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A Wizard's Forge (The Woern Saga, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some books are called epic simply for the sheer volume that they have. This book is epic... with volume as an added extra. This story is staggering in its magnitude. It incorporates Sci-Fi with Fantasy but also includes a lot of action. The characters are all well-developed and I really felt for Vic as she tried to work through what had happened to her. Vic is full of flaws but that just makes her more real.

As you can see from the title, this is Book 1. The story is wrapped up pretty well at the end of this book and will leave you wanting to read more.

The only thing I will say is that I skipped over the majority of the place names as they simply became too long and tongue-twisterish - Olmlablaire being one of the easiest ones. They are either very easy like Re and Latha or more complicated.

Definitely recommended for all Fantasy fans, especially those who like a bigger book to really get their teeth into. And at this price, you'll be getting a lot of book for your bucks!

This review is for the revised edition of Blade of Amber, now called A Wizard's Forge.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Grail Knight: (Outlaw Chronicles, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 5 in Angus Donald's 'The Outlaw Chronicles' series, and by now the pattern is well established in that all the stories are split into sections, with each section presented as the elderly Alan Dale recalling his younger days spent with that (now) most-famous of all English outlaws: Robin Hood himself.

At the start of this, Alan is newly married and enjoying life in his new manor with his wife. It's not long, however, before he is thrust back into action when word comes that The Knights Templar are holding himself responsible for gold stolen (by Robin, in a previous novel - possibly [b:King's Man|943289|King's Man (Viking, #3)|Tim Severin||928226]) as it was his promissary note that Robin copied and forged.

Following the burning down of his manor, and with the failing health of his wife who is carrying his unborn child, Alan, Robin and a bunch of assorted misfit companions go off in search of that most medieval of all legends: the Holy Grail itself. In Alan's case, he hopes it can save his wife; in Robin's case: well, he's just after the money!

Another solid entry, even if (to my mind) none have been as strong as [b:Outlaw|17333533|Outlaw|Ted Dekker||24064806].
The Switch House
The Switch House
Tim Meyer | 2018 | Horror
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! Talk about a fast-paced, no bull read! Tim Meyer really jumps right into the middle of a huge mess with his novella, The Switch House. Angela and Terry have had an unfortunate tragedy take place in their lives: the disappearance of a child. Aided by Angela’s sudden onslaught of strange visions and nightmares, a rift forms between husband and wife and Angela is left to figure things out for herself.

Because this book is short, I can’t go too far into detail without letting loose a spoiler or two, so I’ll keep this review pretty vague. What I can say is this: if you’re a fan of vividly gory scenes, this is a must-read. If you’re a fan of the occult and ritualistic scenes, this book is for you. If you like your horror with a bit of a psychological twist, please DO grab The Switch House.

Seriously, Meyer doesn’t disappoint. Brimming with non-stop action, The Switch House is an excellently crafted novella of terror. Easily completable in one sitting, I cannot recommend this book enough. From fully developed characters to a twisting plot that you’ll never see coming, Meyer is an ace and an author to look out for. I can’t wait to read more of his work.

The Switch House was received free of charge. All opinions expressed are purely my own and without bias.
Traitor (John Shakespeare, #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is now the fourth title in Clements' series featuring John Shakespeare, (fictional) brother to the more well known playwright; I'm pretty sure I read the first book in the series, but although I think I quite enjoyed it at the time, I can't remember a thing about the plot. I suspect it will be something the same with this; it wasn't a bad read, but not sure how long the story will stay with me.

There are a number of similar style books in a similar period around at the moment, and they do all seem to have similar styles of cover! I admit that I prefer the Shardlake books (CJ Sansom) as they are a bit more thought and a bit less action, but that's all down to personal taste. This is more of a thriller than a detective story and as for the Traitor of the title - well, any number of people in the book commit acts of treachery, so I can't say I'm 100% convinced who exactly it is supposed to refer to!

I have to say that the character of Ivory was unconvincing; after nearly getting himself killed right at the the beginning of the book, he goes on to do more stupid things which show a distinct lack of self-preservation if nothing else! Entertaining, but not great.
Someone Like Me
Someone Like Me
M.R. Carey | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
See all of my reviews at

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

M.R. Carey is known for writing "The Girl with all the Gifts" among many others. His latest, "Someone Like Me" has been shelved on Goodreads as fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, and mystery. "Someone Like Me" is hard to categorize but easy to get sucked into. It is a long book with 500 pages so, if you have plans, make sure to set a timer. It was easy to keep reading without a break. I do not want to give too much away. It's a family drama about Liz, her children, her abuse ex-husband, and her neighbors but it is also much more. If M.R. Carey had left out the rest concerning Fran and Liz's alter-ego, the story would be a well written story about a single mom trying to raise two kids. It is the rest that makes the story extremely interesting. I have always been fascinated with Psychology, thrillers, and fantasy. Mix the three together, add some good writing, and an interesting story and I'm hooked. Carey's writing is descriptive but he does not overdo it.

