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Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Games are WAY too expensive. (0 more)
I've played the Switch before, with my bro and my cousins. I was hesitant on buying one myself, since I have limited time to play video games. I was also hesitant because I have a 3DS. For Christmas, my bro bought me a Switch, and I've been making time to play it.
I've owned/played a lot of consoles in my life, starting with the NES. Nintendo, of course, keeps a choke hold on their original characters and games, such as Mario, Kirby, Legends of Zelda, Pokemon, and the list goes on.
The controllers are awkward if you're playing on the TV, but when the console is mobile, they feel natural in your hands. Thus far, I've only played Zelda, which I love.
A major con is that the games are so dang expensive. Zelda is at least 3 years old and is still nearly 60 bucks. I need to do more exploring on the eShop for indie games and whatnot.
Overall, I do like it slightly better than the 3DS and the Wii.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 5, 2020

I got a Switch last year, been a Nintendo guy all my life since the NES. Totally agree on the game price - I had Breath of the Wild on WiiU but have been hoping for a price drop so that I can get the Switch version. I’ve been making good use of the recent Nintendo sales though 😊


Emily (2 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in Video Games

Oct 7, 2019 (Updated Oct 7, 2019)  
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2017 | Action/Adventure
Visuals, soundtrack, characters, plot, & sense of progression. (0 more)
Bringing Zelda Back
I have been a Zelda fan for pretty much my whole life. I wasn't born when the "classic" games were coming out, but I grew up with fabulous titles like The Phantom Hourglass & The Twilight Princess.

At first, I was skeptical when I realised that the Zelda franchise was going to have an open world game. To me, Zelda whas always been somewhat of a corridor game (yes, this was probably mainly the result of playing a lot of Zelda DS games). Nevertheless, I wasn't sure what to expect from Breath of the Wild.

I needn't have worried. Breath of the Wild is the perfect mix of old and new. There are throwbacks to old games, and despite the open world nature, there are still different biomes with distinctive (and familiar) characters. You will still get a huge sense of satisfaction from smashing up pots and cuckoos can still be pretty deadly.

Yet Breath of the Wild also adds a lot to the franchise. It opens the wonderful world of Link up to players who may have never experienced a Zelda game before. With bright, gorgeous graphics, a stunning soundtrack, and a whole cast of great characters to meet, this game is perfect for both players who are already familiar with the franchise, and those who are experiencing it for the first time.

The other thing to say about Breath of the Wild is the huge sense of progression that it provides. The world is fully climbable, which means you can scale huge mountains, but these mountains can also be deadly. It is not until you have put a good few hours into the game that you have the stamina required to survive such ambitious climbs. This means that when you DO master that mountain that you attempted to climb twenty or so times, you feel extremely powerful. The same can be said for the new weapons you receive, although not, in my opinion, to the same extent.

In short, I absolutely love Breath of the Wild. It is a HUGE game; I have completed the main storyline and a good deal of the side quests two times, and there is still so much to discover! I would recommend this game to pretty much anyone. It's an incredible game, and it is definitely something worth experiencing.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
You get to fight Mario enemies seriously I just took the enemies and moving to a different game (1 more)
Very interesting backdrop Side characters and monster designs
The Legend of Zelda Mario Style
Link crashes on a foreign Island meets up with a lot of really zany characters and has to wake up a magical fish God that's trapped inside of an egg on top of a mountain by collecting 8 different magical instruments

Pretty crazy story even for a Zelda game my favorite thing about this game is the very imaginative ideas put into it everything from the creatures to the mini-games to the characters to the backdrops it just has a lot of personality and uniqueness put into it
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Great open world exploration! It is not as extensive as some of the other games. The background is lovely. (0 more)
Unlike past Zelda games this one gives you better direction so you don't feel lost. They enhanced some of the characters when they brought them from NES to the SNES. Memorable dungeons and boss fights. Very classic Ganon fight!

Devetaki (76 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in Video Games

Dec 28, 2019  
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2017 | Action/Adventure
Beautiful graphics, scenery, and interesting plot. Plenty of cut scenes as needed to tell the story. (0 more)
Great Modern Legend of Zelda Game
I loved this game. From learning the best recipes, to catching and taming horses, there was plenty in the game to keep me busy for a long time.

Lots of interesting areas to explore.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 3DS
Been a long time since I played it. I remember it being cute and funny like most Zelda games. I didn't care for the 3ds when we had it. Games looked cool on it, but I found a lot of them hard to play. I think I prefer a game system over any type of ds.