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Next Victim (DCI Rachel King, #1)
Next Victim (DCI Rachel King, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exhausted, overworked and trying to deal with two teenagers with little help from her ex; what Rachel King doesn’t need is an early morning call to a murder scene. Added to her complicated life is a series of text messages from an ex-boyfriend/lover who wants to reconnect with her. She loves him but a major problem is that he is a well-known villain, active in an around Manchester.
Leaving the chaos of her home behind her, she arrives at a grizzly scene. A young man has been tortured, cut up and burned then tossed into the canal. There are few clues, a homeless man who heard the cries of the young man while being tortured can give them no help.
And then another body appears on the scene. The only apparent link is that they are gay, beautiful young men.
While all this is happening, Rachel’s younger daughter is kidnapped but there is nothing to suggest where the murderer might have taken her. Meantime, Rachel is trying to keep her relationship with the crime boss a secret from her team but relies on him to help find her daughter.

This is the first book in a new police procedural series, featuring DCI Rachel King and her sidekick DS Elwyn Price, set in and around Manchester. The novel is a police procedural with lots of action.
You will find plenty of twists and turns in this thriller which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
The characters and plot are well developed and I couldn't read this fast enough as I was so gripped with the story.
I think this is gonna be another great series from this fabulous author.
Many thanks to Joffe Books via Netgalley for my digital copy.
The Botanist
The Botanist
L.K. Hill | 2015
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the heat of the desert, Detective Cody Oliver inadvertently stumbles upon a strange garden adorned with exotic flowers. Upon closer inspection, he finds the garden is but a cover for the scores of bodies buried below. Soon, the small town of Mt. Dessicate plunges into chaos as journalists, reporters, and cameramen from across the nation descend upon the tiny, desert town to get a piece of the murder mystery.
Along with the media, a mysterious woman appears. She may be the only person who has come face to face with the killer, dubbed the Botanist, and lived to tell the tale. If Cody can't piece together a timeline of the land the crime scene is located on, decipher how the woman's mysterious past is connected to the killer, and bring the Botanist to justice, he may finding himself standing alone in the midst of a desolate, desert graveyard...

Wow. This is an excellent read! Very creepy, and interesting, and with a buildup to the finale that was riveting.
 The suspense and action was thrilling. The story line is good, it is well written and well plotted.
This is more than just a crime fiction book; it has mystery and thriller thrown in the mix too. The creepiness from the beginning doesn’t let up and continues throughout the entire book.
 Characters really well developed.
The main characters, Cody & Alex, were realistic & sympathetic. The ending was brilliant.
This is a crime novel. It's detailed and not for the faint of heart. I leave hoping this detective will continue on into a few more books solving crimes; in other words please let there be more!!!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
The Poet (The Poet Series)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The only way out is through the blood.
When Rebecca Paige decides to vacation alone at an isolated resort in the woods, it's a welcome break from her position as the administrator of a psychiatric hospital. Little does she know, the poet is also visiting this peaceful hideaway, and his motivation is far more sinister in nature. On the last day of her trip, Rebecca has an unusual encounter with Jack Shelley, the man in the cabin next door. After he leaves, men with guns suddenly descend on the resort and take Rebecca and the other guests hostage. Rebecca is accustomed to dangerous situations at work, but can that help her escape multiple armed assailants? Who are these men? What do they want? How are they connected to the man next door? Who is the poet? Slightly twisted with a literary flair,
The Poet is the first installment in the new and captivating The Poet Series that will have readers thinking about the dark and wondering if love, redemption, and forgiveness really do apply to everyone.

The Poet is the first installment in the new and captivating The Poet Series that will have readers thinking about the dark and wondering if love, redemption, and forgiveness really do apply to everyone.
Decent start of a series with characters that have growth potential. Some surprises and a decent wrap up until the next installment.
I liked the character of the Poet but would have liked a bit more of some background on him. The flashbacks provided were chilling!
This is a fast action, hang on tight thriller.
Recommend reading!

Thank you to NetGalley, Gatekeeper Press and the author, Stephanie John Harris, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of The Poet in exchange for an honest review.
Based on a True Story
Based on a True Story
Delphine de Vigan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a slow burner, don’t expect to go into this one and be met with action and mystery straight away… Or at any point, really. This whole book is a character study, and if you’ve been following my reviews for a while, you know I’m not hugely into these kinds of books, unless I’m absolutely captivated. Unfortunately, I wasn’t complete captivated by this one.

