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SAS: Red Notice (2021)
SAS: Red Notice (2021)
2021 | Action
Some where between James bond and ethan hunt there is growing room for another action thriller franchise and if done right... a series of SAS movies could be it.

Although the movie felt more like a 007/Die Hard mash up, there is definitely something here.
Starring Outlander actor Sam Heughan as the protagonist, the story starts of simple by introducing the antagonist portrayed by Ruby Rose (John Wick 2, OITNB) then quickly implementing further possibilities making you seek answers and guessing throughout.
Focusing on the protagonist's combat abilities to begin with then pushing forward with intensity.
As an underground train between England and France is hijacked by a familiar face , there's only one passenger ready and willing to fight back and drop e'm (inside joke haha).

The close combat and the armed combat scenes are on point, the plot was nicely played out and twists and turns were in every corner.

Not quite in the same league as die hard, lethal weapon, mission impossible etc but it's on the right track.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Never Seen Again in Books

Mar 13, 2022  
Never Seen Again
Never Seen Again
Paul Finch | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit to being a fan of Mr Finch's work, having read and thoroughly enjoyed a few of his previous works and Never Seen Again is yet another one to add to the collection.

Here we have a twisty and dark thriller with a plot that is complex which although develops quite slowly, it ramps up and quickly becomes a rollercoaster of a ride with lots of tension and action.

The characters are excellent and well developed. The main character, David, is a journalist who starts off with few scruples and, as a consequence, I found he isn't a particularly likeable person ... at the start at least; he does grow on you as the story progresses. He and his sidekicks, Anushka and Norm, make a great team and I wonder if there is more to come from them? I certainly hope so.

Overall, a great read and I my thanks must go to Orion Publishing Group and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Cat and Mouse (Helen Grace #11)
Cat and Mouse (Helen Grace #11)
M.J Arlidge | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my goodness ... that was a good book ... had me absolutely hooked from the beginning to the end!

This is the 11th book in the Helen Grace series but if you haven't read any of the others, don't worry, it works quite well as a standalone but I think you will want to go back and read the others after finishing this one if only to put a bit more flesh onto the main characters.

This is an intense read where the short and punchy chapters add to that intensity and keeps the story rolling along very nicely. The plot is engaging and intriguing and the characters are strong and well developed.

Full of action and heart-in-the-mouth scenes of peril, this is one for people who enjoy a great crime thriller/police procedural but, be warned, you will definitely be checking your windows and doors more than once each night!!

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group and NetGalley for enabling me to read Cat & Mouse and to share my thoughts.
Close (2019)
Close (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Strong Performance From Female Lead
Close is a 2019 action/thriller movie directed by Vicky Jewson and written by Jewson and Rupert Whitaker. The movie was produced by Piccadilly Pictures, West end Films, Whitaker Media, and Jewson Film and distributed by Netflix. The film stars Noomi Rapace, Sophie Nelisse, and Indira Varma.

Close protection officer, Sam Carlson (Noomi Rapace) saves two journalists while on a routine mission in South Sudan, when their vehicle is attacked by insurgents. Troubled child, Zoe Tanner (Sophie Nelisse) discovers she's inherited all of her father's shares in his company, Hassine Mining. Her stepmother, Rima Hassine (Indira Varma) is left shocked and angered as she has taken over as CEO and it was her family which founded the company. Rima demands that Zoe accompany her to the family home in Morroco while she completes a billion dollar deal for phosphate mining in Zambia. Sam is hired by Rima for the trip as her last bodyguard was fired. Sam's job is done but Zoe demands she stay the night. Then all hell breaks loose when that night a group of armed men attack and storm the complex.

This movie was really good. It had me from the beginning but then took forever to start up again. I was excited to see Noomi Rapace as the lead in this action film and she does not disappoint. Her performance was intense and she gives her all in this film. However the direction the movie goes plot wise seemed less interesting the longer it went on. It seemed to fall more into the "cliche", run of the mill, international action thrillers or straight to redbox/on-demand films. I still liked it a lot and there were also pretty strong performances by the other leading ladies. The daughter's performance to me was more "so-so" though. Still I give this movie a 7/10.
Line of Duty (2019)
Line of Duty (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
I know a throwaway action film when I see it and they're usually either brilliant films to relax to or a great opportunity to catch up on your social media feeds.

Frank Penny is bumbling through his life as a cop, a loner, disgraced, but he still knows what's right. When an operation to rescue a kidnap victim goes awry he leaps into the pursuit against orders, cornering the suspect it looks like it's a job well done, until he has to draw his gun. With the suspect down there might not be any way to get the girl back safely.

You'd be forgiven for thinking this was a different film from the outset. It starts with heavy inspirational music over Frank working out, is it a sports movie about redemption? A stylised title comes up, is it a romcom? None of the above, it is of course a crime thriller. After the opening that does thankfully become evident.

When we meet characters that would normally be a time for a slightly slower pace, but Line Of Duty seems to keep everything quick from the very beginning and it doesn't slow as we get further in. The constant action sweeps you along with everything and you really don't notice how long you've been watching for.

Aaron Eckhart in the lead role... makes me pause. It works in a John McClane-esque race against time kind of way but the dynamic with Courtney Eaton is strange. The recklessness that he takes by bringing her along with him (if you ignore the madness of doing it in the first place) makes you think it's going to be a flirty kind of relationship, but he's over twice her age and with his backstory you'd expect a protective father figure... but remember there's all that action and peril so that really doesn't work either.

