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Ares Is Mine (Rise of Hades #3)
Ares Is Mine (Rise of Hades #3)
Mila Young | 2020 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
196 of 200
Ares is mine ( Gods and Monsters book 3)
By Mila Young

I'm a Hero. Created to fight Chaos. Sworn to act as Zeus' spear to avenge Olympus.

And I need to fight harder.

When death comes for those I love, I fight. And despite the radiant love of Apollo and the swelling love of Poseidon, I must find room to embrace war. That means getting close to Ares.

To win a war you need allies you can trust and who trust each other. Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares don't see eye to eye at the best of times. Throw my deepening love for each of them into the mix and it seems impossible. I need to convince all of them we're on the same side, and war makes for strange bedfellows.
Then there's Hades. He might be the key to our success, or the trigger for our doom. But he triggers the best and worst in me, and I can't help but melt into his darkness.

Can a brooding vicious war god help me to fight this war across multiple fronts. Can the god of war even show love? Ares is Mine.

Elyse is back!! Kick I king ass and we got some double God action gotta say kinda hot!! I love these books can’t believe Hades is the last one and I’m hoping he gets some love he’s my favourite misunderstood God! By the way Zeus sucks!!!
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Remake/reimagining of the 1981 original, I remember the big thing about this at the time as the special effects. Or, rather, the post-production 3D effects added released, as this was, only a few short years after James Cameras na exceptional 'Avatar'. Whereas 'Avatar', however, was filmed specifically in and for 3D, this film owes more of a debt to the older 1980s 3D films: watching this in 2D it's quite obvious to see what scenes were added specifically for the effects (I'm thinking mainly of the attack of the giant scorpions, or the Kraken at the end),

Starring Sam Worthingon - whatever happened to him? - as Perseus, the plot of this obviously takes inspiration from Greek myths, even down to having Liam Neeson playing the part of Zeus himself, and of the Pegasus.
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rollicking but not exactly thought-through fantasy yarn, Ray Harryhausen's valedictory movie. Strapping lad Perseus attempts to win the hand of the princess Andromeda, but must contend with sea monsters, giant scorpions, the Medusa and so on. Meanwhile Laurence Olivier sits on the throne of Zeus and counts his appearance fee.

Knockabout stuff, if not strong on mythological accuracy or internal coherence, very much in the vein of the same producer's Jason and the Argonauts. Solid (if slightly eggy) performances from a good cast. Everything is in service to Harryhausen's animation sequences, anyway, which are technically immaculate even if the movie lacks a single stand-out set-piece like the skeleton battle or allosaurus-roping sequence of previous projects. Looks like a great movie when you're about eleven; pretty good fun when you grow up, too.
2016 | Abstract Strategy, Ancient, Mythology
Basic Gameplay is great (1 more)
Very Strategic
God Powers not balanced, (best to play 2 out of 3) (0 more)
Great 2 player Abstract game, plus the God powers make it interesting
This game is beautifully made, you can make your own if you want but with this version available I wouldn't bother. This is a masterful production with gorgeous art and such a super simple and easy to pick up game. I teach this game to people all the time in under 5 minutes... move your guy one space and then build around him. you can move up or down f you want, but can't jump two levels up. the winner is the one who reaches an uncapped top. Great for young and old alike. and with th god powers, you can play Apollo against Zeus, or Aphrodite vs Herra... etc... This is another great gateway game.
Hercules (1997)
Hercules (1997)
1997 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
8.2 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vibrant colours, character development, good story, fun musical numbers (0 more)
Plot was a little light (0 more)
Zero to Hero
Contains spoilers, click to show
Disney's take on the Greek mythological Hero.
 Hercules (Tate Donovan), son of Zeus, was kidnapped as a baby by minions of Hades (James Woods) and is found and raised by mortals in a superman-esque kinda way.
Now a teenager, Hercules wants to know about his real parents. Along the way he needs to perform a rite of passage on Earth to prove himself worthy of living with the gods on Mount Olympus and dealing with his first true love With help from his plucky satyr sidekick, Philoctetes (Danny DeVito), who's along for the ride, Hercules must learn how to use his strength to become the hero he's needed to be.

This movie is very light hearted and has an array of characters you can appreciate, many vibrant colours manage to draw you in, great dialogue and banter between characters with a meaningful story.

