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Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Monster Hunter (2020) in Movies

Feb 19, 2021 (Updated Feb 19, 2021)  
Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Elements of the Game (0 more)
Dialogue and the Soundtrack (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I am a big fan of the Monster Hunter games, That is a consistently good game series. This movie was good in the sense that it stayed true to a lot of elements in the game, but disappoints in story mode. Instead of this being a straight fantasy movie that takes place in the game world, they made it a dimensional crossover into the Monster Hunter world. Jovovich and her team of Army Rangers are looking for a lost team that got pulled into the other world by a storm. They all except her meet their end due to the creatures of that world. The dialogue between Jaa and Jovovich in the movie was tiresome. In the sense he didn't talk English and they were communicating through single words and gestures. It was not until you meet Pearlman's character until you get more good dialogue. The fight scenes and the action was very good. Milla is a badass as always. The ending was set up for sequel. The only thing that I think needs to be done is to get another director and someone else to do the Soundtrack for this franchise. I thought the music was terrible. If you love playing Monster Hunter...then give this movie a chance.

Kazu Kibuishi recommended Seven Samurai (1954) in Movies (curated)

Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954)
1954 | Action, Adventure, Drama
7.7 (19 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I was fifteen, I caught a portion of Throne of Blood on television and couldn’t get it out of my mind. It set me off on a quest through video store shelves to figure out what it was I had seen, and I began by watching both Kagemusha and Seven Samurai on my way to finally rediscovering Throne of Blood. This pretty much sparked my interest in the classics. I cheated on this list by choosing three films, but I think it’s difficult to ever recommend just one Kurosawa film. Here’s a little side story: I used to encourage my friends to watch older movies back in high school, but they mostly found them to be dreadfully boring. The night before we were leaving for a snowboarding trip, I suggested watching a little bit of Seven Samurai. Now mind you, these are dudes who pretty much only watched the latest action movies or comedies. By the time intermission(!) came up, everyone had decided they needed to see the rest of this nearly four-hour epic instead of snowboarding in the morning. I highly recommend Seven Samurai for the reluctant classic movie watcher. It might just change some lives, but it can certainly change people’s perceptions of older films and remind them that “classic cinema” simply refers to old movies that are so awesome they’ve stood the test of time."

Throne of Blood (1957)
Throne of Blood (1957)
1957 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I was fifteen, I caught a portion of Throne of Blood on television and couldn’t get it out of my mind. It set me off on a quest through video store shelves to figure out what it was I had seen, and I began by watching both Kagemusha and Seven Samurai on my way to finally rediscovering Throne of Blood. This pretty much sparked my interest in the classics. I cheated on this list by choosing three films, but I think it’s difficult to ever recommend just one Kurosawa film. Here’s a little side story: I used to encourage my friends to watch older movies back in high school, but they mostly found them to be dreadfully boring. The night before we were leaving for a snowboarding trip, I suggested watching a little bit of Seven Samurai. Now mind you, these are dudes who pretty much only watched the latest action movies or comedies. By the time intermission(!) came up, everyone had decided they needed to see the rest of this nearly four-hour epic instead of snowboarding in the morning. I highly recommend Seven Samurai for the reluctant classic movie watcher. It might just change some lives, but it can certainly change people’s perceptions of older films and remind them that “classic cinema” simply refers to old movies that are so awesome they’ve stood the test of time."


Kazu Kibuishi recommended Kagemusha (1980) in Movies (curated)

Kagemusha (1980)
Kagemusha (1980)
1980 | Drama, History, War
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I was fifteen, I caught a portion of Throne of Blood on television and couldn’t get it out of my mind. It set me off on a quest through video store shelves to figure out what it was I had seen, and I began by watching both Kagemusha and Seven Samurai on my way to finally rediscovering Throne of Blood. This pretty much sparked my interest in the classics. I cheated on this list by choosing three films, but I think it’s difficult to ever recommend just one Kurosawa film. Here’s a little side story: I used to encourage my friends to watch older movies back in high school, but they mostly found them to be dreadfully boring. The night before we were leaving for a snowboarding trip, I suggested watching a little bit of Seven Samurai. Now mind you, these are dudes who pretty much only watched the latest action movies or comedies. By the time intermission(!) came up, everyone had decided they needed to see the rest of this nearly four-hour epic instead of snowboarding in the morning. I highly recommend Seven Samurai for the reluctant classic movie watcher. It might just change some lives, but it can certainly change people’s perceptions of older films and remind them that “classic cinema” simply refers to old movies that are so awesome they’ve stood the test of time."

Seven Years (Seven, #1; Mageriverse #7)
Seven Years (Seven, #1; Mageriverse #7)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reading this has cemented in my mind the fact that shapeshifters are not one of my favourite creatures to read about. They now join the fey in my "read with caution" mindset.

There were parts of this I liked:
Denver and his behaviour towards the little girl (whose name I've forgotten already :/ ).
Austin when he was going all hot and bothered/full on sexy with Lexi (which didn't happen all that often for my liking).
The first meeting between Reno and April.

And then there were bits I wasn't so keen on:
The added side story of Lexi's dad, I know there was a reasoning behind him being in it but I wasn't interested in that bit at all.
Lexi's job at the sweet shop. Was it necessary? I know that April needed an introduction but we seemed to spend quite a lot of time there.
The added in-between-anything-happening bits that you learnt nothing and seemed to drag. I want action in my stories and there was hardly any in this.

