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Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Zachary levi (2 more)
Mark strong
Easter eggs
Just seen and I'm glad I did been wanting to see this for ages. As I've been a fan of Zachary Levi since he was on chuck. His character Shazam reminds me alot of chuck two different people learnly how to use their powers for good. Mark strong plays the villian in his usual stlye. Would I recommend this movie definitely

Elizabeth (1521 KP) Apr 13, 2019

I was also a big Chuck fan and couldn't help but notice the similarities as well.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zachary levi (2 more)
Rachel zeiger
Dame Helen mirren
Watched today liked this one more than last years black Adam that one was more serious less fun basically the rock destroying stuff there is a lot of that in this film but overall more fun more family oriented which I liked Zachary Levi is back as Shazam who I’ve liked since chuck and then there’s dame Helen mirren as one of the villains of the movie was brilliant overall love the movie more the first one
Office Uprising  (2018)
Office Uprising (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jane levy (2 more)
Zachary Levi
Some of the acting (0 more)
Watched last night on netflix not bad movie for a comedy horror about office workers turned into zombies after drinking emergy. Some of the acting can be bad but there are some good acting in others plenty of gore to go around for those who like there gore. Not bad at all

David McK (3204 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 17, 2019 (Updated Nov 20, 2022)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Zachary Levi (0 more)
None of the rest of the Chuck TV series cast (0 more)
One of the better entries (at the time of reviewing) in DCs attempt at a shared universe, although (if I'm honest) I barely realised that it was part of that universe at all: yes, there's a couple of mentions of Superman and Batman et al, but they could easily be viewed similarly to how we talk about them.
I was also quite surprised by how dark/scary parts of this were for a child-friendly film, with it really only lightening up once the 14 year old Billy Batson gets his powers and transforms into Zachary Levis's adult superhero (but still with his child's mind).

With a subplot concerning family - one strand of which could probably have been handled better - and Levi knocking it out of the park (I'll admit, the TV series Chuck in which he starred is one of my favourites) as Shazam, this is one of the better entries in DC growing catalogue of movies.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Zachary Levi is amazing and charisma leaps off screen. (1 more)
A fun enjoyable film that flew by.
Seemed a bit simplistic. (1 more)
Cooper Andrews is wasted in his supporting role.
An actual fun DC movie.
It goes without saying that most modern DC Universe movies tend to be on the dark and very serious side. So, this was a nice turn. Once the villain is introduced in typical DC dark fashion, the movie tilts to the lightness of youth and the chicanery that can ensue. So many light-hearted fun moments throughout. Zachary Levi is brilliant as the quick-quipping hero and embraces his child alter ego with ease. While the gaining understanding of powers and defeat of the villian seemed a little simplistic to me, overall it was just a fun, enjoyable film. The time flew by. It had laughs. It had heart. The cast had amazing charisma and chemistry. (Though the incredibly charismatic Cooper Andrews is kinda wasted in his supporting role.) While I think Batman and Superman need the gravitas, the light tone fit perfectly here. Great job by DC and a hope that they are making changes for the future thread of films in this universe.

Nickg24 (492 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Jun 27, 2019 (Updated Jun 27, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The friendship between shazam and freddy (0 more)
Rubbish bad guy (0 more)
Had read alot of mixed reviews for this movie but was open to giving it a try.First of all this is the weakest of all the DC movies so far for me (yes I even preferred suicide squad to this)

It had its moments and the humour at times was ok but there was alot that let this movie down.Mark Strong's bad guy was truly awful and was about as menacing as a chocolate teapot,zachary levi looked uncomfortable at times as shazam and as for the seven deadly sins gargoyles..just plain awful and hokey looking.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Mar 22, 2020  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Could've been better
Shazam has been on my box to watch for quite some time, and after finally being persuaded to watch it I have to say I'l was a little unimpressed.

This is a very child orientated and almost childish film, which for me was a surprise considering it's set in the DC universe. Understandable to a point as the main character is a 14 year old child, but some of the silly childish jokes and the very super cheesy family friendly final act made me cringe. There were some decent laughs and these mainly came from Zachary Levi acting like a teenager. Levi shines in this film and if it wasn't for him this film would've been pretty dire. Even the usually reliable Mark Strong was wasted in this, and his villain wasn't particularly evil - although the effects used for the seven deadly sins were quite impressive.

Overall this was a rather underwhelming film that dragged on for a little too long. Whilst I didnt hate it as it did at least raise a few laughs, it's not a film I'd rush to watch again.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Nothing stood out - more of the same
Boy becomes reluctant hero. Hero does battle against villain. You fill in the rest.

Kind of a DC PG-13 version of Deadpool (or at least it wants to be).

I was really hoping the humor would be funnier and there would be something that would make it stand out for DC. Especially after really enjoying both Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

At 133 minutes, the movie needed quite a trimming as the beginning dragged and the movie lost its way a few times before coming together well at the end. I looked at my phone several times to see how much was left to go and that is never a good sign.