If you like a book that opens with action and requires you to figure what is going on then this is for you.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
1997 | Drama, Horror
The cast (4 more)
The story
The humour
Holds up well for it's age.
Returning to watch Buffy after quite a few years, fully expecting the nostalgic feeling I had towards it to be ruined by it not aging well. I actually found it still held the same appeal and could easily have been made a couple of years ago, the humour, action and cast chemistry make it a joy to watch, even now.

The idea (for those who don't know) is one girl, being the chosen one, The Slayer who fights the forces of darkness, secretly, with the aid of a mentor "The Watcher" brilliantly played by Anthony Head. Except, Buffy is a bit different from other previous Slayers... She has a life, friends, relationship issues and so the "secret" part of the the task at hand isn't quite so secret... With help and hindrance in almost equal measure from humans, vampires, daemons, military, and witches to name but a few...

The 2 main watchers we encounter during the series are superbly played and could almost be clones of each other and Spike is still one of the best characters of all time on TV...

If you haven't seen it, it is really worth a go and if you haven't seen it for some time, spare a little time for a classic...

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated The Guyver (1991) in Movies

Dec 23, 2019 (Updated Dec 23, 2019)  
The Guyver (1991)
The Guyver (1991)
1991 | Action, International, Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Guyver suit and Mark Hamill (0 more)
Acting, but what can you expect (0 more)
Corny Sci fi fun
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Guyver....based on a manga with the same same. The bio booster armor. This is nothing more than a B movie. Loosely based on the manga. The movie has it as creation of a corporation called Chronos. A researcher is killed and his daughter and boyfriend suspect he was murdered. CIA agent Max Reed (Mark Hamill) gets involved. The boyfriend finds the armor and that is where the fun begins. The CEO of Chronos Fulton Balcus, who is actually an alien himself, sends out his alien hordes to get the Guyver back. The Guyver attaches itself to Sean and he becomes a superpowered armored hero who now can match the aliens in combat. The dialogue and banter is really funny and corny at times. One of the voices for the aliens in non other than Jimmy know JJ from Goodtimes. Sean is defeated the first time around by the alien foes, but with the kidnapping of his girlfriend and the death of Max( yes Mark Hamill dies😭) he gets it together and defeats the hordes of Balcus. Then he faces off against and defeats Balcus himself. All in all, this movie is fun. If you like sci fi action hero type movies, you will like The Guyver
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first novel by my all time favourite author. I remember the first time I read Touch the Dark, and each reread has been as thrilling as the last. The pages couldn't be easier to turn if they turned themselves, the Cassandra Palmer and same-world differnet heroine Dorina Basarab series keep me hooked cover to cover, book to book. I recommend Karen Chance to anyone and everyone, including all the fun, lighthearted but sexy novellas and short stories too.

What I love most about Touch the Dark is that Cassie is genuine. She has no clue about anything, understands she is just a human in a vampire and mage world, but is still plucky and doesn't let herself stay down no matter how hard she gets pushed.

This was the first ever adult paranormal romance I had read, and it opened me up to the genre. But I have never found another series that is as sexy and not-awkward with both romance (genuine relationship building) and the steamy scenes.

Balance between romance and action and world building is perfect. It is a first in a series, so be aware of that. Committing to Cassie's story is the best decision you will ever make.

Enjoy the book, fall in love with the series.
The Missing Chums
The Missing Chums
Franklin W. Dixon | 1960 | Children, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Kidnapped Chet and Biff?
The only thing that could make summer vacation better for Frank and Joe Hardy is a mystery, and one is handed to them by Chief Collig when he asks them to go undercover at the homeless encampment outside of town and find out what is causing the increased fighting down there. Before the teens can begin their assignment, they witness a bank robbery, however. Then, after a costume party hosted by Callie Shaw and Iola Morton, their friends Chet and Biff vanish. Can the brothers figure out what happened to their friends? Are all these events connected?

I was a bit worried that the book had bitten off more than it could successfully resolve, but it did a good job of reigning in these plots and bringing them to a successful conclusion. I enjoyed seeing how Frank and Joe figured things out and successfully wrapped everything up. The characters are shallow as always, but it's not something I remember as a kid, so I bet today's kids will not notice either. They might notice how dated some elements are, including the word "chum" in the title. However, that kind of things never stopped me as a kid, and I bet most will get caught up in the fast-moving action of the story.
Unbalanced (Demon Lovers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Addie is having a last drink with her colleagues before making her way home to nurse her upcoming hangover. She has been made redundant and has nothing to get up for. On her way home, she hears a cry for help and goes to see what she can do. What happens next is beyond her wildest imaginings and sends her spiraling into the world of demons and fulcrums. What Leah did out of duty, Addie quickly comes to do out of love and affections for 'her' demons. Will she be able to balance out Jet and Locan before they kill each other and will them be able to kill the demon that is taking out the teams?

This is a very short story that is full of heat. It has an interesting part with the fulcrum and what it means to lose one but there is a part when Addie wonders if she has done her 'job' too well and isn't actually needed anymore. There are gaps in the world building and character back stories but it is only a short novella so you can't expect everything. There is some ménage action and a snippet of M/M that Addie watches whilst half asleep.

If you would like something to warm you up but not bog you down with details, then give this one a shot.