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Bitter Memory
Bitter Memory
Sian Nicholas | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed the twist towards the end of the book (0 more)
There was a fair amount of technical talk especially about the bees and their relationship to the plants. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Bitter Memory by Sion Nicholas is an interesting book focused on a distant planet where scientist are trying to save the Earth. This read is interesting as much as it is a warning to us about what could happen if we don’t take care of the Earth.

 Scarlett Robins meets her husband while in college studying ways to help end the hunger riots taking place all across the globe. Caleb, her husband, was a guest lecturer for Scarlett’s class and her professor introduced them thinking they would find each other's ideas interesting. During one of their first conversations, the couple talk about grouping crops for research on a distant planet where they wouldn’t affect the Earth’s ecosystem.

 Fast forward a few years later to find Scarlett and Caleb as part of a five-person team on Pygmalion 6, a distant planet, to work on solving the food shortage. Upon arrival Scarlett boots up the computer systems and initializes all security programs, not realizing that she just made a deadly mistake. It takes years before Scarlett and the rest of the team discover just what actions she set in place that fateful first day. Too bad it may already be too late to save anyone from the greedy company they all work for.

 I really enjoyed the twist towards the end of the book. The book was only mildly predictable compared to others of a similar genera, which was nice. Overall the plot was well thought out and well written. There was a fair amount of technical talk especially about the bees and their relationship to the plants. While I understand its importance to the background of the story I felt like it went into unnecessary detail.

 Young adults and adults alike will enjoy this book. There was very little to no inappropriate scenes in this book, plus it only hints at any kind of adult content. That being said high school and older should be alright to read this and most middle school students should be able to handle it with no problem. I rate this book a 3 out of 4. The over detailed technical stuff seemed to take something away from the overall story. Almost as if the book was supposed to be much more in-depth and bigger than what it was. It is because of this that I decided not to give the book a perfect score. Other than that one flaw the book was amazing.
A Little Assassination
A Little Assassination
Lawrence Troyna | 2019 | Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I am not sure what to say. There really wasn’t much that stood out to me about this book. (0 more)
There were multiple things about this book that I didn’t like. There was a Mr. Tillotson and a Mr. Trenchard on opposite sides, which was mildly confusing. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
A Little Assassination by Lawrence Troyna follows the story of what happens when two assassins are hired to get rid of each other. Too bad it is largely the result of a misunderstanding.

 Nero is an assassin who is employed by the British government through a program that is nonexistent. Frequently his job is to remove people who could cause embarrassment to the British government. A sort of lasting damage control so to speak. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully Nero plans his jobs sometimes they go wrong . Usually, that just means a few unintended people get caught in the crossfire, but not this time.

 Leon is an assassin as well, but unlike Nero, he works for a crime family. His jobs are usually fairly similar to Nero’s except he doesn't secretly work for the government. This time when Leon is called in his order is to eliminate anyone responsible for the bomb that went off inside one of the family’s drug manufacturing plants. When it is discovered that the plant was accidental collateral damage from a British government hit Leon is supposed to be called off. When this does not happen Leon and Nero’s groups end up fighting head to head for a short while until Leon gives up by his group completely. Now it's an all-out manhunt, but the prey is also a hunter.

 Honestly, I am not sure what to say. There really wasn’t much that stood out to me about this book. The most surprising (and in this case the best) part of the book was finding out who the leak on Nero’s side was. There were multiple things about this book that I didn’t like. There was a Mr. Tillotson and a Mr. Trenchard on opposite sides, which was mildly confusing. I was also surprised to find that the plot moves steadily yet to me it still seamed dragging.