From that meeting mentioned above, I must admit that I'm interested in reading the next book in the series, and for two reasons. One, Reno intrigues me. And two, April seems so shy that I'd love to see how she'd react to Reno pursuing her.
The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
1959 | Classics, Horror
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Anton Diffring (1 more)
Christopher Lee
Could You Cheat Death?
The Man Who Could Cheat Death- is a decent sci-fi horror flick.

The plot: Turn-of-the-century authorities search for a killer who surgically removes his victims' thyroid glands and implants them in himself to maintain his youth.

The lead role of Bonnet was originally offered to Peter Cushing, who turned it down six days before shooting started. Cushing's reason was that he was completely exhausted 'following the shooting of The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959), which had just wrapped up'. The loss of Cushing caused Hammer to threaten legal action against him. However, Cushing had not signed a final contract with Hammer, and nothing could be done, although an angry Paramount, which was partly financing and distributing the film, 'relegated to picture to the lower half of double bills in the States'.

The Man Who Could Cheat Death was granted an X-certificate by the BBFC on 8 April 1959. The X-cert meant that the film could only be exhibited to people age 16 or older. The film was cut in order to get the certificate, which allowed it to be shown in the UK, but the details of what or how much was cut are unknown.

Like i said its a decent sci-fi horror flick about a madman scitentist.
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
The first Marvel movie out of the stables since the start of the Worldwide Covid-19 pandemic; I believe this was originally to be released before the likes of even WandaVision (shown on Disney+).

This was alos released concurrently on Disney+ (behind a paywall) and in the cinema: indeed, this is the very reason for ScarJo's lawsuit against Disney (she says she was told it would be theatres first, then Disney+ and that she only gets a percentage of box office takings).

Anyway, all that aside: this is actually set pre-snap; the majority of it back just after the events of 'Captain America: Civil War' (and thus before 'Avengers: Infinty War'), with Natasha on the run from the US government having broken the Sokovia Accords. It's not long, however, before she receives a package from a previous safe-house (Budapest. Yes, the Budapest mentioned before with Hawkeye: 'remember Budapest?') that leads her into a further adventure, this time involving her surrogate 'family' from when she was undercover in America as a kid in the mid 1990s.

Her 'dad' (David Harbour) 'Red Guardian' steals the show, while Florence Pugh (as her younger 'sister') and Rachel Weisz (as her 'mum') also provide sterling back-up.

Plenty of action, but the film does, perhaps, fall into the common Marvel trap of having a CGI-heavy ending ...
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
1969 | Action, Classics, Western

"I think I gotta go with that old stand-by, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love the — you know, it’s the two guys. It’s what me and my brother specialize in, the two guys. Well, in the Three Stooges‘ case it’s three. But the relationship between two guys like that, I don’t think it’s been done any better than with Butch and Sundance; particularly with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. The way they worked in so many different things, from comedy to romance to action and the way it’s so beautifully shot and, you know, a great story. And they didn’t pull the punches at the end. If you made that movie today, I’m sure that you’d do the test screenings and somebody would raise their hands and say, “We want them to get away at the end!” But they didn’t get away at the end. Today you’d have to re-shoot the ending where the guys go off on some secret beach somewhere and live happily forever — ’cause that’s the way audiences kind of demand it. But with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, of course, they met their demise at the end of the movie, and they had it coming ’cause that’s who they were. I just think it was a beautiful movie."

Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Meg Anne | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 250
Reign of Ash ( The Chosen book 2)
By Meg Anne

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

"You will damn us all."

Kiri Helena Solene thought her trial was over. She was wrong. Prophesied to be the strongest of her kind, Helena is still coming to terms with the depth of her power and what it means to rule. Unfortunately, there's little time to learn.

"Without the tether you will fracture."

As her soul mate, Von is Helena's balance. Too bad he's missing. When he disappears, her tenuous hold on her magic begins to slip. Helena must find Von, and soon, or risk losing control completely. If only she knew where to look.

"You have a choice before you."

A malevolent force has risen, threatening the lives of Helena and those in her Circle. What they don't realize is that without Von, she will become the thing they most fear. How do you choose between the people you've vowed to protect and the one person you can't live without? How do you choose when there's no choice at all?

I’m really enjoying this series I loved this book! Was so glad she got her mate back and her circle intact! Full of action it’s one of those books you don’t want to put down!

Felicity Huffman recommended Rudderless (2014) in Movies (curated)

Rudderless (2014)
Rudderless (2014)
2014 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"People might question this but Rudderless, which was directed by my husband [William H. Macy]. But I say Rudderless because of two things. One is because of the way the movie was structured, and the way Bill directed it. The audience got to experience in a small way, I think, what parents get to experience when their child does something horrific. That you’re going along with one experience of your child, which is, “He or she is like this, and this is the kind of person they are, and I love them dearly.” And then they do some horrific, incomprehensible action and it pulls the rug out from under you. And Bill did that and the movie Rudderless does that; it pulls a rug out from under you. Your breath gets knocked out of you, you go, “[Gasp].” And suddenly you are reevaluating Billy Crudup’s relationship with his son from a completely different perspective and, again, I just think that’s masterful storytelling. The other reason is Billy Crudup’s performance. And, acting with Billy Crudup, I mean, what, did I do two scenes with him, maybe three? It really changed the target for me. I went, “Oh that’s what good acting is.” Really, and it really informed my work on American Crime. So for me it was a clinic on great acting. So for those two reasons."