My personal favourite Disney animation.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Apr 6, 2019 (Updated Apr 6, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Shazam! (2019) movie is the Billy Batson of the DCEU
The movie comes properly into focus when it becomes clear that thematically, the movie itself is echoing Billy Batson’s character arc. Just as SHAZAM derives his power from the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas; the energy bolts of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury, so “Shazam!” inherits potent traits from its forebears. Like “Man Of Steel”, it’s perhaps a little too fond of fight scenes featuring flying people being flung through skyscrapers. Like “Aquaman”, it suffers the curse of a conspicuously ropey special effects moment. Like “Suicide Squad”, it’s trying a little too hard with its soundtrack choices and like “Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice” it relies too heavily on YouTube clips for exposition. And just as Billy Batson has to battle his own mean-spirited, selfish and angsty urges to become the hero Shazam is meant to be, so too does “Shazam!” push back against the DCEU grimdark tropes to forge a bright new pathway to fun, adventure and a hopeful tone without sacrificing the superhero action...

Eighteen Below (Fabian Risk, #3)
Eighteen Below (Fabian Risk, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A car speeds through the streets of Helsingborg. When it reaches the harbour, the driver keeps going, straight into the cold, dark sea.
But it is not a suicide. The autopsy reveals that this man has been dead for some time. He was murdered two months ago, and his body has been deep frozen.
As more bodies are discovered, Fabian Risk must hunt a killer with a mission: to preserve his victims, and create the perfect death...

This is a very good action thriller that involves a puzzling story-line and creepy villains.
While it seems that there are 2 completely different, unlinked cases going on in this book, you get the impression that is not the case at all; but how they're linked is what keeps you guessing.
Very action-packed indeed and the more so the further you read. I greatly enjoyed it.
The writing and plot are superb.
If you love Jo Nesbo- this is for you.
Recommend reading!!

Thanks to Head of Zeus and Netgalley for this ARC.
The House of a Hundred Whispers
The House of a Hundred Whispers
Graham Masterton | 2020 | Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepy and atmospheric
I have been a fan of Mr Masterton's books for more years than I care to remember but I have to admit though that I do find his books can be hit or miss with me but this one was definitely a hit.

This is a creepy, atmospheric story that starts off quite slowly but soon develops into a fast paced spine-tingling read with ghosts, demons, witches, wizards and a secret priest hole that isn't all as it seems. The characters are well developed and the setting is absolutely perfect and this adds to the mystery and tension that runs throughout.

This is a horror book but not an all out blood-and-guts horror book - there are a couple of gruesome scenes but they are definitely in the minority and I would recommend to those who like a bit of a scare but who are not into gratuitous violence or a lot of gore unless of course you live in a creepy, old house in which case I would leave it!

Thank you to Head of Zeus and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Die Hard 2 (1990)
Die Hard 2 (1990)
1990 | Action, Mystery
I'm not going to lie, about 10% of the reason I like this one is because of William Sadler doing naked tai chi.

Could you imagine Die Hard 2 filmed these days? There'd be no tasing Dick, what a disappointment.

Of the few things that bother me about this one the film's yippee ki-yay for me could have been better timed. He's got the perfect moment coming up, if he'd have just left it until after he lit the fuel... "Yippee ki-yay, motherf*****!" *two beats* BOOM.

Sadly Die Hard 2 is my least favourite out of the four... like I said, we don't count the fifth one. Not that that's a bad thing, it's still damn good, it's just up against some stiff competition.

In the first one McClane has Powell, in Vengeance he has Zeus and in 4.0 he has Farrell. For some reason in 2 they didn't give him someone to properly develop a relationship with, there are lots of people there for him to interact with, but nothing really lasts very long before he's off to the next one.
Don't Swipe Right
Don't Swipe Right
L.M. Chilton | 2023 | Crime, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a debut novel for the author and, in my opinion, a pretty successful one at that.

Gwen is trying to move on after the end of a long-term relationship and she does this by throwing herself into finding a new man by using a dating app. Unfortunately, things don't work out quite how she would want with her experiencing some pretty dodgy dates but when those dates start turning up dead, Gwen comes under the spotlight of the police.

Gwen, for me, wasn't the most likeable character and she did do things that made me roll my eyes at times but I did like her sarcasm and sense of humour which made me giggle.

The plot is intriguing and engrossing, the writing is easy to read and the pace is good. There are twists and turns which kept me guessing who the murderer was until the end and it all came together very nicely.

Overall, a pretty good debut novel and one I would recommend and thank you to Aria & Aries, Head of Zeus and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Don't Swipe Right.