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    Jon Wallace

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    Another high action SF dystopia perfect for fans of Richard Morgan and Alfred Bester alike. The...



    Rob Boffard

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    'Never lets up, from the nerve-jangling beginning to the explosive end' James Douglas on Tracer...


Ed Helms recommended Rear Window (1954) in Movies (curated)

Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Mystery

"Rear Window. A little Hitchcock action. It’s just a hell of a good thriller. It’s so simple. It’s such a simple idea. It’s beautifully constructed as a story, and it’s Hitchcock at his best, where it’s kind of scary and building tension, but then also lots of laughs throughout the whole thing, lots of second guessing — Where are we, who’s right, who’s wrong? — and Jimmy Stewart is at his best. He’s wheelchair-bound with a giant cast on his leg, but it’s still one of his great physical performances. I just love how the tension builds and builds, and it’s a real kind of filmmaker’s film because the themes of voyeurism and projecting your own narrative onto things, I think, are baked into filmmaking as a form, and Hitchcock recognizes that and had a lot of fun with it, and I think we can all see ourselves in that a little bit."

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
1962 | Classics, Drama, Thriller
Conspiracy thriller. In the early 1960s, war hero Raymond Shaw is feted across America for saving his comrades during the war in Korea - but those comrades are troubled by strange nightmares suggesting something completely different may have happened. Shaw has been conditioned by the Communists to become the perfect assassin, something not even he is aware of, and his new operators are about to send him into action...

Sounds a bit like a Red Scare movie, but surprisingly apolitical: the main villain seems to be more fascist than communist, and even the Russian characters appear to have corrupted by American consumerism. Instead, the focus is more on character, and the damage done to people by their experiences in wartime. An intelligent and cynical movie, well-played for the most part, and with an astonishingly good turn from Angela Lansbury. Inevitably linked in the culture to the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers in the 1960s, but still feels remarkably un-dated.
Night Hunter (2018)
Night Hunter (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Henry Cavill (0 more)
Not much thought given to the ending (0 more)
This film has a promising storyline.A serial killer is abducting and murdering young women in Minnesota and sex crime investigator Marshall (cavill) is leading the pursuit to catch him.A retired judge (ben kingsley) and a young girl are going round luring in paedophiles and castrating them.They both eventually meet and team up sort of (along with a female police profiler) to try and catch the killer.

This film was trying to emulate other classic cat and mouse thrillers like Seven and in parts did give it a go but ultimately failed to do so.The twist they go for when it comes to revealing the killer was ok but if you follow the story carefully you may work it out before then.

Cavill and Kingsley played their parts well and there are 1 or 2 good action sequences.A good little movie that is worth a watch if your looking for a good thriller.