Zachary Levi stood out as the humorous protagonist (with a stupid-looking costume), but the rest of the cast was generic and boring including the blah villain.

If they make another film, hopefully they can concentrate more on the non origin story and make the humor and action scenes sharper and tighter.


ClareR (5577 KP) Sep 2, 2019

We watched this at the weekend. My eldest son said it was ‘wrong’, the youngest thought it was loads of fun 🤷🏼‍♀️ I liked it, but it was nothing special. It whiled away a couple of hours. The villain could’ve been much better, I think (he’s a good actor!), and it’s a shame they didn’t make Shazam as he was in the comics. I think that’s what grated the most on my son - especially the end bit.


Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 2, 2019

Yes I agree!


Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 9, 2019 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Zachary Levi & Jack Dylan Grazer's chemistry (0 more)
Good Fun
Being the big ol' geek that I am, I usually know the source material of the superhero movie I am going to see pretty well. Shazam is an exception to this, - other than the infamous Captain Marvel/Shazam copyright battle between Marvel and DC's lawyers over the years and the fact that he is a teenage boy who transforms into a grown man who looks like Superman with a similar power set, - I don't know much about the character. Watching Shazam, I was more so reminded of a Mark Millar comic called Superior, which bears multiple plot similarities to Shazam, to the point that I am surprised that DC have never attempted to sue Millar for blatant plagiarism.

In a word, Shazam is fun. I enjoyed my time with it and I would see it again. I enjoyed seeing Mark Strong hamming it up as the movie's villain and Zachary Levi did a great job in the titular role. Also, his chemistry with Jack Dylan Grazer's character was a huge highlight of the film for me. The SFX were on point for the most part other than the fairly cartoony representations of the 7 deadly sins monsters. There was also a charming, dumb, pure, innocence to the movie that really shone through the entire thing.

My biggest issue with the movie was Asher Angel as Billy Batson when he's not Shazam. Not necessarily because he is a bad actor or anything, but more because of how he chose to play the role. He came across as broody and introspective, almost the total opposite of how Zachary Levi came across as Shazam with his over the top playfulness and silly puns. This discrepancy was prevalent to the point where the illusion that these two actors were playing the same character was entirely broken and it was as if they were just playing two totally different characters with entirely opposite personalities that were just never in the same room. I feel like a bit of smoothing out could have been done between the actors to come to a compromise where they could both deliver their respective lines while believably playing the same character.

Also, something that you should probably know going in is that this is a comedy with lessons about family and responsibility before it is a Superhero/Action movie. It does make sense within the context of the film that there are no epic action scenes as Billy is just an untrained everyday kid that has been given a bunch of amazing powers that he is still getting to grips with, but don't expect any mind-blowing action scenes on par with MCU movies etc. Even though I guess it makes sense that there wasn't anything too impressive in terms of action scenes, I was left a little bit unfulfilled as I left the theatre that the film felt more insistent on showing us tender family moments rather than huge scale superhero battles.

Overall, Shazam is dumb fun. Don't think too hard about it and you will almost certainly have a great time watching it. I am glad that the fun factor of DC films seems to be on the up and they have dropped the dour tone of their Batman/Superman stories set up by Zack Snyder and they seem to have almost totally abandoned the idea of following in Marvel's footsteps of tying movies together in order to lead up to a team up blockbuster. This move seems to be for the best and is what they should have been doing from the start rather than trying to win a losing battle and play catch up with a franchise that has been building for an entire decade at this point.

Lee (2222 KP) Apr 9, 2019

I forgot to mention the Asher Angel/Zachary Levi differences in my review but that was something that really bothered me too. You can understand him being broody earlier in the movie, but when he's at the point of being able to switch between boy and superhero, he still plays it broody!

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've always quite liekd Zachary Levi, going back to when I first encountered him in his TV days on the spy comedy drama show 'Chuck' (remember that?)

Beyond that - and a few side character appearances in the early Thor films - I would struggle to name a single movie with him in it.

Except for 2019s Shazam!, where he took the leading role of the grown-up alter-ego of a teenager who is granted magic (superheroic) powers when he shouts the word Shazam!

That movie, itself, was enjoyable and a breath of fresh air from the grimdark of the DC brand (in the movies) at the time.

This follows on from the events of the first movie, with a certain select group of people now aware of who Shazam *is*, and with the same sprinkling of the horror genre throughout; albeit not quite so much 'on the nose' as the Seven Deadly Sins were. Instead, we have the mythical Daughters of Atlas out for revenge, viewing their powers as having been stolen and gifted to the mortals by the (still nameless) Wizard (who makes a return, despite having turned to dust previously - don't ask).

Whilst the future structure of the whole DC universe is currently 'under review', it may be interesting to see where this lesser-known (at least, to me) brand goes!