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KatyShubo (75 KP) rated Disney Classic Monopoly Board Game in Tabletop Games
Jan 4, 2019
A truly magical experience
Disney Monopoly is a truly magically beautiful spectacular.
It stays true to the monopoly brand but includes everything that makes Disney a dream.
I love this game and even just setting up feels special and playing it brings a smile to my face, even when I land on someone else’s property and have to pay a fortune it doesn’t feel as bad because I have Disney to cheer me up
It stays true to the monopoly brand but includes everything that makes Disney a dream.
I love this game and even just setting up feels special and playing it brings a smile to my face, even when I land on someone else’s property and have to pay a fortune it doesn’t feel as bad because I have Disney to cheer me up

Russ Troutt (291 KP) rated Lucky (2017) in Movies
Jul 18, 2019
We should all count our lucky stars for the star that was, and forever will be, Harry Dean Stanton. Lucky is one of the most beautiful films as of late and will weigh on your heart and mind like the shell on a tortoise's back. Lucky will put a smile on your face and light up your world like a cigarette in a dark bar.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Father of the Bride (1991) in Movies
Jun 10, 2019
It wouldn’t be a wedding article without some mention of Father of the Bride. Starring Steve Martin, this 1991 romantic comedy has become one of the classics of the genre, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a sweet, sentimental rom-com that oozes re-watch value. The wedding itself is just as classy, set in a beautiful church, with Kimberly Williams’ Annie wearing a simple lace gown. Plus, there’s always Steve Martin’s brilliant speech, which is sure to bring a smile to your face no matter how many times you pop the DVD in.

MissCagey (2652 KP) rated Playing for Keeps (2012) in Movies
Dec 11, 2017
Contains spoilers, click to show
This film has a great cast, some big names, so you'd have thought it had potential. It is supposed to be a rom-com but it was sappy, unfunny and unbelievable. Other than being an ex soccer star the main character has nothing going for him but a bevy of beautiful women are all throwing themselves at him! It was all pretty pathetic. He tries to woo back his ex wife who has been settled with her new fiance for three years and is due to get married within days, but of course she will realise that she's not truly in love with said beau. and call it all off.

Georgia Hubley recommended Billy Liar (1963) in Movies (curated)

Roxanne (13 KP) rated 100 Ways to Make Your Baby Smile in Books
Nov 14, 2018
This book is absolutely adorable! So so cute! I loved the happy, smiley baby pictures with the bright colours and easy to read sections. The book is basically a list, from 1 to 100, of possible ways to make your little one smile. Some of the ideas are common knowledge, however, I found a few that I never would of thought of...some great ideas! I have tried a couple of the ideas out on my bubs and have had some beautiful smiles. For the presentation of the book I would give 5 stars but as I'm not sure that the rest of the ideas will work (my baby is too young at the moment) I gave this book an overall rating of 4 stars.

Sean Lennon recommended Smiley Smile/Wild Honey by The Beach Boys in Music (curated)

Bubblesreview (110 KP) rated The Alchemist in Books
Feb 12, 2019
Easy read (1 more)
Only 158 pages
Simple language (2 more)
Short and sweet
My standards were high for this book, everyone refers to it as a 'must read', in a sense it could be, for some people. If you are a bit lost in life, feel like you've hit a wall in your career or life and need a bit of inspiration to carry on and achieve your dreams then this is the book for you.
Don't get me wrong, it did make me smile and it is a beautiful book to read, but it's very short and very simple. The main character is referred to as the boy so you can't really build a relationship with the character, but then I guess that is the moral of the book and the lesson we should take from it.
For me, this book hasn't changed my life, but I feel pretty happy with my life right now so maybe I read it at the wrong time. If I ever become stuck in life and need a lift I will reread this as I feel it could be much more appreciated in times of need
Don't get me wrong, it did make me smile and it is a beautiful book to read, but it's very short and very simple. The main character is referred to as the boy so you can't really build a relationship with the character, but then I guess that is the moral of the book and the lesson we should take from it.
For me, this book hasn't changed my life, but I feel pretty happy with my life right now so maybe I read it at the wrong time. If I ever become stuck in life and need a lift I will reread this as I feel it could be much more appreciated in times of need

Bai Ling recommended Roman Holiday (1953) in Movies (curated)

Russ Troutt (291 KP) rated A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) in Movies
Dec 4, 2019
It was a beautiful night in the theater, a beautiful night in the theater, would ya go see, could ya go see, won't you go see A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. No shame in saying I cried throughout this whole movie. Tom Hanks is amazing as always, but the entire cast is great. I wrote a poem after watching the documentary last year and felt like it would be fitting on this review as well.
It's always a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
For in the worst of times you always made me see the good.
You would walk in with a smile on your face,
I knew that I was welcome at your place.
And no matter the weather,
You would put on your sweater.
Then you would sit down to put on more comfortable shoes,
Making me comfortable knowing I had a neighbor like you.
Together we would feed the fish,
Sometimes go to the kitchen and make a dish.
It was always my brain and heart that you were feeding,
As a kid you knew exactly what I was needing.
Messages would come from Mr. McFeely,
Who would show up with a speedy delivery.
When I'd hear the bell of the trolley,
I'd get excited and feel jolly.
For I knew we were off to visit our puppetry friends,
On the other side of the tunnel in make believe land.
You taught me what to do with my mad,
And that it was okay to be sad.
You helped in dealing with the bad and serious issues of the world,
But at the end of everyday in me the good you had restored.
In our daily meetings on television with me there is so much that you left,
I am special, amazing the way I am, and in the scary to be the one that helps.
It was in your words that I did find,
The key to success is being kind.
In many ways you were a savior whose love will always be savored,
Mister Rogers I will be forever grateful that you were my neighbor.
It's always a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
For in the worst of times you always made me see the good.
You would walk in with a smile on your face,
I knew that I was welcome at your place.
And no matter the weather,
You would put on your sweater.
Then you would sit down to put on more comfortable shoes,
Making me comfortable knowing I had a neighbor like you.
Together we would feed the fish,
Sometimes go to the kitchen and make a dish.
It was always my brain and heart that you were feeding,
As a kid you knew exactly what I was needing.
Messages would come from Mr. McFeely,
Who would show up with a speedy delivery.
When I'd hear the bell of the trolley,
I'd get excited and feel jolly.
For I knew we were off to visit our puppetry friends,
On the other side of the tunnel in make believe land.
You taught me what to do with my mad,
And that it was okay to be sad.
You helped in dealing with the bad and serious issues of the world,
But at the end of everyday in me the good you had restored.
In our daily meetings on television with me there is so much that you left,
I am special, amazing the way I am, and in the scary to be the one that helps.
It was in your words that I did find,
The key to success is being kind.
In many ways you were a savior whose love will always be savored,
Mister Rogers I will be forever grateful that you were my neighbor.