 The language can be a little rough and (as one would expect from a book about assassins) there is a lot of violence. With that being said the book is best suited for young adults and adults alike. I rate this book 1 out of 4. I had much higher hopes for this book than what it delivered. It was fairly dry and predictable. There really wasn’t much about this book that impressed me aside from who the leak was.
Between Two Kingdoms
Joe Boyd | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was such a unique read for me that I can't recall reading anything of this nature, with the one exception of The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, which is also allegorical in nature. The story in Between Two Kingdoms is told as a story that I think young children could appreciate just as well as adults because of the simplistic nature of the text. What intrigued me about this book was trying to figure out what each element of the story represented in reference to the Bible. Some things were obvious, such as the King being God, the Good Prince being Jesus Christ, and the River being the Holy Spirit. The interpretation of many elements though are biased according to how the author, Joe Boyd, interprets Bibical scripture, such as making the River female in nature, which would indicate Boyd's interpretation that the Holy Spirit is also female, which I do not agree with. Another interpretation that I found questionable was the Dark Prince and his true name, Adam. I could be wrong, but that tells me that the author interprets the origin of the Devil as the first man, Adam. I was completely baffled by the language that the Phantom Messengers spoke and what it was supposed to represent.
Many elements of the story were quite imaginative and fascinating, such as the behavior of the River, which was as playful and joyous as it could be peaceful and comforting. I love how the children could use such a simple thing as mirrors to destroy the Phantom Messengers by showing them their true selves. The Long Night was rife with metaphor, and I love good metaphors.
On the whole, I think this story is a great conversation piece for anyone interested in puzzling out the meanings behind the allegory.
A Midnight Dance (Fiery Tales, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a good fairy tale re-telling, especially when it is retold specifically for adults, as this book is. Right from the beginning, the romance and chemistry between Sabine and Jules is steamy and passionate, and I had a hard time putting the book down at all. The Cinderella references are vague and somewhat after-the-fact. The glass slipper scene takes place at the beginning of the book when Sabine is young, and the stepmother and two stepdaughters look to Sabine as the head of the household, instead of placing her in the role of a servant. This book seems to take the original tale and turn it upside down, with Sabine forging her own destiny - with or without Prince Charming - and refusing to bend to misfortune.
Sabine's character is both headstrong and naive. A large part of her successes in the plot seem to be born out of pure luck, as she lacks any real skill at either deception or thievery. Jules strong attraction to her gives her the freedom to get as far as she does in her plans, even as she falls for him in return.
While the romance and eroticism takes center stage in the novel, there is a secondary element to the book that comes in subtly as Jules takes a more permanent role in Sabine's life. Jules is intent on a restoration of his honor and wealth, and the discover the truth about his father's accusations. Neither Jules nor Sabine suspect the guilty party until Sabine's life is in danger. Suspense and unpredictability pull me right to the end pages, and just enough is left hanging to lead into a sequel. I look forward to discovering what happens next!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated The Season in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
The Season
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Most of the main characters had traits that separated their personality from one another, but I had trouble distinguishing between Alex's three brothers, as they all seemed to behave alike. The plot seemed to falter everytime there was a journal entry by the antagonist, especially since what would happen in the plot following them didn't usually match up with what was in the journal entry. All of the loose threads were accounted for in the end, though. The book came to me classified as a mystery, but I found that aspect of the text to be lacking most of the time, especially when focusing on the romance part of the text. I'm not usually a fan of mysteries, but the mystery of Gavin's father's death really seems to take a backseat to the budding romance between Gavin and Alex. The text claimed to fall in the year 1815, and there were lots of little details that made the text seem authentic, such as the three young women discussing the works of Jane Austen while identifying her as an anonymous author, the proper clothing attire for both men and women, and the proper decorum of both as well. Alex did seem to break with decorum a questionable number of times, but I'll attribute that to her personality and not a fault in background. While it's not likely I would have picked this particular book off the shelf if it were not for a recommendation, I have read similar works in the genre of historical romance for adults, and I have plans to read more of this genre in the future. I did enjoy this book and I would rate it 3 out of 5 stars.
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I gave The Hunger Games trilogy a chance, I really did, but I found myself so frustrated with these books. I know all about the comparison to Battle Royale and here and there I do see where Suzanne Collins was influenced by it, but the books are different. For one thing Koushun Takami's book is better.
 The problem for me, mainly was with the heroine Katniss. I wanted to like her, but I found I could not care about her at all, even after she did the noble sacrifice of taking her sister's place in The Hunger Games. She seems very cold, apathetic, and just drifting along. For a main character there isn't any depth to her and that's sorely disappointing considering the theme of these books. Then we have this pointless love story that is completely unnecessary to the book and it just seems awkward and forced. The only character who seems real to me at all is Peeta while the other characters seem one dimensional. I also found myself frustrated with Katniss because at so many intervals in the story she just gives up so easily like it's as simple as changing her hair color. Are you kidding me with this nonsense?
 I had to keep reminding myself that these were books for young adults and while the writing wasn't bad, the story was not great. If the writing is so poor that you find you can not even care about the characters especially the main one, that's a serious problem. This didn't feel like a dystopian novel at all, sure it was dark and depressing, but that's pretty much it. I need more from something claiming to be a dystopian story. This was more like Dystopia with training wheels. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read Fahrenheit 451 and Battle Royale again.
Robert Crais | 2015 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elvis Cole and Joe Pike Track the Taken
Los Angeles PI Elvis Cole is hired by Nita Morales to find her daughter Krista. Krista and her boyfriend, Jack, disappeared several days ago. Nita has received a ransom call, but she was only asked for $500. Surely, this is just Krista and Jack trying to get some money from Nita so they can elope, right? However, Elvis quickly begins to determine that Krista and Jack are in serious danger; they’ve been kidnapped by a group that captures illegal immigrants trying to get into California. But knowing what happened to them only increases the stakes. Can Elvis and his partner, Joe Pike, find the two young adults and rescue them before it is too late?