I really loved the writing in this novel, it was superb and if de Vigan wrote more books in my favourite genres, I’d likely read them just for her style of telling a story. This book is written as though you are reading a book… if that makes sense, so you are instantly pulled in to the narrator’s life, but unfortunately, it wasn’t all that exciting.

I was waiting for some big reveal in the story, as others had claimed this was to come… but nothing happened that I wasn’t expecting to happen. This lack of twist was a real let down for me, it’s one of those books that’s left me thinking “really, that was it?”.

I don’t hate this book. It was well thought out, well written and has very well developed characters. The tension of the novel is built perfectly, but it leads to nothing. Yes, this leaves you questioning the truth, it makes you think, but it didn’t leave me excited, shocked or thrilled, and that’s ultimately what I look for in a mystery / thriller novel.

<i>(Don't read this book if you haven't watched The Usual Suspects but you want to, it spoils the entire plot... I hate when books do that! Good thing I've already seen the movie (it's one of my faves))

Thanks to Netgalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Captive in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Captive</i> is the debut young adult thriller by British author A. J. Grainger. Set in contemporary Britain, sixteen-year-old Robyn, the daughter of the Prime Minister, is kidnapped and held hostage by three animal rights activists. Until the government agrees to release the person accused of the attempted assassination of the PM four month previously, they refuse to free Robyn from captivity. It soon becomes clear that a lot of lies and cover-ups have been occurring and it is difficult to know whom to trust.

The novel gets off to a great start with a lot of action as Robyn and her family is ambushed on their way to visit grandparents. The first half of the book is really exciting as the reader slowly gets to grips with what is going on.

Grainger writes really well with great use of descriptive words and phrases. To keep the reader engaged and to lengthen the story she includes other interesting details that are educational in a way – for example, knowledge about birds.

Unfortunately the second half of the book is not as exciting as the first. A relationship starts developing between Robyn and one of the captors, which is rather unoriginal and predictable.

One thing that I particularly liked about this novel was Robyn’s character. Naturally people may expect daughters of prime ministers to be snobbish and spoilt but Robyn was the complete opposite. She did not care about where her clothes came from or whether or not she went to parties. Robyn was the representation of the average teenage girl preparing for her GCSEs.

Despite the clichéd captor/hostage situation <i>Captive</i> is a very enjoyable novel with a few exhilarating twists in the plot.
The Chimera Vector (The Fifth Column #1)
The Chimera Vector (The Fifth Column #1)
Nathan M. Farrugia | 2012 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Chimera Vector is a fast, brutal and engaging techno thriller. Sophia is an operative for the secretive Fifth Column, a network not related to any government that seeks to eliminate terrorists and corrupt governments.

When the extraction from a mission goes wrong, Sonia questions their real motives. Just whose side are they one? And which side is she on?

The questions of motives and who is working for who runs through the book with many double and even triple (and more) crosses happening. This really does keep the reader on their toes. Because everything is filtered through Sophia's perception it's never clear who can really be trusted - if anyone - it is only clear who Sophia trusts as the story moves on.

This moves at some pace too, with some terrific set pieces across the world. The momentum only increases as once the stakes are revealed the second half of the book is essentially one long action sequence which puts any Hollywood blockbuster to shame. The only other author I can really compare this too is Matthew Reilly, it is just as fast and fun.

Obviously there is a fair amount of suspension of disbelief expected on the part of the reader but the idea of a shadowy organisation carefully orchestrating what happens in the world is a compelling one. It also tends to sound like an arms catalogue at times - every gun and piece of combat equipment is described in detail. And I did get quite overwhelmed with the word 'flashbang' at points.

If you are looking for something that's fast paced, engaging without being too involving, clever without being smug about it and a plot that will keep you guessing, you can't go far wrong with this.
Deathwatch (Broslin Creek #1)
Deathwatch (Broslin Creek #1)
Dana Marton | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kat Bridges is the only person able to identify the FBI's most wanted assassin, but despite their protection there is a nearly successful attempt on her life. Now on the run from both the FBI and the assassin she takes refuge in the small town of Broslin Creek. When Murphy Dolan returns injured from active duty and finds her in his house he is at first annoyed but then realises that she needs help. With certain knowledge that she is being tracked by a killer, they both become closer than either of them is prepared for.

The first thing to say about this novel is that the cover does it a disservice in my opinion. It isn't some slushy romance - certainly there are romantic parts but the main part of the story is the gradual unfolding of both Kat and Dolan, their interactions in the small town and the realisation that one of the other people in the town is trying to kill Kat.

