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Cameron's Law (Adelheid, #1)
Mia Darien | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Masquerade Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review.

This story is about a vampire who 'came out' and, along with a close friend, helped to revolutionise the paranormal movement. This was not without consequences and, as such, Sadie works away the night trying hard to grow her paranormal business.

From the very start, you are in the thick of the action and find out just how inconvenient being staked can be. Although not life-threatening (she is dead, after all) she reports it to the police and deals with a new detective who becomes the love interest. However, their romance certainly doesn't overshadow the rest of the story. In fact, for most of it, they're not dating as she is a suspect on multiple murders plus there's the whole cahooney of vampire and werewolf attacks. She doesn't really have time for romance!

Sadie is sharp, quick-witted and sarcastic - character aspects that I love in either the main male or female. Vance is the perfect foil for her and certainly can give as much as he takes. The supporting characters are all interesting in their own right but help to make the mystery part of this book more interesting.

A humorous and intriguing start to a new series. Recommended for all Paranormal Mystery Romance fans.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Good, but a little rushed.
Not really sure where I sit with this one. A gripping tale of one of music's biggest icons. While Egerton shines as the glorious John, all the surrounding characters seemed to be simple generic caricatures of staples from this kind of stories. And the story blazes by, many of the acts with little explanation of motives. It follows the basic by the numbers of the musical biopic, never really seeming to let the weight of one single action hit with the viewer before moving onto the next tragic act. While the characters and story seemed to ring a bit formulaic and hollow, Egerton's performance is able to carry the gravitas. And the music, oh the music. John's catalog is beautifully strewn throughout the film in all its glory, though Taron's vocals struggle in parts and he is outsung by his supporting cast at points. And in the end, the conclusion and resolution come, yet once again seemingly easily and out of nowhere as had the conflict earlier in the film. A great story of a great artist that just seemed to miss on a few points for me. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes. It just seemed like a cliff notes version of what could have been a deeper and more compelling story.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
An excellent audition for the Gunn's (0 more)
Dark Justice anyone??
First thing to clear up - This is a comic book film. The premise - what if Superman wasnt all about truth, justice and the American way? Familiar story - couple discover crashed spaceship with baby inside and raise him as their own. As child gets older it starts to realise it has powers but rather than use them for good he uses them for his own gain. All the performances are excellent but the one thing the really surprised me is the gore. There are 3 scenes in particular that are possibly the best gore I've scene in years - an eye, a jaw and the first time we've ever seen heat vision to the face properly in live this part involves some SPOILERS - this was written by James Gunn's brothers and produced by Gunn himself. This is an audition for Gunn to direct a Dark Justice League film. This is further teased at the end during Michael Rookers news program where he talks about other threats and shows rough drawings and describes wonder woman, batman and Martian manhunter - obviously not by name as it's not a DC film. Yet! This needs to be made - give the Gunn's the keys and let's start a new Dark DC universe! I'm in!!
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
Dhonielle Clayton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well it sounds like there are some others who felt the same way as I did about this book.

It was hard to rate it and chose 3 because of the mixed feelings. It was very slow going - I made it halfway through and then stopped for a day or two and debated whether I wanted to or could finish it or not.

There’s a lot of heavy subject matter in here underneath the pretty stuff and in between the fun and interesting things. I don’t usually like or read this dark of a book much and it was a bit of a challenge for me in parts because I don’t handle reading about deaths or harming animals that well all the time - it can be hard to stomach depending on the details and who dies etc. There were also a lot of other things that bothered me or like some others mentioned maybe should have had a bit more warning before reading it. I also was not happy with the part where Alfred tried to attack and get some action during his beauty treatment.

As some others mentioned in their reviews, some of us readers perhaps more than others need to tread lightly when considering and/or reading this. I don’t know that I’ll be reading the next in this series. This book wasn’t really a good fit for me.
I have to be honest and say I am not one for reading books based on animals/pets.

However, with my current research on British/American forces I thought it would be a good idea; given the fact I have/had no knowledge of dog/handler in the forces. It was such a great read. After reading heavy books based on Afghanistan/Iraq about Soldiers being shot at, severely wounded, and sometimes being blown up, it was good to read an easy-reading book. The chemistry between Will and Buster was well addressed; Will's narration on Buster's emotions was both funny and warm. I was actually falling in love with a dog I hadn't met. But, this journey, although it was based on Buster, wouldn't have succeeded had the chemistry and understanding not have being as blunt. Will Barrow is clearly a dog lover and to work alongside a dog with as much as energy is a bonus. I am glad they made it back to England without neither been injured.

I did notice that quite a lot of the reviews claim this book to be "boring" without "much happening (action)."
Well, I can assure you, it is much more of a pleasure in reading this book, having a happy journey and ending, than reading those whose lives have changed drastically and/or ended.
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Brad Carl | 2015 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henry Fields arrives in the small town of Gable, Iowa and takes a job in the small grocery store. A friendly but quiet man, he fits into small town life and starts to make friends among the local townsfolk.