This book is an amazing thrill ride. The story starts off fast, and it never really lets go until we reach the end. However, it is too much like a movie thriller, which means it has some serious weaknesses. The characters, even series leads Elvis Cole and Joe Pike, are shallow. This doesn’t help since there are a lot of players we have to try to keep straight. Author Robert Crais uses shifting timelines to help increase the tension, which works as intended, but he notes the time in a way that grows confusing as the book progresses; he even spoils a major plot point early on as a result. The book is brutal and filled with foul language. While I expect that when reading one of Robert Crais’s books, this one seemed excessive, even by his standards. Despite all these negatives, I still found the book extremely addicting and impossible to stop thinking about. It’s worth reading as long as you keep your expectations appropriate going into the book.
St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
St. Elmo's Fire (1985)
1985 | Drama, Romance
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A great underrated and often overlooked 80's movie
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In the mid 80's there were a group of young actors known as the "Brat Pack". It was made up of up and coming talented actors, many of them starred in a number of films together, St. Elmo's Fire being one of them.

The film is about seven University friends and the changes they find themselves going through once they graduate and try to make it as adults. Some thrive and others can't handle the new responsibilities that come with adulthood.

The cast is incredible made of Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Mare Winningham, & Andie MacDowell. All of them bring a special charm to the characters they play. Every actor is great in this film, their friendships seem genuine and come across well. The emotions each character goes through are portrayed exceptionally well. There really isn't a stand out performance of any of the main cast. They are all perfect performances.

The characters go through every possible emotion a person can go through, you will be able to empathise with most if not all the situations from debt, love, death, marriage, break ups and infatuation to name a few of them. Even with all seven characters having their own individual stories, the film isn't overloaded. There is a perfect balance between the each one. Each character has their hardships and each finds a resolution in their own way.

This is another great one of the great underrated and often overlooked 80's movies, with a great cast, engaging story and a perfect soundtrack. This is watchable time and time again.

For a perfect Sunday afternoon film it doesn't get much better than this.
People Kill People
People Kill People
Ellen Hopkins | 2018 | History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book first interested me when I read it was a book written about guns and gun control by a person who grew up in a household that supported guns. This is a voice that I had not really heard from in YA literature. Sadly what was given to me was a book that lacked depth for the characters and was quite predictable.
The story follows a group of teen to early adults. 2 of them are white supremacists, 2 are married with a young child, 1 is a homeless teen, 1 is a victim of gun violence who has epilepsy and is also homosexual, and 1 is the greatest person ever. The group itself is so entwined by siblings, marriage, relationships, friendships it isn't weird to wonder just how big of a town it could be they are living in.
The book is full of poor choices, dealing drugs with a toddler present, constant fantasizing about killing a certain person, a lot of time spent in the minds of white supremacists.
The whole book we know someone is going to die. Most of the book is framed to make you think it will be the homeless youth at the hands of the white supremacists. But it is actually the great girl that is anti gun and everyone loves because a toddler got a hold of a gun his parents couldn't be bothered to properly store. The end murder affects the lives of everyone else so they mostly die or want to, to demonstrate that guns aren't the problem. Too bad the gun and people's selfish nature was an unaddressed problem in the whole book full of problems.
The plot was too weighed down for anything to stick and the characters fell very flat despite Hopkins best efforts.