Eaton gives a fairly solid performance as the intrepid reporter, there's not anything mindblowing mixed in the role but it's nice to have the action broken up with the ongoing commentary and slight touch of humour.

As you'd expect with a fast pace those cameras go running a lot, ugh to jiggly camerawork, but thankfully because it's incorporated with the action you don't notice so much. Along with that you get to see some of Ava's phone camera footage, I think the film could have stood to have more of it, it would have been a relevant change in style and added a little more to spice up the expected elements. I was a little surprised to see some random video game shots creep in, those clips work just fine in things like Guns Akimbo, but in the context of Line Of Duty it didn't make a lot of sense when there was a sensible alternative available.

Line Of Duty is the Ronseal of films, you know what to expect and in that regard it doesn't disappoint. It's got lots of your typical action cliches and if you like the race against time type of storyline then I really don't think you'll have any issue watching it.

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The Island (2005)
The Island (2005)
2005 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
In a clean, white, and antiseptic society, a man has begun to question his existence and the very nature of his world. The man is Lincoln Six Echo (Ewan Mc Gregor), who lives day to day with the notion that he is one of the few survivors of a world wide contamination that has decimated much of the population of the world and forces the few remaining survivors to live underground in a high tech community.

In a world where schedule, diet, and activities are closely monitored, Lincoln begins to wonder if there is something more to life. He, like all of the other residents are told that the only remaining location that is habitable is a place called The Island and that their turn to win access via a lottery is coming.

The one bright spot in Lincoln’s life is his friendship with Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett Johannsson), who has grown close to him, even though physical contact is forbidden in their society.

Lincoln confesses his confusion over his life to Dr. Merrick (Sean Bean), one of the staff members who watch over Lincoln and the other members of the community. His dreams are of interest to the doctor as well as his belief that there is more to life.

Merrick attempts to address his concerns by letting Lincoln know that he is lucky to be alive as there were so few survivors and that in the mid 21st Century, their community and The Island are the only habitable areas left.

When a few chance discoveries lead Lincoln to ask even more questions about his existence, he begins to search in secret for the answers that he knows are out there. During the course of his exploration, Lincoln makes a shocking discovery that makes him realize that everything he has ever been told has been a lie and that he and his follow community members are in great danger. Further complicating the matter is the news that Jordan has one of the lottery as is about to leave for the Island.

Before long, Jordan and Lincoln are fleeing the community in fear for their lives and in a desperate race to find the truth. Along the way they are aided by a sympathetic worker from the community, Mc Cord (Steve Buscemi), who tells them the true nature of their community and their place in life.

Hot on the trail of Jordan and Lincoln is a team of operatives, lead by Albert Laurent (Djimon Honsou), who are ordered to return the pair at any price as they represent a threat of enormous cost and potential should their secrets get out to the world.

It is at this point that the films shifts direction form a captivating thriller and becomes a typical summer action film complete with over the top chase sequences, gapes in logic, one liners, and explosions. One such chase had a truck continuing on despite an unbelievable amount of carnage erupting around it. I had thought that the truck might have been automated, but this fact is left out as the audience is apparently not supposed to think and ask questions.

The two leads work well with one another, though Johannsson is not given much to do aside from running around and looking pretty. The biggest issue is that Director Michael Bay seems unable to stay with what works so well in this film and that is the story and the two leads. There is not a need for the constant barrage of explosions and action in the film as much of it seems tacked on and unnecessary.

The film is supposed to be a thriller and when it is sticking to those aspects, as it does for the first half of the film, it works very well. There are a few moments towards the conclusion where the thriller aspect is attempted, but as soon as a foundation is laid, it is destroyed in another explosion.

In many ways, The Island” is two films. One film is a solid thriller which uses elements of the best parts of “Logan’s Run”, “THX 1138”, and parts “Clonus”, and features a nice Twilight Zone-esque twist.

The second part of the film is a mindless chase and action film that conflicts with the tone and nature of the story which had been well established. For that reason, the solid start of the film is sadly wasted by the constant barrage of action.

As it stands, The Island” is simply a sum of its two parts, one positive, one negative, which results in a neutrally okay film.
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Despite it's shortcomings, it's easy to see why The Purge ended up spawning a franchise and that's mainly down to it's tantalising premise. The whole "murder is legal for one night every year" idea is suitably dystopian, and yet feels uncomfortably plausible. It's a little slice of horror-plot gold.
This first entry however, is more of a tease of what could be, focusing on one family, in one location, on Purge Night.
It has a fair amount going for it. Two strong leads in Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey, a relatively charismatic villain, and a well paced narrative that manages to achieve some sort of tension here and there.
Unfortunately, it falls into silly action clichés during the final third. It's easy to lose count of how many times a main character is about to meet their demise, before being miraculously saved at the last second. It becomes a bit laughable by the time the credits roll. The plot beats around this point take a bit of a dive as well, with some last minute twists thrown in that don't really make a lick of sense. The action itself is fairly entertaining, but marred somewhat by all the crappy CGI blood flying around. And although the main villain has some entertaining aspects, his minions are just a bunch of cringy edge lords that unfortunately plague this entire series.

All that being said, The Purge is still a modest and tidy enough home invasion thriller that deserves a watch.