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Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)
Melissa Marr | 2008 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't like Keenan right from the start. I get that he's in this political struggle and the only way he can be free is by effectively trapping a mortal to be his queen, but he fails completely in effectively getting anyone with any sense to actually like him. He's a jerk! The book makes little attempt at hiding the fact that he sleeps around with all of the "Summer Girls," and he knows how good-looking he is and uses that to such extremes that I kind of think that the Winter Girl is in the better position here. On the other hand, Seth is like the perfect guy in many ways - if you don't mind the tattoos and piercings. He's incredibly attentive to Aislinn's moods and needs, waiting months and months for her to even notice that he had feelings for her when he apparently could have had lots of other girls and chose not to. Chivalrous is how I would describe him, something that is not a common trait among young men nowadays.
Now as for the sexual conduct in this book, I would not want my girls to read this as teenagers simply because of how casually it is treated. The only reason this book would fit in the genre of Young Adult is because the characters are all "young adults." But the thing is, there are so many people my age and older who read this genre that this book would be more appropriately marketed as a YA for the "young at heart." Okay, off my soap-box now.
I really did love this book, I don't remember the last time I read a novel that so effectively put the fairy tales of old in the modern era. And making the fey both frightening and untrustworthy is much more realistic, instead of the Disney-fied literature that is common for young children. The romantic aspect also has some elements that deviate from the norm, since Aislinn prefers the mortal to the gorgeous, powerful fey. She also believes in saving herself instead of just being the "damsel in distress," which boosts her image even more with me. While this book revolved around the Summer and Winter Courts, the next book, Ink Exchange, is about the Dark Court, so that should be interesting.
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Elana A. Mugdan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1) by Elana A. Mugdan
Dragon Speaker is the first book in The Shadow War Saga, and we have DRAGONS, people!!! You know how I love me a dragon, and Thorion is just perfect. I want him for myself, which sucks because he's already bonded with Keriya, and he's fictional! Still, you know what I mean!

This is classed as young adult, but to be honest, I think 'some' young adults might be a bit confused as this world is complex, to say the least. Personally, I loved it, but then I'm as far from a young adult as you can get!

Keriya is fourteen, and hasn't had an easy time of it. Her village is superstitious, to say the least, and she has no magic, which makes her lower than low to them. When she goes on her vision quest, she is helped by Shivnath, their Dragon God. Shivnath tells Keriya what she must do, but gives no clues as to how to do it. This leads to an amazing story as Keriya tries to figure just who she can trust, and what she should do. She is helped by Fletcher, her best friend, and Roxanne, someone who got dragged into it by accident. It was great to see these relationships change and alter as the story went on.

There are romantic elements to this story, but it definitely takes second place behind the main part of the story. Plus, she's FOURTEEN!!! This was an amazing story that I devoured, and I can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
My wife was the assistant manager of the little community shop in All Cannings (a small village in Wiltshire) and the author was a regular customer. When he couldn't get any interest in his story set around the village from a publisher he decided to publish it himself - and so we are the proud owners of a copy of this work. It doesn't feature any cover art - the book is simply white with the title writtien in black writing, something that is more effective and chilling than any picture could be.

Written for young adults, this tells the story of a group of friends who investigate the appearance of an 'angel' - a white mark on the hillside near their home, which intriguingly they are warned away from by some officials. The area is famous for its crop circles and soon it becomes clear there is a link between crop circles and secret military testing. Despite the danger the children pursue the truth.

The plot works well with the children (and the reader) wanting to find out more as each part of the conspiracy is uncovered and it is immensely readable. The children are likeable and the adults they encounter are by turns helpful and friendly or threatening and scary.

There are faults - the children sometimes act older than their ages and there is an event late in the book which is morally questionable. But overall this is a very sound and credible novel. It is such a shame that it was written a few years before eBooks took off, when it might have seen a much wider audience.
The Naughty List
The Naughty List
Thomas Conway | 2019 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My thoughts seem to be hitting the mark on with is one. A really good book for the season. It is also good for everyone that wants to read it. It will tell the history of Christmas and how it differs for each person and Santa Claus.

It is for young adults and adults. I do not believe it is limited to them; it could go to children and teens as well. You will go on an adventure and a journey. There seem to be a group of kids that end up on a mission to rescue Santa. You will be surprised at each turn of the page.

There are surprises as to what the author puts into this story. I was surprised to learn about the history of Santa Claus and Christmas. This is told through the eyes of the children. They are from around the world. Christmas seems like it got a different meaning and Santa Claus has different names. You may learn something.

Did you know that Christmas has been around for many years? There seem to be different versions of it. We learn about the different Christmas traditions that happen around the world through the children and their families. We also learn about the meaning of Christmas and Santa Claus.

There are some actions and battles. Will good beat Evil? I was not expecting what I learned through this book but what a happy surprise and twist. There is plenty of action and adventure in this book. There a modern take on our favorite Christmas traditions. Everyone will love this book.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Linda Gaine | 2020 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book has a beautiful setting. (0 more)
Fails to live up to its promise of being a horror story (0 more)
Meh book
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Linda Gaine is a mildly creepy story perfect for a fall night. It gave me that uncomfortable feeling that is not quite fear from time to time making me want to insure that doors were locked and the lights were on.

