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Awix (3310 KP) rated They Came from Beyond Space (1967) in Movies
Jan 8, 2020
No they didn't, and don't be silly. Hugely derivative British pulp SF movie is unsuccessful in hiding any of its influences and just ends up looking like a random slap-together of bits from Gerry Anderson, Quatermass, Dr Who, The Avengers (the TV show), and much more. Aliens stage a stealthy (and cheap) invasion of England via meteorite, possess the boffins sent to investigate, and cause all sorts of trouble. Imported American boffin Robert Hutton proves immune due to the metal plate in his head and fights back. Michael Gough turns up briefly to chew the scenery as the Master of the Moon.
Almost entirely absurd, but rattles along and never actually gets dull. Performances are mostly lousy with the exception of Bernard Kay, who is actually not bad. Fun can always be had spotting the influences, the props recycled from Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD, and the sight of Zia Mohyeddin with an anti-mind control colander on his head. Daft, but fun, and certainly more entertaining than The Terrornauts (but then so is giving yourself a tonsilectomy).
Almost entirely absurd, but rattles along and never actually gets dull. Performances are mostly lousy with the exception of Bernard Kay, who is actually not bad. Fun can always be had spotting the influences, the props recycled from Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD, and the sight of Zia Mohyeddin with an anti-mind control colander on his head. Daft, but fun, and certainly more entertaining than The Terrornauts (but then so is giving yourself a tonsilectomy).