colors of Love #2)
Touch Of A Yellow Sun (Colors of Love #2)
V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
not quite as good as book one
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Marek has been sent a lower league after one too many outbursts on the ice. He knows this could be his last posting. After yet another outburst, Marek is forced to try to lower his anger levels and who better than the most lovely neighbour of his, Shey, who just happens to be the owenr of a yoga studio? Helps that Shey pushes all of Marek's buttons, but does Marek push Shey's? Can Marek get his temper under control enough to help Shey when his past comes back to haunt him?

I really enjoyed this one second book in the Colors of Love series, not quite as much as book one though! My only gripe (and this WILL make you laugh once you read my review for Lost In Indigo!) was that only Marek has a say!

Told ya!

I'll explain. In my review for Indigo, I said that Ms Locey has a way of negating my dislike of single point of view but strong voiced characters. And while Marek has a strong voice, it's not AS strong as Matt in Indigo, and here, I really missed that! I have NO clue why Marek isn't up to muster cos the man has a LOT to say: about his hockey, his career, his attraction to Shey, his feelings (once they hit him square in the face!) for Shey, and just how he feels about that cat! It's maybe just Marek himself, who didn't push MY buttons, maybe it's just me, I dunno! I hate not being able to say!

I did enjoy the way Shey's home crept up on Marek, very quickly, he was calling Shey's apartment, HIS home. I loved Shey's history, and his grandma! The twist with the past was a surprise, and I loved how Marek handled that, even if it cost him so much. Shey really is his whole world!

Other than the hockey theme, and the colours in the titles, I'm not sure I see a common thread, but is Arn, Marek's agent, the same one that is Matt's agent?? The name rang a bell, is all!

I'm sorry this is far shorter than my usual fayre, I'm not doing so well with my reading at the moment, and my reviews are few and far between.

A very VERY good. . . .

4 star read

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Do you like slowly wandering around the woods with no particular aim than to take in the surrounding beauty, breathe in the fresh air and be present and at one with nature? Then this book Shinrin-yoku: The Japanese Way of Forest Bathing for Health and Relaxation by Yoshifumi Miyazaki, should definitely be on your bookshelf! Honestly, if you’d asked me if there was such as thing a couple of weeks ago, I would have laughed at you and told you, you were just lazy. But it really is a thing.

Shinrin Yoku or ‘forest bathing’ was developed in Japan in the 1980s and brings together ancient ways and wisdom with cutting edge environmental health science. Believe it not, (oh, you must!) there are now forest bathing stations and walkways scattered throughout Japan, but you don’t have to all the way over there (although I would love to) to experience this simple, calming practice. No! With this book you can learn the art, strap on your walking shoes and get on out there and start your own Shinrin Yoku pathway.

Although, reading the book, it’s got a certain appeal and much more “hippyish” in China, including an itinerary of forest therapy (and tree-hugging), soba-noodle making, pottery workshops and stargazing – and that’s just day one! Can also include mediation, yoga, aromatherapy and forest concerts.

Involving all the senses, and taking all the greenery around you (and green is a very relaxing colour) you will find Shinrin Yoku benefits you in ways you didn’t know were possible. Numerous tests and studies have been made for this book. One example I’d like to share was how subjects were monitored (and properly measured) after just 15 mins walking in the morning, and 15 mins sitting and viewing the greenery in the afternoon. This short break in everyday life – reduced stress, blood pressure, pulse rate and cortisol, and increased a whole range of feelings from comfort and calmness with a decrease in anxiety.

Another great example showed the effects of just staring at a Bonsai tree for 60 seconds. Well, I tell you, I’m getting everyone I know who needs de-stressing a Bonsai tree for Christmas! It will be the best bloody present they could ask for – even if they do look at me as if I’m going mad when I ask them to just do one thing for me. Sit and stare at it for 60 seconds every day…

Now. Are there any Bonsai specialists in the UK? I want one or two.


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    iYoga - Premium - iPhone

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Today Will be Different
Today Will be Different
Maria Semple | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eleanor wakes up with the resolution that today will indeed be different. She will be a better person, a better mother, and a better wife. She will pay more focused attention to her son, Timby. She will have sex with her surgeon husband, Joe. She will go to her poetry and yoga classes. She will wear real clothes. She will pleasantly lunch with a friend she doesn't quite care for. But it doesn't take long for Eleanor's plans to quickly derail, as a series of mishaps rapidly start to add up: Timby is sick, it appears as if Joe is no longer going to work (and lying about it), and Eleanor's lunch date isn't what it seems, either.

I may be the only person left on the planet who hasn't read [book:Where'd You Go, Bernadette|13526165] (sometimes I'm stubborn about reading "it" books, ok), so I cannot compare this novel to that one. That may be for the best. This is the second novel--in a row--that I contemplated just not finishing, and again, that is so rarely my style. This book felt like a slapdash series of paragraphs thrown together about a crazy woman whose motivations and actions made entirely no sense.

The book veers back and forth in time: while the main action occurs all in one day (the one Eleanor vows will be better), she flashes back to her past, telling the story of her childhood, a long and confusing saga with her sister, Ivy, and Ivy's husband, and how she met her own husband. She also covers her time as working as an animator. It all happens sort of randomly and often in a stream of consciousness. This occurs among the crazy, insane happenings of Eleanor's day, where she sets off a series of bizarre actions that-to me-made no sense and came across as completely irrational. She was not endearing, she was not a little silly: she was just weird and somewhat unhinged, and I'm honestly not sure how she was still allowed to care for poor Timby.

There were a few glimmers about the frustrations of modern motherhood and marriage in this novel, but most were buried by the bizarre ramblings and incoherence of the plot. Some plot pieces were never resolved, some just popped up for no reason, and some dragged on and on endlessly. Maybe I'm just not familiar with Semple's style, but I have to pass on this one.

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