But he is clearly hiding a secret in his past. Even a small town in middle America might not be a safe place to stay hidden.

From this simple premise, Carl weaves an interesting tale focusing on Fields and all the characters in interacts with. As the first in the series this doesn't have much direction until the last third, detailing small town life. But the characters are so well described I was happy to follow along just to see what happened. The warmth of living in a small community where everyone knows everyone else is almost palpable.

Once the cosy set up is established, Carl then turns up the pace with events outside of Fields' control forcing him to reveal more about himself than he intended. There are certainly twists and there is action too as things come to a head.

The only downside of Grey Areas is that once it has been finished the reader will immediately want to pick up the next in the series to see what happens next. But that's certainly a downside that's worth having.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
2006 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.2 (50 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Drunk Johnny Part 2
Yo-Ho, what do you get when you based you movie off of a disney ride, a great movie. Yes you read the correctly, this movie is based off of the ride at disney. So how does a 20-30 minute ride turn into a 2h and 40min movie, well you ride the ride a bunch of times, than evently you get to the 2h and 40min mark. Im kidding, dont do that, instead watch this movie. Plus you get more drunking Johnny Depp or Johnny Depp playing pirate Keith Richards, so thats always good.

This movie is great and is better from the first one, coming off the first one, this one has more action, comedy, adventure and overall a better plot and a excellent villian.

The Plot: When ghostly pirate Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) comes to collect a blood debt, Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) must find a way to avoid his fate lest his soul be damned for all time. Nevertheless, the wily ghost manages to interrupt the wedding plans of Jack's friends Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley).

Bill Nighy is excellent as Davy Jones, i love the charcter and his haterd against Jack Sparrow.

This film was shot back-to-back with the third film of the series, At World's End.

Its a excellent movie and highly reccordmend it.
Pacific Vortex! (Dirk Pitt #1)
Pacific Vortex! (Dirk Pitt #1)
Clive Cussler | 1983 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ships have been vanishing off of Hawaii for a while, a phenomenon that has been dubbed the 'Pacific Vortex'. But when a nuclear submarine falls victim things become more serious. Marine engineer Dirk Pitt gets involved in the search and finds that the disappearances are not coincidental.

Although released later in the series, Pacific Vortex! is very much a prequel to the main Dirk Pitt series and was the first of the Pitt novels Cussler wrote. As such it is a little different to the rest. Pitt comes across as more of a generic action hero type. The plot is far more straightforward with very little in the way of twists and suprise reveals that became the hallmark of the best of Cussler's novels. The standard hero trope is also enforced by the love interest and the megalomaniac villain in his lair.

However this is still a good read, with good ideas and it's interesting to see some of the building blocks that made up the Pitt franchise, particularly those that surfaced here but were then discarded for the later works. As a story it's not bad with enough going on the engage the reader's interest and obviously it lays the seeds of the later appearance of his children.

Not an essential read by any means, but one that will entertain
Charlie's Angels (2019)
Charlie's Angels (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Attempt to make the notably leer-tastic exploitation TV show into a piece of weaponised feminism ends up understandably conflicted, but it has bigger problems to worry about. Somebody wants to steal a maguffin with evil potential, Angels want to stop him, much whizzing about in Germany, Istanbul, and so forth.

Elizabeth Banks puts together a generic sub-Mission Impossible action thriller reasonably well, but when the gunfire and revving engines dies away you are just left with the sound of comic banter failing to spark and the occasional unsubtle you-go-girl message. The plot feels very familiar, and the rest doesn't do enough to cover up for this. Mixed work from the cast: Banks herself is working hard, Kristen Stewart proves she genuinely does have star quality, Naomi Scott can probably look forward to a healthy career playing the kooky best friend, and while Ella Balinska can deliver neither a joke nor a line of exposition to save her life, she is about nine feet tall which helps with the fight choreography. Patrick Stewart turns up and twinkles a lot; one presumes CGI has been used to erase the dollar signs in his eyes. Admittedly, I am probably not the target audience for this movie, but even so: too often this feels leaden when it should be light, and treacly when it should froth.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well JJ Abrams certainly had a helluva job to do here, wrapping up a 42 year saga whilst addressing the criticisms made of episode 8 and creating an entertaining movie. Whilst this isn't a complete disaster like the 'Game Of Thrones' ending I still couldn't help but come out of this feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. I wanted wow instead it was just ok and completely lacking in the magic and memorable moments we have come to expect from the series. The first half of the film felt very muddled and disjointed, it did get better in the second half but overall the storytelling felt very safe. I think that was particularly reflected in the decision to resurrect Emperor Palpatine which personally I didn't like. Whilst certainly the weakest of the new trilogy it's not boring, it's a fast paced adventure that does answer some unanswered questions and there's still plenty of fun to be had seeing all the spectacular effects millions of Disney dollars can buy. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley also continue to turn in decent performances as Rey and Kylo Ren (shame the same can't really be said for the rest of the cast). So as the finale to the 9 film Star Wars saga it's sorely lacking but as a bog standard action blockbuster it's reasonably entertaining.