 Nothing interesting ever happens in small towns. Especially in those so small that most of the residents know each other. In a town that small the murder of a young woman is big news. When this single murder turns into a string of murders that appear to be the work of a serial killer the entire town is put on edge. Everyone, specifically women are encouraged to travel with others and avoid being out at night. Unfortunately not everyone listens.

 Amanda is a young woman who has grown up in this small town. She meets her husband at a local bar and they buy a large house in the mountains on the outskirts of town. Too bad a house in the mountains is not an ideal place for a young woman and her child to be living alone. Yet that is exactly what would have happened when Amanda’s husband ends up in the hospital if it wasn’t for Amanda’s best friend. The house my be isolated but that is little comfort to Amanda when the serial killer seams to be showing a special interest in her.

 I enjoyed the setting of the book. From the quiet town to the large house up on the mountain. Everything is just so peaceful and lovingly thought out in the town. I was actually able to feel just how unsettling the house on the mountain was for everyone as well. It would have been nice to see dinkus (the there asterisks used to divide chapters into sections) being used. The main negative thing I noticed about this book was it jumping form one person to another without warning. The story became very confusing because of the lack of breaks. Large time jumps also became an issue.

 I would not recommend this book for those hoping for horror. Instead this book is better suited for those who enjoy murder mysteries and dramas. Young adults and adults alike should enjoy this book although both should be aware of extremely mild adult content. I rate this book 2 out of 4. Sadly this book did not live up to the promise it seemed to give out. While the book started out moderately creepy it was not able to maintain that feeling. Other than that the book itself was good and had an interesting plot line. The book seems to play more on the human fear of being alone and of close personal tragedies more than anything else.

Jessalyn Joy (118 KP) rated The Circle in Books

Aug 28, 2017  
The Circle
The Circle
Dave Eggers | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, when I first saw it was a movie I was excited. But then when I saw it was a book I was curious. I then checked it out from the Aplington library. When I was done with the previous book I started reading The Circle immediately. I was immediately interested because at the beginning we read about Mae. A young woman who has arrived at The Circle for her first day on the job. I have told friends and family who I have talked about the book to and I am going to say it here. It is an extremely well detailed book. It's incredible. I never got bored with the book. It surprised me throughout. I would recommend this to anyone no matter what their reading interests are. I would recommend for high schoolers up to adults. Also, being in highs school already I think this would be a great book for a high school English class. I thought the characters were incredible and incredibly described. The plot was very well written and like I said earlier never bored me.
A Whole New World
A Whole New World
Liz Braswell | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
▪ Strong storyline
▪ Loveable characters
▪ White pages
▪ Some gore
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this from the start, it grasped my interest and held onto it throughout. The story line is brilliant and keeps it's high standards throughout.
Honestly it made me fall in love all over again with Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, the Genie and of course new names.
This has definitely been retold for the interest of adults, reason I say that is because there are quite a few parts that contains violence and grim details so I wouldn't recommend it for young readers, don't be falled by it being Disney!
The only other con I had for this was that the pages are white, when I first opened it, it took my eyes some time to adjust to the black on white contrast, I have vision problems so the general standard of cream pages are much more easy on the eyes. The white pages do look much more brighter and clean though in terms of overall presentation.

Roxanne (13 KP) rated Chimera Book One in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
Chimera Book One
Phil Gomm | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received an ARC ebook from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

____ <b>4 Star Rating</b> ____

This story is about a young boy called Kyp who ends up being drawn into a whole new world where all lost things go to. It is suitable for both adults and children, however, there are some strong horror elements so I would perhaps recommend going through this book to see if it's suitable for your own child, it's personal preference afterall.
I have to say I really enjoyed this story and at only 100 pages long you can jump right into the next one straight after. I found this to be really original and I liked all of the characters. It is absolutely packed full of action, each chapter ending with a BOOM to keep you hooked (which definitely worked for me).
I would say it needs a bit more editing but the mistakes only mildly effected my enjoyment and so it deserves a full 4 stars.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated Batman: The Animated Series in TV

Nov 12, 2019 (Updated Nov 13, 2019)  
Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series
1992 | Animation
8.3 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Voice acting, animation style, story lines. (0 more)
Not well known enough. (0 more)
Best Batman
If you are a fan of this series, as soon as you see the cover, the opening music will be playing in your head. This is the GoT of 90s animation. It is all done so well, and on a big scale, a proper score, talented voice actors, quality animation, it's all here!
The odd episode may miss the mark, but otherwise you are fully drawn in to a Bat man that is dark, has depth, but also some humour. While it is suitable for kids (Not too young, and I would advise parents take a look, just incase) it does not pander to them and is great for adults too. Some other DC animations have tryed to emulate this, and done well. But none have quite found the same beauty the original has achieved.
A Must for any Bat-fans out there, and I can not wait for my son to join me in a binge session on this classic.