All this makes for something of a breathtaking read. The characters - even the minor ones - are realised well, especially as any of them could be gunning for Kat. The main characters work very well and as the story is told from both of their points of view it gives a good insight into what makes them tick - and also how they each need the other in lots of ways.

The assassin plot works well and keeps both the reader and Kat and Dolan on their toes. The action scenes are handled with relish, told in a fast moving but simple style so that they don't get too confusing. All the character interactions are good and realistic.

Definitely a good read if you are looking for a thriller with an undercurrent of romance
The Roswell Conspiracy
The Roswell Conspiracy
Boyd Morrison | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous novels Boyd Morrison has shown that he is able to take historical legends that have incredible elements - Noah's Ark, King Midas turning everything into gold - and not only spinning a thrilling plot around them but also providing explanations for these that just might be plausible. This is helped by his no-nonsense leading character of engineer Tyler Locke.

In this third Tyler Locke novel Morrison tackles something a little less mythological but no less bizarre. With his own take on events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and tying in the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908 he manages to provide an explanation that just might be possible. Throwing in Russian rogue agents and a plot to wreck the infrastructure of the USA means that Locke must keep his wits about him to escape from plenty of attempts to stop him discovering the truth.

There are the typical aderenaline fuelled chases and technological wonders around the world as expected and the addition of two feisty female leads adds some spice. Tyler's electrical engineer friend Grant also gets to shine as he and Tyler split up to pursue different leads.

As usual the writing is very effective, the action scenes cracking along and the plot driven against the clock. Although the bones of the plot are clear early on the details must still be pieced together and Locke's opponents are ruthless in pursuit of their goals.

The pace does lag at times as there is a lot of exposition to get through at various points to explain the actions of both heroes and villians but given the sheer complexity of what Morrison acheives in joining so many global events together this is understandable.

Morrison is definitely my favourite adventure/thriller author and this book shows why that is.
Into the Fire
Into the Fire
Gregg Hurwitz | 2020 | Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Evan Heads Into the Fire for His Latest Client
As this book opens, Evan is planning to retire. He is going to take on one last case to help someone in trouble, but then he is out. Now, it’s just a matter of waiting for a phone call from his new client. That phone call comes from Max Merriweather. Max’s cousin Grant was just brutally killed, but he left Max with a mysterious envelop that should only be opened if Grant has died. The problem is, someone else knows that Max has the envelope, and now they are after Max. Evan uses his usual tricks to find out who is after Max, but will his final case be that simple?

Every time I open one of these books I am in awe once again at how well drawn the characters are. Evan and the people who populate his world come vividly to life and continue to grow, which includes Max and the people he brings into this story. But the book never forgets it is a thriller with plenty of action scenes and twists that kept me reading as quickly as I could. Everything comes together for a satisfying climax while setting up Evan’s next adventure. Yes, the book does include more language and violence than I typically read, but I expected that going in. I was surprised at some of the lighter scenes involving Evan’s neighbors. These scenes always break the tension of the story while helping us get to know Evan better, but we got some of the funniest scenes with the neighbors yet. If you aren’t already reading Gregg Hurwitz, you need to fix that. This book is nothing short of superb.
The Bag Man (2014)
The Bag Man (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sometimes it sucks to be a delivery guy when you don’t know what you are
carrying in a tightly sealed leather bag. Anything can happen when too many
people are interested in what The Bag Man is carrying when it gets a
limited theatrical run starting Feb 28th.

When Jack (John Cusack) is a fixer/hitman under the employ of Dragna
(Robert De Niro), a crime lord — tasked to bring a leather bag to a seedy
hotel — the people he runs into are more shadier than he is. All he has to
do is to wait for the arrival of this gangster and not look at what’s

Both the movie and night is long while Jack fends for himself. His dealings
with the motel manager (beautifully played by Crispin Glover) is far more
interesting than the lady of the night, Rivka (Rebecca Da Costa), he meets.
Together what they end up in is a cat and mouse game of nearly everybody
from this sleepy hole-in-the-wall after them. Everyone is interested in
what the bag contains, and this Macguffin never strays far from the plot.

Even though the concept of what’s in the bag is hardly original, this
narrative device will keep some people — characters included — invested
in wondering what’s so important about it. When the contents are revealed,
will what’s revealed be King Midas’ gold or the evils from Pandora’s Box?
This loose thriller has its moments where viewers will be glued to the
suspense but ultimately, it’s this movie’s pacing that slows the action
down. Losing 10-15 minutes might help in keeping the tale tight.

That can help everyone, audience included, from not losing interest. Sooner
or later, the cat has to be let out of the bag.